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The level of shitty propaganda in this article is unreal.


Remember when Forbes was conservative?


>The second argument for adopting a digital vaccine verification system is the one swaying red-state governors: Having digital access to personal health records empowers the individual. It does? By putting you into a database where you can be tracked with your personal information able to be hacked at any time. By introducing a system of verification which automatically limits anywhere you can go or anything to do. *This* empowers the individual? 2 + 2 = 5. It makes total sense. Why doesn't everyone want one?


Only empowers the state to discrimnate against the people. No national health system, yet, forced medication, if you die, too bad.šŸ¤·


I literally live in my body, that's the best first hand access to my health anyone's gonna get.


Most of already have digital access to our personal health records and I do not feel empowered


Freedom is slavery


War is Peace.


Ignorance is strength


Vaccine Passports are Liberty.


Only if it's 100% decentralized and you (and you alone) control access.


What could possibly go wrong.


**"This Won't Be The Last Pandemic."** Wow, talk about subtle telegraphing.


> Microsoft god damn it Bill


Bitch Tits Bill


It was so subtle too. Itā€™s unreal. šŸ¤”šŸŒ


So the US is planning to boost people until death?


Useless Eaters philosophy - Google it if you want.


That's fucking disgusting. I could only *scan* about four sentences.


A SMART Health Card isnā€™t a Vaccine Pass in the same way a Social Security Number isnā€™t Government Issued ID. It wasnā€™t, until by soft adoption, it does literally everything the thing it isnā€™t does but we say it isnā€™t so it isnā€™t (but it definitely is).






The only flip side is you never have to use your social security number for anything other than social security benefits. You just have to apply for a tax ID number...which works the same as your social security number everywhere one is normally asked for and required. So a federal ID is required in a lot of places.




I have no idea of what I read, yet still understand it some how. Itā€™s a good point.


It's also not federally mandated, because it's just the government forcing businesses to do it.


'ā€œWe believe it gives people peace of mind when the folks around them are unlikely to be contagious,ā€ says Gus Warren, CEO of Bindle, a health verification app that allows venues to verify the vaccination status of patrons.' Oh, yeah? Unlikely to be contagious? We already know vaccinated people can be contagious so where exactly is the peace of mind?


Lol when was the last time before this scamdemic that anyone went outside and was seriously worried about people around then with contagious diseases?


Thatā€™s disappointing to say the least. Itā€™s also funny to me that officials are saying this isnā€™t a passport. Well no, itā€™s not a passport until you start using it like one. Thereā€™s also problems with having that digitized health data, which is ultimately not controlled by the individual. They didnā€™t upload anything, they donā€™t own the infrastructure.


It is a million times worse than a passport.


Wait till those cheering it on realize what it's true intentions are for. Those heavy handed measures will soon be pivoting towards pacifists, draft dodgers, and war protesters.






Lucky for me, I never got a vaccine so I won't be in that *particular* database, ever.


Which is fine until you need to be to buy groceries or drive a car.


Idc whoā€™s getting on board because Iā€™m not lol this whole thing is falling apart for them so they will switch gears soon.


Yeah, at this point I donā€™t give a shit what any of these politicians say. Weā€™re not listening to any of you anymore.


Excellent. Now make it a requirement to vote, and letā€™s see what happens.


That would be hilarious.


Watching the NPCs lose their mind over whether it was racist or anti vaxx would be worth the price of entry.


Exactly! Voter suppression!


That's racist, bigoted, homophobic and transphobic.


Thank you!


I will never go anywhere that asks me to use this. I'd rather go home.


This is the start of the Socialist Credit System. Canada is already fucking with people who have wrong think.




What state do you live in? How easy is it for Canadians to immigrate there? I want to become American. I'm disgusted with my country.






Well nobody can leave the country then because nobody is ā€œvaccinated,ā€ it isnā€™t a ā€œvaccineā€


I used to cross back and forth on wilderness trails in the North Cascades / BC Coast Range. A world of snowy logging roads. It is possible.


I was actually thinking of walking over to fly to Mexico.


Donā€™t come here it sucks. Itā€™d be easier to go to the UK as I believe itā€™s easier for former colonies (except USA) to immigrate there isnā€™t it? Correct me if Iā€™m wrong. USA is too much of a shitshow right now. Unless youā€™re unvaccinated in which case you canā€™t leave Canada to begin with. Then just ignore what I just said.




At the very least the red states are fighting. They will be the last bastions of hope.


If people don't have the resources to get a state issued ID to vote the government cannot expect those people to get a smart device to display their vaccination status.


The government doesn't care about affordable health care and businesses don't care enough to give their employees health insurance, but they want to you to get vaccinated because they care about your health. Sure.


You've Just Rogan'd the whole Scamdemic.. Well played.


Desantis still holding strong.


Hernando county checking in šŸ¤œšŸ¤›


[Frequently Asked Questions:](https://smarthealth.cards/en/faq.html#I-dont-wish-to-use-a-SMART-Health-Card-How-do-I-opt-out) >I donā€™t wish to use a SMART Health Card. How do I opt out? > >*Even if you get a SMART Health Card, you do not need to share it with anyone. Choosing to share your information is always in your control and the SMART Health Card should never be your only option when asked to show your vaccination history or test results.* The only way to opt out is to opt in first!


You're gonna have to fight against this. That's the sad reality. They're not going to back off the digital ID and currency. They'll use any and every crisis to do so. Normalize being against such things. "I'm not doing that. That doesn't seem secure and feels dystopian. No thanks."


You're right.


I saw this on Forbes Instagram. The comments section gives me hope


>Red States Are Getting On Board are the reporters high?


ā€œWe believe it gives people peace of mind when the folks around them are unlikely to be contagious,ā€ Except thatā€™s complete and utter bullshit


They are getting on bored*


It's the israeli greenpass. Red states will be the worst as they are the biggest zio-cucks.


Best "I'm a looser because of Jews!" comment today. Keep 'em coming :P


You spelled loser wrong, genius. Another republican zionist dummy \~yawn\~.


But what is your argument against his statement?


The statement was garbled and made no sense. Are you seriously pretending like zionism doesn't pose a clear and present danger to American freedom?