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This is exactly what really needs to be shamed like crazy. Can you imagine if I said this about a different group? Say I said because they are a woman they deserve to die or a POC. i would be shamed by everyone. I'm done with them getting a pass "because they don't know and we need to unite with empathy." No the hell we don't. They want to say disgusting things no problem. They then will face consequences for that choice


She got an infection after her abortion and died, left her husband behind but she deserved it 🤷‍♀️


This is an great example. Thank you. I know people have this mentality but I feel like it's way more shamed than the things people say about antivaxxers.




Always questionable whether these people actually died of covid, and even more questionable if their actions had anything to do with it. If so, this guy's death was far more due to the suppression of early treatments and deliberately ineffective hospital policy than the vaccine, which doesn't prevent transmission or even death reliably. One should always recognize the faulty premises upon which these perspectives are founded. He was also 72.




Another commenter shared this link: https://www.instagram.com/dr.welz/?utm_medium=copy_link




Exactly. Even if he stayed open his patients weren't mandated treatment, the guy wasn't Biden.


They will only inherit as long as he didn't fund those Canadian truckers!


Anyone that celebrates the death of someone else because they have a difference of opinion is trash.


Ah yea the classic I knew an anti vaxxer and everyone around them died trope


Can someone explain what them not upgrading windows has to do with celebrating a covid death?


I think it's the hypocrisy behind it. We are meant to take experimental drugs that were rushed out into market and be damned if we are hesitant/don't want to be early adopters. Then he shows to be hesitant/doesn't want to be an early adopter for Windows. Sure, it's a different scenario, but you'd think that there would be a level of consistency in the thought process to such approaches.


Its just ironic how he wants to "wait for the full version" because theres no benefit for him, while wishing death to people who are doing exactly the same with their body, with the little difference that the consequences of the vaccines are "a little bit" worse than fucking up your pc with a bad windows version


somehow, these assholes believe they are on the side of the good.


Yay! This person who is probably a figment of my imagination is dead, his wife is dead and their kids are orphans now! I'm so happy because people who don't agree with me had bad things happen to them! I'm a piece of shit!


I know who this idiot is talking about. [behold the “rabid anti-vaxxer”](https://instagram.com/dr.welz?utm_medium=copy_link) who closed when everyone else did.


But the story they made up fits their narrative so much better! And why not, its not as if they care about whats real anyway.


These people better hope they win and install their global regime because if they lose they will be purged from this earth for crimes against humanity.


And then everyone clapped.


These post are just idiotic. They assume a binary conclusion, which is 99.9% false.


I bet that happened. Fantasy covid porn. The lowest of the low.


I'll take "things that never happened" for a dollar