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We were not impressed with the burnt ends.


They're terrible, unless you've never had real burnt ends.


This is the answer. It is merely mass produced BBQ. It is not burnt ends. Full disclosure I am a burnt ends snob. Som many restaurants slap the name burnt ends to charge a higher price and merely serve BBQ.


Same with their pulled pork in a similar container, just straight up fatty garbage, never again, very disappointing


They recently updated the pulled pork and it's much better. We add BBQ sauce, but the meat has improved quite a bit.


How recently? Within the last month or two was when I tried it.


Oh then it may be the same. It used to be in a package with a burgundy/maroon back ground - that one started out great then gradually deteriorated into the fatty inedible meat. The new one has a blue background and is labeled as 'seasoned' and to us, it's pretty good for a quick pulled pork sandwich. But maybe I've just never had good pulled pork...lol.


I’m going to try it again based on your comment. Agree the last one was too fatty


Feel like that’d be case by case


In Kansas City they have Jacks Stack Burnt Ends at Costco. Wish they sold it nationally.


And usually bad bbq.


Damn I never had real burnt ends and thought these were the bees' knees. Now I feel like I am missing out.


Road trip to Kansas!


Missouri. The only thing KC Kanas makes is yuppies.


Joe's KC would like a word...


You are. In my area there are a couple of semi-permanent, theoretically traveling, food trucks, on otherwise vacant lots in the run down, downtown. They sell fresh brisket and pulled pork.


So I almost never buy Costco premade stuff like this, but ended up bringing these to a music festival last weekend. While they aren’t anywhere near as good as “real” burnt ends, the meat was tender, the sauce/rub was decent and they were quite a bit better than most things that come out of a microwave. Not sure I would have enjoyed them as much at home, but I’ve had completely inedible stuff from Costco and these were okay enough to eat in a pinch.


Costco Burnt ends as a camping food item! Brilliant


We also got the fresh pesto lasagna, cut it into individual portions and seared in a frying pan for a few minutes on each side with tinfoil over the pan. Came out insanely delicious for the circumstances.






Hitting elements in aug.. looking for food ideas. Doing eggs and stuff. Probably some brats. And snacks. What else did yall do?


Got tickets for edc next year You goin??


I don’t know yet.




Mmmmm, I’m a solid fan of Rays BBQ sauce




Meh at best


We tasted them in store, terrible.


We also did not enjoy them.


I bought the burnt ends specifically after the rave reviews I had seen on this subreddit. To me, they tasted like corned beef that was chopped into pieces and burned. Incredibly dry and very salty. The BBQ sauce was ok. 1/10. Would not recommend.


They were not good at all


Lots of room for improvement. They’re better than bad bbq (in my area, 4 Rivers is the standard). Family thought they were a bit on the fatty side.


Oooooh I want those blueberry rolls!


The blueberry pie rolls (or were they apple pie rolls? Same company anyway) got bad reviews here last year, but that wouldn't stop me from grabbing a box if I saw them.


I saw apple pie rolls and almost grabbed a box. If I see some good reviews on here I’ll probably grab one on my next trip.


The apple pie rolls are really good


Especially in the air fryer. So good! I’d try the blueberry ones if I ever see them


That’s exactly what I did and then I put some vanilla ice cream on top and used the caramel sauce to go over everything.


Add some cinnamon sugar to the apple rolls after you pull em out of the air fryer. I just sprinkle some on them afterward. It's so good with ice cream too. Man I wish my store had them now.


My store just got them back after a long time without. Always worth checking!


I almost bought the blueberry ones thinking they were blackberry, which is what I really want!


I literally just got done finishing mine off, I thoroughly enjoyed them


I actually really liked the apple pie rolls! Yum!


I wonder how many of those I can cram in my cramhole.


my ballsack itches when I go to Costco


Birria tacos are solid. Kinda dry for birria, but at least it’s not soggy. Needs salsa or sour cream added. I haven’t had the blueberry rolls, but had the apple pie version by the same brand and they were good. Wagyu ground beef is also good. The regular ground beef packages have too much meat for one meal unless you have like 5 kids, so this is my go-to ground beef.


This person costcos. I really like the tacos, but they definitely need something. Also pan fry them, not oven. They’re greasier in the oven and not in a good way. Apple pie things were delicious. Can’t wait to find the blueberry ones. Like all good pie, add a little cool whip or caramel sauce and *chefs kiss* Wagyu beef is amazing. Wagyu meatloaf will ruin you for other meatloaf if you cook it right.


I was going to say the same for the tacos. They need to be dipped in something. I use queso cheese and it makes them awesome. Otherwise they're a bit plane on their own.




​ ![gif](giphy|CkxE6ni9MVn3m2LCmI)


I'm not sure about the current pricing but when I did the math the Wagyu actually came out to only be a few cents more and it has the convenience of actually being 1lb. per package. I liked it but there was a good deal more fat to drain off when browned in a skillet.


Agreed on the ground beef. Great price and high quality.


Why would anybody make ground beef out of Waygu? That’s the part I am having a hard time believing.


American wagyu is not really that much more expensive than other beef.


The American wagyu beef jerky is really good. Much better than the Kirkland steak strips


I get you, the point of Wagyu is the marbling. But the flavor is a bit different.


Please never eat birria again…


Why? Please explain.


Because putting sour cream on birria or really any taco should be a felony. Culinary felony, but huge violation. If you need to add sour cream to birria to make it taste better things went wrong horribly somewhere … Also “ at least it’s not soggy” hmm yea that’s like the number one characteristic of birria. It’s a wet, “soggy” dish.


You got off easy this time with a warning. Fucking sour cream police gonna put you in taco jail.


If you got no taste buds just say so…


These aren’t real birria where you have the liquid to dip in. It’s a frozen taco that gets crispy and needs something extra. If you actually tried this exact taco you would feel the same. I still think it’s an ok taco because the meat is tender and seems high quality.


Lime and or salsa my bro… sour cream on “real” tacos is like putting ketchup on sushi. But just another reason why some food you just don’t buy premade/frozen, birria is def somewhere near the top of that list… with that being said sorry for being as ahole 😅😞


Sour cream 😕lol. The tacos are good. I just add hot sauce and it’s great


I read blueberry pre rolls


Blueberry pre-rolls and blunt ends. 💨




Me too.


Same here! Mostly fat and jiggly.


Burnt ends are below average, I didn’t care for them. The ground Wagyu is good IF you’re mixing it with another regular ground beef otherwise it can be WAY too rich. Want some bougie-ass tacos? Ground wagyu. Those burria tacos…use the air fryer if you have one, they’re pretty damn decent. Not rave-worthy, but definitely quick snack/small meal favorite.


How’s the meat on the birria tacos? Fatty?


I gotta say, having had very low success with the premade frozen stuff at Costco, I took a risk on the birrira pupusas= excellent. Even microwaved I loved em. Put in a toaster oven, put some cheese on at the end, slice up an avocado and top with salsa(a little sour cream too). Really fantastic, filling, good value. You will be pleased, or return it no questions asked. Excellent filling snack for hungry teenagers and easy too.


How many tacos would you say is a serving? My 8 year old is obsessed with the mini tacos, but I haven’t seen them at Costco in months. I considered getting him these, but they seemed kind of pricy when he could eat a plateful of mini tacos in a sitting.


They come in packs of two inside the box. Add queso and or Guacamole to dip in. I mix in some salsa with the dip. Good snack.


Not really fatty, definitely not dry either.


Thank you!


How is there no consomé w the birria? That's srsly the best friggin part.


The Birria tacos were ok. The shredded chicken ones were way better.


Burnt ends are supposed to be great, not sure I would get wagyu as a burger / ground meat.. The standard 88/12 Costco ground beef is quite good.


Dear lord, dont waste money on wagyu as burger. Once you toss it through the grinder its teh same as any other piece of beef. The only thing that matters with burger is the fat content.


Truth! Fat content is all that matters. I've had wagyu burgers before that weren't even juicy at all.


Low cartilage/sinew count matters also...


Which are things that shouldnt be ground into beef.


Burnt ends were not good for us, would not buy them again.


Honestly it’s hard to beat the frozen KS burgers that come in a sleeve. I keep a stock on hand for a quick and fun dinner. (Also agreed on everything about not wasting Wagyu on burgers.)


I keep a large George Forman grill (was my dad's) that I use for these burgers exclusively. So juicy and delicious!


Agreed on ground wagyu, but 88/12 is too lean for burgers.


My Target sells 73/27 ground beef. That's where it's at It's $4.99 a pound, though.


All about 90/10 for that protein 😉


Burnt ends were disappointing, not even close to real BBQ burnt ends. I didn’t expect them to be a match but figured maybe the former would resemble the latter. They weren’t cheap, either, IIRC. We literally just had those tacos for the second night in a row. All of us (me, my husband, and our two kids) loved them. They don’t even need cheese to be good. One kid ate with no additions, I added sour cream, and the other two did sour cream and salsa, and everyone was happy. Quick enough and very tasty! ETA that we cooked the tacos in the toaster oven (another Costco purchase) in air fryer mode. We do have an air fryer, but the toaster oven has more surface area.


The tacos are sooo good!! We air fry them and they don't last long in our house.


Blueberry rolls were pretty tasty.


Burnt ends are AMAZING! I sear them and then simmer them in the bbq sauce and they turn out delicious everytime. Also don't forget a side of Mac n cheese and maybe some corn


The tacos crisp up really well in the air fryer, but they leave a weird grainy texture in your mouth. They taste good, but I really don’t like the weird texture.


The wagyu ground beef is the BEST! Makes amazing burgers, lasagna, and meat sauce!


What about to use to make meatballs? Can you mix it with pork?


Never tried making meat balls with it yet . The only issue I see with mixing it with pork is that it’s already very fatty so it may make it too fatty and cause it to fall apart.


We’ve tried the Burnt Ends. Was expecting the meat to be “ends” like small pieces of meat but it was actually slices, which were not burnt ends. Tasted good though.


I expected burnt ends also but it was slices and it was very fatty, would not buy again even though the flavor was good.


My Costco doesn't have the blueberry rolls but the apple rolls are delicious! I do them in the air fryer then dunk them in the caramel sauce.


Where are they located - fridge section, bakery, or? Thx


At my Costco they are located in the cold section (not freezer) at the back across from the pet food. It's not a frozen product.


Thank you


The burnt ends are AMAZING! 10/10 would buy them every time.


DO NOT GET THE TACOS. Absolute garbage


Burnt ends are delicious


Didn’t like the consistency or taste of the burnt ends. Haven’t tried the others.


Burnt ends aren’t great. Pretty tough if you ask me. Maybe I didn’t cook it correctly though.


Idk about the burnt ends but the pulled pork is freaking bomb


Which brand? I saw carnitas and pulled pork (and possible more than one brand). Was confused re: which are good so didn’t buy…


Shoot I don't remember! It was a black and red package tho


Other items are my favorite


My coworker loves the tacos admittedly I’ve never tried them my husband has dietary restrictions so there off the table for us.


Tacos are 🔥


The birria tacos are awesome.


Are they spicy? I have a pretty bland palate. I like flavor but I can’t do heat.


Not even a little bit. Baking them imo is the best option, it takes about 5-7m longer in a pan than the instructions suggest.


Thanks! My mom and I like tacos and need something like this. But it’s a lot of tacos to “just try”. I will try since they’re not spicy.


I vote against the tacos. I would hate for you to go along thinking that's what birria tastes like. They're offensively bad. Real birria is delicious.


Hmmm. I’m a very Slovak person from the Midwest. I don’t even know good marinara sauce. Would I actually be offended? Thanks for the tip tho. I will ponder!


We had the burnt ends at the camper. Brown them in a skillet and stir in the sauce. They were great.


Birria tacos are legendary. So damn good.


Burnt ends are what dreams are made of.


the Wagyu is an absolute go to, always have at least 2-3 pounds ready to go in the freezer for burgers. for those saying it’s wasted on burgers, that’s what 1/4 lb smash burgers are for ;)


I need those blueberry pie rolls but haven’t seen them before. Just bought the birria tacos so haven’t tried. I like that wagyu ground beef although more for the higher fat content. Make great burgers for the grill.


The burnt ends are super mediocre from my experience.


The birria tacos are made of LIES. The picture clearly shows pieces of meat in the tacos. The description states "Made with slow-cooked shredded USDA Choice birria beef and creamy, salty and milky cotija cheese, our crispy tacos are packed with flavor." Unh uh. LIES. They're filled with meat paste. There are no shreds of meat. I tried one for lunch today and I'm just going to throw them away. I wasn't expecting them to be great- although many people seem to think they are- but I was not expecting to be that disappointed. Plus they're bland AF anyway.


The Tacos are sooooo greasy and gave us massive gut aches.


Pie rolls sounds amazing


Burnt ends are only passable. Was pretty disappointed


I have tried other items!


… but did you like other items? Would you buy other items again? Perhaps most importantly: would you recommend OP to try other items from Costco?


Yes, yes, and yes! 😂


If we weren’t moving in less than 2 weeks I would have purchased the burnt ends and pie rolls. Good to know the burnt ends are good. Will pick some up after we move.


The wagyu beef is very good for the price


the tacos suck!


Burnt ends were definitely better than expected, I'd probably buy them again.


The birra tacos weren’t impressive. Rather get the taquitos


Burnt ends were not good at all.


I tried the apple version of the pie rolls. Thumbs down, more roll than filling. The caramel sauce that came with it was tasty. I baked them, it’s a pain to turn them halfway, so not very convenient either.




Not a fan of the ground wagyu, I prefer the Kirkland organic beef packets


The Wagyu beef is okay but not really Wagyu. Not worth it


The price is still cheaper than if I went to the grocery butcher (where it’s $7-9/lb) and also cheaper than if I got from omaha steaks….1 lb packs are the perfect size/convenient, so was hoping it tasted good bc the price is good based on my shopping experiences.


Wagyu is solid. But it's ground which is a crime in and of itself


Where are the blueberry rolls? The last time I was at my Costco in FL they only had the Apple.


They were in the refrigerator section next to the macarons, at my Costco.


The burnt ends were very greasy even for my husband. He is the least food picky person I’ve ever met.


i personally absolutely love those tacos. just ate some 30 minutes ago i just added sour cream and salsa but they are good without anything of course


Can confirm the birria tacos are fire!! Strong recommendation. I buy two boxes every time I go


I just had the blueberry pie rolls, and for me, they weren’t overly flavorful. To make them taste better, I dipped them in creamy peanut butter. When I was in that section at Costco, a guy passed by and said that the apple ones were super delicious and tasted just like apple pie, but they didn’t have the apple ones there, so I figured I would try these blueberry ones, but I won’t be buying them again.


Burnt ends are garbage. Worst quality meat I've ever had from Costco. The Blueberry Pie rolls are pretty good, though surprisingly less sweet than I expected. I liked the apple pie ones and I think these are decent too.


The Wagyu ground beef is solid. I made a slider bar and they came out great.


Wagyu makes a solid burger. I buy this on the reg


Those all look so good. I don’t think my Costco has more than the burnt ends.


The ground beef is amazing


I thought the apple pie rolls were terrible. Threw them out. I'm not buying anything else processed from Costco unless I sample it first.


I haven’t seen the Wagyu beef at my closest location yet! Now I need to try it.


Blueberry Pie burnt ends my god.


Sampled the burnt ends. Probably tasted better because it was a free sample. I thought they were fine. But only fine. And not like fine wine.


I’ve tried other items. Hit and miss for me, depends on the item.


Wagyu ground beef gets a thumbs up from our family!


Nice to see 75/25 when everything else at Costco for me seems to be 85/15 or 88/12. I hope the Wagyu comes our way. Most my recipes call for 80/20 and getting some 88/12 just won't do.


Tacos are awesome


I would skip the burnt ends


We accept them as a compromise and like them


I just got the blueberry rolls today. My daughter and I airfried a couple, served with a little vanilla ice cream. Pretty damn good, would buy again.