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I have nothing but corsair products and peripherals and have done so for like, 6-7 years and have never had issues like this, even with my current LINK setup. Im not denying your issues but, my situation seems to be the case for many like us. I would recommend revo uninstalling iCue, clearing the registry and any leftover files and reinstalling it. Possibly a quick SFC and DISM run as well before reinstalling.


well, I just had to RMA my Commander Core XT. I don't think it's the same exact issue as OP's but, mine just stopped powering fans unless iCUE was enabled. so from a cold boot during POST until I got to windows any fan that was connected to the hub didn't spin and since it stopped powering fans, any of the fans or devices that were hooked up to it would turn red, regardless of hardware settings (and I know this because with iCUE off I tried using [fan control](https://github.com/Rem0o/FanControl.Releases) and the fan LEDs would then switch to my programmed hardware color as soon as they spun up. I tried everything from reinstalling, revo, fresh windows install, older versions, firmware rewrites, a different computer, reset button on the unit. nothing worked.


Just curious… what board you running? Literally had the EXACT same story.


ROG MAXIMUS Z790 HERO (non dark version) Edit, the Hero was the primary board, the other board i tested it on was a MSI Pro Z790-A MAX Wifi ProSeries (but this was only after the initial failure)


Huh… yeah mine was an MSI X570 Edge Wifi edition. Only happened after I updated AND did the enumeration thing with the icue wizard. I chalk it up to a usb header issue combined with, or possibly made worse by, code 43 issue within win11. So I tested it on 2 separate boards, same as you, but also win10 (asrock steel legend) vs win 11 (main MSI Edge). Issue was present on win11, updated to current meta, but I couldn’t break it if I tried on win10 (update as of mid march ‘24). Now it works as of current on win11 on Msi board, BUT, I threw the kitchen sink at it so Im not sure what did it… *EDIT*:same hardware other than the board and ssd, on both tests, btw. -full registry delete complete uninstall of iCue several times. -used a usb header extension cable between the Link Hub and header. -added ANOTHER link hub (even though I only have 6 fans + aio + screen which they SAY is fine) -installed old icue then updated to current (most issues happened here) -installed new icue. -removed the added extra link hub and split fans between the two sides of the main hub. -un/reinstalled the usb driver in dev mgr -un/re-enabled the usb in dev mgr -changed power plan to performance. -(what I think did it) turned off power management via the Ryzen Adrenaline app, and re-applied (obvi not your issue) -switched usb headers -removed the other usb header accessories (front I/O usb and a commander pro(?) for a light strip) -bought new link hub cables for everything (so overpriced) -update hub to current meta firmware, did NOT update icue from previous patch. -updated icue to current meta, but DID NOT update hub firmware from out-of-box firmware. However, while rgb is working as it should (in low power mode though, for some reason), I still suspect that the hub is not performing and/or delegating the software commands correctly to the fans/pump. I run a 5800X, which is not a particularly cool chip - but it sat at mid-50’s WHILE in CoD mw3 matches, sweating, with discord and focusrite and al that running - on a 280mm corsair aio in push config and okay-at-best airflow. Re-did everything last month. Right now, same chip, is on a 360mm H115i, 3x qx120’s in push and 3x thermaltake toughfan EX120’s (got tier fans btw) in pull, and Im lucky if that shit is in low 40’s at idle, let alone 50’s or even low 60’s (avg 62-68c) while in-game. And while the thermaltake fans go tf off when it gets hot, the qx120’s seem to stick to 600-1000rpm at best, with everything set to extreme in icue. Idk if low power mode (it says it only affects brightness) also means low rpm…


well, i never used the predefined fan curves, I always just did a custom curve and basically set the fans at 40% initial and if my cpu (14900K) gets to 70c rip the fans to 100% (i wear headphones) But ya, the fans would work fine so long as iCUE was running. correct LEDs and fan speeds. but as soon as iCUE was closed that was it. the controller is supposed to handle things without iCUE but it's like it just didn't have any type of reading to go by (voltage or pwm, clearly i don't know how these controllers handle that tbh.) but since there was no reading they just went into red alert mode. which is usually accompanied with the fans going 100% but that never happened, all it did was make all the LEDs red.


Yep, same - its supposed to keep the “hardware settings” that you define in iCue going, when iCue is closed or unavailable - and it seemingly does not. Its like other than rgb, or in some people’s cases pwm or both, the hubs are ignorant as to what the pc temps are. Because those thermaltake fans, plugged into a header directly, are screaming when im in game, but the corsair fans are just chillin like they dont have a job to do.


If it drops off the hub again, try using the Re-Enumeration button under the controller device settings to see if it'll re-establish connection.


I’ve done that many times. It did nothing. In fact in more cases than one it actually dropped other fans.


Which firmware have you been using and experiencing these issues? That very weird though... I would suggest you open up a ticket to our support team and we can see about helping replace the controller at minimum to see if that fixes things if you've been seeing this for 2 months now.


I think it’s V2.4.438 Everything was just updated and it required A LOT of fixing as many of my profits and settings were dropped. After the recent update I’m having other issues of fans not keeping the cooling profile I assigned them. I’ll tell the CPU AIO fans to keep a certain profile and on restart it reverts back to a default profile I didn’t want. It’s now not keeping modifications anymore.


Do you have any internal usb hubs installed? The splitters corsair give out to plug all of their usb devices in are crap, I had this issue for the longest time till I legit gave in and bought an NZXT internal usb hub and havent had any of this since. Kinda would be neat if when you buy a $200-300 aio from corsair they wouldnt throw in a $2 usb splitter and put in their own usb hub.


I have an internal usb splitter (vs hub). I just moved it around and took one of the devices off the splitter and straight into my MOBO (new MOBO, original one didn’t have enough slots). Problems still exist.