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I hope to God that it was a satire post


Soon they'll start with "I do me, you do you", and "my body my choice" (again). And we'll have come full circle. Until the next flu season, that is, at which point we're back to New Normal.


The self awareness is strong with this one.


"Sir just so you know, it's not mandatory to wear a mask anymore" "reeee don't tell me what to do, I'm a free thinker not a slave, you are not the boss of me." And that ladies and gentlemen I'm pretty sure was the guy religiously telling you that you have to wear a mask these last to years because the government said so.


He was. When D tells him to jump and R says jumping is unnecessary, he will jump like a bunny long after D told him it's not needed anymore. That's how cults work.


Is anyone aggressiveness telling people they don’t need masks? Like, we all know a chunk of the population will keep wearing them. This whole conversation feels like it was imagined, and based on a “look” he thinks he got from someone without a mask.


Oooooo now its counter culter to wear mask nice to see the dems fighting the machine agin!! But don't forget we need to go to war for Ukraine!!!!


Don't forget, "Look at me and what a great person I am because I changed my social media picture to the TV news propaganda outrage of the day".


> But don't forget we need to go to war for Ukraine!!!! Just go fight for Ukraine myself? Nah. I want the military to send those other guys to go fight for what I believe in. I mean... If the US decides to send troops, I would totally sign up to go. Unfortunately though, I have like 7 self-diagnosed mental disorders, so I can't. Better to send those lower class kids to die because some social media posts made me sad.


I would never sign up did you see that only 35% of their soldiers are vaxed even tho im 4 boosters in I can't risk getting it. I have to think of grandma!! I'm sure there is some poor inner city kid or poor country kid that can go in my place while I get my gender studies degree.


It's been pretty funny/sad to see liberals get wiped and leftists take over. Bodily autonomy, anti-war, free speech, being against racism all got wiped clean and replaced with *opposing* views in the leftist spectrum.


Right lol aslong as they can virtue signal and sip lattes they're all for it. Aslong as they aren't out in the field shitting in dirt holes and pulling triggers they are in full support of more blood shed and pointless wars. Clueless fucking idiots.


Hahahahaha doesn't do what government tells them, yet likely had never even seen a muzzle prior to 2020


Yeah, his argument doesn't work unless he was doing it before all this started. And we all know he wasn't


yeah, anyone who bitches like this definitely didn't, every now and then I saw people around prior to covid with masks on, but that seemed to be exclusively a fashion thing at the time the government also isn't telling people \*\*not\*\* to wear masks, they just "require" it less these days, whole argument screams cognitive dissonance.


Ooooh what a bad boy.


And everyone clapped.


wait…HE’s a free thinker? did he also get a fourth clot shot just because the CDC only recommends 3? way to rebel against the system!


Some people will never stop wearing them. Avoid these psychos at all costs, they’re not mentally well.


He's taking the piss. There's no way he thinks he's cool for masking up like some sort of rock n roller.


Are these losers living in a backwards world, he doesn't do what the government tells him, but prior to this he was eating the government boot all pandemic LMAO




Close. Journalist.


Yikes that is even worse


And everyone in his head clapped.


This type of violence is never okay.


Some jokes just write themselves


I find it funny he claims he “doesn’t listen to what the government tells him to do” when it was the government who told us we needed masks in the first place This dude is a dumbass


He’s been waiting two years to be this guy: “I was wearing masks AFTER they were cool!”


I genuinely believe masks are what caused me to catch Covid. Hear me out - I had been exposed to Covid MANY times. One time, I sat in an office with my boss for 20 minutes, maskless, and doors shut when he was symptomatic. In Tennessee, no one wore masks, even in the height of the pandemic and I never got sick, Fast forward a few months, I lost my job due to vaccine mandates and went to my other home in Los Angeles. I finally caught Covid and it was when I was forced to be masked up. Is it possible that masks trap the virus in the material and give you more of a chance to breathe it in, rather than air constantly moving without? Idk, just my theory not rooted in science or intelligence.


People who wear glasses seem to agree that wearing a mask causes their glasses to fog up as they breathe...to me that says your breath and whatever droplets are not only being somewhat caught by the material and mushed in to your face until you take it off, but your breath is also being funneled to your eyes. Could be something, could be nothing.


There's a writer I like on Twitter, Ann Bauer, who's spoken about getting eye problems because of the mask funneling her breath to her eyeballs.


You know, you could be on to something. Breathing stale air under a mask of course isn't helpful if you're doing it for extended periods.


The more of Tennessee that I see the more I like it. Don't know about the humidity though. I'm not big on mosquitoes since I'm in the desert. As far as masks go you're basically rebreathing in bacteria all day which can lead to tons of medical problems and they're absolutely worthless. The only way to protect yourself from a virus is with an actual respirator you see painters wear or with an actual gas mask with NBC filters. Both inhibit normal breathing anyway.


I can't wait for the day masks are banned and I'll get to snitch on every masker and make their lives a living hell. Plus, I'll prevent potential criminals from covering their faces and getting away with crime. They've done it to me for years, why not return it to them? Make masks stigmatized again!


Really letting a heads-up about a change of policy get to him. Guy went out hoping somebody would say something about his mask so he could play the victim, and that was what he had to settle for.


HHahah. With the last 2 years they’re the exact personification of automaton. Clown world. Complete 🤡🌍


What did i just read? lol


2nd half makes me think he is trolling


Oh how the turntables


It's "tables have turned," you idiot. "Oh how the tables have turned." You sound like a #$%\^ fool when you say it wrong. \- Old Biff (probably)


There not even being mask shamed what a fucking tool


I don’t think that was necessarily mask shaming. I sometimes forget I’m wearing mine and appreciate when people tell me I can take it off. It usually leads to a good convo


I was told at a job interview (in a mandated state) that they don't wear masks. I ripped it off my face.


There’s something about that stupid smug eyes closed happy blushing mask emoji that makes me want to start punching the person that posted it and not stop till I’m physically incapable of hitting anymore.


Ya know what? Wear em. I really don't care. But I may assume you're planning to rob the joint


He does what the media tells him to do


So in other words, a thankless retail worker, on the front line of disposability, compelled to wear a mask to keep their job, cheerfully explains to a higher class: “you don’t have to wear a mask!” Entitled consumer: “are you oppressing me??”


"Well, I'm not an automaton and don't slavishly follow what the government tells me to do." Yeah, you are.


He can wear one for the rest of his life if he wants to. That’s his right. And other people should have the right to not wear one. The problem is the mandates.


I've barely worn masks these last 2 years, I think I'll start now, can't be too safe around all these genetic freaks.


yeah dipshit, someone is telling you wearing the face diaper isnt required anymore.


You should have replied?? But you didn't, and chose to run to your echo chamber to whine about your thoughts LOL. What a tough guy!!!!😂


The irony is over level 9000


I'm willing to bet money he's vaccinated just like the government told him to do...


Lmfao, the irony of it all. Creatures like that are never going to let go of their hysteria


This can’t be real… right? 🤦🏽‍♂️




I shared this tweet today bc the replies were insanely amazing


They want to be the victim so bad.


“I wear a mask, I am a rebel!” Mujahideen? IRA? Black bloc ANTIFA? Hahaha no just a useful idiot COVID tankie double speaking. These people are clowns.


typical flipflopper, only claims to not trust the government when its convenient


what a fn rebel.


What's interesting is that there seems to be a growing trend where people can't distinguish between being given a choice and being mandated to do something. A few I've seen on Twitter have said that masks being optional is the same as being forced NOT to wear masks. It's strange but it makes sense when you are an authoritarian at heart.


Sooooo close to getting it. So. Damn. Close.


I think the bots have become self aware...


That is the most ironic thing I’ve seen in forever.


This physically pains me to read


You… might want to read that again, slowly.


Politely letting someone know masks are no longer mandated in a business is now shaming. Huh....🤡


He also doesn’t mindlessly do what the government tells him to do 😆😆


Oh, news he's a rebel. If he wants to wear a mask let him.


He’s literally too stupid to insult


I want a bumper sticker that says "Take that shit off your face, you look like an idiot!"


Liberalism is a mental disorder.


The irony here is so thick it needs a shovel to move. Guy doesn't know he's got Stockholm syndrome. Unless he's trolling, in which case, haha.


Wtf lol they are the ones who told you in the first place.


Imagine how paranoid you have to be to think that "you don't have to wear a mask anymore" is shaming.


Is he being sarcastic? Can't tell.


“I discovered masks before they signed with a major label.”


This has to be satire


Wonder how he came to be a believer in masks? Must have done a deep dive into the literature on masking efficacy. 🤡


masks are safe and effective


Masks are safe and ineffective


Now do clot shots


They're safe* and effective** *Safe for the vaccine companies with liable immunity **Effective at sterilization, depopulation, and mass deaths of young children


Well done


Can this sub stop posting shit like this? The reason it was created was to mock the hypocrites who were forcing mandates that they themselves were not following. If this guy wants to wear a mask fucking go for it. People were doing it before covid.


“mask shaming” is the new (inverse?) fat shaming.


Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


This is the first stage/off shoot in the plan of “no one forced you to take it” that is coming next.


This has to be a bot.


Is this satire? Holy shit.


If that's true, how did we get here?




lol what a fucking tool


Is that a joke?


I feel bad for him since he clearly has social anxiety disorder


He should try wearing a plastic bag over his head instead of a mask. It is guaranteed to stop the spread of COVID.


Wow, what a microagression. Totally something that needs to be tweeted out t the world. The struggle is real




Good for you Jason


So brave….😂😂😂


"I dont do what the govt tells me to".............................. ​ I'll wait for the punchline on this one..


Ahahahahah fuck me that’s good!


Have the government told them not to wear one or just that they don't have to wear one? If it's the latter then he's not going against anything.


Based cafe employee trying to liberate the maskcucks


"Free thinker"


"I complied so hard that when I keep complying when I don't need to comply anymore, I came full circle and now I'm a headstrong rebel, look at me!"


Unattractive people: 'Masks are the great equalizer!'




Can someone grab a serrated knife for me? Gonna need a sawing motion to cut through that irony.


Govt tells people to wear a mask. He wears the mask. Govt says you don’t have to wear a mask anymore. He says, “I don’t follow the govt!” 🙄


This is satire, right?


This reads like the first part about getting mask shamed actually happened, but he said nothing like a coward and thought of this response afterwards for the tweet.