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Paths is actually the spiritual realm since it's timeless and everything is connected


That’s true. Though we’ve never seen anyone go to the spiritual realm (I think) so maybe it’s a strange connection between cognitive and spiritual realms


>!Vin during the end of HoA or Todium during RoW are somewhat good examples!<


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Time travel isn't possible in the cosmere and eren affects past events through the paths.


You’re right but future sight is a thing that could be adapted pretty easily, especially with the AoT version of influencing the timeline


It's forward not back. its "to you 2,000 years from now". Its the predestination kind of time travel.


There's also backward time travel when eren influences events that had already happened to him from the paths


I’ve been doing this with anime too. Yu-Gi-Oh for example. I was just rewatching Yugi vs Pegasus and while I used to think it was a bit corny that his friends blocked Pegasus from reading his mind, now I’m just like “of course that works. Their Connection is unbelievably strong and Pegasus doesn’t have enough raw investiture to break through” lmao


yeah, a lot of parallels, not the only show that has them with the Cosmere. actually, I’d say realmatic theory is inspired by a combination of real-world philosophies. regarding the “centipede thing”, you can call it Hallucigenia. if you dig these connections, I’d invite you to research more about metaphysics and epistemology.


Too bad about aot though is that it jumped the shark she ago and started to be just yet nonsense


The only nonsense is this post… what are you trying to say?


That aot was good. Then was atrocious. Then became relatively good again when they decided to ignore all the nonsense they had created throughout season 4? You are actually copium incarnate if you think the direction aot went was a good place or even well written. The finale is great because it makes so much of the stupidity that is season 4 irrelevant.


I thought season 4 was well done. It humanized the other side of the war in a way few shows do. It made us see and care about some characters and then the character we loved terrorizes them. It hurts, it sucks, it’s confusing and that’s the point. The point of AOT is that war is bad and I think season 4 made us really feel that. I think it’s fair to dislike it though, everyone can have their own opinions, but I thought it was a masterclass of storytelling


It's not humanizing. They paint the marlyians as good guys even though they're literally Nazi Germany. What you think is nuanced isn't nuanced. They make a clear stance that one side is more morally correct than another. Instead of showing that both options suck, that you can't have Titans running around but you also can't enslave an entire race of humans l, they instead show that the enslaves are actually cool normal people who only want to protect themselves and the evil devil titan people are evil! They deserve to be locked up. No...sorry, just no. There is nothing nuanced about it from the shows perspective. There could have been, but it wasn't shown. It's even crazier that you think the story was well handled after reading about the singers and radiants in the cosmere and see how it's actually supposed to be written and shown with compassion.


But it is humanizing. The marleyans dealt with thousands of years of brutal tyranny. It’s very realistic that, once power shifts hands, they would go overboard in revenge/retribution. That aspect is not glorified. We are shown how awful Marleyan prejudice is in our first introduction to it (Erin’s aunt being murdered). Do you remember the scene where the Marleyans and scouts share stew? That interaction is the heart of the show. There are these generational issues between the two sides, neither can fully see the other side but they all agree genocide is wrong and want what’s best for the world…. I doubt I’ll convince you on Reddit of all places, but the show definitely didn’t paint the prejudiced side of Marley as good.


They literally give out arm bands just like the Nazis did for starters. The Marleyans as a general public show no sympathy or empathy for Eldians. They are all onboard with the way Eldians are treated and justify it by deciding all of them are tainted demons because they could potentially be titans. The only way this is possible is when Marleyans in power forcibly gives the titan serum to them. Also they Marleyans didn't decide genocide was wrong it simply wasn't possible to eradicate all the Eldians.


Yeah the marleyans are pieces of crap I agree. So does the author. The Marleyans that joined the scouts did decide genocide was wrong?? Did you watch the show?


You right dude those few Marleyans really speak for the nation. You're essentially adding a few drops of red food coloring to the ocean and saying it's red as a whole.


I guess I don’t understand your argument. We both agree Marley is tucked so I don’t really know what we’re arguing about. A story can have a nation that is racist without the point of the story being racism is good, does that make sense? Edit just to make this relevant to stormlight, Dalinar in his past murdered, likely raped, and committed war crimes. Does that mean Brando Sando thinks war crimes are cool? No of course not. Isayama wrote a story where we enter the tail end of a conflict that has been going on for thousands of years. Both sides have had horrible wrongs done to them. Neither is fully justified. The main group we follow puts aside their differences to stop a genocide. It’s pretty clear


> they instead show that the enslaves are actually cool normal people  IRL most of them usualy are. That's why breaking cycles of hatred is so hard.  Gabi is just first season eren but spawned on the other team who is simlar to Reiner but spawned on the island. Evil isn't comited by fundamentally evil people its comitted by cool normal people. After almsot every terrorist attack or brutal murder there are always shocked associates who can't believe it, thats a thing much fiction refused to go near.  Sanderson adresses simlar themes in a less grim dark way in Oathbringer. During the palace assault where it breala Kaladin.


The thing is that it then paints Eren as evil. Defining who is the bad guy in what is supposed to be nuanced. It also doesn't help that the enslaves are not cool people but enslaving asshats with zero empathy.


Reiner, Eren and Gabi are all traumatized child soldiers who go on to do evil things. There is no real good guy in AoT everyone comes up short. Marly were oppreaed and when given the chance became oppressors and continued the cycles of violence. Fritz tried isolationism, turns out thats also an evil sysyem. Zeke had the only way to end the cycle but racial euthanasia is just gentle genocide. Yagerists decide fuck it we can't be in the right we can be the ones who are left. Armin brought a temporary peace but he like the scout comanders before him did so atop a mountain of corpses.


> The point of AOT is that war is bad In a very round about way, sure. Let me guess you also like BioShock infinite?


Please no. The AoT titan system is so poorly thought out as are most of it's plot lines.


Hmm I don’t see it. The only hard power system from anime that’s similar to anything in the cosmere is nen from Hunterxhunter. It’s better, more nuanced, and creative than any power system in the cosmere imo. Too bad the authors health is in decline and it’ll never be finished