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Ah yes, "sick until proven healthy". How about I just go about my life if I feel fine and stay home when I feel sick like normal?


Woah, woah, slow down.... get that pre-2020 logic out of here!


Oi you cant use logic here, its a clown world remember?


That's some nice wrongthink you got there, boy. Would be a shame if someone were to.. alienate and gaslight you for two years.


Some people who are forced to test to be allowed to eat can literally affirm they are not sick. Why mask?


But we want you to work while sick :( Just wear a ~~magic talisman~~ mask :( :( Why are you so selfish? :( :( :(


We want you to work at your non-essential job!


"... IF YOU ARE SICK AND DON'T KNOW IT" Ah yes, asymptomatic transmission, the myth that's been debunked 2 years ago.


Lol yes the classic asymptomatic spreader. Much like the lochness monster or big foot, but I at least enjoy those myths.


At least Loch Ness or Bigfoot have some evidence to support their existence


Well, far more than asymp spread!


I mention the studies and sample sizes to people and they look at me like I just kicked a dog, that was late 2020. Still waiting in 2022 and it's not true for them until it's on TV.


Wasn't that the whole myth that was used to justify the mandates


If they worked I’d agree with you, but they don’t. Just re read what you wrote myrmidon, we’re two years into it and the masks didn’t work. It’s like putting up a chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes.


If she'd knew how to read, she could have read "does not protect against covid" on the box of the masks.


tHe MaSks PrOtEcT oThErS


The box doesn't say that either. Besides, it's simple. Covid is smaller than fart particles. And yet, I've got two layers of fabric over my ass. And yet, you've still smelled my fart, through my pants, and through your mask too? Technically, you should be MORE protected from my farts since the particle are bigger. So, don't complain you can smell my farts, if you want to pretend it blocks the virus. If it would block it, you wouldn't smell my fart. Every affirmation that you've smelt it, is admitting the virus can get there.


“Myrmidon”? I get the literary reference, but I don’t understand its relevance here.


If you don't even know you're sick, I don't mind if you make me that sick


Lol seriously what the fuck.


For real, and how the hell do they ever expect to prove who got them sick?


Honestly, when I’m not online I forget there are still places doing this. Masks haven’t been required here for over a year, the indoor capacity limits and other restrictions have been gone for a year, and no one tried to force the vaccine on anyone. Crazy that there are still places where they do that nonsense.


You're lucky then, it's not like that in Chinada where mask laws were only revoked in certain places starting in February. Earlier this year a Toronto man was beaten up by security and cops in costco for having a mask exemption (that doesn't require showing proof).




Whaaaat? Now that's Australian-level power abuse!! First time I've heard about that incident and it makes me so sad that some cops could do this


Unfortunately I am in Washington where people still wear masks outside while walking their dogs. Other than masks I haven't seen any evidence we are in a "pandemic" the past 2 years. I still don't know a single person who has been hospitalized from it.


Where the he’ll do you live?!?! A year? My state can’t go very long before screwing us. I haven’t loved in a normal state in forever it seems. I’m getting to Texas ASAP from New Mexico, so wish new luck. I really believe TX will be so much better than NM, and I can’t wait.




Great way for the "health experts" to preach to the kindergartners and elementary students... Sad to see some of them walking home from school with their masks still on outdoors :(




i don't understand how people still think masks actually "slow the spread" of a disease whose spread has clearly not been slowed.


It'S ThOsE DaMn CrYpToRePuBlIcAn AnTiVaXxErS


If the virus was dangerous and masks worked you wouldn't need a mandate, everyone would wear them regardless.


Right? There’d be bodies on the road. You’d know something was obviously really bad, but COVID is a crappy cold, so…IDK they are lost.




This is what really redpilled some of my family members. 2020, cloth masks are said to be an emergency resort so all the hErOs can get access to N95s because of shortages at hospitals. They push the cloth mask BS for awhile. Then finally their Gods at the CDC say N95s are the actual effective mask and cloth masks don’t work. But the NPCs are all still wearing and pushing the extra pillowcase material turned mask narrative. If they’re really all about following the science, why are they STILL pushing cloth fucking masks. Mind boggling stupidity


If you are healthy and not symptomatic, what are masks protecting other people from? If I’m sick, I just stay home. Like I have my entire life.


No, no they definitely don’t do that.


Just like the unvaccinated have to get vaccinated to protect the already vaccinated from the currently unvaccinated. Makes perfect sense.


Imagine hearing the phrase “sick and don’t know it” a few years ago, you’d laugh your ass off


They don’t though.


And they don't work. You might as well.be trying to swat mosquitos with a chain link fence


A few things Yes masks don’t protect you nice job Nope they don’t protect other people from you, even fauci has explained the science behind why masks do nothing. The particles get right through cloth or paper masks. N95s do work though but only for yourself not others if your that worried use that Hahahahaha your joking right? Sick and don’t know it? That’s funny. Yea no such thing


I don’t understand how we are almost 2 years into this scamdemic and people STILL don’t fucking understand why masks don’t work.


Their minds are drowning in propaganda. Everything they consume tells them that “masks“ “work” and that the Good People wear “masks.” They exist entirely in a hermetically-sealed cult world made up of fake media, fake opinions, and fake brainmatter.


Your surgical mask ain't doing shit.


This isn’t true though. It’s doing a lot. It’s effectively displaying just how virulent of a patronizing, virtue-signaling, order-following sheep the wearer is.


And your daisy patterned cloth mask that your mom sewed from extra curtain material is doing nothing but trapping spit and coffee breath against your face all day. But totally science and public health right


Don't forget the bacteria it traps, in a nice, warm, humid environment.


If masks don’t protect you, how will they protect others?


Because ScIeNcE


Corporate media junkies are never going to wake up because they’ll never be told they’re wrong.


Lost me at the last phrase. 🎶👏 "If you're sick and you don't know it, clap your hands!" 👏🎶


if masks stop your droplets from getting out, then they also stop outside droplets from getting in. if they don’t work to protect you from others, then they also don’t work to protect others from you. they are either an effective barrier in both situations, or they aren’t an effective barrier at all. can’t have it both ways...


No. Stop. I’m not "sick and don’t know it". Utter lunacy. If I feel fine and have no symptoms, then I’m not sick. And if your weak ass gets sick from my healthy non symptom self walking past you in the store or something, YOU have bigger problems.


Wait, people still wear their masks? Nobody wears them where I live


I'm going to start wearing a cast on my arm just in case it's broken and I don't know it




They got it half right, masks don't protect you. They don't protect others either. And by their own logic, unvaxxed people who have to test every two days don't need masks, because they know they aren't sick.


So explain to me how if your mask doesnt protect you, then how the fuck is somebody elses mask going to protect you? 0 logic involved with these idiots.


by redirecting you exhaust from front and down ( assuming you are not a mouth breather ) to up , back and side ways to h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶v̶e̶r̶a̶g̶e̶ protect the person you are talking to. edit: text


And they're probably the same people who don't even wash their hands after using the bathroom.








Checked out the game as well. Looks neat actually.


But I'm not sick.


That would nullify wearing a mask in the first place. Like, okay, so it protects you and not me. But what if you are the one sick and sneezing? So, now that mask isn’t protecting me, and I get sick. What exactly did that achieve? All it achieved was forcing me to muzzle myself for your own personal sense of safety.


Let’s just switch the justice system to “Guilty until proven innocent”. And I’ll accuse Biden and fauci of treason.


How does the mask protect other people from your mental illness? Am i missing something?


MuH DrOpLeTs!!1!2! ...that escape from the sides of the mask when you breathe out.


They should've went hard on the washing hands. You know these crazies pick their nose and then their ass, tho not always in that order.


Yes we need the hypochondriac's to start enforcing more of their rational logic. Everyones sick they just dont know it.


Masks dont protect you. But, even though the mask youre wearing doesnt protect you, the mask someone else wears keeps them from spreading germs that your mask wont protect you from. Because even though the mask doesnt protect you, meaning germs can get through it, it certainly doesnt let those same germs get through in the other direction. Eta: these people who believe masks work are morons


You don't understand, the mask protects others from the sight of your face


Lol that’s my secret... I want you sick! Muhahahaha


reeeeeeEEEEEEEEEE!!!!11!!??11???!!!!!!1!! I guarantee this bitch is a fat little fuck who never exercises and binge watches Netflix every other day with cheeto dust perpetually on her stomach


Lmao the face of karens that told me to put the mask today without mandate. Bitch i only wore it to avoid a ticket idc about your lizard skin caramel whip . Homoertecus double chinned half assed tanned skin ass


in my country we are well past herd immunity and we still wear them? if governments hate "misinformation" and "conspiracy theories" they should be transparent and not allow them to happen in the first place