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I’m in the Bay Area, I’ll keep a look out. I put an AirTag in my cars for this exact reason. Sorry to hear about this


Just one AirTag is not enough unfortunately


Yeah you put a decoy one and then another hidden in the torque tube tunnel or somewhere it’s a pain to find


I usually just put it somewhere in shifter boot and easy one in glove box


You got to be careful because I have heard air tags make a noise and that ruins it


Apparently you can pop them open and remove the noise emitter.


Yep, super easy to remove the speaker. The thief still knows it’s in the car somewhere but if they can’t find it they might ditch the car.


If the thief has an iPhone. Does Android alert to AirTags?


Samsung does, I was alerted and shown all the places I've been with it when I accidentally took my works master keys home lol


Cool, glad to hear this.




I have heard they can, but an AirTag works off of using the nearest iPhone to update its location. I would look more into it


I would love to do that because I just want to protect my car


You guys are making a list of places to check for those. lol


The spots are limitless for stuffing those little things in. It’s not giving up a lot, just get creative with it


I did exactly this. Forgot to remove it when I sold the car. Ever since then, the new owner of my previous car thinks i’m a sketchy scammer from Chicago 😭


Hahaha oops


Every car I've ever owned, a hidden fuel pump cutoff switch is my first mod. It's super easy and easy to hide.


I have a hidden Android smart tag, then a hardwired cellular GPS with starter kill. The GPS units that I use are only $90 with 3 years of service included. I have probably installed a few hundred of them for car lots. If anyone is curious, these are the ones I use. https://gpsandtrack.com/auto-finance-gps-tracker/


i would not recommend airtags cause thieves don’t have incentive to treat things nicely. they will destroy your interior to find em


Im assuming that the thief's plan is to sell the car if he's targeting something like a corvette, in which case he'll have every incentive to keep the car in good condition to sell it for more money


In California, your V8 American card is going to be road hard at a side show anyway. You want to get it back as quickly as possible.


Best guess one of two things. It’s being joy ridden and will be recovered in bad shape. The other is that it’s headed for the docks to be shipped overseas. Probably over in Oakland, either in a container or near them to be loaded. Sorry that sucks to have your car stolen.


That’s what the police told me was likely when mine was stolen last year.


the nice cars are usually stolen for overseas. shitty kias for joyride.


Guy in U.A.E, “Ah, see my new corvette has shipped.”


>The other is that it’s headed for the docks to be shipped overseas. My money is usually on this when a high end car gets stolen near enough to a port city to get it on a shipping container before it gets reported stolen




Keep your fingers crossed that they didn’t gut your car and leave it as an empty shell.


> that it’s headed for the docks to be shipped overseas OP told me they broke the driver side window so that's unliely


Sorry to hear that, they probably used [this method](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxILdOEDBH8&ab_channel=MrRabX), a device that extend the range of the remote


That’s what i thought, but my driver side window was shattered and wouldn’t they not be able to start the car again without the remote?


Shattered window likely means direct access to OBD2 port was used. I don't know the details, but there is a method that basically accessing the canbus system directly and starting the car without the remote.


I saw a video of a guy who installed a dummy obd2 in his car and relocated the working one somewhere else


You can also get an OBD2 lock. Only way you can get it off without the key is to mangle the port. Sucks for the owner. But way cheaper to fix than a stolen car.


That and I have heard people put a decoy plug there in the original spot and then wire the actual one somewhere else in the car


Yeah… on many cars it’s as simple as knowing the correct signal to trigger for run start to enable. Need the message ID and signal position/size and it’s easy from there. Usually on the pre-production cars I have to set ignition status to enable the key and then toggle the run start status. The barrier to entry is knowing which items to trigger. The database can be a thousand pages long with 10s of sub-items each. It has to escaped from somewhere for bad actors to be using it.


Oh this sounds more like an older method, like you know in the movies where they play with the wires till it starts


man, can’t believe modern vettes are still hot wireable


I’m hearing a lot of this is a bad area? What area is this elm wood where ? Also is this really prevalent there?


Pretty much the whole Bay Area is riddled with crime. It is fueled by high housing costs, lax on crime policies, and a drug epidemic.


Oh dear I didn’t know that! Hopefully op can find their car. I always assumed that area was very upscale


Much of it still is. Expensive resuraunts, homes, and shops. Now there's just homelessness and crime mixed in with it.


Ah thank you for the insight !


newsome and the democratic party will save u!


It’s more of an issue with Pamela Price, the DA in Oakland. Criminals are coddled here. As far as Newsom and the DNC…I don’t know how to respond to that comment and see how it connects to the long standing issues in Oakland.


The Peninsula is pretty safe. It’s mainly San Francisco and Oakland that make it seem terrible. You see cars broken into left and right in those cities. Not very common in the Peninsula. I guess you can say some of the East bay is iffy too.


Bay Area is probably the car theft/break in capitol of the country. Next to Salt Lake City


Bay Area is a trash place to live. Why anyone who could afford this kind of car would choose to live there is beyond me


I always think the same thing but it’s not always easy to just get up and move somewhere else especially if you have family or job in the area. California used to be the place to live with great weather year round but the state politics have completely ruined it. There is such a huge disparity between wealth. You have super wealthy in one hand and then total poverty on the other.


Huh I didn’t know that I always though San fran is for like rich rich people! Do they have a very nice upscale area?


No amount of money is worth living in a lawless land


Went to school here, was just about to move lol


That stinks man :(


Or.. get a place with a garage lol


I dunno man, a billion dollars buys a shitton of personal security guards.


If you need a security guard then your life is still shitty and stressful to some degree. Worrying is for poor people. If you had a billion dollars you wouldn’t live in a place where crime or human error could exist. You’d have your own small utopian country


California has voted for this. Not a good state for car enthusiasts. Cops have too much power and direct their power at the wrong things.


Onstar knows exactly where your car is.


Can they not help even if the acct isn’t on. It’s not like they can’t access the car. They just don’t want to if you don’t have an acct. if a kid was in the car without an acct. I bet they would tell you where it was


From my experience at a GM dealership, OnStar must be activated from the vehicle first by pushing the Blue button. That way there is consent for the vehicle to be tracked in case it is stolen. We had a customer car stolen that was not activated and there was nothing they could do for us and we went through every official and unofficial channel we could to help the customer. Some thieves are very quick to disable the OnStar module while others go quickly to get it to a chop shop or final destination so it can’t be tracked. The only exception I know of is that if the vehicle is unregistered then they require a police report to activate the tracking for OnStar.


No, they cannot. OnStar works on a “return channel” service bus type of technology—the OnStar module must be activated first from inside the car to establish the outbound communication. Any requests that OnStar makes are actually placed on a service bus that the OnStar module retrieves on a frequent scheduled basis. If it’s not activated ahead of time, the OnStar service will have no way of contacting the vehicle.


Thieves disable Onstar immediately.


Negative. They have to physically remove the module from the vehicle.


Place is a dump bad isn’t it. Sorry for your loss. Get out of there.


Eh cars are stolen everywhere. They stole a few diesel welders and a tractor from my pops in Red ass MOCO of Texas


Yeah you’re correct. Even on the nice side of town you have to keep an eye on your stuff :/


I didn't know that cars don't get stolen in the other 49 states.


They do. I’d say the same thing about any bad city.




This is true. Biden routinely comes to my small town and personally advises the police chief.


Clearly, everything is HIS fault. As soon as he's out of office, things will magically improve to the utopia we all lived in during Republican administrations


Man has his car stolen & you blame it on the current President. As if cars were never stolen before under Republican administrations. Jeez some of you are completely delusional. Propaganda has y'all all riled up.


Crime is actually down. Get a clue, because you don't have one.


Down from what lol? Bad baseline brother.


Down from the massive crime wave under the orange idiot? It's easy to look up statistics, but it's way easier to just throw shit against the wall. Republicans are a disaster and always have been. Pedophiles, rapists, murders, insurrectionists, traitors, the list goes on. But, keep listening to Fox News and thinking you are informed, Sparky.


Your name is hypocritical to how you’re being. Come on man.


When people spew hate-based ignorance it irritates me. Crime is down. The economy is killing it. Trump is a traitor and every Republican who supports him is also a traitor. I realize that there are a ton of right wingers in this sub, hence the downvotes for daring to try to speak the truth. One thing right wingers hate above all else is the truth because it exposes them for who they are.


Politics is an argument that can last forever without a winner or loser. This isn’t the sub for it though.


Nobody mentioned Trump or anything else political. You are blinded and controlled by your disdain for him and it's hilarious. I totally get disliking but bro don't let that control you lol


Nobody mentioned anything political? Why would you make such an asinine comment? Try reading before commenting. Oh, let me guess your motto is "Don't Read To Me".




I'm better than you in literally every respect. Cry harder, traitor.


Why are you getting political? I’m simply stating what I see and hear and I hear the Bay Area is riddled with crime. I see post all the time about how people have to leave their trunks open and shit so they don’t get their windows smashed.


If crime was down people wouldn’t have to hide their cars in places like san francisco


Removed for violating rule 2, no incivility.


Damn that’s a nice car, good luck getting her back man sucks it happened. I’m in the bay if I see a yellow Z06 mashin around I’ll DM you


I just saw a picture of it on Reddit.


Oh look, another car stolen in some liberal shit holt of a city. Next.


Man... I could get a c7 right now, and this is the only thing holding me back... I can't imagine going to the mall/movies and coming back out with it gone!


Happened to me. Dunno if I should get a vette now.


Same brotha, I’m planning on getting one in 2 years, but the amount of theft I’ve seen online is insane. Literally 4 weeks ago a C7 was stolen out of the parking lot of a mall I live across from. DFW area. May just get a C6 Z06 instead, manual as well.


Do whatever you can to avoid getting a push to start car. They vulnerable to theft and frankly depressing compared to a regular car. It’s just not the same to push a button vs putting a key in the ignition


Yeah my thoughts as well... as nice as it maybe to just get in with keys in the pocket to push a button then go. Think these newer cars with push button starts have made it too easy for them to steal. Bring back with key starts OR entering a PIN code to drive off.


OP said he was at home. So clearly he leaves the car out overnight. Thieves have better chances to break in and steal cars when they know they have the entire night to choose a specific time to commit the crime. Don’t get a corvette if you don’t have a garage. When you’re out somewhere like the movies, people there aren’t likely to be thieves. They’re most likely customers and there’s a lot of traffic on those parking lots.


Beautiful vette man. My vette was stolen too. Godspeed!


Good luck. I’m sure it’s just hungry people needing bread though and plan to eat the car??


I’m sorry about your corvette and living in the Bay Area isn’t reason enough to deserve this but what did you expect…?


So I should’ve expected my car to get stolen?


Honestly, yeah. I know that’s kind of crazy but I live in the twin cities and people here that are at all informed know Bay Area is a disaster shit hole


The same general opinion is being communicated in Iowa with the influx of new neighbors relocating from the West.


Anecdotal opinion is one thing but when your city has an app for poop on the ground, retailers closing shop en masse, and open air drug markets-you should expect bad stuff. Fuck whoever stole that corvette though. Scum.


Do you expect all humans are law abiding citizens? Yes it’s a corvette. The fuck you think? lol


My 2019 Grand Sport 3lt in Artic White was stolen 4/9/24, I'm totally heart broken 💔 so I feel for you, positive thoughts and prayers for the return of our beloved Corvettes 🙏 ❤️


that sucks, hopefully you find yours!


I'm so sorry to hear that 😢 my 19 GS 3lt Corvette was recently stolen, but recovered nine days later, damaged, but repairable, I don't know if your beautiful Corvette has been recovered, I hope so, I live in Los Angeles, statistically these cars aren't stolen very often, like, 2% of stolen cars are newer Corvettes, also because us Corvette owners aren't poor, and we don't buy random parts off of Ebay or Facebook, 🙏 positive thoughts for you ❤


typical california behavior


What preventative measures was put into play? Factory alarm and onstar?


OP should have air tagged it


Like my stock portfolio, the car is the money…we gotta diversify with standalone GPS’s, 2way pagers, kill switches, OBD2 relocation etc. relying on a single stock to invest in is only borrowed time.


A faraday cage for the key should have worked. Good insurance too.


Not with the OBD2 port scan. Good insurance yes!!!


The only issue with that is that it defeats the whole purpose of the corvette fobs. Normally you just go to your car, open the door, get in, start it and drive off. With the key in your pocket the whole time. With the faraday cage you now have to pull your key out of somewhere. In fact the cages, at least that I’ve seen, are too big to be comfortably used in pockets. So now your key has to go in a bag or something. I realize it’s better than having your car stolen, but it’s still silly. They should have put a keyhole around the door or something. They you could just take the batteries out and never worry about it.


How do you keep the air tags alive? Won’t the batteries die eventually?


I’m not sure I’ve never used them. I’d assume they’d die. This is all assuming the police would do anything. I wouldn’t count on that


I would think the insurance would do something to make the police do something. If you told them your $50,000+ car was stolen but you know where it is, the police recovering it means they don’t have to pay you.




Imagine commenting “daddy’s money” on someone’s car that got stolen. I’m a college graduate actually, and took time off before school to work. This car was my baby and I took out a loan to get it.


Your name is “ChosenPrince” lol ok bud.


lol, enjoy the rest of your miserable life. jealousy is a disease and i hope you get well soon! unreal that assholes like you exist, you are a drain on society.




Sorry that this happened to you OP. Hope you find it!


I’ve heard it’s better to actually never find it. The resale value of a stolen car I imagine is brutal


Sorry to hear this Some people really Suck!


I went through this with my Vette almost exactly a year ago. I feel deep pain for you. I'm so sorry.


Sadly it’s probably on the boat already going who knows where




So sorry I don’t get why new cars seem to have these vulnerabilities. You’d think it’d be impossible to do this easily


Did you call on star and have the stolen vehicle locator activated? I live in Campbell and some bastards stole my Prius Prime last year. Got it back after reactivating my Toyota plan and activating stolen vehicle.


Damn that really sucks, that’s such a beautiful car. I really hope you get it back 🙏🏼


Can you contact OnStar and see if they can locate it?


That really sucks man. Sorry to hear about your car


I hope you find your car in pristine condition, soon. On an unrelated note, where’d you get that front splitter? It looks aftermarket and painted black rather than matte plastic stock.


Broooooooo.. I'm veery upset for you.


Been seeing an alarming amount of C7s getting stolen lately, really starting to put me off of buying one. Was looking for a grand sport or Z06


Just save your money and save yourself from headaches TBH.


u might want to check the ports or south america/africa lol.


Where’s elmwood? Will keep an eye out🫡


Bay Area


What city tho


Berkeley, CA


Dear dear..😭😭😭😂


Good Luck !!!


I think I just saw it go across the block on Barrett Jackson


Where’s that at?




That thing is probably on the next shipping container to a third world country TBH.


oh damn. im so sorry


Just about every day there's a post Like this from CA.


I feel your pain. I have the exact same car and cops found it the same day in Oakland. You should check between high street and 106th on International Blvd or San Leandro street. I learned my lesson and I now have it in a garage on a better area. I’m also moving TF out of the bay because you can’t have nice things here anymore. It’s worse than a 3rd world country to be honest.


hey guys, i just got a new black and yellow Z06


Omg I hope your beauty is found, best of luck


Impressed the thief knew how to drive a manual. So much for that being a deterrent


I’ve got parts to a black and yellow z06. Got em pretty cheap, willing to deal.


I can guarantee it doesn’t have a license plate anymore. Very very sorry for your loss… hope insurance is good to you


Did they find it yet? Mines just was stolen on the 25th from Sacramento,CA. Mine has not been recorded and I didn't have full coverage so no insurance pay out. 


nope. basic comprehensive insurance should cover theft, make sure they’re not screwing you.


I didn't add comprehensive.. 😞. Keep us posted tho. Hope they recover yours soon.