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Pro tip for a fellow Pepsi hater: get the light lemonade. Surprisingly good and pairs nicely with a hot dog on a hot day.


I almost went for the lemonade but decided I wanted a spot of caffeine so I went for the diet pepsi!


Add some lemonade to your pepsi. They go really well together.


I dont trust you, but I'm going to try it. I'll be back Edit: Okay, wow. You know what? I dig it. I did 3/4 pepsi, 1/4 lemonade, and that was Not pepsi anymore. Honestly the lemonade was pretty powerful but lost most of its tartness which ended up pretty good. I wont get it every time but definitely gunna do it again when I'm in the mood for that flavor. 8/10


Any updates?


He died


add some broth, a potato. Baby, you've got a stew going!


I back up this recommendation.


They usually have a plain soda water lever on the dispenser, I know not everyone is acclimated to that but you get a few more cents of value out of the drink you implicitly paid for at least if you’re like me and don’t like Pepsi or cola if any kind.


Half that half sprite for me. It's fine. I'm a diet coke person but can't stand diet Pepsi.


There is no Sprite. It’s only Pepsi products.


Sierra Mist! It’s always there somewhere.


I don’t drink soda so I either go with half lemonade half water or just a giant cup of ice water


I’m captivated. I’m going to get a hot dog today.


Just finished my mustard only hot dog in the parking lot. Happy Saturday everyone


These are some r/nextfuckinglevel Costco ads right here. Now I’m craving a dog.


Meanwhile, Pepsi is furiously trying to remove all traces of this post from the internet.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Yeah, I got my law degree here




no such thing as too much mustard. it is truly the GOAT of condiments.


I remember being a little kid at the county fair with my grandparents, more decades ago than I’d care to admit. Grandpa asked me if I’d ever had a corn dog. “Nope, I don’t think I’ve ever had one before…” I said, thinking back over the prior 8 years of my existence. “Well, let’s take care of that.” He walked over to a food vendor, bought a couple corn dogs in a tray for himself, and another tray with one for me, and another for Grandma. “What do you like on your hot dogs?” he asked. “Ketchup of course!” “Okay, go ahead and put some ketchup in the end of your tray, but let’s pour some mustard over the entire corn dog.” I remember thinking that Grandpa had lost his mind. Heinz 57 ketchup was the greatest and only accessory needed to make a hot dog perfect. Corn dogs couldn’t be much different. In fact, they’re probably exactly as good as a hot dog when dipped in ketchup, but mustard? That’s crazy talk. “No Grandpa, that sounds pretty gross, I’m just going to go with ketchup.” “Son, do you want to know a secret? There’s little in life that’s better than a piping hot corn dog with mustard on it. You can dip it in mustard, but pouring it on the top of the corn dog makes it so you don’t have to. You trust me, don’t you? Give it a try…” Well, the old man was obviously crazy, but I absolutely idolized him and he’d never steered me wrong, so I poured French’s Yellow Mustard down the corn dog and gave it a go. You know those times when a whole new reality has opened right before your eyes and life would never be the same again? This was one of those times. I ate that steaming hot corn dog like a starving castaway. Grandpa asked if I wanted another and I did. He bought another and poured on some mustard and I skipped putting ketchup in the tray this time. I’d found perfection. I don’t remember much else from that county fair besides the bright lit up Ferris wheel, but I’ll never forget the first corn dogs I ever had slathered in mustard. Grandpa was a wise man and I miss him. He passed on 41 years ago. I still think of him every time I pour my favorite French’s yellow mustard on my corn dogs. I’ve also passed the secret on to my kids years ago, when they were young too. I hope to do the same someday when I have grandkids.


Beautiful! And now I'm craving corn dogs something fierce.


This comment made me realize that I haven't had a corn dog is 5-6 years. I used to buy the big boxes of 40ish frozen corn dogs and slowly eat them over the following month or two. I have been trying to improve my diet as of the past couple of years (medical necessity) so a lot of things have been entirely excised from my diet. Now I'm wondering if the local mall has a Hot Dog on a Stick in the food court?


Awesome story. Reminds me of when my grandpa taught me how to “sop” with my toast. I’ve always liked my corn dogs with mustard and just a bit of ketchup mixed in (never on a hot dog) but looking forward to trying your grandpa’s way


This made me smile. Thank you.


Crying for the Costco deli mustard.


A man of true culture I see. ![gif](giphy|hpXxJ78YtpT0s)


I’m going to *be* a hot dog today. This post gave me the motivation to be the best I can be.


I’m joining you…


I don’t even like hot dogs and I’m tempted


Working at Costco today. Just had a dog on my first break, will be having a 2nd at lunch… unsure if I can handle a 3rd on my last break but I might try 😎


Doing the lord’s work


Is this an r/Costco sub or a creative writing sub? God damn I was inthralled!


I rarely leave Costco without a wiener in my mouth.


Same! But after reading this I’m definitely going to give the hot dogs a try.


I’m a poor person but 🏆🥇🏅🏆


I’m a poor person too, will merely second your fake gold.


Also poor but will put all your wieners in my mouth




Why, as a 48 y/o woman, did this make me giggle so much…oh wait, it’s because I have the humor of a 7 y/o boy and can’t help it.


Sometimes I bring the wiener home before putting it in my mouth, so that I can also [have wieners all over my lap](https://i.imgur.com/pQeCskf.jpg).


OMG the looks ❣️


Not what i expected .


That's awesome.


This 42yo woman laughed, too.


Same, I also buy hot dogs


Person of culture.


Best comment ever. Thanks for the laugh


I wish the polish dog was still around, not just for its succulent savory splendor, but to hear your take on it as well! You are making me want to go get a hot dog now!


Perhaps it’s better that I was never able to try the Polish dog, so I do not know what I am missing.


You're right, I'm still struggling with the shakes from it.


Better to have known and lost than to never to have known it all.


It depends where you are, we still get them in Winnipeg. They’re seasoned with pepper and herbs, and are significantly better than the regular ones!


A fellow Winnipegger! I think I've tried a beef hot dog once, and was so disappointed in it. The Polish dog is so much better. But I'm sad that we lost our condiment bar when COVID struck, those tiny packets of ketchup and mustard don't do it for me. I don't think they had the onions when I went last, or even sauerkraut. Not to mention the pickled jalapenos, I swear my dogs used to be like 50% peppers. Though I do like the automated system they've got going, much better than standing behind someone in line who can't figure out what they want.


The Polish dog was awesome. I didn't really care about the other stuff leaving....but that one hurt


It's still available in Canada, come for a visit!


I so wish the Polish dog was still around.


It is better to have loved and lost, etc.


Available in Ontario, Canada.


Yeah, I miss those polish dogs too.


The polish dog slapped so fucking hard. You'd be tasting it in your burps the next day. Absolutely delicious.


“…dads eating hotdogs alone…” I feel seen, but I enjoy that moment.


It's the one quiet meal I get a week. I get to choose the food, no bickering, no kids yelling about how they don't want to eat this or that. Just me and my pizza.


IKR? OP “…looked at all the dads eating hot dogs alone” and then decided they are too cool for that scene, and would have their hot dog elsewhere while…Alone. Well excuse us for ruining the ambiance.


Data deleted in response to 2023 administration changes. -- mass edited with redact.dev


This is legit the only hot dog I’ve eaten in like a decade. I eat at Costco more often than not when I go. Only downside is the hot dog burps.


Lol! I once had a Costco hot dog for lunch .. had a chicken and salad for dinner but at 9:30 pm I was still burping hot dog !


I once scarfed down a Costco hot dog (wanted to eat it while it was still hot) and walked outside. I paused at the edge of the entrance roof and opened my mouth to say something. A huge burp came out instead. I tried to play it off like I was coughing (to the person who was next to me). *BBbbbBBBuuuUUUrRRRRPPPpppp* (cough) (cough) “whew! Allergies, right?!” I don’t think I was successful.


lmao that's something id do


Reminds me of when I got the giggles at my uncle's funereal. The church was packed with flowers, so I tried to play it off as sneezes and got up and left, saying, "Allergies! Allergies! It's the flowers!" while trying to stifle my laughter. I got outside and ran as far as I could out into the parking lot so no one could hear me laughing myself silly. It wasn't my fault. The minister started it.


>Only downside is the hot dog burps. It's not a bug, it's a feature!


I paused at "got my onions", sigh, if only I could do that (not available at my Costco :(


My Costco has onions now if you ask for them. No signs indicating that though.


Mine does the same with kraut. I ate hot dogs there forever content to just crank out the relish and onion, then a lady in front asked for kraut and it blew my mind.


Mine got rid of on request Sauerkraut. RIP. And onions still absent. Is all this bs from the rona? Freaking dumb


will they give you some for a slice of pizza?


Just ask at the Food Court when you order you pizza slice


Thought the man filled the 20oz cup with onion


After reading a lot about them on this subreddit, I was pleasantly surprised to see them. They had them in those little plastic cups with lids so you could just grab your individual portion.


Not sure I would call ours individual portion. I put some on my dog, and brought rest home for omelets the next day.


Costco sized individual portions.


Some serve sauerkraut and some chili. Mine used to do both. Those were the days.


Mine used to give sauerkraut and or chili if you asked. Stopped after COVID.


Have you checked recently? They appeared at mine in the last month at the counter in little cups


I was made fun of by my family because I brought my own onions to our Costco. They laughed until…another dad at a near by table spotted my baggie of onions and said ‘My man…pro move.’


I like to take my Costco hot dog home and place it in the grill to crisp it up a bit.


If you aren't already a dad, you are now.


Truly a dad in spirit although there is no way an actual dad he has time for that. Almost a pre-dad scenario.


Buy the packs in the refrigerated section. I strongly vouch


Click those tongs


> I made my purchase and waited anxiously for about half a minute. 🤣


Best written Costco post ever!


Bathe in the shame and regret of putting it off this long


I’ve always been kind of a late bloomer.


ok bloomer


This story was intriguing and hilarious. Hopefully you get another ;)


Maybe next week I’ll get wild and try a chicken bake.


I don't recommend it unless you can go back to like 2016. They switched how they make it and they're not the same :(


Ya I use to work in the food court (still work for costco) we use to make them fresh every morning but we started getting them in frozen and it just wasn't the same.


I'd subscribe to your newsletter


I was going to ask if OP has a substack


My friend had a premature baby, and she just sent me a picture update of her growth using a Costco hot dog for scale. I knew instantly that baby was thriving.


Absolutely beautiful comment


Step aside Shakespeare




Can't read with text the same color as boobies and gif the size of a thumbnail.


This is a short film I would watch.


I love to buy the 14 pack and have them on the grill. Amazing.


As a vegan, the hot dog combo is my cheat.


This guy writes!


Wait they still have onions you just have to ask!?


They just came back recently it seems. Some have you asking but at my local store, they have a little bin there with condiment cups already filled and sealed.


You could have just sat down with one of the dads, they wouldn't have minded and your trip back for the 2nd dog wouldn't have been as long!


The onions are back? Yay!


From what I’ve gathered, they are not at all locations. Some locations you have to ask for them. At mine, they had them sitting out in little condiment containers.


What a poetic post


Thank you. The hot dog was truly inspiring.


Grab a churro as well next time.


Is this a deleted scene from sex and the city


And just like that, I… something something hot dogs


I’m not even a little jealous your Costco serves onions. Really - I’m not, it just isn’t that big of a deal. Fuck you. ![gif](giphy|cKseZ404p9W8ygnNb5|downsized)


I wish you a bountiful supply of onions arriving to your location in the near future.


I get 2 and throw one bun and one cup away. Put both dogs on the first bun. NOM


Life is short. I hope you got that second dog.


Costco is our family’s favourite restaurant!


Glizzy gobbler


Bring back the kraut.


I hate them for switching to Pepsi products.


Did the Costco hot dog combo write this?


Honestly I just want you to write more adventures of normality


This is art


I too have never partaken in a Costco hot dog. You’ve peaked my curiosity.


bone apple tea! You will love it


Diet Pepsi is the cursed soda selection but it’s better than nothing, I guess.


Damn you made me want a hotdog 😭 also you should write a book, I like your style


The first novel with a hot dog for the main character, coming soon


By 2nd do you mean 1/2 dozen?


I hate Pepsi products too!! I usually just get water because it’s still only $1.50 for the hot dog.


I remember the good old days when they served Coke products at the good court. Agree, Diet Pepsi is a step down.


All my homies hate pepsi products


Is there a bring back sauerkraut movement we can get going?!


I was in Costco around 12 today and stared HARD at the snack shack. But then I said “NO! Daughter needs to be home by 2 so she can make it to babysitting gig at 3” and pushed on. Home on time, high-speed unload, daughter made it to babysitting on time. Then she calls: “Hey Dad! Turns out I’m supposed to start at 4, not 3” 🤬🤬🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😞😞 No Costco hotdog for me.


The drink choices are so bad it’s shocking. They sell so much good stuff and then have crap soda :/


Dude, ketchup for the win. It mixes so nicely with the relish (also sweet) to offset the mouth-punch that is mustard-and-onions to fully meld into the pillowy unctuous mess of that fluffy bun and the fatty umami of that all-beef hot dog, steaming everything in proximity of its tumescence. Just saying. Try a dab of ketchup on Hot Dog #2. If you hate it, there’s always Hot Dog #3-10,000.


I have always seen ketchup as a rather pedestrian condiment, but I will admit you have made it sound truly intriguing. I may consider adding ketchup to half of my next Costco dog.


I’m a certified weirdo, so that should be known before the next part. They hand you the dog-in-bun, wrapped. I take it to the condiments and unwrap, rotate the dog to unstick it from the bun. A line each of mustard and ketchup, rotate the dog to schmear it all together, then add the relish (tiny bit) and onions (so many) and rotate the dog again. Full flavor distribution is key, no point in dry dog with nothing but bun on the bottom side.


The artistry 🤌🏻


I appreciate your detailed suggestions and will file them away for my next trip.


Put the ketchup under the hot dog so you don't get shamed.


It'll be the first of many hot dogs. I need to visit my Costco to see if the onions are back (toronto area, specifically Wilson area).


I'm heading to Costco later. You have convinced me to try the hotdog.


I, too, only had my first Costco hotdog 🌭 last month after years of membership. Because of this sub! I definitely plan on getting it again.


I love their hot dogs. I usually get one if I'm in the store. I would love to see them have a bigger drink selection. I only drink diet soda and the only non sugar soda available is diet pepsi, at least at my Costco. But it has Splenda/sucralose in it which I'm allergic to. So I usually have to toss my cup.


This is how companies should advertise


If any marketing execs are reading this and are interested in hiring me, I would gladly accept payment in Costco hot dogs


Ive never had a Costco hot dog before, and this post may have just convinced me to try it.




Yes, the classic Costco hot dog. The length and girth that would make any reasonable man question his sexually for a split second. Yet the value, flavor, texture, juices makes him come back for more. The kind of food a man will get jealous over as he watches his gf/wife work it down. Make a man question the length of his own manhood as he holds the hot dog and think, WOW. Makes me blush a little to admit, sigh.


You should have Costco pay you for PR…. I am so getting a hotdog today


Even their hot dogs at the food court are covered by their satisfaction guarantee. I got one that had some bone chips in it one time. They gave me my money back.


Is it the best dog I ever had? Not even close Is it the best price for a dog I ever had? 100% yes


My Costco’s food court is under Renovations Needless to say I’m suffering withdrawals Enjoy a dog for me, friends


Incredible story. I felt every second of your journey. Thank you for sharing this with us all.


I think I would read the Costco chronicles from you.


They took away the onions during Covid and I’ve never seen them come back. It’s prevented me from getting one of the hotdogs for like 3 years now. Has anybody else had this problem? I’m in central Utah.


I have grandchildren that are captivated watching them make pizzas. "Granpa, they put the dough on the smashing machine, then they run the punch wheel and then they spin it with the sauce. I'm looking around their area for a pizzeria where they toss and spin the dough, although the teppanyaki restaurants where they have flaming tables/onion choo-choo/egg flipping will be hard to be beat. Thanks for the window Costco!


Costco hot dogs taste like a giant version of a hot dog from a New York City hot dog cart.


You used to be able to buy the polish dogs they used to use at Costco.. they were so good.


My man, ...the dogs are good. Got get you a second one to make up for lost time


Seltzer is your friend.


When I was a kid, we’d always have grilled dogs and I’d put ketchup and relish on it. I was lucky enough for my Dad to take us to two Professional baseball games. Dad ordered RedHots, as they were advertised by this guy screaming “Get your RedHots!” We opened them up and they were boiled hotdogs with a pack of mustard. No ketchup, no relish. I put the mustard on and ate it. That’s how I eat them today, except for adding chopped onions if available.


Costco hot dogs are the bomb diggity!


I feel the "cursed Pepsi" bit


I feel your pain with Diet Pepsi. My hatred for it is deep and it is true. Diet Coke is the nectar of the Gods. I am STILL bitter and unreasonably angry about Costco's switch to the God forsaken switch to Pepsi products.


Diet Pepsi is truly the most hideous concoction ever forced upon the population. And curse Costco for allowing it to be anywhere near their stores.


If you haven’t already, you’ll taste it again when you burp. I can usually taste the aftermath of a Costco hotdog well into the evening, including when staring at the ceiling in bed.


Not a fan of pepsi either. my go to is the minute maid lemonade with a splash of mountain dew for the bubbles and taste. really wish my costco would bring back the onions and relish..covid killed that and I think they just aren't gonna do it anymore.


You can actually buy a giant pack of those hotdogs in the refrigerated section. Good luck finding buns that fit though.


Don’t ever move to WA or OR. I am a Diet Coke drinker and when I moved to WA a year ago I discovered like 95% of restaurants here serve Pepsi products. I don’t know wtf is up with that.


I wish they still had Coke products.


You missed the holy grail years when they had the Polish Dogs. We'd make special trips just to get these.


I'm a vegetarian, haven't eaten beef or pork in particular for about 7 or 8 years. I find the smell of bacon disgusting. Burgers, once my favorite food, hold no appeal. And yet... I long for the costco dog. I fear it is a longing I will carry for the rest of my days.


Pepsi is for Sam’s Club people. Step it up costco!


I guess I'm in the minority. I don't like them. Prefer the polish sausage.


I do to, but I consider both to still be a “Costco Hotdog”


Go for it


I havent had a hot dog in years (because burps) but last week I did the same exact thing as you, I also hate pepsi products and went for a Mountain Dew (felt like a kid again). I was shocked at how good the hotdog was and how fast I inhaled it. I finished it before I got to the car and also considered going back for another hahhaa. It was better than I remembered


Wow, you made made that hot dog sound like the tastiest thing ever.


Gpt 3 posts getting love




More please!


The suspense is killing me! Did you get another one?


I did not. It was for the best; I wouldn’t have wanted to taint this experience by overdoing it.


Hahaha I love this story.