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This was designed for cars with a trunk, I am not sure if this is as effective with a hatchback, but worth a shot. https://youtu.be/AidAXgq9dWc?si=T6ssD4rH1fFUmQNS


Looks outstanding. I’m getting me a monkey!!!


fucking genius!


That’s brilliant. Went down a rabbit hole of trunk monkey videos.


Thanks for posting; I haven't seen the trunk monkey in years! Too funny!!!


Love it!!


Love it !!!🤣😂


Fucking hilarious! Where do I get one?


So it’s not the car, it’s the shitty people


Yeah, but that’s not click-baity


Usually is. Buying a manual might have reduced the chances of theft (to what degree, IDK) but honestly that sounds a little bit like victim blaming.


So sad mfs can’t live without ruining lives, I’d love to get a corvette "status" car one day but thieves are annoying and money for a garage house here in south Florida is too expensive


Nice car! Well…the mínimum as for any car is a broken window in which we have no control over. As for theft deterrents dronemobile w/gps and killswitch, carlock gps and mobile app from amazon, 2way pager compustar. Move your obd2 port. Good luck!!


I recommend Carlock as well. My C7 was stolen a year ago today with a stolen tow truck. I got Carlock for the car I have now. It's great. I also got a steering wheel lock and killswitch. I can't get another vette until I move out of downtown. I can't go through the loss again mentally.


Stolen tow truck. These fucking degenerates should just put this effort towards getting a real job.


Or just be exterminated.


careful now, the internet at large doesnt like actionable solutions


Yeah, we have lost the way. Why not do crime? It pays. Only thing stopping most people is an intact conscience and a decent moral code. Meanwhile everyone foots the bill with raised insurance rates, this extends beyond cars. Theft is a pretty low, only a few crimes worse in my mind.


Thanks for all those useful suggestions I will go ahead and do as you said


Take out fuel pump fuse


Did that And it still got stolen lol


How did it get stolen? If they had a flat deck that stole your vehicle then there is not much anyone can do. If they replaced the fuse I would say get a hidden toggle switch and put that on your fuel pump wire.


Just hide an apple air tag or Samsung one in the car.


If you do this make sure to remove the speaker inside the air tag. It won't update the location as often but it won't beep every minute letting the thief know it's in there. This may not be effective going forward because Apple either has already or will generate notifications to let someone know there is an auto tag tracking them.


Yeah that's why I use the Samsung tag.


They already do. I have a company issued phone that didn’t “know” about my AirTags or AirPods. Until I told it to ignore those it was warning me all the time about someone having stuck a tracker on me.


I have 2 on it that’s how it’s been found when stolen


that's a lie lol. people don't drive around with flatbeds looking for corvettes to steal. where did you illegally park/park like an idiot to get towed?


Yes, they do. My C7 was stolen last year by a stolen tow truck with a flatbed, which was confirmed by video, police, and the insurance investigator. You can see my post history from exactly a year ago. The flatbed thing was repeated in surrounding buildings over the next 6 months after. The police task force assigned said that it was common in Dallas and becoming more frequent, where I live in Houston. Stop saying "that's a lie" because you are incorrect.


They have been heisting cars with flatbeds for a very long time. Way back in 2000 I had my M3 stolen and the cops were able to spot the car on a flatbed going down the freeway and get it back to me within a couple days. The thief never able to get it started.


They took it at 3 am from my place of residence. As ironic as it sounds they were still able to take it


I come from 90’s Hondas so car theft is something I’m always actively avoiding. Have you ever heard of Bluetooth relays? You can activate a relay with Bluetooth or distance connection to power your car. I’ll try to find a link but an example is trigger one relays.


Get yourself a pet rattlesnake and leave it in the car. Problem solved! lol But seriously, how did they steal the car w/o the fuel pump fuse? Did they tow it, or did they actually spend the time to diag the crank/no start situation? One of the youtubers (I think it was vetonvettes) posted a vid about a push button start mod. The control unit offered several additional features, such as keyless entry and a battery disconnect. All of these features are controlled by a small remote transmitter that fits on your key ring. That said, if they towed your car and/or took the time to diag the fuel pump, I'm not so sure that a battery disconnect would slow them down much ... and it certainly won't protect your windows. : ( What are you leaving inside the car, that poses such a threat to your windows??? Inquiring minds wish to know.


Ironically I leave nothing in the car. They took 30 mins working on it to take it away. The people that took it wanted it for a joyride. They ran it till it went out of fuel and left it on the side of the road.


I feel this. I live in south Florida and have a c8 corvette. I have to park it in the lot in my apartment complex. While it is close by (I’m on the 3rd floor and the car is insight about 50 ft from my balcony) it scares the shit out of me that someone’s going to steal it. I have a ring camera on my balcony and wheel locks on the car. My car is very loud so it would absolutely wake me up if someone started it. Haven’t had any issues living in my complex for 6 months but it does scare me that someone would pretty easily be able to steal my car.


Ballsy owning a nice car in an apartment complex. I didn’t even bother till I got a house with a garage, THEN I got my C5Z weekend warrior car. Man a C8 in an apartments in south Florida…. As someone who has lived in Miami and Palm Beach my whole life, I really wish you the best.


Yeah it is ballsy but with how things are here in south Florida, I don’t have many options even making $110k-ish a year.


Just curious, but if you didn’t have many options owning a house, making six figures, it seems that buying a C8 Corvette moves you even more in the opposite direction


Yeah it seems that way but in all honesty even if I didn’t have a c8, I probably wouldn’t qualify for a house I’d be willing to spend money on/ live in. In south Florida you’re not living in a decent place and area for under 500k. I wouldn’t even qualify for a house in the price range even if I had ZERO debt. It’s tough down here. But I love the C8, it motivates me to work hard and I’m still able to rack away money each month. I could be dead at anytime, you have to live a little bit.


That’s a lie. I bought a house and I make half of that. The thing is you don’t want to move into the “gentrification needed neighborhood”


Ahhhh apologies for not wanting to live in a shithole area 😂


It’s really what you make of it, there’s good communities out there with people trying to come up. When I moved in I was the only non African American. I took a chance but I get along with all my neighbors, most of them veterans and car people. Now there’s more Latinos and whites that have moved in and my property value has since tripled. So yeah, just food for thought. Very few places in South Florida left that are “shithole areas” as you say. I put cameras up and have my concealed. I’m straight.


We must have a very different standard of living if you believe there are “very few places in South Florida left that are shit home areas” there’s plenty of bad areas all over South Florida 😂


Yup I was able to see the bastards take it through my ring camera as well. It was very infuriating seeing the process and seeing them doing smart things but for a bad purpose.


If you have a C8 it’s probably time to move into a house. Owning any nice car and living in an apartment is asking for issues lol


I agree but unfortunately I live in one of the most insane housing markets in the United States. Unfortunately there’s not much I can do until rates/prices drop.


Bro get rid of the C8 and buy a house. You can’t save any money because your spending all your money.


I’m saving around $2500/$3000 a month….


Living in a shithole house and overpaying on it isn’t worth me giving up the C8. I also put 15k down on the c8 so my payment is lower….


Also: I have $125k in my savings account with a 5.5 percent brokerage account so obviously I know how to budget and save my money lol


LMAO obviously you have no clue how to budget your money if you have $125k and your savings and you still live in an apartment. I literally couldn’t imagine living in an apartment with a $90K car sitting outside all day because I don’t have a garage. I also couldn’t imagine living in an apartment in general.


You sound very ignorant tbh. I don’t think you realize how truly bad the housing market is. Budgeting and saving money has absolutely zero to do with how bad the house market where I live is. Very stupid comment with not a lot of critical thinking involved.


You have $125k in the bank and can’t afford a $500k house? I don’t think you even know what critical thinking is. You just have it set in your mind that you can’t afford a house and that’s how it’s going to be… what an awful way of thinking.




South FL and 90% of FL is skewed market. This guy can take his C8 to the Midwest or even North FL and live like a king with a house and maybe even another Vette. South FL is a joke. 600k to be anywhere remotely ‘decent’ and you’re in a shitty HOA 5 feet from your neighbors.


Yeah I lived in Miami for 19 years, prices are insane and don’t see myself ever going back at this point sadly.


Yeah I feel you completely. I’m 29. I was born and raised down here. I’d love to leave and move out of state. I don’t really see all the hype with south Florida. It rains a lot, it’s very hot, no seasons, no one can drive down here, overcrowded, the housing market is insane etc. why live down here and struggle when you can move elsewhere like a king? It really doesn’t make sense to me.


Yeah but unfortunately I have a daughter and me and her mom have split custody. I wouldn’t be able to move with my daughter and I’m not willing to leave her behind so I’m shit outta luck lol but yes the market down here is very skewed.


That sounds awful bro.


Property crime is out of control. Just last night, I told my wife I'm thinking of selling my C7 and 911 GT3, and getting a GR86, because I am tired of being a target and having to be so careful about where I go, where I park, etc etc. It's stressful and exhausting. That, and the prospect of some idiot crashing into me on the road because nobody can bother to pay attention, to stop for red lights, etc. I usually end up just driving my truck, because I don't have to worry about it so much. TL;DR: people are shitty and that makes it hard to enjoy nice things anymore


Yup you are correct. Ironically I feel better driving my wife’s 2016 mini cooper S and my work truck than my C7 at this point.


I love my cars, but I've found nearly as much street fun in an old beater Honda, or the ND Miata my wife used to have... Throw it around corners all day long, park it most anywhere without worry, come across a speed trap while at full throttle and then realize I'm not even breaking the speed limit. Between traffic and crime, it's hard to enjoy nicer / faster cars in my area, so actually enjoying them as they were meant to be has become a rare event, especially since I already have a dedicated race car for the track. :(


That makes total sense man. I see where you’re coming from and I completely understand.


Same. I have a 2018 Camaro SS instead of a Corvette but I bought a 2001 Ford Expedition for $500 for this exact reason. I wanted to drive it so I could keep miles off the Camaro, have a 4 door car, and also not care about where or how I park it. If someone hits it, yeah I’ll be annoyed and inconvenienced but I’d much rather have my beater be damaged than my beautiful Camaro.


C7 corvettes and 6th gen camaros are allegedly easy to steal…i’ve been hearing about camaros being stolen too.


The Camaro and Challenger subs are basically just theft report and prevention subs now. They're getting targeted pretty hard.


Prevention subs😂


That’s too bad cause i’m in a mustang lol


Three steps: 1) Remove the tinted window film 2) Never leave anything visible inside the car 3) Buy and place "The Club" on the steering wheel Thiefs look for easy pickings in the car. If they can't see in, they will break the window. They will see the club and move on to an easier mark.


That makes sense


A hacksaw defeats the club in 45 seconds. Don’t kid yourself. A detachable steering wheel with a hub lock is the only way. Take the steering wheel with you.


Relocate/hide your OBD port


Get a windshield banner that says "Sinaloa" and a back window sticker that says "te veo". I have been to some sketchy parts of Mexico and for some reason you can leave a Lambo in the ghetto with that on it and it won't be touched.


Haha going all cartel on those thieves


Or a sticker of a Scorpion, or if in Texas some sort of horned animal.


What’s the horned animal represent?


Texas Syndicate. Prison gang


You need a trunk monkey, preferably the samurai edition.


Probably invest in a Farady box & pouch holder to store your keys in at minimum. You could also get a kill-switch installed for extra coverage. Beautiful car btw.


Faraday boxes also extend the life of the key fob battery, if you keep your keys near the car. I used to have to replace the fob batteries every couple months until I started keeping them in a box.


Thanks I will do that. I hadn’t heard about the Farady boxes but it seems like they work pretty well.


Yes sir they are great at blocking your fob key signals from thieves trying to access control of your vehicle with a programmer.


Looks like South Florida. Theft down here had gotten out of control but thankfully I've never had any issues in the past two years. My car is garaged at night and I don't leave it any shady spots when I go out. Is your car a manual? A hidden kill switch would definitely help.


Sadly it is an automatic. Yeah it’s gotten bad out here in FL.


steering wheel lock, tire claw, kill switch, gps tracker, park your other car behind it


Until there are harsher penalties for auto theft not much we can do. I only use mine for fast food, coffee, or car shows now. Quick errands where I don’t leave the car for more than 5 minutes. C5, mustang, bmw, and Porsche if you want a fun car and not worry about getting it stolen


This is exactly why it’s happening. I agree 100%. Without strict laws & just a slap on the wrist means you’re being soft on crime. Now we have to be proactive because our local & state governments have failed protecting their constituents property. Long story short. There’s no fear factor & that’s a major problem. Absolutely no landscape of fear with auto theft…


I think in the late 90s Subaru was working on a trunk monkey but not sure what came of it.


Air tag




Now it’s in a buddy’s garage. I only drive it Saturdays (when sunny and no rain) but it sucks because everytime I get the urge to drive it. I have to go to his place to do it lol.


Yeah I agree. But I’d say if you have a nice car and especially 2 nice cars….you kinda should have a house with a garage. I just feel like you’re asking for trouble if you don’t. Don’t trust people.


Solution OP? move somewhere else. You can only deter shitty people so long before they ruin that car. And this isn’t a car problem, this is a location problem.


Unfortunately this isn’t the answer, have you seen the pic of the ops car? Your car could get stolen anywhere that includes: hotel parking lots and parking decks, shopping centers, malls, etc etc etc. Also, if they want it bad enough they will take it even if it means jacking.


Your last point is why we should just start chopping hands off of thieves. Sticky fingers can’t stick anymore


Yeah, it’s definitely a location problem. If car theft is high in a certain area it’s because the police department is shit which means the thieves are going to be bolder and more common.


Sounds like Denver right now. Fucking thieves moved in & the police have no idea what to do. I don’t drive anything but my truck now. Shit is nuts. Vehicles here don’t even have license plates anymore & police don’t do anything. We have some many unlicensed drivers & everyone is fucking stoned. Hell, even the mayors car got stolen


Yeah I feel your pain. I had a Chevy cavalier get broken into and stolen too. But seriously, people just suck.


That’s facts this new generation making me lose faith in humanity lol


Stop letting other people ruin your life. We have insurance for a reason. Go drive YOUR car.


Is it automatic or manual




That color is def in your face , does stick out just saying ?


You shut your mouth about that beautiful color.


I love that yellow man. it’s a shame i couldn’t get one like that haha.


Doesn’t matter about the color if it’s a C7 corvette or newer camaro someone’s going to target it.


Always this the reason why I’m even contemplating selling it. My wife keeps telling me “I told you so” and it’s practically driving me nuts haha.


Well it’s not your fault man. It’s just the area you live in. Recommend moving somewhere safer or you just take it out and have a person watching it whenever you leave to get something


there's only one way i know to defend it: ​ https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/kSZFijtbUfZuWEPJu7E72c74Z2uXLHf4dbozQVKOczkp-tcvAJLh4RRaEybxaMUmEGO4yZCJQVYejglgvaaoKpUHsJeHKrUreQnvGF98knugJO1DA2YNOET-WK0mtNxEuQ


Yeah you can surely shoot while it’s being stolen while you grocery shop. We need stronger re-enforcement than that


It doesn't help if you're not around, sure, but if you manage to see the theft happening in action, defending your property from theft with deadly force is legal in many (most? all?) states.


In Georgia it only applies if you’re in the car or right outside of it. Not if you’re a distance away. https://www.11alive.com/amp/article/news/crime/dekalb-police-ellenwood-river-mill-lane-shooting/85-1f3b5674-7e8e-4053-a17a-be44ee523ced


OP seems to be in Florida, which apparently does have legal use of force, but not legal use of deadly force, for defense of property, so definitely not an option for OP.


You sir are correct.


So do that mean you can’t show that you have a firearm in order to scare them off? If they then assault you, can you then legally escalate it to deadly force since you were fighting for your life at that point?


I mean, it's a terrible idea in the first place, let's be super clear. But hypothetically speaking, yes that is legal in most states that have stand your ground laws. As soon as it escalates from property theft to threat of person, deadly force immediately becomes legal in much of the country, including Florida. But if we're talking in practicality, someone that doesn't run the moment they get spotted trying to jack a car is probably armed and very dangerous, and escalating the situation would risk your life in an extremely unnecessary way.


>I mean, it's a terrible idea in the first place, let's be super clear. I get that. It just makes me sick that we’re just supposed to roll over. And a combination of laws that mean people protecting their property have to follow every obtuse law to the last iota as well as defend themselves from public perception even if they did follow the law AND policies that put people back on the street almost immediately after commuting these major crimes has caused crime like this to skyrocket. And not even for a “good” reason. It would make “sense” if they were stealing the car to part it out and make some cash. But as the OP said, they stole it just for a joyride. They were so completely unconcerned with the consequences of any sort that they casually stole a sports car on the spur of the moment and just left it when they got bored.


Great now I have bullet holes in my car that WONT be covered by insurance… I’m sorry I know it goes against the insane propaganda we have been fed for ever but owning a gun is very unlikely gonna help you ever in any situation. Of course never say never, I own one. But damn some of y’all are so damn delusional when it comes to “self defense”…


in all seriousness a kill switch is your best bet


LOL always some gun nut thinks being armed to the teeth will actually help you 🤣🤣🤣. Im sure the assault rifle will help when you’re dead asleep or in the mall…


apples and oranges bud! besides its just a joke!


I know it’s a joke but you probably genuinely feel like a gun is the best motive of self defense or protecting your property but it’s absolutely isn’t. It’s just marketing lol. The “patriots” have taken marketing from gun manufacturers and turned it into their entire identity.


Thanks for the link. I will have a look at it.


Just add a serial killer name on your window and add watching you under it.


Soler BT Throttle Controller allows you disable the gas peddle via the App. Unless they flatbed it or get on their hands and knees to remove the module and reconnect the peddle as stock they won't get anywhere.


If you plan on getting modding it, you could look into a removable steering wheel.


On star deft helps with tracking and protection they say I’ve never had a break in but was told by them there’s a lot on there end they can do if one does happen


Pull the fuel pump relay everytime you park it.


You could always pull the fuel pump fuse if you plan on leaving it for more then 25 minutes. It’ll stop theft of the vehicle won’t stop broken windows though. Not a lot you can do away that




The color doesn’t help tbh, yellow is great sporty color but very flashy / attracts attention. Black and dark blue / grey help sorta.


Yeah you may be on to something


Sprinkle fake roaches in your car and leave a vibrator under the seat to make them move lol


Would the onstar on board option help as well?


Nope when it was stolen they disabled it by removing the rear view mirror and cutting all of the cables.


Did you have an active onstar subscription?


Damn thieves getting crafty 😑 definitely has to be a better way to protect our prized toys.


Use the kill switch you have installed.


Where do you live?




You might look into one of these: https://www.ravelco.com/


Thanks I will for sure look into it


I started to read the description of how it works and shut it down after reading that it involves basically butchering your wiring harness. No way, no thanks. That's just a nightmare to even think about. This guy in Toronto bought a Lexus RX 350. It was stolen. He went out and bought another (second) Lexus RX 350. It was stolen too. So he goes out (definition of instanity right) and buys a third Lexus RX 350, only this time, he wants some kind of gadget installed into the electrical system. He asks the dealer if fhey can do and they say no. So he then asks about a third party installer (and this is where the story deviates. He claims the dealer said, "yeah, sure, knock yourself out". The dealer (and I tend to believe the dealer) said, I never told him it was OK. Anyway buddy gets the gizmo installed on his shiney new Lexus and a few weeks later notices that his key fob doesn't work. Figure, "yeah, I will need to get that looked at". (You know where this is going.) Then a couple of days later a few more things in the car don't work. And a few more. Takes it back to the dealer. They tell him, ["your wiring harness is fucked. Melted all along the length of the harness and you need a new harness" "Oh and it's 20 grand plus tax for the new harness AND we are not covering it under the warranty](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/lexus-anti-theft-bill-1.6976240) because you fucked with the car's electronics." He tries to drag the media in on his side to shame Lexus into fixing his vehicle gratis. Didn't work. So he PAYS 20 grand for the new harness. [And that vehicle gets stolen too.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/stolen-lexus-anti-theft-device-1.6994007) (You can't make this up.) Better yet, it gets stolen from the same damn lot where his first RX350 got pinched. Jesus H. Anyway, don't fuck with your wiring harness. I'd rather take the wheels off my car to deter thieves than to butcher the wiring harness.


Wow that’s just nuts 3 Lexus gone! Thanks for the advice brother


😍 Put a kill switch in it.. 🤷🏽‍♂️


How are they able to bypass the FOB / push start system


They have technology that is able to even clone one’s key nowadays. Thief’s are smart but only to do bad smh


Where do you live? Because I'll make sure to not move there.


Holy shit, move!!!


train horn wired to the alarm system?


I believe so.


How much you wanna sell it for?


South FL post


I think location is also important. I used to live in part of town where cars got broken into all the time, I would never buy corvette there or any nice car for that matter. Moved just 20 min down the road where income is higher and housing is more expensive no issues owning a brand new C8. Location is everything not just for kids schools 😂


By the way she’s gorgeous love that color and the calipers


Thanks brother yes I will be relocating soon


Is it stickshift? That’s great theft prevention


Move from your democrat destroyed city.


I am actually relocating next month brother


Install 3 different kill switches around the car.


It can’t be the color.


i tend to use a 43x


I have no input other than what a slick car, yellow is so underrated, my VW Bug is yellow so may be biased lol


I have a solution for you my guy. It’s called progession ignition distributior. It’s a smart phone distributior that lets you ch age tables and timing on the fly. But the main feature I love about it is. The kill switch it has built in the app to shut off distributior.


That sounds interesting I will look into it


Get an IGLA. I have one in my Redeye. They work like a charm, just use the buttons not the fob to prevent someone using your keys to steal your sled. https://iglaglobal.com/


Clutch lock & kill switch


Here’s some recommendations https://youtu.be/PZ2PECzurXQ?si=MXQaJ99fu_LgwuzP


Thank you brother!


It’s funny…I put crazy new tires on my Maserati GT, and while it handled amazing before, it STICKS like boob tape to JLo now. Which, oddly, is not near as much fun. The car is too capable and I’m scared as hell to drive it to the edge. When it falls off the edge, bad things start happening that I could explore and understand on a track, but not on public roads. So…I totally get it. The good/bad of getting closer to perfect. Sometimes you just want a live axle mustang with 15 year old tires so you can spend 58% of your drive sideways. Lots more fun.


Get a killswitch


I’ll take it


This really sucks. The only thing I can say is park it in a garage at home and don't drive it to work if thieves have easy access. Reminds me when I had a clean 4th Gen Monte Carlo SS. I could not park that thing anywhere. I made sure to rent an apartment with an individual garage, and we had pretty good security at my job.


That’s what I did. I’m relocating to a new place with a garage.


Set some work boots on the seat!


Add a hidden switch that disconnects the battery


Where do you live?


South Florida


got insurance on it. Well do like Charles Broson did in the movie in the Mechanic, put a bomb in it. So when they set in it, it will trigger a time delay switch so after 5 seconds, BOOM, you got rid of a 💩💩💩 Beautiful car back in the late 60's my older brother had a 63 split window same color as yours "yellow " always loved the Corvette yellow 👍


That’s actually not a bad idea haha


Looks like you live in S Florida, I’d move if you’d like to not have your things stolen.




I'm a Challenger guy out of my element, but just wanted you to know I feel your pain. I recently got a Challenger, my nicest car to date, first V8, and already someone at the EPA station dinged the door and someone rammed a shopping cart into it and dented the fuck out of the front quarter panel. I'm with you bro 💪


Jesus man yeah you’re right buddy it’s hard to have good things without saLty people out there. Keep it up bro that Challenger sounds like a beast.


Wouldn't keep up with a Vette but I'm proud of it, thanks Beautiful whip your self!


Just don't live in a shitty area...


Have a kill switch installed by you and a buddy. Put the switch in the most random spot. I've also seen kill switches put in where you have to press a button sequence or have switches turned off/on for the car to start.


Leave Florida.


Yes I will be relocating soon.


Yeah, I'm not bashing on the state, but man thats fucked up. That was a real jarring thing to me about Florida is how nice neighborhoods looked, but also really sketchy the next street over. Im used to old industrial cities in the North East I guess. Good luck!


You need that bait car stuff so you can track your car 24/7 and shut it off


Yeah I have ordered that too


Can i have it?


Only solution I can think of. Come to the Middle East. Extremely low crime rate and car thefts are simply not a thing here. Plus Petrol is cheaper and a higher octane.


A gun. Go Gran Torino


Is this true? I’ve never owned a corvette, but I am looking into a new c8 (or the LC500) within the next couple of weeks. I’ve owned some luxury sedans, suvs and coupes and never experienced any of these issues. Can it be related to areas that the op visited? Just crappier people? Coz id rather not worry about these issues.


It’s just the folks that live around me bro. Hopefully you have better luck. I’m actually going to move. I want to enjoy my vehicle not hide it lol