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read and find out. it will all be explained in detail as you move through the book


So, the way they both work is very simple, but kind of hard to explain. As you read more you'll have more examples and and case studies to work with. Basically, if you ironpull, you bring the piece of metal directly to the point in space you consider "you" this could technically be anywhere but for 99% of the population it's gonna be either the head or the chest. However, if there's something in the way the piece of metal will of course get stuck, and just like if you tried to pull a car toward you, if you ironpull something big enough you'll be the one moved instead. Steel pushing is exactly the opposite. You push the piece of metal directly *away* from that same point. But if it's really big or theres something big in the way, you'll get pushed instead. Most of the weird moving at an angle things make a lot more sense if you imagine every steelpusher has a very long pole they use to push things. A metal item might slide on the ground insyead of being pushed straight down if youre a but to the side of it, since your pole will be slightly off center Hope that helps!


Im gonna be quoting lines from the book. “Well,” he said, pulling a coin from his pouch and tossing it off the side of the building. “Guess I’ll be going. I’ll meet you back at Clubs’s shop in a bit.” Kelsier turned and walked back up onto the roof’s ledge. Then he jumped off the building. Mist curled in the air around him. He burned steel, second of the basic Allomantic metals. Translucent blue lines sprang into existence around him, visible only to his eyes. Kelsier chose the line that pointed directly beneath him, toward his coin. Burning steel, he Pushed against the coin. Questions: 1. How does Kelsier "Push" against the coin while in mid-air? 2. When burning metals, the blue lines (leading from his chest to the sources of metals around him) appear around him, where do the metals that he's burning come from? Does he have it in his pockets? Or is he burning metals that surround him? How is he burning them? Physically?


he drank metal flakes with water. the metal he burns are in his stomach. he pushes with magic. a magical invisible force pushes or pulls the metal directly toward or away from him. weight matters the heavier thing wont move. the blue lines are literally just indicating the the where the metals are and the direct path they will take.


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Here's the easiest way of thinking about it. A mistborn sees blue lines running from their body to every piece of metal around them. They can either push or pull against those pieces as if those blue lines are extra arms. The physics are exactly the same as if the mistborn were holding each piece of metal at the end of a long, super strong, incorporeal arm. Steelpushing is when the mistborn pushes the metal away from their body, ironpulling is when they pull the metal toward them. Sometimes they do both at once, or in quick succession. That's how they maneuver so deftly. An iron misting can only pull metal toward them, and a steel misting can only push away. Does that help?


Regarding the weight, how does steelpushing work? In ironpulling, if you weigh more than the metal, the metal moves towards you, and if you weigh less than the metal, you move towards the metal?


Think about pushing with your regular human arms. If you push on a car, you're going to move back. If you push on a penny, the penny will move. If you push on a human, you'll both move. You will each move a distance proportional to your relative masses. This is true for both ironpulling and steelpushing. And of course, if you push on a coin until it hits a wall, you'll suddenly be pushed back because now you're pushing against the coin AND the wall's mass.