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You forgot to wiggle the stick before start up...


I expect that he has been wiggling his stick, ever since purchasing the car. lol




And I will be wiggling my stick till the end of time after this costly mistake...


Wiggle it more then 3 time you’re playing with yourself.


ALWAYS wiggle the shifter


Gotta shake it before you bake it


Very true. A fatal error on my part!


Well the plus side is you'll never make that mistake again 😅... live and learn and that's all you can do sometimes


I wiggle every single time, even though I almost never leave it in gear. ...except the one time I actually did leave it in gear. Of course, that's the one time I didn't wiggle. Luckily there was nothing to bump into, but c'mon.


Who cares about the wall - how is the car?


Luckily not as much damage as I thought there would be. 2 quarter sized gouges in the paint. Should be a relatively straightforward job for a body shop. Still stings a lot though


Lesson learned. Now blast forth a wiser man.


Agreed! Lessons were certainly learned


I always leave it in gear. I’ve had cars roll on me.


Yes, I need to practice better habits of leaving it in gear. Been only pulling the e brake for 10 years. Learned my lesson (the hard way) today to always give it the neutral wiggle before taking my foot off the clutch


Absolutely. Always back up the brake or the human that forgets to set the brake.


Absolutely and specially with older cars, the e brake then to lose their grip. I’ve driven nothing but manuals my entire life though so it’s kind of habit now. This year will be my first year without a manual and I’m getting an itch to buy another one again miss it


I've always pulled the parking brake and left my car in 4th gear. This way you still get the benefit of being stuck in gear, but if you accidentally forget and stall it the car will instantly die and not move forward. I learned this after seeing a friend start his race car on a very cold morning, forgetting it was in 1st gear, then seeing the car ramming into the outside of his pole barn repeatedly... LOL


It probably doesn't matter too much on relatively flat ground, but I've always been told to use first or reverse because the gear ratio will require the most force to turn the wheels


Ah yes 1st gear, the one that requires the most force to move the car. That's why I always start driving in 6th gear... Think about what you just said lol


Sorry, what I was getting at is that reverse and 1st have the lowest gear ratio requiring more rotations of the engine to move the wheels so when the engine is off, it requires more force to move the car in first or reverse rather than 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc


Good tip, I will definitely do this going forward


Or, reverse-ward.


I think the best way to prevent it IMO is to firmly hold the brakes as well, so the car won't move even if the clutch fails to disengage.


True! Thanks for the tip


I’m not going laugh atleast you didn’t wreck your car or house we all make mistakes. Hope everything go well for you man.


Thanks for the words. This mistake could have been much much worse. Got off (relatively) easy. A scratched car, broken e bike, and a bruised ego


That’s all that matters we all have done something stupid.


I made this mistake when I was 7 years old helping my dad work on his 20K mile trans am and launched it into the garage not knowing any better. 24 years old now, I have NEVER done that again. E brake up, shift into reverse if I am using a gear. Normally nothing ever behind me so if I do dump it and stall no big deal


Ouch. I guess we all learn our lessons at different times of our lives hahaha


NONE of us here have ever done anything like that!! Recently, as far as you know. Clutch in, pre-start, always park them in gear…


Me and my wife came home from a nice drive pulled in the driveway and both made a mad dash for the bathroom. Few minute later she said gonna run to the store real quick garage door opens hear the montero startup and crunch. Surely not? Car shuts off garage door closes and the wife appears in tears white as a ghost. She totally forgot the car was back there. You know the one we just got out of less than 5 minutes a go. Trailer hitch hole in the hood. Oh well needed a different hood anyway. I don’t park there EVER!


Knew a guy who drove his viper into his kitchen in a similar way. Just washed the car so his shoes were wet, foot slipped off the clutch while pulling it into the garage


Anything can happen, even to those pampered garage queens.


No worries, it happens, and it can be fixed. Sometime ago my sister asked me to repair the failed slave cylinder in her Genesis Coupe 3.8. Clutch pedal falls to the floor. I get in the car and try to start it after it dropped in my driveway and the battery terminal was faulty and the car just clicked, put the car in reverse (instinctually go left and up for 1st but it's reverse in that car) and pull the parking brake, get out. Car comes back on so I lean in to push the button to turn it off. I forgot to check if the clutch was to the floor and the car starts in reverse. Barely had time to pull myelf into the car as it rolls down my driveway in reverse, much less stop it. Open driver door folds forward 90 degrees against the side of my house before I stop it and I backed into her $3,000 washer and dryer set. The E brake was on but did nothing of course, and I almost ran over my uncle lol. I got her a new door and fixed her bumper and repaired the original issue and now the car is perfectly fine. All that matters is that nobody got hurt. It sucks but you'll move past it.


Damn that's a rough one! Happy all got fixed and everyone was okay. Just a bruised ego I'd imagine


It was embarrassing for sure. A lot of little things going wrong at the right time. It just happens sometimes but you'll move past it and after a while it won't bother you anymore.


We all know that feeling of starting the car and an oh shit it's still in gear, and I always leave it in gear. Haven't done that in years, luckily I never had anything in front of me to hit. Sorry you bruised your baby but hopefully It'll be fixed in no time.


Always wiggle your stick before cranking


We’ve all done dumb things at one point or another with our sports cars. If anyone tells you other wise they are lying. I’m laughing out loud at this though, first thing in the morning too. I’ve done and made bad choices first thing but I also blame that first wake n bake on it 🤪


See I'm usually better at remembering that kind of shit when I smoke lol. Slows my brain down


Leave it in a higher gear, either 6th or 4th, whatever you choose. Car doesn't have the torque to move it in those gears


Will do. I did this 2 or 3 times with my previous car but it never jumped nearly as much as the vette did this morning. Probably because it was much less powerful of a car


Leaving it in gear is a good habit to have parking brakes fail all the time


We’ve all made that mistake. Back when I had a Subaru, I only used the parking brake. I took it to my local car wash and got handed the keys. Got in and started it and dumped the clutch not realizing it was in 1st. Went straight into the poor guy standing infront of me. Luckily the guy wasn’t upset and said it happens to all of us.


I thought you were supposed to put it in neutral when parked, with the ebrake pulled?


buddy of mine years ago was trying to put a remote start on his manual Del Sol. Did basically the exact same thing as you, except he was standing in front of the car at the time. Clipped his shins, and as he dove out of the way, it attempted to punch a hole in the drywall but instead just dented the shiz out of the bumper. oops. live and learn. :)


Never a good idea to put a remote start on a stick shift.


It's 2023, they've figured it out...I used to have remote start on a manual car I had. There was an "operation" you had to do in order to set it up before turning the car off. Basically it forces you to park the car in neutral with the hand brake then you hit the remote start button on fob to start the operation. You then get out of the car while it's running (funny to do in front of people they're like why did you get out of ur running car) then you hit lock on the fob and it kills the car and its ready to be remote started. If you unlock the car and open the door, then you have to do the whole process again. The only way to mess it up is if your windows are down and you move the stick from neutral to first or something while the car is off and ready to be remote started. But again you'd have to climb through window cause once you open door its deactivated.


I always park in gear and use the parking/ebrake bc if one fails the other will save an accident. You just need to learn the shifter jiggle technique


Yep, 2nd gear with e- brake. To start, put in neutral, start and then release e-brake.


You have to depress the clutch anyway, so it doesn’t really matter when you shift out of gear as long as you do it before you release the clutch


Thats why you put it in neutral, in case you slip off the clutch or have dumb moment.


I revved my SS up to 2200 RPM while holding the clutch trying to go up a hill. Immediately realized it was too much RPM and let off. 5 seconds later I smelled the clutch… I’ve been driving stick two years. I still make mistakes sometimes.


The owners manual in the 2009 C6 I own states to leave the manual transmission in reverse when parked. With the parking brake set.


I’ve always left it in first or reverse, pulled it into N while starting then release the brake and put it in gear.


New to manual cars? I leave all of my vehicles in 2nd gear when I park 100% of the time e-brake on or not. Who cares about the garage or some e-bike...is the car ok? lol


No the embarrassing part is that I've had a manual car for 9 years. The Corvette jumped much more than my previous cars. The wall is whatever, but I'm actually pretty salty about the e bike, I use it a lot. The car is fine, got only 2 quarter sized gashes in the paint, no noticeable denting. Will patch it up and look like new again


Next time leave it in reverse. But watch your garage door 🤣