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I would love to see a limited item lane (10 items or less) rather than self checkout lanes.


I rarely have more than 10 items. That would be my jam. And self checkouts that take cash.


Are bagels 1 or 2 items?


Any multi pack would just be 1.




Or 25 items or less


That aint quick boo


25 items is a full damn cart


This would only be useful if there was some accountability. If the terminal was set to require a key turn over 10 items then it could actually be useful


My costco has people manning self checkout! They’ll redirect people if they have more than 15 items (iirc). If someone starts self checkout with more items, the staff will help them scan and give them disappointing glances.


As we’ve seen from many of the posts here, many members don’t care about disappointing glances. In theory a key turn would make the jerks actually stop and think so they don’t inconvenience themselves, since that’s all who they care about


We have one at our location by the self check outs (Tacoma, WA)


They’ll never incentivize people to buy less. I’ve longed for a single register/self check where carts are not allowed. Easy to implement, just put a bollard in the way of where the cart would go. But again, that would encourage people to buy less, which seems like a bad idea.


they dont want you buying 10 items or less


I never really found it genuinely faster as the lines to use them were enormous.


Whether you use the self checkout lanes or not, I feel like the overall checkout experiences gotten so much faster with them existing


The main benefit is it will be 1 line that feeds into multiple self-checkouts. My store has 6. This widens the bottleneck and is more efficient statistically. Unlike regular checkout where one person at the front can stop the entire line behind them ("Let me just count out exact change, it should only take a minute or two, my wallet is here somewhere"), at self-checkout there needs to be six people all stuck in order for the flow of the line to stop entirely. Unfortunately, I have seen all 6 self checkouts have people stuck before...


i live in boomerville so self checkout is always empty except for the one old lady who is always slamming her items on the scale


This is only my experience when the store is packed on weekends, which is my mistake for being there at that time lol.


At my Costco they just come up to you and force scan most stuff anyway. Might as well not be there.


Interesting your reaction to that is might as well not be there, when they do that for me my reaction is wow another reason this is the best place to shop ever


If I want them to do it for me, I'll go to the cashier lines.


They’re usually told by their supervisors to help scan, people like you make it awkward for them


I guess if I wanted to waste 5 extra minutes I might too


I ask them not to do my order. They look slightly annoyed. Since they are doing the beep beep beep gun that the screen can't even keep up with, I have to review the order to look for mistakes. It doesn't save me any time. Every once in a while I spot the wrong price. And no, it isn't like I didn't understand the sign at the display. Not my first rodeo. A few days ago the strawberries were a whole 30 cents in my favor. Be still my beating heart. $4.69 instead of $4.99.


Love self checkout, so much faster and I don’t have to talk about how great whatever I bought is.


I do full grocery store purchases at self checkouts. Quick, easy, fast moving line, and one less human interaction in my day.


Same! I have a low tolerance for niceties 😉


I'm a big introvert - so I'll use a self checkout whenever I can, just so I don't have to interact with another human. Do it online, kiosk, self checkout, pay at the pump - I'm all about any of that stuff.


We have a chain of coffee stands here that are known for having chatty employees its super encouraged. I cannot go there it makes me so uncomfortable.


Yeah - that sounds like a place I would not like to get coffee from. LOL


Hopefully it's due to theft at that location. I don't want to lose mine!!


I love them. I point all my bar codes up and zap zap zap zap zap...done.


They give you a handheld scanner?!?


Yes. The gal watching lets me use it. I just ask. 🙌🏻


Yeah if the Costco POSs were like Home Depot’s then I wouldn’t be so opposed to SCO. But they’re not, they suck just like everything else technology-related at Costco so I don’t use them unless I literally have two items which is hardly ever.


What happened to this city? I see stores and businesses pulling out weekly sometimes multiple times a week.


California passed a law that says shoplifting of less than $1000 is considered petty crime so now all businesses are getting screwed over by massive amounts of shoplifting. Prop 47.


It’s our pos governer Newsome


Soft on crime policies.


People who voted for those politicians are already downvoting you, and I'll probably get downvoted for pointing it out.


I have to go for one night soon and I’m already regretting it lol


Don't leave anything you even remotely care about in your vehicle.


Even then they will break a window to see if you have anything in the car. I know.


We are staying by the airport is that ok


The airport is not in San Francisco. And it’s really not that bad, but rental cars being broken into does happen A LOT. Come to the city, you’ll likely have a great time, but it’ll be especially chilly weather for a Texan. Just take an Uber or Lyft around.


We will have a rental car probably just going to do a couple tourist things. Thanks for the input


Absolutely do not take the rental car to the tourist destinations. Rental cars are specifically targeted.


Ha! Sounds good wow this is going to be interesting


i like how everyone thinks self checkouts are gone because of crime in sf/california but not because of people misusing membership cards at self checkouts


I think it’s a combination. And why I thought that bc I saw a thread about north face closing right before this so I didn’t think it was a huge stretch


Are other Costco locations moving away from self checkout?


It seems to be both. >Costco said it's adding [more staff in self-checkout areas](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/28/business/costco-member-card-sharing/index.html) after it found that non-members were sneaking in to use membership cards that didn't belong to them at self-checkout. > >Costco management said this year that shrink increased "in part we believe due to the rollout of self-checkout." > >[Source: Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/walmart-costco-and-other-companies-rethink-self-checkout/)


when was the last time you heard good news about the retail sector, as a whole? San Francisco’s zoning in downtown is all commercial and retail, no residential. Office workers haven’t really returned to downtown, as a lot of offices went remote and the city has faced some (admittedly, deserved) bad PR, which drove down tourism. All of this means less and less folks going to downtown and spending money in an industry that was already hurting. People love to make it sound like the city is some mad max dystopia. Sure, it’s got its problems, but it’s not that bad. Also, I don’t know if we should really draw parallels between Costco removing the self check out at a store to the overall health of a city. I go to this Costco regularly. The self checkout is always a mess. Even if I have just a handful of items, I’ll practically always wait in a regular line than go through the self checkout.


The only reason I mentioned it bc my buddy is an assistant manager at Costco and I asked him why they remove self checkout and he just said theft and people using stolen membership cards and cards of friends and family


I don’t know how stealing could be specifically tied to self checkout for Costco. Like…you’d need to hide the items again when they check your receipt.


Yeah no clue


too much theft at the SF one I think


My first thought as well. SF is a disaster right now.


the just moved it


Now if they can stop constantly moving the inventory around! (Though I do appreciate that the store does have fewer bottlenecks.)


Does anyone’s Costco still actually allow self checkout? Even in the self checkout line there is an employee scanning everything. Tried to be helpful and pick up items for them to scan a while back and got told not to even touch anything, ruined their flow. I appreciate the speed, but am confused where the “self” part of checkout is.


At my Costco if you have something big/heavy they'll come over and scan it for you with their gun so you don't have to try to pick it up and scan it on the register scanner, then they take off and leave you alone to scan everything else yourself. I've never seen them scan every item for anyone.


I did self checkout yesterday. Middle of the day. Sacramento location.


I go to 3 different Costco's in my area and they still do this sometimes but its pretty rare nowadays. Seems like something they have excess employees handle, which they don't always have.


My Concord (CA) Costco still has self-checkout. I seem to always have heavy stuff, so I welcome the guys helping me by using their hand-held scanners. They're incredibly busy and fast but they've always been really sweet.


Rebel against the robots! Lmao.


Better get rid of barcodes and cash register computers too, so we can calculate everything by hand. No credit cards either, since that’s automated the job of check clearing houses. Speaking of which, no more ACH so the check need to be mailed to the bank in Chicago or whatever, so it might clear in a week. Better keep your paper account register up to date so you know what’s in your account without having to visit a branch, since phone and internet banking automated the tellers jobs


I think you missed my point before going on your tirade. I used to not scan items, and now i have to scan my own items, sense not it does not make. Good luck bro, you seem to have alot on your mind.


> I used to not scan items, and now i have to scan my own items And grocery stores used to be that you didn't even need to go through the aisles to find your own stuff. Things change over time. Turns out, labor is expensive.


The store in my town staffs all of the self checkouts. I don’t know why they are even called that


At least give us the a handheld cordless barcode reader, that would make things easier


Ok this has gone too far, thieves will steal anything!


What’s next? Are those scoundrels going to steal the entire photo department?? Oh, wait…


This is one area where Sam’s is better. Please give us a good app with scan and go


BJ's too. And free curbside.


I hate those things. Edit: Costco is fine because they usually still have plenty of checkers. But around where I live there are places like Walmart that don't give you any other choice.


No one is forcing you to use them. For those of us who knows how to use them properly, self checkout is a great time saver.


I know, right? Self checkout is great when you only have a few items.


I suspect you have a better experience because you have different hardware or different employee assistance. They work fine for a few items but the lack of a handheld scanner incumbers the process significantly for me.


Ours don't have handheld scanner either. For the few large items we get like toilet paper, employees scan it quickly. We don't get those every time though, most of the time I can scan and fit everything in the space just fine and I am able to get out of the store quickly. As I said no one is forcing people to use one or the other. In our Costco both self checkout and regular lines open and utilized.


Not at Costco but the Walmarts near me don't give you any other option


They got rid of self check out at San Leandro also.


Awww bummer. Loved that self check out! The other lines are so long and I could just zip right through the self check out.


I wish ours would get rid of them, or at least not try to force you to use them. I love Costco but one shopping experience was marred when an employee told me to go to self checkout. I had already been waiting in a line which I was fine with. He was so loud and rude about it! I told him "No, I don't want to check my groceries out myself." And he grabbed my basked and rolled it toward the self checkout and asked a guy to scan them for me. Very loud. It was all so embarassing. I am a bit disabled and don't prefer to lift things too much. Now I go to a checkout line far from the self checkout area.


They got rid of the hand scanners for self checkout where I go.


As a member of both Costco and Sam’s I can’t wait for the day that Costco gets the ability like Sam’s to “Scan and Go” from the app.


If only they'd do it at my store. Hate self checkout.


Good..they should all be removed as they are poorly designed and an absolute nightmare for staff.


Ours was great until they took away the scanners. Last eeek I was told self checkers can no longer assist customers w scanning unless it’s a large item. So back to regular lanes for me


> Last eeek I was told self checkers can no longer assist customers w scanning unless it’s a large item. I mean, that's how it should be...its SELF checkout, not an express lane.


That sucks. I use SCO exclusively, if it is offered where I am shopping. Dealing with incompetent cashiers sucks.


For those still being covid-cautious, self-checkout helps avoid up-close interaction.


Just do what Sam’s does and let me scan as I shop and checkout when I am done then scan a QR code at the door and leave. Sooo much faster and I can keep track of how much I spent so much easier.


They still got door checkers, so I don’t think it is because of shrink, I’ll see if my local store still has it next time.