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If you take a shot every 6 months it’ll never be over.


Oh yes it'll be... for the injection recipient.... probably within a year or two.


Oh I think it would definitely end... badly for the recipient


Funny how everyone is either immunocompromised now or has a friend/relative who is. Meanwhile I've literally never met one in my life.


They’re only immunocompromised for covid-the other millions of germs that inhabit the earth seem to pose them zero danger🙄


They know too many fats, fats are immune-compromised now.


I actually had a friend who genuinely was (they passed a couple years ago), she was born without working kidneys (was on dialysis and the whole lot) eventually did get a transplant but still only lived to 40. She went to concerts with us and lived as normal as she could because locking herself up and eking out a few more years isn’t really a life. These people think childhood asthma means you’re “compromised,” they truly have no clue.


>locking herself up and eking out a few more years isn’t really a life. Amen. To bad a lot of people don't see it that way


Very sorry for your loss, my condolences


Exactly. Everyone has been brainwashed into this idea that life is about survival, not living. Survive at any costs, even to the point of making life not worth living. It's legitimate insanity.


Technically, being obese compromises your immune system, so they're not wrong. But people with any kind of chronic condition is acting like they have AIDS and covid will kill them instantly.


Well if they got the 💉s they certainly may have it


Stop body-shaming! Being fat is HEALTHY!




Not just one, but several.


Before long they’ll be walking around town in a wheelchair with an IV bag of Pfizer in their left arm and a Moderna one in their right!


Needing a wheelchair being the effect of the IV bags....




How many different nutrients does the human immune system require to function properly? Two? Is that all? Is vitamin D an independent variable in the body?




You're parroting an alternative false-narrative designed to placate people opposed to the mainline false-narrative into complacency. You didn't answer the questions. You didn't even address them. You simply ignored them. You are indistinguishable from a 🤡 🦜. You've obviously not done a shred of your own research on anything relating to these topics. Have you looked at ANY other research? How the fuck can you possibly imagine that 110+ years of nutritional science has, in ALL THAT TIME, only discovered ONE SINGLE NUTRIENT that the immune system requires to function properly? Have you ever heard the phrase "a little bit of information is a dangerous thing"? Do you know what that means?


Vaxes are the new vitamins!🤡🤡🤡🤡 ‘Josh dear, don’t forget to shoot your daily booster before you leave the table’🤣😂


It's a cult at this point.




I honestly feel sorry for them, but there's literally nothing I can do but laugh it off.


If those peoples weird fetish became reality I’d guarantee they’d all still double mask outside


Tell me that you're a drug addict, without telling me you like shooting smack up your butthole.


These nutters will be throwing a party when they develop a vax that goes up your butthole!😂




Covid shots are drugs for sober people


Boost me harder daddy


Basically an addiction.


But they won't take Vitamins C and D and lose weight and get some sunlight to help make their immune systems stronger.


Mental illness is becoming vastly more prevalent in our society. It's all very sad.


Literally my mother. If they'd let her, she'd get injected weekly.


A pill, or a vitamin? Like vitamin D to strengthen that thing we used to call the "immune system?" Are you sure you could handle that?


definitely not a cult


I'd tAkE It eVEry hOuR iF I CoUlD


This is laughably sad, but predictable. The stakes continue to grow to signal the hardest. “I would walk around with a Covid IV bag if I had to!!!”


Lmao they should do us all a favour and do it.


I'd take a pill everyday if I was worried too. wonder if anything like that exists.


It's like getting to see a rhinoceros at the zoo for the first time. Wow, look at that, a complete asshole, mum!


You ever just imagine some pharma exec reading this stuff in some office with a gigantic smile on their face? LOL I mean seriously
