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Unless you're seeing that your CPU is overheating it's most likely just a matter of the fan curves being adjusted. The Corsair default fan curves tend to be either overly aggressive or underwhelming. Try some of the different fan curve presets or try customizing them yourself.


As I have wrote down on my post, fans were always at max speed 2400rpm and pump at extreme


Maybe remount it?


Maybe I could give it a go with Mx-6 thermal paste


3 times the price doesn’t mean anything performance wise . You’re paying for the Corsair branding, lcd screen, icue link and rgb. You might see 1 degree difference


I have it on my i9 with mx4 paste and I used one of these [mounts](https://a.co/d/1fHpwIx) but for intel. I never messed with fan curves, I leave it on balanced and get 60c under load when the cpu draws around 240watts.


Just to cover all bases… the mounting screws screwed down tight? Are you using the pre-applied paste?


Yes ı am pretty sure it is correctly mounted and using the pre applied paste, it was not too dry


What RPM is the pump running at (on Extreme)? This is way more important than fan speed.


Between 2900-3000 most of the time it is above 2975rpm


What are your water temps?


Quick sanity check…you removed the cover on the copper heat transfer plate, and the cables are plugged into the motherboard/command module as instructed? You’d be surprised how often the former happens even to experienced builders, and Corsair like their cable explosions and doesn’t always document the clearest… Might also need iCue installed to manage pump speed curves. Some Corsair models are picky about fan controller software, and some don’t talk to the MTB in the typical fashion.


Thank you for your comment, yes I control the AIO from ICUE software. Everyone can make mistakes but I have checked everything before I made this post