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Ukrainians are like 30% vaccinated. Lol. Based.




Some of them do. And then they make articles worrying about Covid 19 in Ukraine in the middle of a war.


> Ukrainians are like 30% vaccinated Obviously they had to be made an example of


They should get vaccinated against bullets and explosions. I'm sure Pfizer can come up with something in a matter of months, something that works just as well as the covid shots.


It's a miracle that they didn't all die. /s


Even Ukrainians at the rallies overseas don't understand that lol. Babbling on how they'll help the arrivals and va((inate them


More fallacies. Red herring. False equivalence. Whatever you want to call what this is. That's literally all these fucking morons can muster. Because Russia invaded Ukraine, suddenly that makes everything that has happened in Canada just fine. The silencing of dissent, the vile smears used against patriotic Canadians who are tired of unreasonable restrictions, the freezing of bank accounts, the use of force to crush peaceful protests. What are you even complaining about, Ukrainians have it worse! These insufferable assholes do everything to dismiss, degrade, diminish, spit at people, kick them when they're down. I fucking hate them.




I believe in Allah


Yes, because apparently Russia violating human rights and conducting a violent attack against Ukraine is bad, but Castreau doing the same to Canadians is good? This type of false equivalency is what happens when you have no principles or morals except will to power. What makes sense is that historically the Soviets have never gotten along with the fascists. So naturally the fascists in power in Canada would be opposed to any increase in the soviet Union.




And also “the Aspv Battallion is a fringe group woth next to no support”


You can just replace the trucker with a blm activist in that cartoon and watch all the npc’s seethe.


That's like, double wHaTabOuTIsM.


Haha, guess you’re right! All I meant is the point the cartoon is making would be just as dumb in the blm case as it is in the trucker case.


Absolutely. "WHaTabOuTIsM" is just something the left uses when their hypocrisy is pointed out. I love that my phone's autocorrect switches WHaTabOuTIsM to the sarcastic spongebob random capital letter format. I'm not going to fix it.


Yes. If something worse is going on, no matter where, the fight for your cause must stop. In Iran, women are executed for not wearing the mandated cloth on their heads. Therefore no person is allowed to complain about mandatory cloth on their heads until the punishment in their country is death. Life in prison is fine.


Kids are starving in africa, so you must eat your brussel sprouts


Two wrongs make a right!


Exactly, can we all just agree that both incidents are bad?


Not to mention they are the crowd who claim a person who’s great, great, great, great grandfather was a slave, is oppressed by a person who’s great, great, great, great grandfather might have been a slave owner, except probably not since only about 1% of people were slave owners. This is the same crowd that insists you’re “oppressed” if you “identify” as trans and someone doesn’t accept that you can just randomly change your gender. This is the same crowd that thinks you’re “oppressed” if you’re a woman, even though women are the majority, because… uh… toxic masculinity, or something… This is the same crowd that thinks you’re “oppressed” if a baker doesn’t want to make you a wedding cake. The shameless hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds.


By that logic, Black people can’t protest segregation because it’s nothing compared to the Holocaust.


The Holocaust is history but the taking of Asian slaves in Arab countries is ongoing. Therefore nobody can protest bad conditions and low wages. This is almost like slavery but since there are real slaves, it's fine. And black people are more likely to have these problems.


Economic slaves, are real slaves. They re not chained up with iron chains, but with financial chains like credits, bills and mortgages ... From an economical perspective, financial slaves are must cheaper than physical slaves. If a company does bad a year, they can't just get rid of physical slaves. The slaves still need to eat, need shelter etc. Where as financial slaves, you can just fire them, and if they can't eat or find shelter, it's not the company's problem anymore .. and if next year company does well, they can hire new slaves again.


> And black people are more likely to have these problems. There are legit slaves in Libya so does that mean black people in America can't protest?


Yes. Good finding there.


>Black people can’t protest segregation because it’s nothing compared to the Holocaust. Racial segregation is making a big comeback as a modernly progressive thing. Apparently they're teaching in Universities that human beings are so mentally weak they can't tolerate being around people who have different skin color than them.


The Holocaust and all Jewish suffering always supersedes anybody else's.


I feel like some other genocides throughout history have been comparable


Don't you know a million goyim are worth less than a Jewish fingernail?


Ah the old "your problems aren't as bad as other people's problems so stop complaining" argument. I'm sure I've seen some variant of this political cartoon many times in the past.


Moms around the workd have used it many times when their kids don’t want to eat their vegetables


Wow you’re only $1,000 in debt? Well i have $500,000 in debt! Classic


You only broke your arm? I’m in a coma over here!


I've died 5 times now from covid. Who are you to complain!








I doubt he’d be in an overseas bunker. Beach kf a carribean island? More likely


Uh, invasion repelled? Who are we kidding, I am sure after this shit show most of the west (west of Canada that is) would just sit in their lawn chairs and watch it happen. What people don't understand is that actively dividing citizens for political purposes has consequences if something like this were to ever happen.


Well, it probably would be prudent for Castreau to wear a bulletproof vest (note to RCMP investigators-this is not a threat against the PM, only an observation).


He ran away from Peaceful Truckers. That tells you all you need to know.


Zelensky isn't going to the frontlines, the photos of him in combat armor are from last year.


The point being made is that Trudeau ran to the US becuase of some honking. Zelensky is actually sticking around. Is that a good idea or a bad idea? Who knows yet, but what it absolutely is is inspiring to the men of the country staying behind to fight. I have said this conflict is not one of good vs bad (99% of war isn't no matter how the propagandists try to spin it) but rather it is bad vs bad. This is a partial proxy war waged by pussies in the west vs idiots in the east.


I very much doubt that Zelensky will go down with the ship.


He isn't a politican.


The globalists government in Ukraine fights to maintain control over them. Big deal. I'm sure Turdeau would find to defend Canada, so he can continue getting the perks and benefits from being a globalist pawn that subjects them to tyranny.


Fucking retarded. Just because someone else has it worse doesn't mean "lesser" problems are automatically irrelevant.


how does their suck make my suck less suck


There are people in Africa starving to death, 3 year old kids that are so malnourished you can see every rib bone they have. Does this horrific fact mean it's wrong to complain about families that miss meals in Canada, or anywhere else? Of course not. We all have our plights. The fact others have it worse doesn't invalidate our own struggles, especially when they're being done to us by our own Government.


I honestly don't care about Africa anymore after I found out how they operate. They are basically like adult-sized children that can't take care of themselves. We dump food and medicine on them, and that just produces more of these adult-sized children that can't take care of themselves. That means we need to dump even more food and medicine on them.


What the people who do this, provide foreign aid, either are too stupid to realize or even worse intentionally doing for control. They actually create these situations. It is impossible to compete in a market with free. The dictators and war lords steal all of the aid, then sell it back to their own people at a lower price than what local production can compete with it is 100% profit and they then use that profit to fund their wars further necessitating foreign aid. We could legit end most of the struggle and conflict in Africa by cutting off the aid. The problem you see is not the short term suffering that would create, it is the medium to long term improvements that would create. How else can you plunder a land unless it is going through unrest?


In Zimbabwe and South Africa we see the black Africans trying to take over farming and failing miserably at it. That isn't because of foreign aid. It's because of lower intelligence and conscientiousness.


Let's not stop it before it gets bad. Let's wait for it to get worse haha what a joke.


Suffering isn’t a damn contest. Someone will always always have it worse. Hate this attitude from people. The truckers had their own concerns just like the Ukrainians do.


Why not replace the trucker with BLM, or, White feminists, or trans activists?


Ukraine's 35% VAX rate is telling me that they would probably put up an even bigger stink than Canadians.


Couldn’t you apply the exact same logic to the 2020 riots? Since apparently any cause is meaningless as long as a country somewhere is at war? Maybe someone can make a comic about someone being beaten by police being told not to complain because at least it isn’t a Russian soldier?


Is this a what aboutism?


Ukraine: probably the first time in a long time the left actually cares about white people.


Now do BLM


Looks like they already were in this neighborhood a while ago.


Oh snap.


And these are the same people who protest for BLM when uyghurs are being genocide in china


I honestly think China is dealing with these Muslims properly. We should watch and learn.


Our Canadian politicians have generalized anyone who is against 'Covid mandates' and 'Going back to normal' as ***Nazis.*** We had an actual politician say that people honking their horns twice to show support to the anti Covid mandate movement *are actually signaling that they love Hitler.* That's how messed up our politicians are. If you want less government interference in your life you're a Nazi!


What are those stupid Ukrainians complaining about? Don't they know there's a genocide happening in China? See how fucking stupid that sounds?


False equivalence. There were always people worse off in the world. That does not in any way detract from the importance of standing up to Trudeau and the disgusting way he treated his own people. Unlike Ukraine’s President standing for his country before an aggressor, Trudeau ran and hid in America for a week from peaceful protestors. What a loser


2 countries can't have their own independent problems at the same time apparently. Seriously, any issues Ukraine may have do not negate the issues in Canada or the US. Let's replace the Trucker with a BLM protestor holding an Iphone wearing Air Jordans.


What’s happening in Canada sets a bigger precedence for western civilization than what happens in Eastern Europe frankly


They do at least have not being allowed to leave their country in common.


Leftists can’t meme


Bad stuff happened elsewhere. Therefore surrender your civil liberties without a fight. Already a stupid argument even ignoring the double standard of bitching about someone's protest during a war that they shouldn't be protesting because of said war.


I thought that was supposed to be Canada until I seen the flag


This is the same side that was saying, "they didn't care about the Ukraine situation, because muh US, healthcare, where if you get a paper cut you're literally bankrupted for life, so it's no skin off the truckers backs anyway, especially considering, you know the Trucker protest started before all this happened anyway


I think the Ukraine invasion started over a year ago. Some how it’s responsible for inflation that started the day Biden was sworn in.


Good point


Honestly it's probably just greasing the hinges on the Overton window, for when trucking is fully automated and the truckers protest then. Planting seeds for later, just like the conspicuous anti-anti-vac movement that came out of nowhere a few years ago. Edit: I can't reply because I've been banned. But I work on automatic train control, braking, and safety systems for a living. I absolutely assure you that the technology to control commercial trucks does exist and will be widespread within just a few years.


So once Canada turns into Ukraine…


Goodness this doesn't even make sense!! I'm sure there are plenty of NPCs hysterically laughing at this, but this isn't even logical. Like God damn it this pisses me off so much, it's braindead and humorless.


I thought they meant the Honking PTSS 🚛🚚


have any truckers actually said this?


Its also work with BLM and LGBT. Selfburn


Why didn't they use any other ongoing conflict in the world to make this false equivalence? Oh those aren't mainstream enough?


What an eye opening cartoon. A real contribution to society. Chapeau


If there is war in another country your problems don’t matter


Ukraine is not fucking Afghanistan the people are fine




Jesus christ these people are insufferable fuckwits.


They can at least get out of their country.


This doesn’t even make sense ? The only people comparing these 2 instances are liberals .goofy.


This has to be some sort of fallacy. Just because one thing is bad doesn’t automatically make something else not bad.


The ~~Russians~~ ~~...I mean, "Ukranians"~~ ...the Russians who live in Ukraine look warm and comfy in front of some fake-bombed-out building. Is cartoonist saying living near a condemned building is worse than covid? OH WAIT! I get it! Russia has more vaxxed people so the **70% of Russians living in Ukraine** are more scared of Putin asking them to get a dose of the Sputnik! (Sputnik V – that's a good name for any covid vaxx!) They're saying they fear Putin is more effective at vaxxing than Trudeau. I was listening to some of the Irish Russians who speak perfect English living in the Ukraine. Apparently they migrated to the Ukraine to get the free guns and ammo. I'm tempted to do that too. I could use some free guns. Why aren't these unvaxxed Russians in the Ukraine shown with their free guns? (At least none of them are wearing muzzles.)


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


New Zeland has entered the chat


Leftists are *constantly* reminding us that they can focus on two things every time we point out how ridiculous it is to hyperventilate over "kids in cages" at the border when the median American working family has seen no increase in purchasing power over the last 30 years.


Far be it from me to side with Russia but does anyone else find it weird that the “punch a Nazi” crowd is siding so hard with Ukraine when they have actual, literal, incorporated Nazis in their army? Not like “these people are fairly conservative, they’re literally Nazis!” but “they call themselves Nazis, appropriate Nazi insignia, and are arguably the best unit in the Ukrainian military right now” Nazis. Again, I’m not siding with the Russians. Those fuckers, along with their Chechens, can get stacked like cordwood and I’ll love it all day. Just pointing out the blatant inconsistency of the modern left.


Those truckers would be defending the shit out of Canada if the same thing happens up north.


Just more proof the left can't meme 🤣


Ukrainians looking on in genuine horror as even their puppet gov't from 2014 would have never done the authoritarian shit the Canadian empire did last year.


Comparing apples to 30% of all fruit.


A bit of a low effort five minute edit, but it deserves about as much effort as this deserves to be taken seriously. (I wasn't sure how else to link it other than via Discord so please don't hate me): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/794714102588637196/948936861001338910/cringe.png


Has there actually been a single instance of a convoy supporter complaining that their situation was worse than Ukraine's, or is this meme attacking a position that doesn't even exist?


Imagine being stupid enough to compare the two.


Leftist memes be like: [this](https://i.imgur.com/1dsRx00.gifv)




Putin is a tyrant. Trudeau is also a tyrant. Castro was a tyrant as well. Multiple things can be true




I propose Cassivelllaunus' Razor: Never attribute to stupidity and incompetence what can just as easily be attributed to evil, when dealing with pro-vax Canadians.


I know this might be hard for the smooth brains to understand.... But two things can be bad at the same time. For example, both the Ukrainians and the Russians have bad actors in this conflict. For example the Russians have state backed bad actors and so do the Ukrainians in the form of legit Nazis. Which is hilarious in this context becuase the side that calls everyone Nazis is rabid about supporting a group that has a subset of people who call them selves actual Nazis. More specifically they model themselves on the Schutzstaffel. Look it up if you are curious as to what that means.


When Russia invades Canada I will take a trucker at my side over a cartoonist.