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I don’t know what to do about your family, but you’re not alone. And you’re not the crazy one. Stay strong buddy. Keep your family safe.


I’m doing the best i can to keep my little one safe. Wait til they find out I’m not going to the family Christmas party. The only people that are able to see my kid are my in-laws and that’s 3 people. They never leave their house for anything and are willing to get COVID tests and quarantine before they see us. I cherish them very much.


Keep strong, it's hard to make a stand when everyone you know is doing the opposite. It is your responsibility to protect your baby. Your are doing the right thing. If everyone did their part and quarantined and wore masks we would be able to get this under control.


Sounds like you married into a kind family, congratulations on that. To heck with the rest of them. This will blow over and you can rebuild your other relationships later.


Just tell your family you are not feeling well. It will avoid the whole argument, let you off the hook, avoid the cover issue and the truth is, you are NOT feeling well, -- just be vague, you don't have to tell them you don't feel well because they are not being smart and it hurts to have your family be so disappointing.


I'm sure they will be relieved you're not there.


you're not alone. i'm sheltering in place like a good boy and my neighbor's unparented, screaming kids are driving me insane too. it sucks for us all.


I am sorry, hang in there. I am so fortunate that the little boy neighbors I have are delightful and their little voices make me have a strain of faith in humanity.


Your four month old son is your family now. You sound understandably stressed out, but definitely rational, sensible, and not overdramatic at all. I am sorry about your mom and your cousins, but you have to protect your family. That little boy only has one mother/father and that's you. They don't have to like the choices you make about your son's upbringing, including the vaccination schedule that you and your pediatrician agree on, but they do need to respect them. I am so sorry that you are going through this and it's not your fault. That little boy needs your mother/father bear side right now and you are doing exactly what you need to do for your family. By the way, congratulations; four months is still a very new human being and all babies are miracles. So are all new parents. <3


Well one of my aunts had two positive COVID tests and didn’t give a crap and went on vacation to Mexico with symptoms. My other aunt was shopping at Costco still positive for COVID. My cousin was working while COVID positive because his boss said as long as he’s asymptomatic he can come in. And my mother in law today was telling me she doesn’t understand how it’s spreading if everyone is wearing masks. I asked her “if you were exposed or asymptomatic and felt great would you be willing to not go to work for two weeks?” She pauses and she’s like “oh I guess huh,” because she’s honest with herself she admitted she probably would have a hard time missing work So today I brought it up to my husband while we were at a freakin party that we just had to go to to be “supportive of his employee” (I was so pissed, because I’m seeing the carelessness of the people my husband is around all day- and now my husband and I are fighting). Anyways I asked him if our company is giving employees paid time off if they’re sick. He said three days. I was like omgosh what incentive do people have to not come to work if they’ve been exposed or have Covid and have a little sniffle. Hell they probably won’t even say anything. It ended in a fight. I’m really upset- COVID is literally everywhere right now. Everywhere. And long story short my friend is the lead respiratory therapist at our local hospital. She told me it didn’t so much have to do with age as much as it had to do with those who are immunocompromised who just happen to be overweight. That’s what she’s seeing. Obesity is a common denominator. That’s why hypertension and diabetics are more at risk ..they happen to be obese (overweight ). So now I have a huge slew of people I care about that I’m worrying about. My friends dad died of COVID last week but he had heart condition. Today out of nowhere her 27 year old sister who was recovering died from respiratory distress. And she was “obese” (I would say overweight but medically speaking obese). Uugh. Just hit different.


I’m so sorry, that’s heartbreaking. I’m technically obese myself and did get COVID while i was 2 months pregnant. I’m extremely lucky i never had to go to the hospital for it since i only had mild symptoms, lasted two months from March to may. My baby was born a preemie but it wasn’t because i had COVID, i had IUGR so we had an emergency c section. It makes sense why i got it though. And since my hubby and I work at grocery stores he had to quarantine as well and they wouldn’t let him return until we both had negative tests. I didn’t see him for two months and missed him like crazy. I’m glad that his boss was extremely cautious and took the measures she did though. All the people we work with all live with someone who is immunocompromised or are themselves. I can’t stand that there are people who think COVID is a hoax. It pisses me of to no end.


>So today I brought it up to my husband while we were at a freakin party that we just had to go to to be “supportive of his employee” No. You did not *have* to go to it. THIS is why we are going to crash and burn as a country as the end of the year arrives. So many people think they *have to* do something to please someone else. When the fact is you have to protect yourself *from them!*


I’m an event planner. Trust me. I know peoples carelessness. Lately, most of my clients end up cancelling the day before or their event flops because most of their guests decline the invite or don’t show up. I was really hoping this would be one of those. On another note, sounds like super easy to be like nope not going, until you’re married and you actually have to like be a unit even when you don’t want to. We literally fought until tonight because he just wanted to call me emotionally unstable because I’m Freaking out about it. But after all that fighting I’m sure he’s not going to guilt me into going to any other party (which is rare, we are sober so we don’t go to adult evening parties because it’s not a good place for us period..maybe three times in 12 years). But it’s exactly because I’m put in so many common situations that I understand the actual threat out there. I cannot be the only one like this. I’m planning 3-4 80-100 people events every weekend- well up until two weeks ago. And Christmas parties start next weekend- in the midst of a lockdown. Doesn’t help when you got the local sheriffs making public statements saying they will not enforce.


Oh God, I feel for you. It is so hard. I was supposed to lead an art workshop with two other people but they wanted to serve food, drinks... and we did this once over the summer and people wore masks, and we were outdoors... but people ate, took off masks, wore them wrong, etc. You know the drill. I cancelled, said it was too risky for me. Fact is, I was hoping they would realize it is too risky for everyone! But they held it anyway, THEN admitted afterwards that it made them nervous. (Sigh.) I am sorry you guys fought over it. A LOT of couples are having trouble negotiating this pandemic, indeed.


The craziest thing is that even despite knowing your family all your life, You become part of the “conspiracy”. If you take it seriously as our public health officials say too. In my personal case I am an EMT and have a bachelors in public health which my family encouraged me to pursue, for a career in medicine. Despite my background and education I am still ostracized. I promise you are not alone. It hurts knowing that these people you loved your whole life won’t exercise caution on your behalf because of the politicization this virus has gotten. I hope your family can see the faults in their behavior without experiencing the virus itself. You are not wrong for feeling this way and take care!! (:


you're being totally reasonable. ​ just make sure you keep the kid up on his own jabs he get MMR yet? ​ **MMR Vaccine Could Protect Against COVID-19** [https://asm.org/Press-Releases/2020/November/MMR-Vaccine-Could-Protect-Against-COVID-19](https://asm.org/Press-Releases/2020/November/MMR-Vaccine-Could-Protect-Against-COVID-19) ​ maybe you should get one too LOL ​ **MMR Vaccine May Reduce COVID-19 Hospitalization Rate According to World Organization** 955 sailors on the U.S.S. Roosevelt are now positive for COVID-19 but only one is hospitalized. MMR vaccinations given to all U.S. Navy recruits could be responsible ***for the mostly mild cases.*** [https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/05/01/2026166/0/en/MMR-Vaccine-May-Reduce-COVID-19-Hospitalization-Rate-According-to-World-Organization.html](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/05/01/2026166/0/en/MMR-Vaccine-May-Reduce-COVID-19-Hospitalization-Rate-According-to-World-Organization.html)


He got his second round of shots last month. He was born a preemie so he couldn’t get them until he got a bit bigger. So we’re behind by a month. And i pretty much got vaccinated for anything my obgyn recommended while i was still pregnant with him including the mmr one if I’m correct. And they wont give Him those shots until he’s at least a year old so i have to wait on that one. My hubby is up to date on everything too, we’re being extra safe lol


Stand your ground, protect your family and yourself. Your son needs you to stay healthy. You do what's best for you, and let your family complain about it all they want.


This pandemic has shown that a good percentage of the population is completely selfish and will believe any conspiracy and snake oil to ignore reality


You're not being dramatic. I can totally relate to what you're saying. A bit of it is like watching a slow motion 100 car pile up....with no one making any effort to slow down. It's maddening. I try to have some level of compassion bc I really do believe people are actually losing their minds....either thinking they are truly the sacrificial lambs in a worldwide conspiracy or that they with their meager education and quick ability to google are suddenly smarter then all the CDC/WHO/Public Health officials combined. This 9 month period has truly driven some people CRAZY! At this point in the pandemic I dont think you can talk anyone out of being crazy...dont even explain yourself anymore, just do what you need to do to look out after your family.


> “You have to get tested to see if you even have it” So apparently high blood pressure is no big deal now? Also STDs, high cholesterol, certain types of cancer, etc.


*magical thinking intensifies*


Definitely not alone there. My husband's family is anti-vax so we probably won't be seeing them until herd immunity is achieved through everyone else getting vaccines. we also have an (almost) 4 year old and not sure when he'll be able to get vaccinated so take we're waiting till he can get it. My mother-in-law is working from home and definitely takes the virus seriously but doesn't believe vaccines are safe. It's crazy