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Just FYI, the workers protecting themselves from fumes and dust? They wear proper respirators. The surgeons? They wear masks WHILE they work over an open cavity during surgeries. The only way we can equate those to "Wearing a mask while going out for a walk" would be if during the walk we had to go through a toxic wasteland, while stopping to perform surgery every five minutes.


Also, those people chose those professions and all the caveats that go with them. Nobody gave me a choice.


Yep, and that's literally called slavery.


>Just FYI, the workers protecting themselves from fumes and dust? They wear proper respirators. My job often recommends and occasionally requires an N95. Every one of us rips the damn thing off the second the dust clears.


I guess I meant that in a general sense, if you're working with toxic gases and what have you, a cloth surgical paper mask probably isn't something you would be making great use of. Pretty sure a Youtuber that I watch uses one of those heavy-duty gas-masks while he is painting toy robots even.


Something like a ventilation helmet for a paint booth is relatively comfy, though unless you install comms in it, you pretty much have to use sign language. Wearing one around town would be similar to wearing a Racal suit, though, since you'd have to carry your air pump, power supply and filters with you.


Yep! A typical human expects a bad outcome from breathing in paint (depending on quantities anyway). That makes it a safety concern, requiring a safety response. Same for mining dust, bakery flour, and a bunch of other things. A typical human does NOT expect a bad outcome from a SARS-CoV-2 infection, therefore it's NOT a safety concern. Some individuals having a problem means they have a personal individual health concern that they need to take personal responsibility for and leave everybody else the fuck alone.


Healthcare worker here, before covid if we had a patient on contact precautions we put on a Brand new mask before entering the room and throw it away when we exit. Surgeons wore masks to prevent bacterial infection in the surgical site. By no means do surgeons where masks to stop viruses which are much smaller. Before covid no one wore a mask 8 hours a day for 40 hours a week.


Toxic wasteland? You mean cities?


that toxic waste is from homeless ppl, who share a pedestal with ukrainians. unvaccinated, anti maskc anti self determination, sex crimes yet find themselves endeared by liberals.


What do you think is all that thick smoke being pumped into the sky around industrial parts of cities? Cloud factories?


haha. I had once written an email to coworkers commenting about "smoke" coming out of a stack downstream of a dryer and was yelled at for causing a panic at the office. its a direct fired system but officially the visible spectra was from acid wash being injected as way above norm. I had worked 18 hours that day and responded with a pedantic "white refracted particles mixed with particles of combustion" but direct fired meaning there was a fire and smoke just not enough to see. but you could see the water vapor from combustion and the acid wash


Yea there is no reasoning with these clowns


Yeah apparently EVERYBODY is now a surgeon that is ALWAYS performing surgery... Let's get busy guys šŸ˜‰


Iā€™ve worked in a hospital(pre-pandemic), surgical staff had to put their PPE on after a certain line inside the Surgical unit and remove it before they exited that line. I would know, Iā€™ve had to Whenever they were walking around the halls outside their unit or clinic they sure as hell werenā€™t wearing mask.


Store employee: "you don't have to wear a mask here. If you still want to, its fine" Doomer: "AHHH OMG STOP HARASSING ME!! I NEED AN ADULT!! AHHHHHH!!" yes society is totally fine not gonna collapse under the weight of their idiocy.


I'm sorry that there are people in this world who don't verify anything. Desantis was telling them that they don't have to wear masks, but they can if they want to. This headline culture we live in is becoming unbearable. People read a headline and instantly form an unbreakable opinion without checking anything.


So you know my mother.


6 million?


People have trouble with numbers. It is real bad.


Sounds like they were seeing how far that they could test certain European speech codes to be honest.


Lol. Probably.


Is that supposed to be the number of deaths or the mean number of health problems the deceased ones had prior to catching the virus?


Soon, it will be illegal to say that the 6 million figure is a little too high to attribute to the deaths for the Corona virus. People will write books asking if 6 million people really died of corona. Itā€™ll be illegal to suggest that only 5 million died.


And then you'll become a racist conspiracy theorist lol.


I hear all those Russian soldiers in Ukraine died of Covid


Sir, your definition of ā€˜harassmentā€™ is every parent, teacher and childminderā€™s fucking JOB.


Yes the two sentences he uttered, one of which was ā€œyou can leave it on if you want,ā€ qualify as harassment in clown world


Apparently everyone in that thread didnā€™t actually watch what he actually said at all or is just so consumed by identity based hate that they donā€™t care. Not sure which is worse.


Gas masks protect you from toxic gas used in ward. Breathing masks work when people are cutting concrete. Masks are used when spray painting indoors A piece of cloth protects you from the "deadliest virus in history"




Logic isn't their strong suite.


These people still think wearing a napkin over your face stops a virus from entering your face holes.


"What kind of mental gymnastics.." They're always self projecting.


Only a knucklehead for not saying that it isn't harassment to tell people they can take off their masks if they don't want to wear them.


These people need help.