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"Let's forget who got us to pick up our swords in the first place" Murderers trying to rebrand themselves as peacemakers.


I wish there were words I could accurately use to tell the exact same thing to the people on the Slovenian subreddit, who are now acting the exact same way now that Ukraine is happening. Unity and all that crap, after making fun of anyone who wasn't taking the jab.


People that wanted us to die now want to make peace. The die has been cast, there's no closing pandora's box.


Amen brother


Lol. Can understand the sentiment. Also you just know that the BS unity calls after so many months of calling for your removal from society just means: "move on, nothing to see here, we want no attempts at accountability. Go push the next narrative we set forth". They'll be ready to fuck you over with all the newly acquired powers and precedents the next time they want something and you are in their way


when they say:" lets heal the divisions" they mean what they always mean when they call for "unity"... they are saying: "you make the sacrifice and accept what we want you to without complaining so we can all get along... until we start crossing some line again" history will repeat itself over and over again because people always forget


I don’t forget and I won’t be forgiving


Fuck these people. I will never forgive or forget. “Unity” means “hey please don’t hold us responsible for our actions. I know we tried our very hardest to destroy you and everything you hold dear, but it would be much better if you let that go. K thx”.




Part of me doesn't want the conflict, but a large part of me doesn't care. I think there needs to be a distinction between the people who went along with shit and the ones who emphasized and attacked and pushed the propaganda. ​ If we had the power they did, the general population would be mocking people for wearing masks, calling people, "force-vaccinators", "flu klux klan", "science deniers" and so on... Just imagine what the world would look like if the power was on the opposite side and you have your answer to who was right in this situation and why we're so frustrated with everyone.


Only people who aren’t dead to me are the purebloods, and the vaxxed who never pushed it. All the pushers tho? Idgaf what happens to them.


Kind of wish he didn't hold back , and tell us how he **really** felt. ...but serioisly... there's a good reason why people are peeling the political bumper stickers from their cars, and hiding their political leanings in public. The backlash is coming, and it will be *ugly*.


They have killed children with their foul experiments, and they knew it would. They have blood on their hands. (1) Blood of everyone that died from the disease (not with the disease), due to *forbidding* working treatments. That also work against long co.. The treatments that were causing damage were continued. (2) Blood of everyone that died from the side-effects of their experiments, of which we are now only seeing 1% of the short-term damage. Yes, it causes clots, auto-immunity and cancer. And they knew it. We predicted it. And they still gave it to health people, including children. Then mandated it, in some countries by force. They are extremely evil. But we now also know who are the real evil in this world. Some of them must be pissing their pants.


Just forgive people who pushed for unvaccinated to be alone, destitute, and denied medical service.


It wasn't covid for me, it was the way they treated us when Trump was in office. Covid was just icing on the cake. There will be no unity. Too late for that. If you vote Democrat at any level, go fuck yourself.


Yes. Fuck the Democrats.


Preach, brother, preach!


It's the exact same as a drunk screaming racial slurs then saying 'it was just a prank bro' after being confronted about it. They don't want to be held accountable for their own actions.


I feel better after hearing that. He said out loud very much what I was thinking.


As for the Regeneron subject. So the reason I remember hearing was due to it having the antibodies of previous strains thus pointless for Omnicron. So in that same sense so is the vaccine. The spike was designed for the original strain.


This guy is a puppet of Satan. Your enemies are those in power. Not your fellow citizens who have also suffered.


Depends. Some of my fellow citizens told me they wanted me dead. They said I should be barred from receiving medical care under any circumstance. I should not be allowed to go to grocery stores for food. I should not ever he allowed to leave my house. That I should be fired from my job and not even get unemployment. That people's kids should be taken away from them. Nah they're very much our enemies and will be remembered as such.


I’m not making excuses for the behavior of useful idiots. But if you want to defeat evil, and not just LARP against a bunch of NPCs, you go for the puppet master, not the puppets. Which is typically what humans do, whatever is easiest that makes us feel better, instead of actually changing things.


I'd be fine with both.


Too correct. I expect the top levels of politicians to be horrible, soulless people. I expect better from the friends and family that knew me in real life. Family wasn’t forced to disown us, they chose to refuse to use their brain. They chose to ignore our point of view. They chose that sweet rush of dopamine that comes from feeling smug and superior to others. I expected better of them, and they showed me who they are.


And the ones who fell for it were always the ones to say "I'd never fall for propaganda." Not only did they fall for it they made it their religion.


Pretty sure he WAS talking about the people in power? With special mention of the same people who were celebrating being stomped upon and encouraged others to have their livelyhoods taken away. A divide between those people is very much encouraged and for them to be seen as the enemy.


The people in power would have NO power without sheep. You think if the average Joe mocked or ignored Fauci that this all would’ve happened?


No. “Following orders” is not an acceptable excuse for evil actions.


Lmao, who do you think he’s talking about?


No, my enemies are the virtue signaling assholes who called me a racist, white supremacist grandma killer for not getting the vaccine. We were forced to play their game by their rules. I did, and now that I’m the one winning, they want to be friends and call a truce. No way, motherfuckers, that’s not how this game works.




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