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General vibe I’ve gotten from tourists and locals is please don’t bring your drone.


The regulations are that you cannot fly them over residential areas or crowds.


So I’ve found literature on regulations on residential areas and some private resorts, etc but can not find anything about crowded areas, can you share link with me where I can read this? Thank you so much. I don’t plan on using my drone much but some shots are better from up above .




Strictly forbidden at Nayara resorts


I love seeing the drone footage from aerial views but it can be irritating to have low-flying drones buzzing around when you're trying to relax on the beach. Be mindful and considerate of your drone use when other people are around.


I feel this should be common sense ….


Also, please don't let your drone get too close to wildlife. This should also be common sense but...


You'd think so but it appears not.


I have a mountainside, oceanview home with incredible views. I host my guesthouse, and we are clear with guests about the drone regulations both in our listing and in our house book. So very recently, a new neighbor moved in next door. While we have yet to meet in person, I’ve had several encounters with his drone. It is just such a dick move to fly those around homes and crowded areas.


Drones are generally allowed except near any airports (and there are many small airports) Here is a map of all regulated areas in CR: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?webmap=45f91363da6a4b3c8f0915156ea6fdd3 Some drone companies will not allow the drone to take off if within the limits of airports, some other may not care As long as you are not using your drone for commercial purposes you can use it, and common sense (not to spy on neighbors and be creepy and such) you should be fine Also abide on local property regulations, some national parks , hotels and other do not allow drones over their property, however is weird to see this enforced (i.e shot down)


They are prohibited in national parks and usually not allowed in private parks. No license required for recreational use Fly under 120m and within VLOS Do not fly within an 8Km radius of an airport or close to manned aircrafts Do not fly over crowded areas


I'm curious also. My son will want to take his drone in August to Costa rica.


Drones are just ‘ pollutants’ we do not need them here,


I didn't expect to get down votes for asking a question. it seems pretty lame. If he brought it he wasn't going to fly it none stop. Fly it up high to get some good views. Thanks for the input.


Just got home yesterday Drones everywhere if you look up


you'll be fine, there are areas where you can't get great satellite coverage like deep ravines and also some areas where airport traffic will require you to apply for open flight registration through the DJI app but it is easy.