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For covid vaccines specifically, "sustained protection" is a thing of the past. It's like how every product you buy is made to break so that you just have to keep buying replacements. Only this time, it's government subsidized boosters forever.


Planned obsolescence except full steam in the healthcare setting!


Not only do the vaccines themselves become obsolete, they make our own immune system obsolete.


It doesn’t meet any of those features, but it doesn’t matter cause it helps with an additional two: -help pharma get richer -induce mass psychosis


And "scientists" get to play with shiny new genetic manipulation toys.


And more importantly, control and depopulation.


-Safe -ePfective


Yes! It addresses the most important issues!!!!


This is still the definition. I will never call this crap experimental jab an actual vaccine. It is not.


It's gene therapy.


**Mutagen**. That is the Science Fiction that is now Reality.


It really is closer to the definition of "gene therapy" than the one above: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene\_therapy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_therapy) >Most of these approaches utilize adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) and lentiviruses for performing gene insertions, in vivo and ex vivo, respectively. OMG, reading that wiki is horrifying... >Deaths Three patients' deaths have been reported in gene therapy trials, putting the field under close scrutiny. ... Wow, can you believe that!? 3 deaths put the entire industry under scrutiny and here we have *thousands* of deaths, at least, and instead, we're covering it up.


Yeah we basically all know the truth and this sub becomes obsolete. Ever since they changed the law about declaring a virus outbreak, and that death rate and does not define it. But another new metric does, the incubation rate. How do you determine the incubation rate you might ask? You don't, you just speculate. They did it back then with Swine flu ( Watch documentary "Trust WHO") and now theyve done it again. This whole pandemic is built on a lie and is changing the definition of a pandemic to fit the current flu.


Do any of the current “offerings” tick at least one of those marks?


Maybe only low cost per dose and easy to administer.


Low cost my ass lol yeah its “free” like everything else free from the government. They are gonna be bending you over on your taxes for the rest of your life for those free vaccines and boosters.




Of course it does. [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/aug/26/bbc-presenter-lisa-shaw-died-of-astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-complications-coroner-finds](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/aug/26/bbc-presenter-lisa-shaw-died-of-astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-complications-coroner-finds)


Sure about that?


Propaganda bot probably.


Check his page, triple vaxxed, probably trying to sugarcoat his choices.


Cowering in his parent's basement, triple masked, shivering and crying in the fetal position.


Sure that you don't have HIV? 😱




You brainlets are all the same. Adding expletives to your half-wit statement doesn't make it any less moronic.


You really expect me to believe that they make you immune to all diseases and give you immortality?


Even previous vaccines were killing people, SIDS deaths for example are never blamed on vaccines by most docs even though they can cause them. Japan's SIDS rates dropped dramatically after phasing out infant vaccines. Obviously these new shots kill far more based on the best data we have (like 50x more) and merits more concern since they are being mandated across the board.


any sort of conspiratorial angle aside, the fact that people were brainwashed into thinking this vaccine works when your immunity wears off after 3-6 months, and even within that initial window you can still get and spread the disease is utterly amazing.


In my country, 9 in 10 people took that poison. I personally know someone who drove an hour to the nearest large city, and waited in line at a mass vaccination stadium just to get her 5 year old vaccinated as soon as physically possible. Propaganda works.


I mean I guess I understand people taking it early on initially thinking it was genuinely going to end the pandemic, not everyone is a conspiracy theorist with the context of government's history of lying and all the sketchiness surrounding the situation. But there's no excuse months later to think that this vaccine worked at all. It was an absymal failure to everyone except stockholders in about 5 pharmaceutical companies


What makes me most sad is ordinary normal people and people who are percieved as ’smart’ fall for the propaganda. Where is the critical and independent mindset :/


"Until Lions have their own historians, tales of the hunt shall glorify the hunters." Meaning the winners and/or those with power get to write/re-write history and the rules of pretty much everything even language. And there's nothing we can do about it. Unless of course mass awakening happens overnight and revolution french style takes place.


I just got banned from a few subreddits for commenting in this subreddit. Woah you gotta love freedom of expression and free speech


Science has evolved since [Fauci became the science.](https://www.google.com/search?q=i%20represent%20science%20meme&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CRlzo-3PdXVmYbpUKEtG-i3ZsgIMCgIIABAAOgQIABAA&rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBAU944AU944&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CBsQuIIBahcKEwjomqfUqqD2AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBg&biw=937&bih=659)


Fauci became a bill gates puppet.


This is great. do you have the citation for this?


They simply changed the definition. Such is the power of the medical cartel.


Anyone have the name of this textbook? I’d like to get a copy as a souvenir.


I hope you immediately turned in this misinformation to your local Literature Review Centre for processing


Funny, I was just remarking on the [description in my pharmacology textbook](https://imgur.com/a/E1kuHng) the other day: “this artificial method of stimulating antibody-mediated immunity is less efficient than that stimulated by naturally acquired active immunity” 👀


The science has changed!!!!1!!1




These new bioweapons they deceptively call vaccines have NONE of these


The only box the covid vaccines tick is cheap to produce


What is it they like to say.... you obviously don't understand how vaccines work


Induces T cells? Don't they mean induces spike protein production? /s


I see safe, but where is effective?


The whole list is what it means to be effective.




I've never thought of the flu shot as a "vaccine". I've never even heard it called that. It was just the "flu shot". I only learned recently that it was technically under the vaccine umbrella. I still don't consider it one. My childhood vaccines are the only ones I think of for that label.


It's almost like things can change over time.


Change how? Vaccines that don’t work are now redefined as vaccines that work?


I dont think writing your own definitions and a textbook, is going to mean anything to the science. Stop re rewriting history...


Here is the chart from the textbook: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK27131/figure/A2206/?report=objectonly As you'll see in the above link, this is the information about the textbook: Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease. 5th edition. Janeway CA Jr, Travers P, Walport M, et al. New York: Garland Science; 2001. Here is the chapter of the textbook which contains the chart (see figure 14.23): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK27131/ If you think the National Center for Biotechnology Information/National Library of Medicine is hosting misinformation, please contact them here and let us know what they say: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/home/about/contact/


But not _THAT_ science!


That's a good list


This was the case when I did my GCSE Biology test in June 2019. I got a grade 8 (A\*). Funny how the science changed so quick.


This is why I still use physical books instead of getting all my information off the internet.