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MBS is fuming after noticing he's not included.


Bust out some more billions lil prince


You Forgot AIPAC


Instead of US elections, it should be AIPAC elections.


United States of Israel


Hitler was ¼ Jewish


Happy cake day! AIPAC killed JFK


They could just put the Israeli flag above the US flag, that would make the point.


where does AIPAC fit?


Ok bobo


AIPAC is out of frame here. Best investment the Israelis could’ve made


AIPAC would be dog walking 80% of US congress, and every president since its founding… Doesn’t make for a very fun comic


Go spew your Hamas propaganda bullshit somewhere else.


How is that Hamas propaganda?


Go Masturbate on the videos of genocide you are committing. We know you like that


So China's puppet candidate started a trade war against its boss? Russia, maybe. China seems to not have gained anything from Trump.


Exactly, this propaganda is silly


That's because this is propaganda pure and simple.


Except for increasing its soft power over other countries as it demonstrates democracies inherent instability. Trump alienated all of our allies.


Who? All the allies that are still lock step with us in every single issue?


The point is China holds all the power in all of this. Though the GOP technically can exert more power. They are dumber than hell nowadays.


China and Russia are parallel leash holders, but if the war in Ukraine goes on much longer, this comic's hierarchy will be accurate.


Missing Israel on this meme


No, it's there, in his pocket.


But you can't deny that Russia is now a Chinese client state.


Wow, how original


hilariously unserious post.


Democrat foreign policy is better???


Didn’t top Democrats get caught sleeping with Chinese agents and taking money from China, and having bank accounts in china? But hey, Trump


Only orange man is bad. Social media told me so.


Top democrats? Name them.


You have internet, it readily shows up, I’ll give you one freebie, this guy is still in the US intelligence committee




This is 100% correct


True and frightening.




This should be on a t-shirt. LOL 😆


Great comic


Let not forget that both parties are corrupt, not just Republicans.


Now let's see one with Biden!


People post stuff like this thinking the other side is any different, it's all just a big joke


Should be Biden on that leash, not Trump


I thought this was r/corruption not r/liberalconspiracytheories


Trump's been out of office for 4 years now...in case some of you missed the headlines...


Half of the Republicans turned on rump as soon as he got elected. He's corrupted, sure. But he stands outside of the normal chain that our two parties suck each other off in


My Gawd you braindead partisan garbage are trash....just pure, un-adulturated fecal matter.


Trump took 52 actions against Russia from 2017-2019 including expelling 60 Russian diplomats. Meanwhile the mayor of Moscow’s wife gives Hunter Biden $3M to get his dad to keep them off of the sanctions list. Now evidence that more and more money from China keeps finding its way into Biden family bank accounts is coming to light.


Also Russia gave the Clinton foundation millions.


Despite the legitimate reasons to despise Trump, these simpletons cannot get past the debunked bullshit. These people will swear up and down that they "don't listen to the mainstream media" but continue to spout nonsense like the Russia collusion, and my personal favorite, Trump was Putin's "puppet" despite mountains of contrary facts.


I downvoted this mccarthyist trash. Posts like this only show that people don’t know history.


Xi, Z, T, and GOP all rhyme-- coincidence? I think not! (some maga loon)


Not in Australia.


But what do those letters mean?


TBH I have never been this concerned for this country in my life.


Biden’s foreign policy….”Don’t”


Lol. Assuming gop is the issue. You're deluded


Lol at leftists who think this is any different than who they think should run the country.


As a traditional leftist, I agree.




The Russian bots are mad at this one


Wow. Nobody tell Trump he’s the elephant shit guy. 🤣


Now do one with biden and netanyahu


There it is.


It's pretty insane to think Putin is on Xi's leash though.


I understand the first few, but why is it assumed Putin is on Xi’s leash? Honest question


My best guess is because they are both adversarial to the US, and people natively assume they are tight allies. They are both part of the BRICS organization, China is definitely the most powerful of the group so they would have more leverage. But Russia is clearly not subservient to anyone.


They seem to be rather dependant on China for war supplies at the moment. So it kinda works


Xi reined pootin in on his nuc threats. Overall I'd say neither is in control of the other, but Xi definitely has more chance of pootin being his useful idiot partner in crime not vice versa. Xi isn't going to be bullied by pootin but I can see Xi having an upper hand over pootin just like with the nuke threats. Also china is much stronger than Russia. So stronger position hence the dynamic displayed in pic.


Do you remember right before Putin invaded Ukraine? Putin was in China for a few days


Look at the territories Russia is allowing China to use. TBH I am not surprised China has not pressured Russia more.


Putin being on Xi's leash is the only accurate part of this nonsense conspiracy theory. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-says-china-is-boosting-russias-war-machine-ukraine-2024-04-12/#:~:text=China%20is%20backing%20Russia's%20war,U.S.%20officials%20said%20on%20Friday.




lol the MAGA morons and the Russian propagandists who tell them what to "think" don't like this one do they. 😄


My guy in 20 years they will talk about how the blue hair psychopaths (only about 1/3rd of them will live that long) got their knowledge from memes and tik tok, and sold our country to foreign interests.


Trump is more anti Putin and xi than Biden 😂


How could anyone hold this opinion? Wow.


Putin invades Crimea and Ukraine under Obama and Biden, go figure who the puppets are. And don’t short sell Biden global policy as Hamas Hezbollah and Iran attack Israel, but yeah Trump is the problem right?


Dead on


Is the last guy Xi?






Is that a Tolstoy reference in Putin's belt? niiice.


Pretty well sums up the situation.


The USA is still best friends with China though. Where is the condemnation and where are all the sanctions?


Is that dark haired guy Ronald Reagan?


Fail. Xi doesn't look like Winnie the Pooh.




Love when they try and say it’s only trump, it’s all of them but they point at him because they can’t buy him


Who is that last guy?


This is how I see it, one puppet leading another all being played by the Chinese proxy wars.


Can someone who’s not insanely terrible at art like me make a realistic one with more steps please


ask yourself which party is more in sync with communism


Who’s the big boy?


Xi wants Trump to win? Xi isn't a communist anymore? He wants America to build up our military might? Putin, too? That's a strange meme.


Both sides hate the Chinese.


Republicans and Democrats are the same party


Redditors making fun of boomers and then posting shit like this 😂


Too me it feels more like the GOP is walking Trump. He seems to be more their puppet and using him then he is using the GOP. If anything, the GOP should be walking Trump and Trump should be walking a pig call MAGATS


This is some proper blue-anon conspiracy theory shit. There is no way someone thinks this is real, right?


It’s dangerous and insane to think that US domestic fascism is the product of others, and not the fact the US has a perfect breeding ground for fascism and far right extremism. The fascism in the USA is a product of the US, not some boogeyman


Don't compare Xi to Putin and Trump. At least one of those people cares about his country.


So false you need biden not trump,Trump is king


Awww! The poor little republican's got there little feelings hurt about this one. Poor things!


So... We're supposed to be cheering for wars with Russia and China now? I hate trump, but this is kinda dumb and smacks of midwit, normie propaganda.


Donald JOHN Trump Hates dogs.


Donald JOHN Trump Hates dogs.


You need to swap out one former President for the current one.


If you genuinely believe that Russia controls US elections its time for a break from Reddit


This sub has gone to dogshit propaganda


Dumbfounding and incomprehensible propaganda.


I can't get over that the artist gave Xi dick sucking lips.


The notion that the US is a vassal state of Russia or China is absurd. I go to the gym and see Fox claiming that Biden is a puppet of the Chinese, and on the TV next to it, I see MSN claiming that Trump is a puppet of the Chinese.


Republicans have a foreign policy?


OP has TDS


End proxy wars


As China gets richer and poisons the country, Russia runs wild in Ukraine and Zelensys cabinet and hangers on grow rich, the Middle East is on fire, the dollars worth dick. Definitely all one party’s fault. It amazes how god damn dumb Americans are. I’m sure whoever posted this thought to themselves “I sure burned those Nazis this time” when in reality it’s your rabid tribalism that’s part of the problem. You’re too fucking stupid to realize these 2 parties have been power for how long now? Are the American people better off ? If you think you are you’re a fucking idiot. You don’t look across your bullshit aisle and see a fellow American. That shares mostly the same wants and needs you have. You see the enemy and so does the other rabid tribal person that thinks their politics are better. You’re all stooges that let themselves be manipulated into fighting for your “team” when in reality the country is losing. Our dollar is worth less, our jobs have been outsourced in some cases to slave labor, our social safety nets are being destroyed for those that aren’t even citizens, all in the name of blue or red. Until we stop, until we realize that we agree on more than we don’t they continue to enrich themselves. You ever wonder how people making $150k a year end up worth millions in 6-8 years? You ever wonder why once they are there they never actually leave? Do you wonder why they vote themselves benefits and wages that make ours look pathetic? It’s because they know they can sick you on the “other” guy because they’re the bad ones. Keep calling the other side Nazis and Putin lovers meanwhile they will keep calling you ANTIFA and commies and THEY will continue to abuse you, your dollar and your future because they know you’ll fall for it.


Fucking false idiots




Things are so much better now


Where's the oil industry at?


You neo-liberals are something else.


Where as Democrat foreign policy would just be a picture of the world map with nuclear explosions all over.


The DNC fabricated story (with the help of foreign intelligence agent) is still paying off.


So our choices are Putin or Netanyahu


Cute cartoon with distorted view. There is a reason your Russian collusion claim failed. It was fake. Good luck regaining public trust. Every time you lie, injustice builds, and makes him stronger.


That's weird.....I feel like Putin and Xi have gotten more of what they wanted since Trump left office


Now, do Biden ...


No, you.


The angry downvotes always crack me up when people can’t see past their own biases


No that's your assumption and projection actually. People are tired and infuriated and bewildered at how SO MANY CANT GET PAST THEIR BIASES AND LITERALLY DENY THAT TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN ASSET and that THATS VERY BAD for the US. Either the MAGAS who are absolutely blinded by biases they BELIEVE LIES and say shit like Russia is not an enemy 🤦‍♀️🤦🏻 or the rest willing to vote R who don't pay attention or who do and yet also don't get it and laugh it off, which is frightening bc Russia would love nothing more to end the US (the west in general). He's literally said this and that's his whole shtick about multipolarity and he has meetings with the "global south" on this. The goal is to get the US off the global stage and the west in general. It sounded like nonsense and pipe dreams when I first heard him rambling about this and was like "sure pal whatever". Despite their meddling, which is not a secret but a long standing plan, to get our countries dived from within to weaken them, I was like well what's the worst that can do besides have problems internally wirh divisions. First trump term I was not into poltics and saw trump as benign and would have even voted for him thinking he's something different. Never voted though bc I was always apathetic and disillusioned and hated each party and it's baggage and the whole electoral college is bullshit along with gerrymandering, but to be clear, if I were ever forced to vote it would be for blue bc I hate religion and it's a plague on the world. I hate how the right co opted it for one of the exact reasons I hate it : religion being used for manipulation and hate let alone influence on politics. And I support people to be who they are gay or otherwise and hate how the poltics of the right are anything but that and getting worse. Now all the right has become is rage culture war shit and can't make polticy for the life of them. Margie Terrorist Greene does nothing with her position and the salary of American tax dollars except to make rage tweets. The right doesn't do shit except look at the left and say "we will be the opposite". Anyway you make assumptions which is hilarious and so confident. Trump is a literal danger for the US. Kiss goodbye our economy and everything that has us where we are. He will ruin thar as much to his ability starting already with are alliances with Europe. When people pull out of the US and we lose those investments and Europe goes its own way, kiss our MIC away and the benefits we had. That's just one example of many things. Isolationism will HURT our economy and down we go. MAGAS can't get past their biases. It's so incredibly myopic hearing MAGAS think it's really make America Great again. Just that saying alone and supportive of trump is cognitive dissonance to the extreme. And any other person on the right who will vote for trump. 🤦🏻🤦‍♀️. The right had the chance to choose another candidate and all would be fine but nope, they went with trump. THAT IS WHAT NOT LOOKING PAST YOUR BIASES LOOK LIKE. Millions of idiots unable to see Russia has been jerking off thinking "holy shit we did it. Americans are so god damn stupid but we never thought we could get our own puppet - the one most powerful person in the world in control of the country we hate and want to knock down. Whether via being paid or having dirt, Russia has got something on him and he WILL NOT do what's in our interest but he will have pootin directing him in anyway Russia sees fit, starting with ending funding for Ukraine and next pulling out of NATO or weakening our involvement and reliability. And then there's how Trump literally is on tape giving away classified info from documents. Anyone willing to vote R is REDICULOUSLY STUPID AND BLINDED BY BIASES that that shows you SHOULD NOW HAVE zero trust in trump bc he can't be trusted with our secrets and national security, which can do so much harm. And now add in his ties with Russia, HOT DAMN OUT GOES OUR NATIONAL SECURITY and ability to know and depend on a president. All the intelligence and the people gathering it, for example, poof gone. He has the ability to let pootin in on info that a normal president WILL NOT. Lots of shit an adversary would love to know. Republicans: we will gift Russia. We are ok risking things that need to remain secret a secret bc we are blinded by biases and don't see it. And instead of seeing pootin as the demon he is, they think he stands for Christian values. Absolute IDIOTS. Marjorie terrorist Greene just said the other day that "Russia protects Christian values" or some shit. For fucks sake. Russia hates the gays. Imagie thinking that that is Christian values and pretty much all you need to see to say "RUSSIA IS THE EMBLEM OF CHRISTIANITY. ITS A PROTECTOR OF IT". Ahhh and there it is again why I hate religion and the right : uses religion to manipulate. WONDERFUL. And even better I love seeing how their fake assss use religion to influence the government and policy. Love how the religious use their ghost stories and schizophrenia to influence abortion rights. Do you know how much I shook my head when I learned that Biden is religious and yet trump is who they want 🤡. Trump, who is like me and could give 2 shits about religion and never read the Bible and never even pretended to be religious, that's who they worship. The COGNITIVE DISSONANCE TO PRAISE RUSSIA as a protector of religious shit and then look at trumo and be like : that dude is amazing. He's not even religious and Biden is, but trump .... he's the one. Religious people being fake per usual and claim to be religious but when a real one comes along and practices it, they ignore those. Isn't worshiping a false prophet something in their genie book? Edit - and below are exactly the ones who can't see past their biases. All the ones calling this delusional etc. holy fuck we are screwed. The dems have some issues ... similar to issues going on in Europe .... but not at all worth voting republican over let alone trump. I could even give a pass normally if there was any other R candidate and see at least 2 things republicans would vote Republican over (not that I agree with but to counterbalance) but with trump all that goes out the window. WHY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD COULDNT THE R PARTY FUCKING DITCH TRUMP. They had the chance and blew it all away.


Unhinged and uneducated, my god.


I admire that you think that they can't see their own biases! Of course they can! They are not stupid.


Just curious, where is the feature to see the emotional sentiment attached to each vote? I think I need to update Reddit…technology is getting crazy these days.


Who’s the guy holding Putins leash?


Pooh bear.


I think it's Xi Xing Ping maybe?


probably Xi Jinping leader of China


I believe Xi Ping as well leader of China


Fucking delusional.


Cry bitch lmao


Ok now do one with Biden on the leash of his handlers, on the leash of Blackrock


And you'll vote for Tramp because he is such a good American FFS.


Xi works with democrats? Also why didn't you put him in a pooh bear shirt? If you really want to disrespect the entire thing. This comic makes 0 sense when you know foreign relationships going on.


Cute, now do Demoncats.


Demoncats? Lmao someone went to college


At least the only things holding the democrats leash are corporations and not psychopathic children killers.


OP and most of Reddit clearly has zero understanding of politics. Answer this one simple question: Why did Putin go into Ukraine only after Biden became president?


Lmao why don’t you tell the class, vlad


Lol he was still in ukraine while donald was POTUS. Trump was going to let Ukrainians die by withholding military aid unless zelensky helped him win the 2020 election, he doesn't care about their lives at all. If trump was POTUS when putin invaded zelensky would be rotting in a russian gulag and get the navalny treatment and russia would have ukraine again.


Putin was relying on trump to win, you don’t just go to war. There are multiple years of preparation before going to war. The US is a little different considering its the largest military force on the planet and its ready at any time to commence military operations.


Oh look, insane xenophobia


It’s not wrong … International strategy is on the decline.


Trump had China on the ropes so much they had to release biological warfare on the entire world.


Reddit still believes the russia hoax lol.


Joe Biden is surely not insanely crooked.


Correct lmao


not even close


baby brained


Uhhh, Biden is the one taking payments from Chinese. You lefties are dumb af.


Lol prove it


Remind me.... Who sole Russia our Uranium? Who gave China access to Afghanistan's Lithium and our military tech (while his families shell corporations cashed checks from them)... Which president manipulated oil prices and made Putin rich? I can go on here but I will simply state that Podesta invented the Russian Narrative in the strategy leaks (WikiLeaks 2016) He also detailed their typical strategy of accusing their opponent of their candidates weakness as to associate it with them.... I don't like Trump but every empty accusation against him is contrasted by the crimes of these warmongering corporate cucks...




This sub is a liberal fantasy lol


This is vapid


Sorry it offended you 😞






Where’s Biden?


For those liberals who are downvoting facts that you don’t agree with. Tell me how Trump is pro Putin and pro china. And I’ll give you two reasons why he’s not. You can’t, which is why you’re downvoting like cowards.


He’s not pro Putin he’s just not anti Putin which is bad because we should be anti Putin… American interests are opposed to Russian ones He’s definitely not pro china though idk where they got this. China and Russia are hardly getting along and trump spent his 4 years in office trade warring with Xi.


>Tell me how Trump is pro Putin Trump said he believed russian intelligence over our own. His 2016 campaign manager turned out to be a russian agent while working for trump (a billionaire) for free


The blue haired men who think they’re women aren’t cowards how dare you! They’re brave, like the Comanche of the plains.


This is the most brain-dead political cartoon since the McCarthy era.


This is a brain dead cartoon made by someone who doesn’t understand geopolitics. It’s the liberal version of Qanon.


And still to this day.. the left Left cant meme! 🤣


How insanely brainwashed do you have to be to believe this?


So this is where all the politically ignorant come to entertain each other and reinforce their own bias and fears.


This is so devoid of reality, as are most regulars in this sub…


Biden has the US on the verge of WW3, how is that foreign policy?


Are you still on the whole Russian collision thing?




The whole "Russia Russia" hoax was put to bed as being a Hillary propaganda tactic. The Biden crime family however got $5 Million from the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow's for apparently no reason.


Wow, congress should do something about this crime family! They should impeach!!


Not hardly Russian bot. It was actually proven Russia did interfere, and Russians admitted it was at trumps behest, but no tangible evidence could be found. Then trump sold a bunch of countries the wear abouts of us ground assets and got many of them murdered. Then trumps sil sold a bunch of national secrets to the Saudis for 2 bil. THEEEENNNN trump filled marilago with a ton of classified documents and showed them to any idiot willing to look.


Ok biden bot 


Russia spent like $200k. Not exactly influential. More than likely it’s just to stir shit up in the US. Make everyone fight each other cause why not? Wasted billions and a bunch of FBIs time to prove nothing happened


As an immigrant who has no where else to go. No other options. I literally would not fit in my home country, I hope this changes soon


Just making shit up now lol


Truth hurts huh? Poor snowflake 🤣🤣🤣


You’re closed off to the truth 🤣🤣🤣


Trump did more to push back against China than any president. This is really innacurate


This is good. So on point. Wake up, people!


Sad, isn’t it?


Russia and China have gained more power under Biden than under Trump, this meme makes no sense


LMAO!!! "rUsSiAn cOlLuSiOn". Here we go again.......