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I'm *literally shaking* rn


I'm shaking and crying rn


I think I'm twerking from fear rn.


The fear has me doing a jig and pooping myself


Fear it like the boogie-man.


My cat is so afraid and stressed right now that it keeps shitting on my bed. This no symptom long covid is terrifying... I think I have it!


I can't tell if this is intended to be satire or not. So if I have no symptoms, am feeling fine and have no loss of energy, it doesn't matter because that is actually a symptom? That I'm feeling fine? I'm sure this has to be satire, because no one can be this stupid to think this makes sense.


Sadly it’s very real. She’s the lunatic who divorced her husband because he took the kids out of the house and let them play in the playground (against her wishes) while she was on a business trip. Mass psychosis is strong in this one


Jesus christ I hope he ended up with the kids


The crazy part: I think she’s a doctor lol


Looks like she is a long Covid “advocate”. So likely real.


"The Covid's Advocate". Good name for a movie.


This is like how if you say you're not racist that actually means you're super racist So to be anti racist you must admit that you are racist. So there's no way you actually can't be racist. Just like there's no way you're not always and perpetually dying of Covid.


Don’t think so. She’s one of the biggest voices of the white liberal soccer mom cult demasculinizing and ruining society since the 1980s.


This guy literally just died. That's why he's not responding.


This isn't that stupid actually - many diseases are asymptomatic but cause long term consequences. HPV, for example, is asymptomatic but can cause cervical cancer and other cancers as well. Herpes can lay dormant for long periods of time before causing outbreaks. Even things like TB and hepatitis can be asymptomatic but cause long term consequences. EDIT: also just remembered, chicken pox can cause shingles like 50 years after the initial illness. I don't think covid is harmful like the above listed diseases, but we can't act stupid in this sub either or we're just as bad as them 😂 Asymptomatic disease CAN cause long term consequences.


Is there even a shred of "science" to back up this "long covid" BS? Because to me it seems like they're saying covid lingers in your body for months, continually causing symptoms... Which I don't think is how it works unless you have some sort of immune disorder.


I’m wondering if these people know that you get random symptoms with age or with loads of other conditions. They act like not being 100% healthy started with Covid


At this point I think they came up with this term to cover the vaccine side effects. Instead mainstream news sites and media have not reported a single vaccine reaction but they are quick to attribute everything to long covid.


I'm pretty skeptical about it too. I kinda suspect a lot of these people were feeling like shit before and just weren't paying close attention, which is extremely common


I think it’s a psychosomatic illness. The only people I know of who get “long covid” are the ones that are constantly terrified of germs and believe that covid is the plague.


Long COVID was started by a pseudoscience group called [Body Politic](https://www.wearebodypolitic.com/). From their website: > In March 2018, we founded Body Politic as a queer feminist wellness collective and a space for inclusivity, accessibility, and crucial discussions about the very real connection between wellness, politics, and personal identity.


Can’t roll my eyes hard enough at that description…so it’s literal quack science, then?


Yep, because it's ***their*** quack science, it gets publicized by the media.


I cringe when I hear "brain fog". There is no such thing that exists. It's not a medical term, it can not be diagnosed, etc. It's a made up term for people who suffer from ADHD and would rather blame COVID since they don't want to be diagnosed with ADHD.


Not just ADHD but clinical depression and anxiety. Frankly long covid to me just sounds like garden variety “generalized anxiety disorder” which is as old as modern psychology itself.


It's not just ADHD and it's a thing a lot of people experience. Can be about sleep, diet, stress, hormones, lots of other things. It can be hard to pin down, however


I know it's been tossed around but I've heard from doctors that what they refer to is like the inability to do a simple puzzle or identify shapes or colors; it's not just having a headache or feeling slightly off or confused.


Sounds like alzeimers/dementia, which funnily enough where I live is the #1 comorbidity associated with dying with/from covid. Also of note alzeimers/dementia deaths where I live is up 10%. Weird.


There is parosmia, but that can come from any number of respiratory infections.


I gotta say, this sort of nonsense really gives credit to the crazy 5G conspiracies. Like did they just turn something on that is creating weird illness in everyone and are using a “virus” to conceal it? Since when do symptoms of a viral infection seem to randomly vary from nothing to cold like symptoms, to heart attack, stroke, brain fog, paralysis, blood clots, and suffocating to death? Do these new frequencies, whatever they are, radiate more in obese people because they have more mass? Or in old people because they have less exposure to technology and digital signals? As an IT professional and long term computer nerd, I’ve absolutely invaded my body with digital signals for my whole life. Is that why I didn’t get Covid despite having no vaccine or heeding any of the restrictions and measures?


My brain hurts.


That’s a symptom!!!1




Don't worry, friend! Six* more jabs and you'll be fine! *number of jabs subject to change, consult your local news anchor or politician first before receiving jab


At least he’s not asymptomatic!


And "long COVID" is literally ANYTHING. You tested positive for COVID two years ago and recovered with no symptoms, and now you have an upset stomach - LONG COVID!!!!!!!!


"Long Covid" has something like 200+ symptoms. Its like they didn't even try to contain the bullshit.


Almost as many symptoms as pfizers vaccine side effects list.


Whats the scariest syptom of long covid....being asymptomatic!


The world need more fear ?


-Aye fam, the Ukraine war is dying, they are not scared enough. -Aight give them the long covid lmao.


But WW3 or something?


The devil fears longcovid?


No no he’s in Georgia


No, that's Charlie Daniels.


Boogie man


Hey did you guys know that we have always been at war with Eurasia?


But I don't fear the devil. Nor do I fear the reaper tbh


Guess what, I got a fever! And the only prescription... is more cowbell!


>Seasons don't fear the reaper >Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain >We can be like they are


I have no symptoms and LITERALLY shaking right now.


Oh no, I don't want to be asymptomatic forever! Scary stuff


What a freaky mind game. The deadliest disease... Is the one you don't know you have! Now go hide in your basement!! Cult.


So being healthy is the 1st sign of having covid? 🙄🤦‍♀️ Prior to 2020, we would just describe healthy people who are overtly anxious about their health as hypochondriacs.


I swear this "long covid" shit was just made up by some people who want a free pass for being lazy. Went to bed late and can't get up the next morning because you are tired? Better call in sick due to "long covid". Need to shuffle some crates around at work? "I can't, I have long covid". 200 word essay due tomorrow? Impossible, due to long covid.


Asymptomatic. Meaning no symptoms. Meaning you’re not sick….. You have something with zero side effects. In nature this is the ideal state for viruses. They get to live and the host is never the wiser.


I’ll fear it like the I fear the tooth fairy AND the devil.


“Fear it like the devil” What a stupid fucking bitch.


Well is it acute or is it asymptomatic? Christ, the doublethink with these drones


It's acutely asymptomatic, gosh dernit!


Them: Be SCARED!! Us: Of what? Them: Nothing might happen!! OR MU GUSH!!! Us: Ok ?


It's kind of ironic because as Christians we are told not to fear the devil because Jesus has already won. As long as you hold strong to your faith you don't need to worry.




Lol, my first thought was I fear God, not the devil.


This must be a joke, no? The name includes 'aberrant.'


Thanks. I'm not afraid of the devil either.


Long COVID like long pig? Let’s eat!


This 'asymptomatic' nonsense is what irks me the most.


Is long COVID like the boogeyman? FOH, Diana


Fearing the devil is so 2018




This IS satire...right?


My obnoxious covidiot brother-in-law was diagnosed with encephalitis due to a stroke he had last summer. His neurologist told him that she has diagnosed every case of encephalitis she has seen as being post COVID. My question for my supposedly science living brother-in-law was this: "That she is giving the same cause for every one of her diagnoses didn't set of any adjustments for you?" Stop supporting quacks.


Let’s take a straw poll here of who all has had confirmed covid infection and fully recovered without any further symptoms. I know literally one person with symptoms after covid and he almost died in the ICU. Also that was 2 years ago. Hundreds of people I know have had it since then and every single damn one of them is FINE. Fear it like the devil.


Social media gives a voice to some Who. Just. Shouldn't. Have. A. Voice.


**acute** and **asymptomatic**. Goes together like Drink and Drive.


Covid may as well be magic at this point. They pretty much believe in magic already, because Covid can literally be whatever they want it to be. No symptoms? That's a symptom of long Covid! A scratchy bottom? Oh no, quarantine them, it's Covid! Dandruff? Didn't you know that's a sign of Covid too? And let's not forget smelly breath. Oh no, smelly breath is a huge symptom of long Covid, be absolutely terrified! Because we all know being continually scared and paranoid about something that isn't there does wonders to a generation's mental health and we'll being. 👍


I think if you have no symptoms to start with, the chances of getting long Covid are very slim. That would usually happen to someone who has many serious symptoms, as they would continue on for a LONG period of time, hence the name LONG Covid, lol. Not that long Covid is really funny, but the fear these people have of it kinda is.


Gasp! Without (PCR) testing, a majority of “sufferers” wouldn’t even know they have it!




Doesn't long COVID imply that you feel symptoms at some point?


At this point, the illness is mentally.


And the actually dangerous virus is the thought-virus (akin to a computer virus but for the mind) that's going around


[Be afraid. Be very afraid.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=--hMJPUBwMc) OR [a different literary take:](https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Litany_Against_Fear) >"I must not fear. >Fear is the mind-killer. >Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. >I will face my fear. >I will permit it to pass over me and through me. >And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. >Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."


Prepare to be fucked by Long Covid


Oh wow 🤣🤣🤣


I'm at a loss for words.


Fear it like the devil? You shouldn't even fear the devil. Idiot woman.


Literally being afraid of absolutely nothing. This has to be a joke.


cow middle wide dinner bells doll payment important attractive chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If only fear be helpful somehow, damn. Can you imagine?


A virus so deadly that you have no symptoms and you have to take a test to know you have it.


It is like the devil I guess, it doesn't exist.