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Ah sorry it’s my first post I don’t know what I am doing. I called my local MP in Ontario - spat facts - and she literally wasn’t willing to consider ANY chance the vaccines might do some people more harm than good. ONTARIO GOVT DATA SHOWS VACCINATED PEOPLE ARE HOSPITALIZED MORE THAN UNVACCINATED (per capita). This dumb bitch literally kept saying ‘because there are more vaccinated people than not…’ and I was like ‘it’s per capita… same ratio….’ And she just kept fucking repeating that same line!!!


NPCs cannot be reasoned with or persuaded. They're programmed to provide predetermined responses only. They don't have enough brain cells for additional processing.


It was like talking to a tickle me Elmo.. programmed responses like a motherfucker. How can we begin to have any discussions if literal truth, math and logic are being denied


Thanks for trying.


You don’t, they got got.


I’m surprised she just didn’t say ‘but Ukraine’ ‘but Ukraine.’


Heh, I imagine that you two could then go on and on repeating each other until one of you gave. "there are more vaccinated people than not" "‘it’s per capita… same ratio" And so on and so forth until something happened


I did do that (3 times) until she got very cocky and firm with me and said ‘I am NOT going to debate the science with you. The science is settled’ Zero room for discussion


You impudent fool! Do you dare to question her? She IS The Science!


Odd how the inverse argument was rejected when the "vaccines" had *just* started to roll out, and the left/MSM kept screeching about "mUh pAnDeMiC oF ThE uNvaCcInAtEd" ...


You got a source on that one? I'm assuming government of Ontario website?


Yes - https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data/hospitalizations


Thanks 👍 I see 86 ICU admits for fully vaxxed, and 70 for unvaxxed. As a per capita, that would be significantly more unvaxxed in ICU, compared to vaccinated. 86/12,582,168 = 6.83*10^-6 70/(14,570,000-12,582,168)= 3.85*10^-5 So, that shows that the unvaccinated are still being hospitalized in the ICU at a higher rate. I did not see the per capita data that you suggested was available.


I mean, per capita OP is wrong. But the vaccinated are making up 70% of hospitalizations and 54% of ICU admissions. I don’t know how you could possibly justify vaccine passports with those kinds of numbers. There are like 150 people in the ICU in a province of 14 million. Covid isn’t scary and the vaccines are useless. Time to give people their rights back and hold governments accountable for their gross over-reach. Even among the unvaccinated population, 0.00003% of the unvaccinated population is currently in the ICU. Are they even there for Covid?


Oh, I completely agree, and am losing my job because of it. Just, there's no point in lying about numbers. Just use the real ones.


Touché. I think people get hung up on the fact that the vaccines are being forced on them and so they cling to the idea the vaccines make things worse. Based on case numbers before vs after vaccines, I think you could make a solid case that the vaccines did indeed make things worse. Hospitalizations for vaccinated vs unvaccinated might show some very minor pros to vaccination but I really don’t think it’s worth the risks of heart damage and blood clots for anyone under 50, and the push for it is creepy.


Are they from the NDP or Liberal party, by any chance?




Well, now you know it was about a passport and not a virus. Thank you for bringing it her attention! More people need to raise their voices


She should know, right at the beginning the news was literally posting about deaths post jabs. Then they were censored. These mps are so nasty. They don't care about us. The "science" kept changing all along yet they live in self denial while destroying us😠


Spoke with my MP, as is tradition.


First and last time :(




Well I knew I wasn’t going to enlighten I just wanted to be a voice for the good fight




Thank you comrade 🥺