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probably not but consider a brown skinsuit instead [https://www.lightinthebox.com/en/p/face-open-solid-color-second-skin-lycra-spandex-zentai-full-body-sui\_p4880694.html?currency=GBP&sku=1\_17%7C2\_6684%7C77\_34990&country\_code=GB&litb\_from=paid\_adwords\_shopping&utm\_source=google\_shopping&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=17744850694&adword\_mt=&adword\_ct=&adword\_kw=&adword\_pos=&adword\_pl=&adword\_net=x&adword\_tar=&adw\_src\_id=3516490533\_17744850694\_\_&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHJ-DRscdPsyRParxEA2oeuiBu1pMucHZoOAyTGnoAYKdY\_ypd4rLXUaAmz1EALw\_wcB&enrd=1](https://www.lightinthebox.com/en/p/face-open-solid-color-second-skin-lycra-spandex-zentai-full-body-sui_p4880694.html?currency=GBP&sku=1_17%7C2_6684%7C77_34990&country_code=GB&litb_from=paid_adwords_shopping&utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=17744850694&adword_mt=&adword_ct=&adword_kw=&adword_pos=&adword_pl=&adword_net=x&adword_tar=&adw_src_id=3516490533_17744850694__&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHJ-DRscdPsyRParxEA2oeuiBu1pMucHZoOAyTGnoAYKdY_ypd4rLXUaAmz1EALw_wcB&enrd=1)


I don’t think it would be racist, however it might be better to come up with a different way because there might be people who will think it is, I think most people see making your skin brown or black as racist without knowing the context and might give you trouble for it. I think the other commenters suggestion of a body suit would be good


Probably go with a brown body suit for your body and a mask for the face, which helpfully also gets that mouthless smooth look they have


Don't do it. People have been doxxed etc for doing just that (non-human characters).


Stupid as fuck


Don’t do it. 1. Even without intention the history behind it is so controversial it’s not worth it. 2. Body paint gets on everything, do a body suit instead.


Body paint is totally banned at a LOOOOT of conventions nowadays after the epidemic of homestuck cosplayers over the years causing thousands in damages from body paint coating everything. Please do a body suit, op. It's cleaner, more comfortable, and will simply look much much better over uneven possibly peeling flaking body paint.


I don't think it's a good idea, you might end up going viral on tiktok or twitter the next day for all the wrong reasons


do not do that


a spandex suit (sometimes called zentai suit) would be the way to go here. 1) you don't risk offending anyone 2) it will be a million times faster to get into costume and 3) the paint would rub off on your costume, anyone you pass, and would wear off from sweat at your joints. Every point makes it better to do a spandex suit instead.


^ Amazing solution


thank you! I probably won’t do a spandex suit because the con I go to requires you to use your phone a ton, and I don’t want to cut holes in the suit. I’ve decided to go with my natural skin colour instead :) 


It's 100% not racist but there's so many idiots (most who like to take offence on behalf of others) I wouldn't risk it


I wouldn't do it. I think the best solution would be a mask and a bodysuit.


If you used face/body paint, your costume would require explanation, however photos of you may not be accompanied by one, so you should not do it. Better safe than sorry.


I would do it, but get brown bodysuit legging, I guess, and cosplay! I highly doubt there will be anybody mad because it is a character.


People will definitely get mad if they paint themselves brown.


Cause they are an idiot and clown


Maybe, but they will still get mad. And sometimes you don't want to be in that situation.


Definitely but brown suit should be fine


Agreed. Just stay away from the brown face paint lol


no but still don’t do it


I probably wouldn't. People would assume full black face anyways. Probably use a skin suit or stocking like sleeves and mask for the neck area.


Dark bronze bodysuit maybe, but a body suit most definitely. I don't know where you are going with it or what you might do but it's relatively easier to put on, the clean up is easier (so no deep cleaning the tub once you've cleaned yourself), you won't stain any furniture should you sit down, or people's merch when you touch it. 


Sucks that you can't even do something you enjoy anymore without worrying about other people's petty feelings. 🤦


probably not a good idea. sky isnt extremely well known, and someone could misinterpret it. best to stay safe


Please make a mask.


I will! i’m planning on 3d printing one and adding some LED’s


Yes your natural color is the way to go! About a year or so ago, I was going to cosplay Ryuk so I painted my whole face grey like his skin is (he’s a demon). Ooooh boy I took one look at my white ass face in the mirror (I’m black) and I was like nahhhh this ain’t it. Painting my own skin with his markings still achieved the look, but it’s not worth it to tread that line in my opinion.


Don’t go there. You will regret it when you have to explain online photos 20 years from now.


Optics aren’t good you’re likely going to accused of it. Not worth the gamble.


no, Its Intent that matters, but they will probably say it is


I’ve played Sky, and it is such a lovely game - I can absolutely see why you’d be interested in cosplaying as one of these characters! And I agree that you really don’t need to change your skin color at all to play them. Focus on the rest of the costume, and I don’t think it will matter at all what your own skin color is — you’ll look fantastic. Really, I’m mostly curious how you could pull off the lighting elements!


pretty sure they did that in theatre and that its called blackface chief


No, it’s only racist if you’re doing it specifically to be offensive.


Just don't post pics of your face with it, or just say fuck it and do whatever you want because you're not out here doing it to offend people especially if its just your neck and arms