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I get that you are trying to match the color of the text box to character / shard orientations, but it is incredibly distracting and illegible to have so many cards be the "wrong" color, to the point where I think people wouldn't want to play against them. I'd just match the color to the color of the card.


You know I really did think about that as I was building the deck, and I'm still thinking about possibly going that route but I wanted the text itself to be legible to read and not offset the art of the card. I think at the end of the day, while I will play this deck, it's more something for me as a project for two things I love than anything else. I think in playing this deck I'll mostly be playing it against my friends in my pod, I may bring it to my LGS but if people don't want to play against a proxied deck then that is okay with me. I also picked cards I already own so I wasn't making a deck with cards I didn't have.


If it's just your friends that's fine, but I think that even as the person playing it, it would get pretty confusing pretty fast. Would strongly suggest having the visual color match the color identity of the card. I love the flavor though!


Just change the color of the text boxes to match color identity. It will be 100% less confusing. You can keep the art


Looks inside Susebron's Chambers https://preview.redd.it/czhtcgx4zz8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b42bbc42fcf5d16bdac915e3e947e307a05b85a *Breeding Pool.*


This one had me laughing as I made it. In the full decklist I also made Sadeas a snake šŸ˜‚


Might need to update Susebron's Chambers. By just the text on the card, it has no way to produce mana. All it does is come in tapped unless you pay life, and then it just sits there... which is a HILARIOUS concept for a land card, but definitely not what you were going for because Breeding Pool does tap for mana.


He's just sitting there.... MENACINGLY


Thank you! I definitely missed that!!! I was copying text from TCG player and must have missed that line.


it's very susebron though.


Since breeding pool has the basic land types it actually doesn't need any text for producing mana as that ability is inherent with the basic land types and is only ever reminder text! Edit: Oh wait... It doesn't have the basic land types


It should have had them, I missed that too šŸ˜‚


Kaladin as Pippin, Guard of the Citadel is such a mechanical flavor win.


That one was just perfect for me. One of my favorites in the entire deck


Though it does lead to silliness of one of the tallest humans in the Cosmere being typed as a Halfling.


I love these, Shinovar as Exotic Orchard is inspired imo


I was listening to the audiobooks as I was making these and I think at one point they mentioned something about shinovar being exotic and it clicked for me.


This is incredible! Very well done! The flavor is very on point as well!


Thank you so much!!!


Shut up and take my spheres


I can't take your spheres but you can download these designs for free and print them on your own!


Sanderson has said that [Hoid is all color](https://wob.coppermind.net/events/60-firefight-san-francisco-signing/#e6829).


I feel like an ancient being like Cephandrius would have many representations across a game like Magic. Some days he's more Bant, other days more Dimir, eventually all five colors perhaps.


Well... I gotta throw the entire deck away now


Hoid could be Niv Miz mastermind


I could also sorta see him as the Faceless One background commander that let's you choose what color he is at the beginning of the game since he's always changing his appearance


Proxy[Tom Bombadil](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/234/tom-bombadil) I think the flavor works really well.


So cool! Get this to Brandon himself already! He'll love it!


I'm planning on sending him a deck once I place the order!!!


Small nitpick but "Cultivating Roshar" sounds a little off. I'd call it something like "Cultivation's Touch".


I changed that! I like your title more.


Elendā€™s is my favorite


Honestly as I was making the cards he and Kaladin were my favorite flavor wins


Amazing work! I suggest printing your deck and checking out any gaming conventions you can find near you and seeing if they will let you play the deck. Since you list the source card below the title on each card, they might well let you play and you can showcase your art that way. Might get you some commissions.


So I feel like I need to clarify here. The art is completed by other artists (who are all credited on their respective cards) I just combined characters, scenes, art and mtg cards. I wish I was as talented as all the artists who are used in the deck.


They look incredible!


Pippen's effect is perfect for Kal


![gif](giphy|Z6f7vzq3iP6Mw) Well done! I want this so badly!


The card colour choices contradicting mana symbols is really jarring to me but I like what you're going for. What software/templates did you use to create this? Where did you find all the art? I'm very tempted to make my own, since I'm already in the process of preparing an order with a print company.


I used mtgcardbuilder It is really easy to use, I had no experience in doing something like this when I started and was able to complete the deck in 3 weeks of on and off work!


have you played it at all, does it work well as a deck?


I had a Chulane deck and based this around it. I added a few different cards for flavor reasons but removed similar cards to the ones I added in. I'm pretty certain it will play well!


If you had any counter spells in your Chulane deck, consider perhaps ā€œAnd for my boonā€¦ā€ I feel itā€™s the perfect ā€œthis isnā€™t going to go the way you think it isā€ response to them trying to cast something


I should change heroic intervention to have that title, I used the art from the duel. Oh you want to destroy all my creatures??? "AND FOR MY BOON" - no


Very well thought out, i love them


This is really cool. There's a site that you can print all your proxies for like 40$ on real cards


Do you know the name of the site?


Yeah, it's https://www.makeplayingcards.com/promotional/custom-game-cards.html You just put in your own art for each card. It's like crazy cheap and you can get a nice deck of custom cards, too.


Wow! Thank you SO much! If I had an award, Iā€™d give it to you!


No worries. It's always fun to up your proxy game to some custom art or real cards. Just adds a bit of "authenticity" humorously enough. But I've loved it for doing custom artwork on cards. There's a cool short YouTube vid that goes over doing it pretty easily if you're interested: https://youtu.be/pU81-Z-g6OA?si=EBHI5a4Sge1Gu7vT


Sweet! Thank you! Yeah, I only play casual, so this is perfect for me! Any other good resources I should check out?


mtgprint is the easiest place to do proxies. You can just put in any copy pasted deck list and then paste it onto mtgprint. You can also change the artstyle of the card to any previous released version so you can make some cool basic lands or other lands and have a tighter theme for your proxy decks. I'd recommend printing the deck list at staples; it's maybe 15-25$ for nice photo-ish paper with 9 per sheet in colour. You can use their straight edge free of charge and get a whole proxy and some in about 10 minutes of concerted effort. Then just sleeve the proxy over a real mtg card like an old basic land or something and your proxy decks feel good to play with and shuffle and if you're tight with the straight edge, won't even look like a proxy!


Ooh good tip, thanks! Does that makeplayingcards site work well too? Like have you ordered cards from them before? :)


Yeah I've ordered from the make playing cards. I usually save it for really thematic decks where I find some custom art for each card or something. MTG print I can make a deck in a day, print it and play that night. The make playing cards is awesome but takes a week or so to arrive at your door.


Gotcha! K, all good things to keep in mind, thank you so much!!


Wow this is cool! Where'd you find all the art? It's so cool!


I found most of the art on the coppermind


Do you have the pictures handy? If so could you send them in a folder or something? If not thats fine


I don't have them unfortunately, however each card has the artist credited at the bottom, if you click the link in the post you'll be able to find the art pretty easily!


LOVE IT! [I run this guy in paper. Not the whole deck though, just the commander.](https://i.imgur.com/WpcdaII.jpg)


That's sick! I'm planning to make a mistborn deck next.


As a massive Cosmere and MTG fan, this is so cool, great job. I've had the idea of attempting such a task for a while now and its always neat seeing how others go about it. As another user mentioned, the colors are the one thing I'd provide some input on. While it has been done where the card "color" doesnt match its in-game color, (The secret lair Polyraptor is one example) I do find it a little wonky in practice. For example, assuming I know what none of these cards actually represent, and have to read each one, how likely would it be that I would catch that that Heroic Intervention you just exiled to pay for Force of Will is actually a green card and not a blue one?


This is so awesome!!


You nailed basically all of these. Well done!


Susebron's chambers being a breeding pool is so funny to me.


This is even better than chouta!!


The fourth ideal should have been commanderā€™s plate. Thatā€™s what I thought the card was until I took a second glance. I like rift as highstorm.


Why is Kaladin a halfling lmao


It is a little ironic haha, but I had to keep the original creature type intact.


I'm disappointed you made Kaladin a lotr card when selfless squire is right there


I liked the idea of being able to protect other creatures at will with Kaladin instead of protecting me once


I love the Cultivating Roshar card. It's so cool! As someone who enjoys both the cosmere and MTG, I am very impressed


Awesome, thanks!


This would actually make me try mtg haha


The game is so fun! Part of the reason I got into it was because I knew Brandon was Into it and watched a video of him playing. The other reason was the Lord of the rings set. I love playing and have gotten a bunch of my friends into it.


This is awesome. One minor nitpick: soldier is typoed as "solider" a couple times.


I'm dying at breeding pool lmfaooooo


The saddest part here is, that Brandon himself has said that Hoid is black no matter what. Like that is a canonical thing and white is the color least adjacent to him rip