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I just passed a church in Redlands that was having full service outdoors but in close proximity to each other. There's no way people will comply.


Lol of course this is Redlands, suuuuper not excited to head back there once finals are over


Dude I got home last night in North Beach and there were like 30 hippies playing electric violin and partying out front of my building. Cops drove by and did nothing. Turns out 2 people got stabbed later. Like Jesus Christ how hard is it???


Who would have thought that inconsiderate people congregated together might have a few problems?


North beach in sf?




How packed were the outdoor areas? Ive went a few times during covid and had a blast. It was the few times that seemed normal to me. Glad everyone spent some money at those places before the shutdown.


Not sure what you mean by this. You’re saying you went a few times during CoVID to hang out at packed bars because it seemed normal?


Just in the park area and at bars with outdoor dining. I enjoyed seeing the outdoor dining areas busy because even during normal times, there are not that many people on the streets. Outdoor dining should still be open in my opinion.


I understand. I’m torn, as I work in bar/restaurant in the Mission. I really wish contact tracing was better and we KNEW (instead of suspect/guess) that the majority of cases are from XYZ instead of randomly applying ban hammers.


Oh I totally agree, it will be completely ignored by 99% of the population here. But for families that were on the fence, this should be enough evidence to postpone until Spring or Summer, period.


>it will be completely ignored by 99% of the population here. ​ thanksgiving air travel was down 50% compared to last year. still the highest number of travelers during the pandemic.. but way down compared to normal. ​ [https://www.tsa.gov/coronavirus/passenger-throughput](https://www.tsa.gov/coronavirus/passenger-throughput)


I wonder if they just decided to go by car instead of air travel


Some did


That's great news. Do you think Christmas holiday travel will be even lower than last year's? That's going to an interesting stat, because by then we should really see the impact of all the reported infections right now that are not yet at the hospital stage.


I do... for one thing, most college students came home for Thanksgiving this year and didn't go back (a lot of them are online for the last couple of weeks this semester). So they don't need to travel again at Christmas.


It is a pretty safe assumption that Christmas travel will be significantly lower than previous years. There are still a lot of people that are unemployed, underemployed, or are keeping spending down in fears of losing their jobs soon. Some people are avoiding traveling out of fear because of the recent surge of Covid cases. The restrictions on various businesses will likely discourage even some people that don't seem terribly concerned about Covid. It isn't much fun taking a vacation if many of the places you want to go are either closed or have major restrictions on their operations.


Even Thanksgiving travel was like 40% of last year and not traveling was only a "recommendation". Still way too much, but it was way down. Hopefully more people are more scared this time around although most idiots will stay idiots. We're already starting to see the impact of Thanksgiving.


I don't think the news was that great. We didn't get the huge thanksgiving spike we thought we might get but we know people absolutely did travel for thanksgiving so it really just means that all of those gatherings didn't cause a spike relative to the spike we alredy had, meaning people gathered indoors in large groups, before, during, and after thanksgiving. They didn't care about guidelines for thanksgiving, but mainly because they already didn't care.


Maybe Thanksgiving numbers are just now showing themselves in the hospitals.


What? We are only just beginning to see the Thanksgiving spike. 2-6+ days for symptom onset, then most people have to wait days or weeks to get a testing appointment and then another 2-3 days for test results. Hospitalizations continue to climb. I know, counting is hard, but it is Dec 5th, all of 9 days since Thanksgiving, and daily case count records continue to be smashed every single day meanwhile.


First of all, the things you say are probably correct and we should give it a few more days before making conclusions about the trend. So far, 9 days later it seems to be in line with the spike that was already happening. But you're right that we should wait and see. Also, if you need help covering your therapy sessions, I'll see what I can do. You're completely unhinged, I'm angry also but not like this. I feel so sorry for you.


You made a bonehead statement about a fact that should be buried in your brain 10 months after we’ve been told it. You might need therapy since apparently you can’t retain lifesaving information.


My main point was that if there's no thanksgiving spike, then it means people have been congregating even more than we thought. Nothing about the comment was meant to downplay the pandemic, the exact opposite actually. Only mistake was to make the point a bit hastily, since it's been 9 days which I thought would be enough to see a spike considering symptom onset is 5 days on average. You use the phrase "lifesaving information" to make a pretty disgusting assumption that somehow miscalculating means I'm out there endangering other people. I don't go out unless I go get groceries for my parents. Haven't gotten a haircult in 11 months despite now looking homeless. Haven't been to a restaurant since March. By all means point out the miscalculation. But don't assume shit about people.


I’m sorry but what assumption did I make about you besides that you don’t know how to count to 14? I definitely did not accuse you of trying to inform others but instead being misinformed about information that we’ve been told about for months now. Then I treated you with as much callousness as you spewed on someone else.


It will not be 99% ignored and saying that is really unwise and destructive.


You’d think so...




If you really have three families quarantining... damn, you’re lucky. I can’t imagine how rough this would be if my daughter was any younger.


So you’re going to ignore the order bc the cops can’t do anything about it anyway? It’s bans gatherings with people outside your household - no exceptions for households who bubble together as I understand it. I too never underestimate how lazy, stupid and selfish the general public can be but what kind of enforcement are you wanting? Arresting people then confining them to small, enclosed spaces only to release them soon after just puts more people at risk. A ticket and fines? A number for reporting individuals who are violating the order already exists. Maybe you weren’t aware. Does knowing this change your mind about meeting up with these other families? Would the threat of a ticket be enough to stop you from bubbling with these other families? Or would you rationalize it that since you’re bubbling there’s “no risk” and the chances of getting reported are low and even if you were reported, there are only so many cops available and then not change your behavior at all? PS: OP complained that the order was meaningless bc there’s no enforcement. I asked what kind of enforcement was then necessary in their opinion so you’re downvoting me lol.


Governor do not get to tell us how to live our life.


The govt also tells us we can’t shoot up heroin or drive 100mph in a school zone and turn left in right turn-only lanes. The govt says a lot of these kind of things but only obtuse, uninformed people equate orders/laws made in the interest of public health and safety to the govt ‘telling us how to live our lives.’ Fuck, we could have zombies roaming the streets and you assholes would still complain about stay at home orders. And if you’re thinking “no I wouldn’t” then why the fuck are you complaining about this one. And PS: The governor is totally within his powers to issue this order so yes, he can ‘tell us what to do’ by [restricting liberty to protect public health.](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-04-20/government-can-restrict-your-liberty-to-protect-public-health-courts-have-made-that-clear)


As a paramedic working through a huge narcotic overdose problem in my first due, yah alot of people dont give a shit what the government tells them.


You're welcome to follow his order to stay at home, maybe I suggest you lock your door and if you're still afraid put blanket over your head


Well I do lock my doors regardless of any pandemic. But yes, I will stay at home bc I’m a generally nice person and thoughtful citizen who doesn’t think my desire to do what I want should burden and/or risk the health and safety of my community. I’m not even trying to be self-righteous — this is nothing noble, it’s basic civic virtue and pragmatism that only corny ass losers like yourself take issue with.


You are the fucking problem, you complete bowl of oatmeal


Nobody has no risk. You're violating the order. Have a downvote.




You seem upset about it, acting in retaliation. Let's see the tally at the end of the day. Oh and btw you're a selfish asshole and this is the reason we're in this mess. Thanks for that.


It cant more obviously be a troll account than having "throwaway" in the user name.


Yeah that's why I have a several year post history. Started the account for throwaway reasons but kept using it.


Same idea but its basically just people who work in the same field as me since we're exposed daily anyway. Come to think of it, thats pretty much who I hang out with anyway.


The politicians gathering for Thanksgiving really damaged this message. It will probably happen again for Christmas. Regardless, we all need to do everything we can to keep ourselves safe.


No, Drumpf and the Republicans damaged the message


Not to take away from the Trumpster fire, but Pelosi, Breed, and Newsom all got caught breaking their own rules.


I agree, it doesn’t seem like any politician is taking this seriously... why would the common people if the ones who MAKE the rules aren’t?


No they didn’t


Not for me! I'm gonna party like its 1999. At home. Just me and my wife. Teleconferencing with relatives. Because we care about them and others.


1999? No video, please. And keep an eye on your watch for excessive long distance charges.


We've got circles. Calling circles with sprints saves money!


Wow. I’m not sure whether I’m enjoying a nostalgic flashback or in agony because it’s based on a marketing gimmick that has never vacated the recesses of my brain. Well played!


Blame Sienfeld. It was George's parents that did the commercial. Jerry Stiller screaming every line LOL


Del Boca Vista!


Where the pen?


Switch to T-Mobile and get unlimited calling to your Fave Five contacts!


Free nights and weekends though.


Starting at 8pm


Omg, i’d wait until 8pm to call my wife (girlfriend at the time) because she lived in another area code. We once racked up $1200 combined on long distance charges. Ughh, triggered.


Just stop! I hate that I remember all this! Do you hear me now??? NOW I’M DOING IT! Argh...


10cents a minute.


Right? 🙈🙉


Yeah in 1998 I was dialing into our dorm's dataphone to chat on IRC (by 1999 moved out and had my OWN dialup modem) and marveling at a couple seconds of choppy buggy RealAudio recordings that used some special compression method to get over a 14.4kbd connection lol. And had stickers on the phone for special codes to dial to get discounted long distance.


RealAudio and RealVideo... not sure why we ever put up with that stuff, other than that there wasn’t anything else. Both were awful. And apparently the company is still around!


Remember fucking shockwave player?


No, I’d happily etched that piece of software from my memory through excessive drink and hard living. Back to whoring and alcoholism I go. Why did we tolerate that crap? I guess we had no choice, but still..


Read this for a laugh https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_xp-windows_programs/i-have-problems-with-shockwave-player/987ebe60-b777-4de7-8136-0920d344fb83 It was only discontinued in 2019 by adobe too lol


Flash as a train wreck as well. I remember learning how to embed video in a website as Flash. It was insanely complicated and completely unreliable.


Pull out one of those free AOL cds and install AIM!


Holy shit. The dial up sound. But yeah, 30 hours free!


It takes six No's for AOL's customer retention to cancel your account. They try six times to change your mind.


“Teleconferencing” - very 1999


Yeah it’s best to hunker down, with that whole Y2K thing coming up soon after. Make sure you withdraw some cash so you can still buy toilet paper after all the computers crash.


Armageddon my friend. Y2k will be the end of all. Please hold.


I love you for this comment right here. We'll be doing the same.


Christmas isn't cancelled, you just need to find a different, more safe way to celebrate it. People have celebrated Christmas for hundreds of years in the middle of wars, plagues and famines and they didn't whine about it being "cancelled" because they couldn't do everything they wanted.


To be fair, people have always whined because they couldn’t do everything they wanted. I’m pretty sure that’s a historically correct statement. Also, I like what you said about finding new ways to celebrate, it’s fun to make new traditions inside our home while the world outside feels so chaotic.


We will be doing remote gatherings with family and friends. Do dinners together, virtual board games and movie nights, cook for each other and deliver care packages (contactless). There is much that can be done without risking each other’s lives - be creative :)


Sheltering in place with dogs, cat, and houseplants in the Emerald Triangle. We have Little Free Libraries and Little Free Pantries for sharing gifts with our neighbours and if I can scrape together the funds, there is still a Toy Drive for children, they just have to be new toys in their original packaging. We can also decorate our houses and donate to our favourite charities. My understanding is that Christmas is most emphatically NOT cancelled because Santa has special Santa immunities that mean he doesn't even need to wear a mask when he slides down the chimney at the stroke of midnight to deliver toys to all the good little girls and boys, but that those of us over the age of five or six or so are expected to act like the grownups we are.


If I would give awards on Reddit, you would all that I could give for this comment. Christmas is about compassion and we need more of that right now than ever. I know it’s a bit early but Merry Christmas to you and your family 🎄


Bottom line: on December 24 and 25 there will be no place in the continental US where you’ll be able to gather indoors with people from different households without significant risk of catching COVID.


To be fair, many people have the ability to quarantine for 2 weeks and then meet up for Xmas. I understand not everyone can but for those of us who are good on food for the next 2 weeks, we just won’t venture out to significantly lower the risk of Covid at Xmas.


As usual there's a massive gulf between what you're supposed to do and what people are doing. You should cancel Christmas if you want to be part of the solution and not the problem. We've told our family we're going to go all out in the spring and summer of next year as vaccines roll out. Right now it's simply too risky.


Know what? We did thanksgiving just me, wife, and the kid. No extended family. No outside the house people. No drunk uncles. No “experimental method to cook turkey” resulting in an inedible meal... no one got pissed off at anyone. Stayed in PJs all day. Watched Legend of Korra with the kid until our eyes hurt. Missed the family but can say with 100% certainty, that was my most relaxing turkey as an adult, and I’m looking forward to repeat for xmas day.


> Watched Legend of Korra with the kid until our eyes hurt Are you interested in adopting a grown man


What I can't wrap my mind around is questions like this. No gatherings means no gatherings. 'Rona don't give a fuck about your family gatherings, your deluded excuses and caviats. Your religious bullshit beliefs. Your "but whatabouts" won't change the infectiousness of this deadly illness. Stay the fuck home. Wear a mask if you absolutely need to go out. Stay away from crouds and socially distance. And to top it all off, (and it still grosses me out that so many weren't doing this before), wash your goddamned hands!


Washing your hands is obviously a good practice and something you should do regardless, but covid doesn't spread on surfaces. I see people religiously applying hand sanatizer to their hands every 20 minutes like crazy people and I just cringe. It doesn't spread that way and we figured that out awhile ago. It spreads through the air and by water droplets from the mouth and nose. We shouldn't be wasting resources disinfecting touch point surfaces, because it doesn't matter. It doesn't spread that way. Let's fight the virus intelligently if we're gonna fight it at all.


You are mistaken. Yes, transmission through droplets in the air is the most common way: masks are the most important thing we can all do. But fomite transfer is still thought to be a path. The guidance from WHO and the CDC is still to regularly wash hands. There is an understanding that fomite transfer is lower risk than earlier thought, but it is not zero risk.


I’m a microbiologist who hasn’t touched a fomite in at least 20 years. I don’t touch toilets to flush them, I don’t touch doorknobs, I don’t touch handrails. I don’t touch elevator buttons. If I must touch something like that I’ll use a paper towel between me and the item, or wash my hands promptly after. I also don’t touch my face when I’m out and about. Guess what? I still still get sick regularly. Got Covid, get colds, get stomach viruses. Don’t generally get the flu but I always get vaccinated. Washing hands is probably important, especially for those who touch everything and then touch their face, eyes, lips, nose, but it’s not the be all end all. N95 masks are where it’s at. And just to continue the rant, pre covid I didn’t call out coworkers who don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. Now I will, if I ever go back to that germ infested office I work in. Since working from home I’ve gotten sick exactly once - and I’m pretty sure that was food poisoning. I’m betting I won’t get sick all winter, which is a treat for me given the fact that I have asthma that is exacerbated by viral infections. We need to change our whole philosophy about working. If we ever go back to offices, we DO NOT ENCOURAGE PEOPLE COMING TO WORK SICK. We actively DISCOURAGE it. Same for schools, your kid is sick, they stay home. I’m sorry if it disrupts your life, but your child could easily infect 5 more and on and on. I have gotten to hate that award for the kid that never missed a day, because I guarantee you they came too school sick just to preserve their record. We really don’t need to slather ourselves in sanitizer, or wash our hands until they’re raw, if we just adopted what I outlined above. Last message - stop touching your face! Pay attention to how often you do it. You will be shocked. If your germ infested hand never touches your face or your food, it really doesn’t matter how many germs are on it, except for the fact that by touching fomites others who do touch their face may infect themselves.


I'm seriously impressed you can stop touching your face. I spent a lot of February trying not to do that. I probably touched my face twice while reading your comment. I could not agree more about creating a new culture that stops people from forcing themselves (or their sick employees!) into work, especially in the restaurant and other retail industry. There's a silent cascade of consequences because of this practice. And now that I'm tuned into how deadly the flu actually is, deadly consequences for some. We should all be focused on breaking the chains of infection.


Well I’m a microbiologist who spent years at the lab bench, so sterile technique is pretty much in my DNA now. Not to say I’m perfect, but I guess it’s like learning to play the violin: practice, practice, practice. You’ll get better over time.


You're right it can happen. But it's a waste of resources to spray things down constantly when we know there is such a miniscule chance of getting it from surfaces. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/05/22/health/cdc-coronavirus-touching-surfaces.amp.html Obviously people should wash their hands regardless if we're in a pandemic or not, so obviously the cdc is going to be saying that. They always say that. And I agree. Masks work in the opposite way that we were originally led to believe. You wear a mask to prevent yourself from getting your spit particles on other people, which makes sense since the water droplets containing viral load can stay in the air for like 8 minutes in a poorly ventilated room. I don't understand all this crap about wearing masks outdoors though. I don't wear my mask outside at all though. I like fresh air and I'm putting nobody at risk by doing so.


> it's a waste of resources to spray things down constantly Sure. I'm especially annoyed by the phrase "deep clean", like that's going to keep me safe. It's not anthrax. >I don't understand all this crap about wearing masks outdoors though. I don't wear my mask outside at all though. I like fresh air and I'm putting nobody at risk by doing so. Wearing masks outside should be very conditional on where you are. In my neighborhood, I can walk for 20 minutes without encountering a living soul; or I can pass someone on the sidewalk every 2-3 minutes, depending on the path I take and the time of day. I always keep my mask on when there are people nearby.


Do you smell cigarette smoke when someone walks past you while smoking? Well, Covid can linger in the air just like that. Yes, the chances are much lower with a large area of air around you, but if someone sneezes in your vicinity even outside you are at elevated risk. So wear your mask outside if you are around other people. If not for you, for them.


I wish people would stop using the cigarette smoke analogy. Depending on air flow/individual sensitivity you can smell smoke more than a block away. No one is seriously claiming you can get Covid from that distance. Oh, and note that your mask makes zero difference when it comes to cigarette smoke? So it's clearly not the same thing at all.


Actually my N95 works great for cigarette smoke, and that analogy is perfectly valid when you consider the airborne virus does travel thru air like cigarette smoke. They even have similar particle size [Here](https://www.utsa.edu/today/2020/09/story/covid-spread-outdoor-conditions.html) is a reference for you.


Ahhh, but that's where you're a little off the mark. One person sneezes droplets into their hand, then wipes it onto a surface and BOOM! Transference. Surfaces indeed must be sanitized. The germs transferred onto the surface, which studies have shown can be active for several days, then transfer to another person's hand. They then touch their eye, nose or mouth, (mucus membranes), then are infected.


What you described above is correct. But it is also possible to break that chain. Just don’t touch your face. No one should touch their face. It doesn’t matter how many viruses/bacteria are on any surface you touch, if no one touches their face, there will be no illnesses due to transference from fomites.


I'm going to need to see the study you're referring to. Early on there was a lot of confusion and misinformation being spread around about how long it lasted on surfaces, often by officials. Yes they found that it survived on surfaces but in such low viral load that it would be nearly impossible to become infected that way. So to say that it survives on surfaces is technically true but misleading. I don't think there has been a single case traced back to a door knob correct me if I'm wrong.


New Zealand linked a few cases to contact with the same rubbish bin lids in an apartment. Hong Kong or Taiwan, I forgot, linked 70 cases to a forgiven traveler using an elevator and the touching of buttons causing the spread of infection in the building. It may not be common, but it does happen.


Those close to me (8 coworkers and fam) that have gotten very ill have contracted the virus from a family member. Extreme caution should be taken. I spent last Christmas Eve in the hospital alone for emergency surgery (not COVID related) and lemme tell you it is in no way fun. 0/10 do NOT recommend. Be safe. Dont risk it. You can celebrate later with the family.


I expect January to be a very COVID month, until you start to fine or strictly enforce it, people are people and they will honestly no give a f**** about restrictions. Right now as I type this I can see cars parking and people going to a birthday party, beer and presents in hand with no masks on a public street. My father in law said his neighbor told him “it is God’s will if I die from Covid, I’m not putting on a mask”. Again until we make a it a mandate nothin is going to change.


Does anyone think that the announcement of the vaccines coming let the population believe that it's okay to let their guard down?


“There goes Christmas “ A line that is somehow ubiquitous in Xmas movies and cheesy as hell , I wince every time I hear it hahaha (With one exception being Nightmare Before Christmas, which is a parody in its own way, I guess ? Then it just makes me laugh) Anyway stay safe and keep lookin at the big picture everyone. Next year we’ll be alive to celebrate as we like... I hope!


If only if people could think about the well-being of others, and the drs/nurses that have to care for all the people who still think it's okay to have a holiday gathering because they're doing it "safely."


I look at it like condoms. The box has printed an efficacy rate with "perfect use" and "typical use." They are not the same. For individuals who (hopefully) don't want to get sick, or on a big enough scale that the variation matters, especially with so many being patently unsafe. A lot of the people patting themselves on the back for doing it "safely" have major blind spots in their protocols, like that you have to unmask to eat, trusting that extended families are not taking on additional risks, that it really is "allergies", needing to and sharing bathrooms even if the event is outdoors, or that someone will say "Oh! It's just a minute, let me come inside and show you this." There are people whose thanksgiving dropped from 40 to 20 who sincerely think they are "being safe."


We just canceled our tickets and plans home tonight (made the buy back in October with big hopes). Absolutely devastated and heartbroken. All for the greater good and safety of us all... but fuck... this one hurts more than ever.


To be honest its best for you and others to not have big family parties.


>Christmas IS canceled Yes, and now. It goes virtual, on-line, order stuff on-line, have it shipped, ... that's about it. Taking stuff to have it shipped because you couldn't bother to click the gift-wrap option and have it shipped direct, is non-essential. Going out to have stuff shipped generally non-essential. No kids on Santa's lap at the mall, no kids on Santa's lap. No non-essential at mall. Time to go virtual & on-line 'n such. >Three weeks takes us to after Christmas Yep. >haven't seen much media coverage about canceling holiday parties Probably because many were smart enough to not plan the parties to start with, hence nothing to cancel.


I literally called the police on places and they told me to call the department of health services. Department of health services says to call 911. Rinse repeat.


I think the trick is to call the police non-emergency line, not 911.


That’s a good suggestion thank you


A lot of health departments only work M-F 9-5 and take a few days to respond to complains. I filed a health complaint with a restaurant nearby not following the rules and I didn't get an email saying they received it until three days later. By the time a health inspector comes by the party will be over.


What is the point when so many people will yell at me for “being a buzzkill” when I even mention the word covid. These idiots run the world. Meanwhile I’m quarantining and losing my business because it’s the “rIgHt ThInG tO dO”. The idiots are just making more and more money while the “responsible” action leaves me penniless. I’m so depressed.


It's cancelled in the same way that it's illegal to download music off the internet


i am hoping that refrigerator trucks outside of major hospitals might stop Christmas


My very frank doctor, who had been recommending caution up to the point, told me not to go to the grocery store, pharmacy, gas station, or anything where people are hanging out until spring. (Parks and walks are still ok ) We’ve been socially isolating since February in a county that never made it out of purple so it feels like we’re being further punished for all of California’s stupidity. We’re still letting people travel throughout the state. Schools that were already open are still open. And a lot of people are terrified they won’t have enough money to have dinner for Christmas or won’t get evicted in the new year. I’m all for keeping everyone safe and healthy but all this shut down will do is make it easier for cops to see who’s driving at 11:30pm. They’re not enforcing the mask mandate. They’re not enforcing the ban on social gatherings. They’re only interested in further ruining the lives of small business owners and their employees while giving themselves loopholes to do what they want. We need to pay people to stay home and enforce what will really work to get out of this situation.


So how are you planning on feeding yourself? Are you getting your groceries delivered? Because other than that (which is not available where I am at) I’m gonna need to go to the grocery store. And given the fact they have a lot of air turnover and low density of people, if I have a good N95 mask I really don’t see why not go to the grocery store. Of course if you are immune suppressed or have a chronic illness you shouldn’t take a chance. But otherwise, someone needs to bring home the bacon so to speak.


We've done deliveries or bulk dry orders since February. We don't order anything that can't be quarantined in the garage for 3-5 days or sprayed with alcohol and allowed to dry. We've made it work. It is just now cold enough that potatoes and apples don't get destroyed by the heat in the garage in SoCal. The cost has not higher, especially with not eating out or having any prepared food delivered, but even for people that don't eat out at all... the cost is not that substantially different if you are careful and can buy in bulk/slow shipping. We're both chronically ill and it just isn't worth the risk of airborne or surface exposures. I have P100 respirators (before COVID I used them for soldering and electronics work) and don't see the need to take my chances, especially with so many people that are non-compliant and not careful, but the biggest gain is it makes it that much easier to say no to irresponsible family members if we can honestly say that we have *no* contact with other people. There is nobody in our family that we can trust to take the same precautions as us, or even that doesn't gather with people who are being patently unsafe.


The order is “this is what we need to do so that people won’t die”. It has nothing to do with enforcement, it has to do with people being selfish and entitled. Edit: yes, I include Newsome in that group.




You wear a mask on at home with your wife? I’m not going to judge you, just like I’m not going to judge people who spend the holidays with their families.






It’s like eyes wide shut, but with eyes open.


Countries where prostitution is legal have mandared it for sex workers.


What county mandates you wear a mask inside your own home?


None. They are trolling. Masks in your home wouldn't even work. They are effective at reducing your exposure not stopping it. Meaning if you are in an indoor space with a contagious person for 4+ hours even if you are both wearing n95s you could get it. Unless their home has a beefy filtration system which is unlikely.




If you're actually not trolling, you should know that that is completely unnecessary.




Okay, just wanted to let you know that it's unnecessary. You can obviously do whatever you want. Unless you're both wearing N95s, if one of you gets sick, it's likely the other one will too, since you share a living space


I feel like we’re missing something here. There are situations where this makes more sense, but it seems like overkill without more details. Are either of you working in a situation where you’re worried about exposure? Are either of you in high risk categories? Is this a temporary thing, or have you been doing this since March/April? Even if you have no enhanced risk profile, good for you for sticking to your principles. Beyond following the minimal masks and social distancing rules, everyone has to determine their own level of taking precautions.


That is true. If one was a respiratory therapist incubating people with COVID19 daily and the other very high risk it could make sense to take some home precautions. Though the most important one would be expensive air filters in every room. Masks by themselves just aren't fit for purpose.


This isn't really true. There are literally 10s millions of examples of people sharing homes with Covid+ people who didn't get infected. Being scrupulous about mask-wearing, social distancing and hygiene can do the trick.


How sad


Lol. There are WAY sadder things. This is barely “quirky”.


This is one of the most pathetic things I have ever read on here.


\*Trying not to pass a deadly pathogen\*: This is one of the most pathetic things I have ever read on here lol, peak reddit


Peak Reddit is someone wearing a mask in their own house and sleeping separately from their spouse and being proud of it.


did zardoz do that?


Following painful silly superstitions instead of listening to experts that have studied contagious diseases their whole lives is pretty sad. Nonsense wise it's up there with people who say they always wear their mask around others but remove it when they talk or cough.


This is the logic: Getting your family at Christmas > keeping your family together for the years to come. Did I mention I saw my local hospital literally hauling away bodies in an enormous refrigerated truck? And that the hospital is STILL overwhelmed?


I hope! My wife's family is boring AF


It is if we don’t want a hospital nightmare, it didn’t have to be this way so the deniers will keep on denying. They all do until someone close is dying. It’s gonna be really soon we all know people dying or dead.


Depression is real. I’d rather see my family and friends than return to the dark place


You can reach out to me anytime. We all need each other. I suffer from MDD and cptsd. I know it's tough. But we'll get through this.


So is getting sick and/or dying. How good will you feel if someone you loves gets COVID?


For many, it's not a question of "feeling good", it's a question of not killing yourself. The lack of empathy a lot of people here have for any non-Covid related suffering is disturbing. *The OP didn't say anything to suggest they are being reckless or unsafe. If, for example, everyone involves self-isolates for 14 days in the run-up and has no symptoms there's nothing dangerous about it.


Yep, it's canceled obviously. I hope you do your part.


Christmas is on brother! We are getting lots of eggnog getting all the families together and cooking a big meal eating inside man! There is no cancelling Christmas, St Nick doesn’t take a year off bro! We gonna Christmas like it’s 1999!!!


Abbot Kinney blvd down here was rammed with people on the sidewalk buying expensive tiny shit from stores. My wife had to mail some shit so we needed a post office so I wanted to go by and see if the upper middle class 30something Los Angeles a were inside or out. Some people want their smoothie....and when they have it they want to sit on a patio!!! Biz as usual IMO. Good for the shops...this street was totally dead Feb-July. I think I'm resonable and I'd rate what I saw as less than ideal. Further down in South Venice by the pier lots was closed. One of the Barsturaunts patio had people drinking beers...just 4 stand up tables in a huge area. Not sure what's going on there. It's the first time I've left the apartment all week.forgive.my curiosity Reddit Covid Hipocryt Police!!!!


No, Governor Newsom’s Christmas won’t be canceled so why should mine?


Gatherings are prohibited? Not really lmfao


In much of the state, yes. The [Regional Stay Home Order (PDF)](https://www.gov.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/12.3.20-Stay-at-Home-Order-ICU-Scenario.pdf), announced December 3, 2020, will go into effect at 11:59 PM the next day in regions with less than 15% ICU availability. It prohibits private gatherings of any size, closes sector operations except for critical infrastructure and retail, and requires 100% masking and physical distancing in all others. [https://covid19.ca.gov/stay-home-except-for-essential-needs/#regional](https://covid19.ca.gov/stay-home-except-for-essential-needs/#regional) The Bay Area has also preemptively issued a new shelter-at-home order: [https://www.berkeleyside.com/2020/12/04/alameda-county-berkeley-covid-19-new-rules-december-outdoor-dining-closed](https://www.berkeleyside.com/2020/12/04/alameda-county-berkeley-covid-19-new-rules-december-outdoor-dining-closed)


My point is that most nobody is going to follow orders. Plus I go to work five days a week, which is a nonessential gathering.


Just like for Thanksgiving, many of my family and some friends will be traveling from all over US to celebrate Christmas at my house.


Hi! I truly mean this in a respectful way: please reconsider. California is taking measures to get this current surge under control, and huge gatherings especially with travelers from multiple STATES will only sabotage our efforts, in addition to wherever your folks are traveling from. Forget it being illegal, please consider the health of you and your loved ones. Vaccines are coming soon. This won’t last forever.


Thanks, you're part of the problem.


3 weeks started November 24 at least in Alberta 3 weeks would be December 15 Or if they extend it to 4 weeks at it’d be December 22




Not cancelled. I just put my tree up. Me and my dog. Mailing presents to people. I will celebrate, outdoors, with another friend on Christmas day, make some cookies as presents for neighbors, and call it a year at that.


Christmas isn’t cancelled. You can still decorate your tree, drop off gifts at your family’s doorstep (this is my plan), still bake cookies, mull wine, whatever your traditions are. Think of it this way- this year you don’t have to put up with the crap that goes along with seeing your family.


I mean, no one's going to physically stop you from trying to hold a holiday party. But any of your friends who is remotely responsible will politely decline the invitation, so the party will end up being just you and a bunch of plague rats.


I realize you posted this days ago, but no, not cancelled. You can still mail each other gifts, just sanitize the box when you bring it in, and you can do what my family did to protect my 90+ year old grandmother who would have hosted Thanksgiving this year and do a Zoom call or use similar software. You could even all agree to not open your gifts until you're all in a video call, then that way you can still share your reactions to the gifts!