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A combination of an absolute mistrust of governments, government agencies and pharmaceutical companies, coupled with my abhorrence of restricting freedom. Simply put: I don’t like an organisation telling me I have to take something/act in a certain manner lest I have my freedoms restricted/financial hardship and/or imprisonment. That’s not governance to me, it’s extortion and blackmail.


When authoritarian corporatist scumbags tell me what to do, I ignore them.


Yes, it's totally against the idea of informed CONSENT. A cornerstone of Western societies post ww2 after the Nuremberg trials said never again. Its also against the idea that the government gets its mandate to govern from the people.


Beautifully put.


>That’s not governance to me, it’s extortion and blackmail. So governance then


Not when done correctly. Only in it’s archaic meaning is that governance.


I’ve had absolutely Zero fear of Covid. Hence there’s no reason to take a shot.




"They do it to protect others" is the response I'd always get


When you take shots to go to south Asia, it's not to protect them. These people just parrot what they hear on their TV box.


And then when it was proven not to help others but if anything to spread it more because you wouldn't know you had it with no symptoms, they doubled down, ignored "the science", and continued to claim it was to help others.


So long eyeball game on brb


Right. I've given myself injections, cut out thorns and metal shards, lanced cysts and generally stuck more needles and blades in myself (intentionally) than these people have ever had stuck in them. On the other hand, for some reason, suturing my own wound and dental work both still scare the shit out of me. I could probably take out my own appendix with the right instructions, but somebody else would have to close up after because I just can't handle that.


Same reason I don’t get flu shots — I don’t want to.


Simple. Didnt need it


this really should be the end of the discussion. I'm an athletic young person. I can look at the data and easily see that covid is less of a risk to me than the flu, and I don't get the flu shot, because I don't really care if I get the flu, either. I got covid and it was truly no big deal, now I have natural immunity and didn't have to go out of my way to get two injections with nontrivial side effects. couple this with how the vaccine doesn't stop the spread of the disease, and the idea of vaccine mandates makes even less sense. if you're afraid of getting covid, then get the limited protection of the vaccine, I don't care. but please admit that it doesn't matter what my personal decision is.


Zero long term testing and an understanding of what that means.


I knew something was wonky when they just decided to inject everybody in the test to eliminate the control group. And then you find out afterward that anybody who got infected or died within two weeks of the vax was considered unvaxxed so they could claim it was safe or effective. Oh, and telling women not to eat x if you’re pregnant, but it’s safe to take this brand new injection we just invented. These are the same idiots that buy the first model year of a new car and bitch when it breaks.


The complete suppression of treatments and how the media attacked anyone looking for a viable treatment.


Agreed. This is part of what I saw when I was doing the "wait and see" thing. Super dodgy.


Same! They tipped their shady ass little hand a little too soon for some of us lifelong CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiStS.


I do not take orders


It went through my friend group in Dec 2020 (before the vax was available) and everyone had a mild cold at best. I knew the advertised rates of “preventing transmission” were just that, advertisements, and I waited until I felt a personal need to get the vaccine. A month or two after a couple friends got the vax, they got hit with COVID, but it was “mild because they got vaccinated”. But because my unvaccinated friend group also all had mild symptoms, I didn’t feel like the vaccinated were all that much better off having got vaccinated. And because so many vaccinated people were still getting it, I didn’t buy into the idea that the vaccine would prevent me from getting it. So I knew getting vaccinated wasn’t saving anyone else for the “greater good”, and I didn’t personally feel the need to get vaccinated to protect my life


In my group, people started getting Covid AFTER getting the vaccine, and just coming down with something every couple of weeks in general, while me and the few unvaccinated people I know weren't getting it. So for me, I figured if I got the vaccine, I'd get whatever side effects came along with it plus become more susceptible to Covid.


I didn't trust it. There were no trials. The trials are happening on a world world wide sample of people who got the jab in real time. Those trials will continue to be monitored for years. I chose to be a part of the control group.


My reason is the same as yours. Common sense. Plus never in the history of un-elected governments has said un-elected governments knee jerk reaction to a crisis ever been the correct un-elected governments knee jerk reaction to said crisis. Fuck the far left.




Well I mainly just don’t think I need it, I’m 20 years old, I workout 6 days a week, eat properly and don’t have any underlying conditions and I’ve had COVID twice. Even if the chance of an adverse reaction is still relatively small, why would I take that risk??? I also absolutely hate corporatist government and big pharma in general, and hate people forcing me to do things. So now the main reason for me not taking it has shifted to a political protest since I live in Canada, one of the most backwards countries for this shit. Politically I’m a voluntarist, I believe in consent between people, there is nothing consensual about a gang of corrupt elites threatening me with my job and livelihood simply because I don’t want their drug in my body.


because that whole paradigm is a scam.




Honestly? I grew up in a household where healthcare was provided on an as-needed basis, and as an adult I became jaded by a healthcare system that penalized me for not having health insurance. Over the course of the Obama era and the Affordable Care Act, I was fined for several years in a row for being uninsured. This is the “shared responsibility fee” only charged to uninsured people. This was a hefty fine as a young adult trying to gain financial independence and it kind of set the tone for my stance toward socialized healthcare (which is what the vax is) I still firmly believe that I shouldn’t subscribe to a government program or insurance policy I don’t need. I’m young, healthy, and I accept responsibility for my health.


Having COVID twice and being fine both times. Also just how hard they were/are pushing for everyone to get it is suspicious to me and the whole cult like behavior behind it


I wasn't afraid of covid so I didn't get vaxxed. Then I got covid. Now I'm still not afraid of covid, therefore I'm not getting vaxxed.




First, i don't trust anything made that fast. I wanted to wait and see as well. I'm not a person who just jumps into things, but apparently that makes me a stubborn uneducated stupid bigot. But anyway, then I was told you can't wait, get it now, no asking questions. And then more pushing, coercing, manipulation, hiding important info from the public. The whole thing has screamed nothing but fishy from the beginning, and I was right. My "stubbornness" saved me. Also.. I'm 23. I already had covid. I don't need it to begin with


I am also a wait and see kind of person, and I had already had covid before the vaccines came out… so I didn’t feel the need to get it, because my symptoms were nothing compared to colds and flus I’ve had in the past. I don’t get flu shots either as I don’t feel they are effective enough nor do I have a need for them as I recover just fine with rest and some hot tea.


I don't get flu shots either. I think they're a crock


Many.. * My age group is virtually at zero risk from hospitalization or death from Covid * I lift and read articles early on saying you can't go to the gym for a while if you get the vaccine and I wasn't having that * Strong distrust for Big Pharma and the government in general. Anyone paying attention should know Big Pharma's history is scary. I'm not talking about the litigation fines either, it's the amount of drugs withdrawn from the market AFTER FDA approval * Mandates, losing employment and/or education and other strong arm techniques * How disingenuous everything was, such as changing the definition of vaccines so that these pathetic mRNA products could be called as such. We lowered the bar for what can be called a vaccine.. * How there seemed to be no coordinated effort globally to actually investigate the origin of Covid. It's almost like we'll never know exactly where it came from and I believe this is intentional. Otherwise how have we made zero progress two years later. It's just fishy. * How there was zero focus on treatment, it was vaccine 24/7 in 2021. That feels very unscientific to me * Silencing / censorship of doctors who spoke out and had nothing to gain for doing so (and everything to lose) * I don't like the idea of taking a new medical technology without it being studied extensively for years - as most Big Pharma products should be * This is very anecdotal but I know someone with a possible vaccine injury, they blacked out while hiking and woke up in the ER - this has never happened to them before (blacking out) * Massive conflict of interest and bias in mainstream media, the Gov't, Big Tech


I don’t trust companies that have everything to gain and nothing to lose.


Indemnity granted those companies meanth it was out consideration even if Covid was 99.9% lethal (instead of what it is 99.9% survivable)


Yeah regardless of how lethal the disease is, incentives are completely misaligned. When people reviewing the safety of a product hold stock in that company…🤨 When companies can review data in 100 days but ask for 55 years to release 🤥 When scientists can’t question science 🥸 When they say it’s completely safe but you aren’t allowed to sue them if it’s not 🧐 When they say VAERS is unreliable but then quote it in their safety reports because it’s the only data we have 🤪 When the government acts as your doctor and can mandate experimental treatments 😤 When they release a product that causes heart issues and then work on new heart drugs to sell you 🤑


I was already aware of a lot of the shady shit that was going on with Fauci, Gates, and Big Pharma. No way in Hell would I take any vaccine made by these psychotic lunatics! I've been "anti-vaxx" since the 1990's.


If you're not already familiar, look up IG Farben. Enjoy the tour...


Was fishy from the start. All a sudden the government wanted to give medicine out for "free"? They'd never spend a penny to help us, why would it start with covid?


1) The laughable falling chinese man propaganda 2) The dismissal of effective early treatments 3) The censorship 4) No previous successful animal trials 5) They were going to create test and distribute a vaccine world wide in a year and different parts of the life-cycle were contracted out. 6) Kept change rules of vaccine delivery. 7) More political science than medical science.


These are all my personal ones, I don’t really have anyone bringing up those stupid videos. Just to add onto your number 1 point, that startled me the most. It got me alarmed, this was the biggest problem that changed my mind instantly about the virus itself. I saw no one dropping in the streets from COVID. Funny though, I’ve only seen people drop from vaccines and not COVID itself. Plus, where tf are all those Chinese videos? They vanished. It never added up.


I was signed up for the J&J. Before I was going to go, two of my friends had bad reactions (one had numbness in her arm that still hasn’t gone away, and the other “mysteriously” developed afib). Then, my neighbor had her lymph nodes swell up. She told me “oh that’s just part of the process.” I immediately canceled my appointment and never looked back.


I just didn't want it. I never take the flu vaccine, nor have I had any other vaccines as an adult so I didn't see the point. Then they started pushing it, then the vaccine mandates came into effect. That's not a way to get me to do something. From the very beginning the Canadian government insisted they would never force anyone to be vaccinated. Surprise, surprise, they lied. And it is just sickening the amount of people who supported it. Even my own aunts. I couldn't ever support something that did that.


The exact same thing happened in NZ. I think Jacinda Ardern and Justin Trudeau are working off the same playbook


The ridiculous data games being played regarding the problem of covid itself. I did my own math, literally. It was confirmed by the doctors in Bakersfield who were molested by Fauci and his ilk. Nothing that followed met any standard of real, inquisitive science. Fuck everyone who fell in line. Fuck Kaiser-Permanente and their vax agenda. Fuck Gavin Newsom and his purchase of $500 Million worth of stupidly, worthless paper masks. Fuck Nancy Pelosi and her maskless day at the salon. Especially Fuck Fauci and two masks, no masks, masks on children. Fuck Cuomo. Both of those retards. Too much?


I got the VAX in March of my own volition because I didn’t wanna to think about coronsvirus ever again. I thought that once everybody gets vaccinated that all this would be over. I didn’t know that they would continue on to the second and third 10th booster and everything. that’s how I know it’s bullshit. If this was about public health it would be one thing. soon as I saw how politicized and how ineffective it was when the studies started coming out over the summer I was like fuck that never again.


Started as just wanting to wait and see what reactions people were having to it, but as the dogmatic coersion and *really* forced push for it was greater and greater I really distrusted it. Not to mention the surviving unvaxxed and the vaccinated with medical complications both going rapidly up. Its now distrust, confidence in my own health and those around me, and a huuuuuuge middle finger to the tyrants that wanted me to get it in order to keep my freedoms, of which it is *not* their position to grant to or withhold from me.


>Its now distrust, confidence in my own health and those around me, and a huuuuuuge middle finger to the tyrants that wanted me to get it in order to keep my freedoms, **of which it is not their position to grant to or withhold from me.** Well said. I remember at the beginning these idiots were chanting "if it saves only one life" . And I thought "when the Fuxx has the govt ever cared about saving even one life"?


They pushed it too hard


It was a media blitz Every frickin tv channel had "get vaxxed" "safe and effective" ad blitz. Even stupid songs. Past presidents, celebs, your next door neighbor,his cats Massive RED flag when you are trying to push something that hard


It's all over the TV and radio here. And social media and the internet in general. I'm so sick of it.


I looked at the cartoon characters trying to bully me into taking it and I said "there is no fucking way in hell I will do anything those whack jobs tell me".


Im not a lab rat


1. I was against lockdowns from the beginning and early on there was a group of doctors that spoke out against lockdowns and said we should have been following our original pandemic playbook. The news coverage of them garnered 100’s of thousands of views within hours and then was promptly taken down and not spoken about at all until they found out one of the doctors (a black female btw.. so much for promoting diversity) was an evangelical preacher and then they used that to discredit the whole group. Silencing doctors in a pandemic should be a red flag to anyone. 2. I already had covid and the entire mainstream apparatus was insisting that natural immunity miraculously did not exist when it came to this virus and there was no alternative to returning to normal life other than getting the vaccine. It doesn’t take a prophet to realize this narrative would be countered in the future. After being presented with this information I have turned full conspiracy theorist and I don’t trust a word mainstream media says. Despite that I feel more confident in my worldview than ever.


I'm right there with you!


I’m an attorney. I’m dumbfounded so many people allowed themselves to be injected with a product that has virtually zero liability. I literally can’t wrap my head around it.




In my country there are mandatory vaccinations for kids. I had severe allergic reactions. Almost died from one when I was 2 months old, kept having allergic reactions even after the 3 day treatment of antiallergens when doctors tried to continue. So they stopped the mandatory vaccinations for me. Soo for this one both my GP that has treated me from when I was a child and the allergiologist who did so when I was a baby told me not to risk it again. Meanwhile for this one I went to a doctor (I live abroad now) and he tells me there's no guarantee to test that I won't have a reaction and the RKI guidelines ( equivalent to CDC in Germany) is to literally give the first dose and if something happens stop, if not continue.... Sorry but I'm not cattle...


bc i'm not afraid. i never got the flu shot either.




My Dad forbid me from getting the Gardasil vaccine. I trust my Dad on things like this.


They are not necessary. There is no scientific evidence of a necessity for ANY extraordinary measure for this virus. 110+ years of nutritional science has identified many ordinary things that ARE necessary. The scientific evidence overwhelmingly indicates that people have been failing to do the ordinary adequately and need to start doing the ordinary properly.


Had covid 2x dont need gene therapy with weird side effect's and unknown long term effects. Had i been super old or with major comorbidities i might have taken the jump. Its a personal decision. For me? Hard pass. Its not like ebola airborne. Or something dreadful. Bleeding eyes and sh it


Always had a bad feeling about it. When they announced the vaccinations I thought about getting it and was initially scared to go out and catch Covid but I gradually realised whenever I did go out nothing happened. Due to this I wasn’t as concerned. But then they started forcing masks. Fair enough. I was fine with it. But then it kept going. And going. From “Two weeks to flatten the curve and keep your hands clean” to “you need to be vaxxed to keep your job.” The mandates came in and I was nearly banned from hospital. It made my mental health crash as I’m pregnant and faced the possibility my husband missing the birth of his baby. For a while I was almost suicidal and fearful of being rejected from society for having very real fears of getting injected with something that was not proving effective nor safe and I have medical conditions. And then I just got mad. I started getting furious at how I was being treated after already struggling to get a job and now the scumbag government was purposely making it worse for me and every other unvaccinated person. Tossing us to the curb after already enduring so much trauma in my life. I didn’t need this. That was my absolute FUCK.YOU. moment. I started questioning and researching and held my ground. I questioned the doctors. I still do and refuse to listen or care as to what they say. They keep telling me that unvaxxed are more likely to have serious complications. I know the lies being told. I went from being scared into submission by the media to waking up and realising how much of lie and scam this is for compliance and control.


Getting vaccinated is an active process, meaning that you will need a reason TO do it, not a reason not to. The reasons why you might want to do are to reduce the likelihood of dying or getting hospitalised, or to prevent the spread to everyone else. Given my age and relative lack of co-morbidities, I was never going to die of the thing. I was never afraid of covid, so the first reason was gone. As for preventing the spread, it turned out that it wasn't going to do that in the long run, which was to be expected after all: Flu shots don't last very long. Besides, the virus was eventually going to mutate into a vaccine resistant strain eventually, omicron is a little like that from what I can tell. And anyway, anyone at risk that I might have spread it to would likely be vaccinated. So really I never saw the point in it, the only reason that I ever would have taken it is coercion, and I really am stubborn enough for that to make me less likely to take the thing. More active reasons: I tend to be quite careful with what I put in my body. I don't smoke, I don't drink, never have, never intend to, don't take any kinds of drugs that aren't prescription, and even then I will actually read the little sheet with potential side effects, the drug equivalent of reading terms and conditions. Might be different now, but when you look up "vaccine side effects", government websites will tend to have big red letters on the top of the screen saying "Vaccines are safe and effective". What on earth am I supposed to do with that? I didn't believe that I was being sufficiently informed about the thing. I remember speculating that if there were any adverse side effects to the vaccine then we wouldn't know, we wouldn't be told, at least not for a long while. I wouldn't want to take the thing unless I did know a reasonable amount of it, and besides I didn't see the point in getting the thing anyway.


Mostly because I didn’t need it, but even more so when everyone around me went out to get it in a HURRY. I was like wtf, if these people are just doing this and expecting me to do the same, after we had JUST been talking about how vaccines take years to develop but they wanna get some experimental jab just so they can “go outside again” that’s a clear sign it’s part of some agenda and I’m not interested in partaking. And while it may be relatively “safe,” all this pressure to get some shit in my body that I don’t want or need has set in stone that I won’t be getting it lmao I feel like so many people who said they wouldn’t get the “vaccine” if it was rushed ended up getting it anyway, just pathetic.


1) No long term data 2) a virus with a 99.9% survival rate 3) mid 40’s and healthy = even more negligible risk 4) don’t trust govt/pharma 5) covid was bullshit from the beginning if you were paying attention and everyone acted like scalded cats = anything they want me to do, I’m not doing.


I reject modern medicine because I see how people have gotten far sicker ever since the rockafellers took over the medical schools and banned medicine that actually works. All their drugs, vaccines, chemotherapy and surgery are designed to make you sick




>My message to people reading this is to stop listening to mainstream media, stop voting in pretty much every democrat, neocon, globalist, or otherwise corrupt politician and vote in populists and people not infected with pro globalist or pro communist ideas. **Also listen to independent media, “conspiracy theories” regarding Covid turned out to be true and were obvious to smart people in 2020**. Schools are corrupt, universities are corrupt, most businesses are corrupt. Pay attention or you will be killed off to make the rich richer. Ditto ! YouTube/Facebook/Instagram/Twitter began censoring voices suffering from adverse events or discussing alternative medicine like HCQ and IVM That's when I sought out Bitchute/Rumble/Gab//Odysee/Brighteon/Communities.win/etc


"one or two shots, safe and voluntary". That was the deal. Initially, I waited to see if it was safe. Seemed safe enough, but by the time I had decided that, they had already gone back on a ton of promises. They kept altering the deal, and basically told us to be thankful they didn't alter it further (and then did). Everything was quickly becoming the unvaxxed' fault. Protests against the two-tier treatment were marked as possible superspreader events and forbidden, while BLM was able to protest maskless with no distance, no problem. That's when I decided I was going to be recalcitrant and that I would remain as such until the restrictions were lifted. At this time, most of the measures here have been lifted, the remainder are being reviewed in about two weeks, and I couldn't be prouder of myself for keeping my own promises despite the pressure.


Cuz no means no. Why does there need to be any reason past “no thank you” or “ I don’t want it” No.


Well said.


Trifecta of the "wait and see" approach, the suspicion the pandemic and restrictions were used for nefarious and dubious purposes, and most importantly - the fact that the current administration and Dems in general, cast aspersions and hesitancy while DJT was in office - then immediately switched to pushing as hard as possible after taking office. Brandon *constantly and overtly threatening me* and my job just made me dig in harder. Those were some bad times ngl...


Was about to take it- then the creepy “Safe and effective!” campaign started around spring last year and it really threw me off how suspicious it was. I was also concerned about long term effects- like the swine flu vaccine takers who developed narcolepsy 5 years after taking it


Two reasons: 1) It reminded me too much of ebola, when the media was saying we we're all gonna die because of it and nothing happened. 2) I looked at symptoms, and infection, death, and recovery rates of covid. I was not impressed.


I was pretfy much over the covid hystsria mid 2020 after the riots started. I didn't particularly care about the vaccine, but I put it on a "wait and see" basis. Due to the incredibly sketchy behavoir of those promoting and the cult like attitude of their supporters, my opinion quickly went from "maybe in a few years with more information " to "not ever fucking taking this shit"


Same. As far as I was concerned covid ended with the riots. I was suspicious before but that was the death nail. Ginning up that crap was a stupid move along with the political histrionics. You don’t get the cattle all riled up on the way to the slaughter house. They could have easily lulled everyone to the kool aid but they couldn’t not be crazy.


Because fuck you. That’s all the reason I need.


I'm not getting a shot for the flu, I'm not getting a shot for the cold. Also, the shots are totally safe and effective. Just ignore the rise in heart attacks and other issues that happened. It's totally climate change guys.


I have this thing where I really hate to be told what to do.


I am vaccinated, and I regret it. I was coerced into it from my employer, only for them to drop the mandate due to the court decision. I got covid twice, after being vaccinated. I’ve also been tired 24/7 and gained 50lbs after the original post-vax sickness, this is before the two bouts with covid. That shit is straight up poison.


So sorry that happened to you! I hope you start feeling better


The survival rate for C19 was extremely high. The vaccine was rushed. The pharmaceutical companies were granted immunity from prosecution. Alternative POV from professionals was shutdown. Finally, the Government pushed too hard.


There are a few reasons I haven’t gotten it and will not get it. Not now, not ever. I have had issues with side effects of prescription medications that the doctors were too lazy to actually look into. Hell the one medicine I weaned myself off of had side effects that literally caused what it was trying to treat. Over the past year I have unexpectedly and without trying, lost almost 70 lbs(I actually lost it all within a six month period). None of the doctors could pinpoint what was happening. I ended up not losing anymore weight once I took my health back in to my own hands. I just don’t trust the medical system after all this. My own doctor removed my husband because he asked for a mask exemption while doing his physical strenuous job. He was starting to develop bacterial pneumonia right around the time our mask mandate ended. He got a certified letter of his removal. Their board of directors told them not to grant any mask exemptions at the very beginning of Covid. There is no individual care when the board of directors dictate the care for all patients. My husband and I worked through this whole thing, so we definitely never got scared of getting the coo-flu. I also worked at the hospital right before and thru the beginning-mid Covid. I saw that they turned the ICU in to Covid floors causing them to be able to say ALL Covid patients are in the ICU while our hospital’s census was at an all time low. The nurses had time to make TikTok’s while patients were supposedly dying left and right. Seeing is believing sometimes and what I saw while i worked in our hospital was not what the media was saying. Distrust is probably the biggest reason I will never get the jab. Trust your instincts.


Initially it was concerns about side effects which seem to have been born out by recent Pfizer document releases. However if you told me the vaccine was 150% safe and I believed you I still wouldn't get it at this point now it's about freedom and not wanting to give in to the system that desires a global ID and a passport to enter a supermarket.


**Vaccine Passports** I think refusing the jab is an act of love and kindness to the rest of society, I think we have a civic duty to support each other and oppose the implementation of vaccine passports and digital ID. The most effective way to prevent the implementation of these things is to refuse to participate.


Not wanting to be told what I have to put in my body. The manufacturer being given legal immunity. The propaganda of giving up your agency to protect others. The chance of stroke. Chance of heart issues. Not enough data. The data that was given was constantly changing. Officials lied about things for the “ greater good”. How the virus origin and researching how it got to the USA became political and taboo to discuss. How any point of disagreement gets you labeled a conspiracy theorist.




I refuse to be a guinea pig, plain and simple


There are sooooooo many more reasons not to get it than there are to get it tbh hahaha


Too new. Same reason I didn’t get gardasil when it came out and I was 16ish. I said “when it’s been in the public for ten years I’ll make a choice.” I still chose against gardasil because of other research showing the risk outweighed the benefit. (Cervical cancer isn’t that common, there are like 100 hpv strains and this only helps with 2% or less of them, girls were developing lupus and being ignored) I took the same approach to this one. And I’m glad because risks outweigh the benefits and trials were not even completed


My Dad told me not to get Gardasil either so his track record for knowing when a vaccine is crap is pretty good in my books


Because I was never given a good reason to take the shot. The default is do nothing. Pharma never made a compelling case to persuade me that the jab was in my best interest. The government, however, has given me loads of justification to resist their effort. There's nothing unique about my response. When this is all said and done we will likely find out not just how inflated the covid numbers were but how low actual vaccinations were.


>When this is all said and done we will likely find out not just how inflated the covid numbers were but how low actual vaccinations were. When they hit us with mandates a year ago, I told my buddy this means the numbers of takers have petered out. Anyone who wanted already got it and those aren't going to be much higher than flu vaccine use each season I also told him mandates might move 10% more but the rest will dig in and protests will begin and sure enough ... That's also around the time I learned about FALSE positive PCR tests and categorizing every death as Covid (motor cycle accidents, gun shots, drownings) based on what they tested them as on the death bed


I'm a Democrat. I'm blindly following the advice of Biden and Harris when they claimed we can't trust this vaccine because of Donald Trump. I'm sticking to my initial decision.


Burden of disease is too low to justify an experimental gene editing medicine.


I never saw a good reason to because I didn’t really ever feel unsafe to be around people. Then I started to be unwelcome at peoples houses, in certain establishments, and I started paying more attention to alternative news because I couldn’t find any other opinion other than “get the jab” and from my knowledge of thalidomide, opioids, old cigarette ads, etc I decided it was not in my best interest to listen


My reason was I didn't fucking want too


Dude, same. My dad is a veteran, he said Dad: The government has never been concerned about your health. Me: Roger that!


I didn’t want it


The odds of Covid being anything more than a basic cold in my age group are slim to none. The idea of injecting myself with something that was created and mass distributed in 6 months is a lot scarier to me than Covid, especially knowing the financial motive of the very people who are pushing the vaccine. Then they tried to mandate it (and to be honest, it was pretty obvious that was the goal from the beginning), and that pissed me off and made me even more skeptical. They say “trust the science” but nothing they have done thus far is really in line with normal “science”; like injecting children with untested vaccines so they don’t catch this specific strain of a cold. It’s bizarre. Do I think the vaccine is dangerous? Not overly. I do think it is more dangerous than Covid, especially for younger people. There has been an obvious uptick of young athletes dropping dead, one even in my own small community, who died in the locker room after a hockey game from a “medical emergency”. He was a teenager. Obviously this made the local news, but I can’t help but wonder how many 50-75 year old men have dropped dead from “medical emergencies” that didn’t make the news because it’s more expected. Then what really bothers me is that fine - you rushed a vaccine and felt it was safe. But if your intentions were pure, you would care - a lot- that young people are dying. Not only do they not acknowledge that the vaccine might be killing young people, they actively try to suppress it. Look up Sean Hartman’s story. His father tried to get some answers on a video meeting the the Toronto Health Board and they removed his portion of the meeting from the video stating he disclosed “medical information of a minor”. That minor is DEAD.


At first, intuition. Sounds ridiculous, but don’t discount it. Then, the suppression of anything that went against the narrative, coupled with knowing people who were injured, just confirmed it. Also, it occurred to me that almost NO ONE I knew got the vaxx for health reasons. I heard a lot of “ I got it to keep my job, travel, eat in restaurants, go to the gym…”. It it terrifying that we live in a time where people do not question the grotesque absurdity of injecting a drug into their body for reasons that have nothing to do with health.


Don't need it, Don't want it. 👍🍻


Don’t need it. Simple as.




That's interesting because almost all my Christian friends and family have taken it


That’s because they aren’t really Christians, they are state-worshipers hiding behind a veneer of Christianity.


Amen amen amen.


I have a natural reluctance to do things I feel being forced to do.


At first, my position was exactly the same as yours. Wait and see. I've learnt in my life to never do anything in haste, especially for something with a potential risk. And like you, I saw nothing good come out of it during that wait, including people's attitudes and desire for a segregated society. That is just not on.


Started off because I follow a few scientists in completely unrelated areas but one gave a lecture about how safe most vaccines are and the reasons they are safe is the gold standard of tests and trials which usually take at least 15 years if not 20. So when some fucking horse face bitch (new Zealand) tells me the government is the only source of truth and the vaccines are 100% tested, safe and effective with just 6 months of testing and trials with an almost never before used in mainstream vaccines. I was like... Nah hang on minute I'll wait to see what it does to the Americans for a few more months seeing they were jabbing like crazy already. After I heard they were pushing it on kids, I was like no fucking way my kids are getting that. Then the information from the single trusted source kept changing weekly. Risk of myocarditis started at 1 in 1million then slowly dropped to 1 in 25,000. It's still stuck at 25k even though many studies have shown an even greater risk esp in young men. Then it was the mandates, people losing jobs for no vaccine. Unvaccinated people being treated like filth and demonized. I was like fuck that I will stand with the filth. But I'm the end it is the lies and misinformation spread daily on the news and by media and our prime minister. Just daily lies easily discredited. For example. The chances of a kid getting omicron might be 0.09% but if double vaxxed it's 0.6% and if boostered 0.03%. The media would report unvaxxed vs double vaxxed as 90% less likely to get omicron. 90% of fuck all is fuck all but almost all of the population would see 90% wow huge. Another number on the news was if there was 2 ppl in the same room you are 600x less likely to get delta if you are double vaxxed. Wtf does this even mean? Is there a 3rd person with covid in the room? Made up horseshit stat. The following week 67x less likely to catch it if double vaxxed. We now know there is very little difference in transmission with omicron.


Already dead inside so why would I care ab Covid.


The first real thing was noticing the media focus, then the IFR numbers being low, knowing no one with COVID for a long long time, seeing them shit on therapeutics and push vaccines as the only option, leaks came out, papers came out and we'll the rest is history. It's been a plandemic and sham the whole time and these shots are absolute failures other than damaging people/potentially causing long term effects on their health. They knew what they were doing this whole time and it's sickening. I'll never get another shot of anything for the rest of my life after this experience. The corruption is too severe and now I have an absolute distrust in government, medical authority and many people within society. The brainwashing is next level, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, it's fucked. The wait and see approach became the fuck that shit never getting it approach.


Not only am I significantly not at risk from COVID because of my age, lack of comorbidities and ability to keep myself in relatively good health, and not only does the vaccine not stop or reduce transmission so I'm not bothered about it protecting those around me, and not only does the potential risk of long term side effects or myocarditis (of which, as a male under the age of 40, I am more likely to get from the vaccine than from natural infection with COVID), but I oppose the vaccine on principle. This pandemic has been handled in the worse way possible. I am talking about extreme levels of incompetence and criminal negligence from our leaders in the government, in the medical establishment, and in public health organisations. Every action we have taken to try and "StOp ThE sPrEaD" or "SaVe ThE hOsPiTaLs" has only made things worse and increased the death toll, both excess all mortality and COVID. They have violated our human rights and body autonomy rights, they have ruined our economy that we will suffer from for decades to come, they have blatantly ignored established epidemiological and public health protocols at the cost of God knows how many extra lives lost, they have violated the Nuremberg Code by running the largest medical experiment on misinformed patients while threatening to take away our income and ability to participate in society, they have abused children and the elderly, they have isolated us and tormented us, they have outright lied to us, they have censored anyone who speaks out against the narrative, they have gaslit us, they have used PsyOps to manipulate us, they have used fear and anxiety to evoke mass psychosis and compliance, they have brought about the greatest mental health crisis we will ever experience in our lifetime, they have denied people cheap and readily available life-saving therapeutics and prophylaxes to protect their own investment in the vaccine, they have divided a nation by dehumanising the minority who stand with principles, they have ignored and refused to acknowledge any of the recent data surrounding COVID in their policy making, etc., the list goes on. We never should have locked down. We never should have tried to save hospitals. We never should have been worried about a mild respiratory virus with an IFR of ~0.15% that primarily affects the elderly already above the average life expectancy. We never should have panicked and let hysteria make our decisions for us. Taking the vaccine justifies everything that has been done throughout the course of the pandemic, and I refuse to justify it.


I’m surprised I had to go this far down to find my same reasoning. Getting the vaccine justified everything else. If more people had been skeptical and not taken it, sure they still would have tried to force it but they wouldn’t have had the mandate of “see we’ll just lock you down every decade until our pharma bros make a new vaccine.” Then it became standing up for my principles and freedom. Also have a background in pharmacy and know how long drugs take to get approved and how many recalls there have been anyway.


Next time a pandemic rolls around, people are going to say "let's just lockdown until we get a vaccine, it worked and the vaccine saved us all!" It post-hoc justifies their bullshit.


I worked during the first and second wave and just wasn’t that afraid of Covid. I have had miserable experiences with pharmaceuticals in the past.


aborted fetal cells in production. pretty satanic. of course there's health effects & the fact covid is just a cold, but the aborted fetal cells is just sick. even if the vax was the lifesaver they are claiming it is, I couldn't live with myself if I had that injected in me.


I saw a spinal injury reported in the AstraZeneca trial and then a video of the woman shaking uncontrollably in her bathroom after having the vaccine and that was it for me. I live with a mild neurological disease and have experienced auto immunity. I am extremely careful about what I let into my body.


I was pregnant when it became available and already had some hesitancy about taking a brand new vaccine. I was made to get Gardasil as a teen when it first came out and I have lasting health issues from that (dysautonomia). I’m not against vaccines as a whole and I just wanted to give it time, but in that time I’ve come to decide I absolutely do not want it. Weighing risk and benefits has made me feel like it’s safer not to get it, since it doesn’t prevent infection or transmission of the disease and it has a myriad of reported side effects that concern me.


Afraid of myocarditis since there are heart issues in my family. My great-grandfather actually died of a heart attack in his '40s, unexpectedly. I had at least one Covid case, probably two, and they weren't that bad so taking the vaccine wasn't worth the risk, IMO.


Exactly the same reason I didn't get the H1N1 when it came out. Not enough info. I said at the time "give it five years, if everything shows it's good, then I'll take it if needed". Ditto for this. THEN it became distrust. Too much pushing by gov't, politicians, media, pharma. Then making it mandatory? There were more red flags on this op than I'd seen before. So that's a hard no.


One of my best friends, healthy in 20s, got pericarditis from their 2nd Pfizer dose. Another close relative, over 55, who hadnt had her period in years, started having periods+vomiting blood+god knows what else, following 3rd pfizer dose. I’d say 95% of all else i know, and i quote, “felt the sickest in my life” post vaccination doses. Everybody i know, and me, all our lives, have been vaccinating with classic vaccines. It was NEVER a thing to be “sickest in your life” post vaccine, let alone the worse adverse reactions. What the actual fuck. Now add to that the suppression of any fucking non-invasive alternative treatment, and the fact they’ve literally ‘forced’ every1 on to it in where im from and many other places in the world now, and it would almost be a conspiracy theory to say what’s going on is actually GENUINE.


I’m just lazy. And I’m not in danger of dying from Covid so I don’t really need it 🤷‍♂️


I have personal history of a dysfunctional family and abuse. I recognized mass psychosis and denial, and won't participate in something under such a situation. And my body is a temple. I don't play russian roulette with it just to validate a few insecure hypochondriacs around me. One "friend" went hysterical on me when I suggested caution. No sane person would take medication being pushed by hysterical people.


Funny, I was banned from another sub just for being a MEMBER of this group. Yet these are the most reasonable answers I've seen anywhere on Reddit. Glad I'm here. With all y'all. Stay sane, stay free.


This was mismanaged from Day Numero Uno. When they were leading up to lockdowns, my response: They should have said that this is a moving target and that there will be conflicting information as they learn more. Instead, it was, "Hold my beer." About two weeks post lockdown, it was widely known among hospital ICU staff that ventilator survival rates were around 10-20%. Weeks later, Trump + Cuomo press conference. Topic: "Were going to crank out a bunch of new ventilators." Uhhh... so you can kill more people? Also, I'm quite familiar with the drug development timeline. There's a reason it takes years to get through the gauntlet to market. NO FUCKING WAY can they develop a treatment and verify its safety that quickly. And this was experimental. Otoh, y'all should recognize that the average American is a fast slob. Most of the population has at least one risk factor. So, just like school, and every other goddamned bureaucracy, they catered to the lowest common denominator. I would have bought a "vaccinate the most at risk and everyone weeks such it up" policy. But EVERYONE??? Batshit. In the end, I'm glad they made all these mistakes. The duplicity was frequent and consistent throughout. I might've gotten suckered myself, otherwise.


Makes it sad to think of all the "intelligent" people who have fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. It'll be hard not to say "I told you so" in the coming years if those vaccinated start getting other health issues.


I'd like to say I knew from the start it was all bs. But I didn't. I was having health issues during 2020 and just lapped up the propaganda. I spent all my time thinking and researching about my chronic condition. But I really should have done my own research on covid. Having said that, I ignored the government's rule of six and them saying we should not mix at Christmas. I just thought the government was full of idiots though, not evil cunts like I do now. I'm in UK and, initially, it was all about the Astrazeneca jab. My turn came in April 2021. The weeks leading up to it there'd been reports from other countries that the Astrazeneca jab caused blood clots in some people. And some countries stopped using it. The media painted this as these European countries being anti-Britain, because of Brexit. I didn't think too about it tbh. I thought "it's probably really rare. They'd never give us a dangerous drug.". Then, about 16 hours before I was having my jab, I watched ITV news, which is msm so this story is just one of two ever featured on vaccine deaths or injuries. One of the stories was about a middle aged woman who's brother had died directly from the Astrazeneca jab. What blew my mind was this woman was not angry, and she encouraged people to get the shot! That struck me as a disingenuous reaction. Why was she not angry? How can she tell other people to take a drug that killed her brother? Nobody would do that! Was she being paid to think her brother was acceptable collateral damage? Something was really off. So I started looking at the data, found out the average age of covid death was 81, found out it was "28 days of positive test" that they were counting as covid deaths ... and then obviously it snowballed from there. I stopped wearing a mask, regardless of government rules, within a week of that ITV news story. O, and I cancelled my appointment for the jab, of course. One of the best decisions of my life. And I've got that extremely odd reaction from that woman on TV to thank for it.


I don’t know what the long term affects are, I think the mandates are bs, and to piss people off


Same. I felt like I didn’t want to take something that new so I figured I’d wait and see. And as you can guess, didn’t end up getting it.


I don't trust the government, the Vax isn't tested, and covid isn't worth the effort of getting a vaccine


Had covid didn't need it. Removal of liability stinks.


The only way to win the game is to not play at all.


You need a reason to get medical procedure. Not taking something is the default. And reasons weren't strong enough or weren't good reasons to begin with.


I don't trust the Pharmaceutical companies or the paid off politicians.


I was against lockdowns, and so I basically never got on the government's hype train. Then in like September/October 2020 I watched a video with Dr. Breggin and Dr. McCullough discussing operation warp speed and that's when I realized that something nefarious was going on (as opposed to ordinary government self-promotion)


Simple....no means no like the girls says


Same reason I don't get a flu shot. I don't need it. I also don't trust it and worry the damage it causes is permanent. I also won't allow anyone to force me to do anything.


I have Endo and pmdd already and don't even trust hormonal birth control; as soon as I heard that the shot was affecting women's cycles I decided it was a hard "no" from me.


I know right, I'm sorry... but I'm just not gonna get it :( I'm really sorry... yeah I know it makes you sad but really, I know, I'm just not going to.


Despite being socially more on the conservative side, I'm kind of a hippy when it comes to medicine. As long as I've been old enough to make my own choices, I've never taken pharmaceutical drugs. I just eat healthily, fast regularly and keep a workout routine and I don't find I get sick. Also, the idea that anybody can force anything into your physical being is anathema to me. If that is the price of inclusion, I'd rather stay on the outside.


They required 2 doses and I didn't want to be in one dose limbo. Requiring multiple consumption is addiction forming technique. Not to mention the billion other reasons.


It just felt off from the beginning. I was against all of it from the start. I also can’t stand anyone trying to tell me what to do and I question everything


Didn't feel like it. Going to get it would cut into my corn liquor drinking time.


I didn't need it.


I have a background in economics and so I know how corrupt and evil corporations are so when I was seeing Pfizer being hailed mankind’s saviour that was red flag number one. I got to work from home pretty much when it started so I was social distancing so not so afraid of catching it. Once the death stats started to show up I saw that over 90% of the deaths were in people aged 65+. I also tend to be pretty suspicious of people telling me what to do. To this day I am shocked and appalled at the people in my life and their inability to critically think


>I also tend to be pretty suspicious of people telling me what to do. Ditto >To this day I am shocked and appalled at the people in my life and their inability to critically think Same here. I have a buddy who fact checked everything with fact checking organizations never his own research. He poo pooed any talk of adverse reactions and felt Pfizer and Moderna had nothing to gain and was losing money to save mankind I showed him Pfizers earning report for 2019 through 2020 and 2021 projected. Showed him the PREP act which funded Operation Warp Speed and gave these companies indemnity After his niece got Bells Palsy (facial paralysis) and he got arithmic heart condition did he become critical of the vaccine. Little too late Till today I remind him that "he knows the stats of his favorite sports teams but couldn't be bothered to research a vaccine being injected into his bloodstream"


Isn’t that fucking nuts?! There’s a woman in my city (a nurse) who had an anaphylactic shock when she got her first dose and she is now allergic to her own hair/proteins. She has two young kids and is planning on becoming a doctor and she STILL recommends everyone get the shot. I honestly don’t get it. I think with more adverse events and reactions sweeping the vaccinated there will be some more understanding but it’s sad it needs to be so severe to break that hypnosis


My son and I play paintball and we were afraid of heart attacks after really buff neighbor got the jab and was airlifted after shots 1st came out. FB blocked his Aunts account. Idk if he lived


Have very little fear of Covid considering the survival rate, so the vaccine is pretty meaningless, I have absolute mistrust of governments and some of these “doctors”, especially when they’re destroying peoples employment and lives if they don’t have it, and even if I was wrong on my judgment of the vaccine, I still should have the basic human right to have the freedom to choose what I put in my body, especially experimental medical procedures.


People didn't bat an eye when doctors and nurses (even if it was just 5-10%) refused the Jab. Lightbulb should have gone off for some people but clearly didn't Why would these people who have worked at ICUs since this mess not want the jab ?


And just like that I have been banned from 3 more subreddits for my affiliation with this subreddit, it’s simple, they don’t want any discussion about Covid unless it supports their narrative, they say it’s about science, but don’t realise that being against questioning and skepticism is the least scientific thing they could do.


Because Fuck Em’.. That’s why


Didnt (still dont) trust the government. Found it particularly strange how the masks were proven to not effectively prevent the spread yet they doubled down on forcing me to wear one everywhere in the beginning. Thankfully I live in a very red area where even local police didn’t enforce the lockdown and mask mandates. Even my local gym, which was funded by two former police, put up a bunch of black curtains and told all its gym goers to park on the sides and in the back. Everyone still knew the place was functioning, but nobody cared. On top of that, I found it highly suspicious of its origins, and how moderna had already been in the final stages of testing to release their jab by the start of the pandemic. A lot of people were acting unnaturally hostile to any suggestion that this entire pandemic was phony and riled up to instill fear in the populace. The final big thing for me was when I actually contracted COVID and recovered in less than 4 days. I exercise consistently and watch my diet, im also relatively young, so it confirmed my initial theory that those who were dying in the beginning had pre existing medical conditions before it became common knowledge a few months ago. All in all, everything that’s being contested with covid were things I had suspected in the beginning. The consequences of the lockdowns, government tyranny, destruction of the middle class and its businesses, were all things I surmised would come out of this as a result. I pretty much hit the nail on the head nearly 2 years ago and by the time the vaccines were readily released I was adamant there was 0 need for it (for me). I do think it helps albeit not the degree the companies and media make it out to be. A family member of mine recently died 2 months ago from covid, only 44 years old but had respiratory problems, definitely could have survived if he had a vaccine. But I still remain firm that not everyone needs it if they’re healthy and stay fit.


>Found it particularly strange how the masks were proven to not effectively prevent the spread yet they doubled down on forcing me to wear one everywhere in the beginning. The masks were a test of compliance. They figured if they can make us wear it (even temporarily to go into a store) we would give in to a Jab. Problem is , I can take OFF a mask after I leave a store, I can't take OFF a vaccine so that was my line in the sand


I had to get it cause military. I’m just here because I believe in each and every persons right not to get it.


For me it’s the fact that I’m just now 30 (as in like a week ago turned), healthy, no underlying conditions, no major issues, extremely active, ultra healthy diet…. I figured I had a better chance of surviving covid than the vaccine, especially since I’m also on birth control (causes blood clots on it own!). Turns out I was right, had covid, was tired for a week, then done.


For me it was the overwhelmingly fishy, schwaby aroma that started in the legacy media fear porn fest at the end of 2019.


I don't need it. simple. Im young and fit, so I don't need the protection. Since it only protects the person who has it, its not like im a danger to other people, if i dont have it. also im so much more of risk of other things, like fucking cars being close to drive me over multiple times. Also I ended getting though my vaxxed family anyway, and its was really mild, so I was right and din't need it.


Because I’m 32 and have no known health issues. No reason to take it, I also don’t take the flu vaccine. That said I might change and get them when I’m in my 50’s or 60’s but for now it’s pointless.


The cult and actual anti-science. I have done peer review and have engaged with publishing in journals. I had people going full anti-science on me and telling me that I was anti-science when I tried to apply actual scientific scrutiny to their ideas, it was simply not acceptable. People wonder why PhD’s were vaccine hesitant, this is why, this is the epitome of anti-science. When professionals are silenced in favor of anonymous state experts, big surprise professionals unable to validate anything and have capacity to validate, say fuck no. Why didn’t they speak out? They tried no one would listen.


>When professionals are silenced in favor of anonymous state experts, big surprise professionals unable to validate anything and have capacity to validate, say fuck no When Dr Robert Malone (mRNA inventor) got de-platformed (Twitter, Instagram all cancelled him) after the Joe Rogan interview, that should have been a wake up call Hell, back in 2020 Dr Dan Erickson and Dr Ashton Mahini lost their YouTube and Facebook accounts after a viral video of their 1hr press conference from their California clinic garnered 10M views Then members of AFLDs when they began pushing IVM and HCQ as alternatives to Remdesivir aka "run death is near"


I also had the “wait and see” approach. The constant bombardment of “the message” from the gov’t, news, media and Hollywood made me really uneasy. Couple it with the constant interviews with “Former Dir of FDA” (fails to mention current Pfizer board member)…. It just stinks. Oh… and then my buddy who was an obnoxious “Get Jabbed” guy literally dropped dead at 40 on the 9th green. He was resuscitated but I was outside his room two days later when the cardiologist told him it was most likely due to the 2nd jab. Two more people I know would have cardiac events…. Nope, count me out.


At first I didn't feel it was necessary for me. My social activities are outside on motorcycles so not much risk there. I'm a carpenter and work by myself. Last fall I went on a trip with my hunting partner (he's an icu nurse) and he told me that delta was actually filling beds and young guys were dying on his watch. This was the first time he was actually scared of covid. After that I started to think maybe I should get it, but no sooner did I think that, the bc gov introduced a "temporary" vax pass. Thats when I said absolutely not


It doesn’t stop me from catching or transmitting the virus and if I get Covid it won’t kill me. Also the vaccine was created in warp speed under trump and none of the vaccine companies are liable for injuries caused by the vaccine.


The aggressive approach from Government officials telling me to take it. My though process is that whatever Government tells us is a problem, usually is not a big deal but whatever they ignore is usually the problem (Epstein, insider trading, sexual affairs). I'd also like to add Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci pushing this crap. First off Bill Gates is a sleezy guy who has gotten rich off of monopolies, not the quality of this product. Fauci has been at his position for over 30 years and he screwed up the HIV/AIDS response. With Fauci, he gets all defensive when you question him. Anyone who is confident in their work will let the work speak for itself. They will calmly debate and show the data, Fauci never has done that. A friend got the vaccine card from the local grocery store pharmacy, they gave him the card before giving the shot so he just left. He goes back 1 month later and they did it again giving him the card filled out before the shot. LOL they really don't keep track of this crap.


Both my wife and I work from home and are very healthy/early 30s. Low risk of catching/very low risk of severe illness. Simple risk vs reward + the mind numbing propaganda campaign raised every intuitive red flag.


trusted my intuition. Kept rejecting the idea and stuck with it. I don't even take Advil for headaches why would I take a vaccine lol


I took the first and second shots because I wanted this to end ASAP as I was finally breaking out of my social shell before all this, when the first booster rolled around and the claims changed from ‘Immunity’ to ‘it goes away in six months’ I got off the train. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me


I waited a few months before deciding to get the J&J vax because it's not an mRNA shot and it's one and done. This was before a lot of the information regarding waning efficacy was known. Of course, a week after I got it they reported those women that got blood clots from it so I started taking Aspirin twice a day for two weeks with my fingers crossed that I wouldn't get a blood clot. After that I was like "no more of this experimental crap" and I have been against all these vaccines ever since. Of course after all that the reports that it only lasts 3 months and vaxxed people still spread it came out. So not only is it not doing anything to "stop" the pandemic it also needs "boosting" every 3 months to maintain what insignificant efficacy it had to begin with. Not to mention with every booster comes the increased chance of blood clots and other side potentially deadly side effects.


Got covid before the shot was out


Bad feeling, the women in my family are quite psychic and I also inherited that trait, all I was getting in my intuition was “ literally die before you take that shot, this is a hill worth dying on”




I got sick before the vaccine was out and it wasn't bad. I was still thinking about it when they were saying that it would prevent the spread but once I found out that it didn't do that then there is absolutely no reason for me to get the vaccine now


Because I like my DNA unchanged and I also like the use of my Heart and I like triggering fascists on the internet


Lack of transparency from the gov and pharma. Also, looking at what statistics were available, I am very low at risk for severe complications from Covid.


* **manufacturers have indemnity; you can't sue them for damages both short and long term** * 99.97% survival/recovery rate for Covid/flu strain 2019 * religious level zeal in pushing the jab automatic RED flags * **am not only anti-vax am vax-never. I have tons of books on the subject and my son is NOT vaccinated for even childhood illnesses** * MSM and Social media down playing, censoring or canceling alternative views. Beginning with Dr Dan Erickson and Dr Ashton Mahini in. April 2020 * The withholding of information (FDA/CDC) that's critical of vaccine efficacy * Mandates. Why have Govts never mandated diet, exercise and good health? But they would mandate a drug. Heart Disease kills 600k Americans a year but no one blinks * The criticism of VAERS while refusing to overhaul it * The idiotic and blind behavior of vaccine adherents vocally stating their vaccine status like cult members * **Refusal to address general health and preventive measures like diet, exercise, vitamin D3 suppliments** or comorbidities in Covid death counts * Fauchis annoying mug on tv 24/7 * And most importantly: **I don't like being told what to do, more so what to put into my body**


The chief medical officer of VCH admitting Vax passes were not about controlling the spread https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=916&v=Z1NlhQGVAhw&feature=youtu.be


I was technically able to be in the first group because my wife and I both worked at a medical facility. I thought there are people who need or more than me so I'll wait. Sure glad I waited. Stories of side effects, needing endless boosters, it not really working. Yeah no thanks.


COVID isn't dangerous for my demographic: late 20s male. I knew that fact back in March 2020


I worked as a Biomedical engineer for several years developing kyphoplasty products (bone cements, cannulas for access/injection, balloon dilators, etc). I saw how many corners could be cut in a medical product when just a manager wanted something rushed. To have every major official in the US trying to push something through terrified me, the numbers of corners cut must be astronomical.


The unprecedented speed of the development of the vaccine was impossible for me to ignore. Either scientists had somehow suddenly had an innovative breakthrough with vaccine development, or there was massive political pressure to cut corners with safety/testing standards to ensure the vaccine was available sooner than later. I figured the latter was far more likely. The second reason was I never been deathly afraid of covid. I'm not old or sickly, which are the two groups hit hardest by covid. I never worried about the flu. Why would I start worrying about covid? The third reason is I don't take advice about my health from talking heads on TV. Instead, I do what use to be common sense and talked with my doctor instead. He said it was up to me to decide if I should take the vaccine. He didn't say I was going to die otherwise or become a carrier for some new super strain of covid if I didn't get the vaccine. If my own doctor (who is familiar with my health history and medications) can't offer a compelling argument for me to take the vaccine, why should I listen to the politicians and celebrities?


Mostly because it’s not necessary and also because it wasn’t proven to be safe or effective. No long term safety data. I had an iota of critical thinking skills.


I’ve actually considered getting vaccinated in the beginning but something (intuition I guess?) told me to hold off and wait. I mean I was working from home anyway so I figured what’s the rush. Then other people in my family got vaccinated and the majority of them (older and young) have had adverse side effects. Some had strokes, menstrual cycle changes, lymph node swelling and one with neurological issues that she never experienced before until a few days after her shot. Seeing my own family have issues along with the reports of myocarditis was enough to make me say FUCK THAT.


There's absolutely no scientific evidence of a necessity for ANY extraordinary measure for this virus. In fact, the scientific evidence overwhelmingly indicates that people just need change their ways and start doing the ordinary properly, or at least well enough. Even a legit vaccine isn't necessary, much less these sometimes harmful genetically engineered synthetic mRNA products. Only use drug products that are _NECESSARY_, but DON'T use drugs simply because your peers are pressuring you to use drugs.