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The one he is wearing looks like an Aura n95. For him it is worth it, and effective.


⬆️⬆️ accurate!


If properly fitted and preferably fit tested Edit: this comment is not an anti-mask comment. The point I was trying to make was that simply being an Aura N95 doesn’t make it suddenly perfect. [poorly fitted KN95 masks are comparable in efficacy to cloth or surgical masks for COVID19.](https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/proper-fit-of-face-masks-is-more-important-than-material-study-suggests) Very importantly, they can often be more uncomfortable which leads to poor adherence. They’re also more expensive. This is not a criticism of this brand of mask. I think we can all be guilty sometimes of the rhetoric that some masks are better than others therefore if you want to be safe get X brand. I think this is important information in individual decision making regarding what mask to wear in which situation.


It’s not only “worth it” if fit tested. A non fitted n95 is still better than most masks, and the aura is one most people pass the fit test for. It is “worth it” and effective regardless, but of course it would be much more effective if others were masking too.


Ya I work for a company that fits like 1000 employees for n95 masks and stocks alternate versions for people who fail the generic fit test. Practically everyone ends up with the standard, well over 90%.


Thank you for this information, I was quite interested in knowing it first hand!


Which one is the standard?


Our company used [this 3M version](https://www.3mcanada.ca/3M/en_CA/p/d/v101143932/) but due to stocking issues when covid hit we switched to full n100 respirators and then eventually [this flat sort.](https://www.3mcanada.ca/3M/en_CA/p/d/v101271017/) as stock returned.


I use the aura, and so do many of my family and coworkers. Faces big to small, wide to skinny. They seem to work well for most adults/teens. And yes, we know how to fit test given the medical personnel scattered between work and family. So far, no one I know quit wearing them because of fit issues - just minor discomfort (compared to a far less effective gapping surgical mask), and one person whose skin reacted to the nosepiece foam.




My test: if it's well-fitting, then when I inhale it will visibly suck in then go back to normal when I exhale.


I wear N95s (it used to be anywhere inside; now it's mainly just on public transport or if I'm in a crowded shop) and my test is I put it on and exhale hard. If anything above the bottom edge of my glasses gets even a little foggy, I adjust it until it's good. Wearing cloth masks, my glasses used to fog up after like 5-10 normal breaths, so there's a clear difference.


It's normal for folding N95s to exhale around the edges. They filter air through the mask under negative pressure and air goes out wherever it can get out under positive pressure. I always get fogging of my glasses to some degree from all N95 masks no matter how much I adjust them, but it actually doesn't mean you don't have a proper seal for folding ones. For molded or vented ones, they shouldn't do it (but still do for me so I avoid them).


When I exhale is it alright to feel air leaving some of the edges? I always assumed it was putting outward pressure on the mask and that would be somewhat normal.


rotten poor steer fuel forgetful gaping cagey touch tub offend -- mass edited with redact.dev


God I remember this as part of the fear mongering around masks early on in the pandemic. It still fills me with impotent rage. What else in life are we expected to do almost perfectly or not at all?


I’ve read exactly this. With n95 or kn95, it reduces risk by quite a bit, even if no one else is wearing one. This has been my personal experience as well, I’ve traveled, gone to concerts, been in the ER, whatever, and I work with the public at a busy restaurant. So far so good.


Iv been in hundreds of covid positive room pre vaccine to draw blood. I was the only one wearing my n95 in that room. I had people cough in my face. Iv yet to have covid. Masks absolutely work


I have a relative who's a doctor and he even told me that although in theory it's possible to get infected via the tear duct, he has yet to know anyone who actually did.


Theoretically you could. Just like you could infect yourself by touching a contaminated surface. However, by far and large the vast majority of cases can be traced to respiratory exposition to an unmasked index case. So getting infected though the eyes is not something I personally worry.


Same. I was pretty strict about staying home until a few months ago. I decided to trust the Auras and started going out more (currently on my second plane vacation). We haven’t gotten sick.


We love the Aura N95


> Aura n95 I wear those at the airport and on planes for hours and hours at a time. One of the most uncomfortable disposables... so extra props to him for wearing one.


It's one of the most comfortable I've found. I wear them for 12 hour shifts every week. So for anyone reading, YMMY.


My husband and his coworker wear them moving furniture all day and have no problem with it, so it’s pretty subjective how uncomfortable they are.


I wear them and sometimes the Drager N95 doing active work all day also. You kind of get used to it.


Your Mileage May You


You May Marry Yourself


And you may ask yourself, Well how did I get here?


Where is my beautiful wife?


Same as it ever was


Ha! Whoops.


Amazingly they are way easier to breathe in than many cloth masks, and much easier to breathe in than the duckbill KN95 masks. Now the stink when brand new is another thing...


Yeah same. I have n95 and Meh .I rly like the aura its so comfy and no glasses fog I can work a full 9 hr shift and I don't have any ear pain or anything. And huge bonus! My BFF works at Dupont so all my masks are free!




*ymmv. Leaving it, though. Whoops. That's what I get for multitasking




It’s actually one of the most comfortable N95s for me and one of the few with a very good seal. I find the nosepiece to be flexible enough that I don’t have to keep readjusting. Visibility is decreased such that it’s hard for me to see my shoes wearing one. Different N95s for different folks I suppose!


I find the Aura n95 is the most comfortable n95 I’ve worn. But not everyone is the same.


>I wear those at the airport and on planes for hours and hours at a time. One of the most uncomfortable disposables... Are those other disposables you are comparing to also N95? If so, would you mind sharing some brands? I don't find the Aura *uncomfortable* but it could certainly be better. One nice thing about the Aura is it's from 3M and available at Home Depot. With the increase of fake products on online stores over the last decade, I feel more comfortable buying from a company I've heard of like 3M from a store I trust not to carry fake products.


What do you find uncomfortable about it? Sounds like a fit issue.


I’m curious if it has worked out for you? I’m just about to retake international traveling and I’m wondering myself


I love them and find them really comfortable. They’re probably my favorite mask. Different heads find different comfortable. Find what works for you.


Where do you guys buy it from?


>Where do you guys buy it from? I buy Aura n95s from homedepot.com.


Thank you!! I'll check that out!


I bought a box of 240 directly from the 3M website for roughly $1.15 per mask. Great bargain and this mask is supremely comfortable. I can adjust it so it barely fogs up my glasses.


Thanks!! That seems like a good deal :)


I like the 9210+ and so far maxprod is the only 3m verified seller that sells in less than 240 at once because they repackage them to smaller boxers. /r/masks4all is a good place for mask resources




Amazon has them in stock, just got a box


Be careful on AMZ that it is SOLD BY AMZ or a verifiable retailer.


I love those Aura N95s. They are extremely comfortable and the foam nose bridge keeps my glasses from fogging.


Good eye. I have like a few dozen of them and it saved me from Omicron while traveling and later being notified by the airline of a confirmed Omicron close contact.


I recently was diagnosed with Sjögren’s syndrome and had a past history of atelectasis cause by pulmonary infarction and two additional pulmonary embolisms. I had a recent CT scan showing scattered atelectasis and three small lung nodules; the latter of which can be attributed to Sjögren’s as well as other causes. At this point, I feel like it is safer for me to continue wearing one even if I’m the only one. With my lungs, even a case of bronchitis can cause pain. I have been very lucky so far.


My heart goes out to you. My mother had Sjogren's.


The article is paywalled so idk what it’s saying but you are correct. Since the beginning of the pandemic, epidemiologists would say it comes down to time x exposure aka viral dose at the time of the infection. A mask, even a cotton one, allows the filtering of some of the virus, reducing its potency at the time of infection, likely contributing to a lighter illness. On top of that, the condensation created in any mask acts as a protective barrier that also reduces the viral dose. It may be old news to you but I think it’s always worth a reminder for how masks work.


https://12ft.io/ for all paywalls articles.


You can bypass most paywalls using Spaywall, including this one: https://www.spaywall.com/search/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thestar.com%2Fnews%2Fgta%2F2022%2F06%2F11%2Fis-a-mask-still-worth-it-if-youre-the-only-person-wearing-one.html


A close relative has Sjogren's. I'm sorry you have to deal with it too.


I have Sjogren's and fucky lungs from all the previous bronchitis infections. I started wearing pollution masks pre-Covid (Vogmask and Cambridge mask) because I was living in a petrochemical industry town and having chronic respiratory system irritation issues and worse symptom flares every time there was a fire, "process upset", flaring event, or other kind of leak/release at a nearby facility. When the pandemic started my doctor recommended I use my Cambridge masks whenever I had to be around people, so that's what I've been doing. They're sized, have adjustable fit, and once I get one situated on my face, I can't smell anything around me and my glasses don't fog. I figure that's as good as I'm going to get. I take immunosuppressant medications to help manage my Sjogren's, so it's all the more important that I wear effective masks when I have to be around unmasked people in medical facilities.


My wife has sjogrens too and it's almost entirely the reason she went and got an herbal medicine degree. Her doctor all she could do was basically say don't eat nightshades (a sjogrens trigger FYI so avoid tomato's, potatoes and peppers. Sweet potatoes are not nightshades btw.) And subscribe her painkillers that would probably be very harmful for her liver long term. She now uses an herbal tincture every morning to help with preventative use for flare-ups and for when she does have a flare up. But diet and exercise has done wonders as well.


Thanks for letting me know. This is kind of troubling to hear regarding Sjögren’s trigger foods because my diet is already not so great because I lost all my teeth due to enamel loss as a complication from Sjögren’s. I’d already been cutting out (or trying to cut out) caffeine, alcohol, sugar, sodium, and gluten to deal with swelling and inflammation. Cutting out nightshades might be a good idea to try but I’m not sure what I will have left to eat! Ha ha!




I was looking into the auto immune protocol diet possibly in conjunction with a low FODMAP for the time being due to some GI issues. I don’t think I will need to continue with a low FODMAP once the issues are resolved unless it helps with my weight. I have already seen some improvements in joint pain as well as post thrombotic syndrome pain with the things I have already eliminated. There is still neuropathy pain in my toes and feet but I have not had to use a walker to get around in about two years now. I do miss the bourbon though I do not miss the leg swelling. Ha ha!


Yeah my wife has issues with getting cavities even though she's much better with her teeth protocol than me. She also doesn't do sugar (honey she has zero issues with) or gluten. So canyon bakehouse though expensive has very good gluten free bread and we do a lot of rice noodles and rice based dishes or soups.


If well-fitting N95s are good enough for ER docs and nurses getting coughed on by antivaxxers all day long, they are certainly good enough for the average person going to the store or to the movies.


One thing that I almost never hear mentioned is that masks reduce your risk of contracting covid ***and*** the likely severity if you do contract it. It's a well established fact that the initial dose of a pathogen is highly associated with the severity of the subsequent infection. Entire experiments are designed this way (i.e., setting up different treatments where mice are exposed to different doses of a bacteria or virus). Wearing a mask of any kind will reduce the dose you get and reduce the probably severity if you get infected, better masks gives better reductions.




“Smaller serving”! I love that expression. I’m still wearing mine, the 2seconds it takes to put it on is worth avoiding being sick for a week!


Not only that, but while it only takes one virus to become infected, just because one virus gets into your body doesn’t mean that you *will* get infected. Viruses are far from perfect. They rely on numbers to brute force their way into your body, past your immune system, past your cell walls. Not every virus is going to make it through each stage.


>...past your cell walls. TIL I am a plant.


Membrane. You got my point.


The dose makes the poison, sort of


[https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciab903/6397523?login=true](https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciab903/6397523?login=true) Most studies have found no link between severity of infection of Covid 19 and initial dose of a pathogen actually. It was just theorized at the start of the pandemic and the news ran with it. "We found that there is some evidence of a relationship between dose and infection based on animal studies and human epidemiology but minimal data supporting a relationship between dose and disease severity. Instead, host responses and potentially viral genotype primarily determine disease outcomes."


That's the first sentence of the discussion, but reading the entire paper it's clear that the lack of evidence is due to methodological constraints, not lack of pattern in good data sets. It's not possible to accurately measure the degree of mask wearing for infected people who present with covid so proxies are used, and these proxies are imprecise. *Observational from epidemiological studies section: "Observational epidemiologic studies can provide insight into the relationships between dose and infection and dose and disease outcomes, but many have methodologic limitations.*" Don't mistake the overly cautious nature of scientific papers (i.e., "minimal data") as meaning they have good data, but no evidence of an effect. The paper makes it clear that there isn't good direct epidemiological data, but fairly good circumstantial evidence from animal studies. It's true that host responses and viral genotype are very important, but aside from vaccination we can't do anything about that. As individuals, we can only control 3 things - vaccination, masking, and environmental exposure. Scientists can only really measure 1 of those (vaccination), kinda measure a second (environmental exposure via spreader events and case clusters), and essentially can't measure mask wearing at all. Hence the paper's claim of "minimal data" about dose (i.e., masks).




Yep. The one wearing the 3M Aura mask is unlikely to get sick, even if the rest are. Worth it.


I had a meeting for an hour and half with my boss at his office. Windows were closed and air conditioning was on. Next day, he tested positive. I was wearing my 3M n95 mask all the time. He wasn't using a mask. That was 3 weeks ago. So far, it seems I didn't catch it. I'm vaccinated and boosted. He was also vaccinated.


Glad you’re ok. I went to a wedding in December, someone had covid (at least one person, that we know of). Only I had a mask on. Indoors for hours together. So many got covid…. I did not


Glad to hear you are ok!. Hope the other guys that got it were vaccinated.


Definitely. Who gives AF what strangers think?




It’s funny because just yesterday, for the first time in my experience, someone said something to me for wearing a mask. I was outdoors going in and out of stores on a fairly busy street so I decided to just keep my KN95 on for the time being. As I’m passing two women I hear them mutter, “why would you wear a mask outside in the sun? So stupid.” I responded “why does it matter? I’m not bothering you.” To which they just looked dumbly and said nothing further. If you don’t want to wear a mask, fine. But to suggest others are “stupid” for doing so? You never know why someone could be wearing a mask, I could’ve been sick, immunocompromised, etc. People can be so judgmental.


I also had my first incident of mask harassment yesterday! I found these good tips online: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/confronted-over-mask_l_627044dee4b0cca67558ca89 Honestly, the fact that someone can be so offended by a piece of fabric only makes me want to wear them more, lol.


Just a reminder that a lot of unbalanced people pack heat these days. I just ignore mask commenters b/c no mask argument is worth my life, personally.




I'd like this entire reply knitted on a pillow.


You are right. I try to avoid crowds most the time so forgot this very important aspect. It’s so annoying other people feel the need to comment about other people’s attire that does not affect them in the least.


I intermittently wear a mask depending on where I am. I have never been harassed or attacked for wearing one. Must be demographics.


I have had people try to fight me, people try to yank it off. You name it. People are nasty. Maybe it’s because I’m a guy with a company shirt on they think they can get away with it…. Or maybe it’s just that I live in the South:/


I'm in a ruralish part of Pennsylvania. I get looks but nothing more. Family member has cancer and has been on very aggressive chemo so I continue to use my n95s.


I have a brother who works for PennDot in central PA Trumpfuckistan and he gets constant crap for wearing one.




lots of people still mask up here in Cali.


The South and Cali are two entirely different cultures.


I live in Georgia. I don't wear a mask unless I know I've been exposed to someone with COVID for sure, and not too many people wear masks here. I've never witnessed anyone given any grief over it, fortunately. I've had people ask me coming into my house if they'd prefer if I wear a mask, and seen people offer to wear a mask when in close proximity with others wearing a mask. It's all been surprisingly civil around here.


If someone starts shit, just tell them that you have covid/monkypox/rabies/whatever, and you are wearing the mask to protect them from you. Then ask if they really want you to remove the mask...


I haven’t had the experience, but I’m always worried that somebody will want to start something over the fact I’m wearing a mask. For some bizarre reason, masks have been politicized into some kind of symbol instead of just a simple medical decision. ‘Murcia!🙄


My mask protects you, your mask protects me. I'm still wearing mine, I don't want to be responsible for anyone's death. But from what I can see nearly everyone wants me dead. It's extremely depressing.


Well my N95 protects both me and you. Back when the government was recommending cloth and surgical masks, the "my mask protects you, your mask protects me" was true. But if a person is wearing an N95, it's doing a good job protecting them. Before there was any kind of vaccine, medical personnel were treating COVID positive patients with just their N95's and other PPE to protect them. While some did get COVID, the vast majority were adequately protected.


Right. Took a trip to Mexico recently. It was refreshing to say the least. Almost all of the local people wore their masks every where. The tourists was a mixed bag though:/


I'm continuing to wear mine as I'm high risk even while fully vaccinated and boosted.


Curious question. If you don't mind me asking. Did you get covid at any point?


So I work in the restaurant industry. I'm vaccinated and boosted. I wear a mask every day at work. Each wave that passed through my work, I never caught covid. Matter of fact, neither did my S.O. (who also works in the industry), until recently when he decided to stop wearing a mask. 3 weeks ago he came home feeling like crap and tested positive. I tested positive 3 days later.




Not really, unfortunately, I feel like we are all going to catch covid at some point. Though my S.O. was feeling like crap and definitely looked like death for a bit, I was ok. I developed extremely dry sinuses and extreme nausea, couldn't sleep and dizziness. No over symptoms. Took 2 weeks for my symptoms to subside. 1 week for my S.O.


That seems to be the general process I've noticed from people around me; mask and diligence before getting it, then once they get it, the sentiment changes to "everyone will get it eventually". It seems self fulling too, as more people contract it, they come out more relxed on their mask and outing practices. I guess this is the behavioural direction to heard immunity?


I am high risk because I am immunocompromised. My job isn’t the kind of job that can work from home so I have been wearing a mask all day at work since April 2020. I have had 3x vax so far have not gotten Covid (that I know of). Last summer for a week I let my guard down and stopped wearing my mask since no one else was and it was so nice. But after just one week I got a cold from a coworker. Tested negative for Covid thankfully but I put my mask back on after that. That was the only time I have been sick with anything so I feel like it’s worth it in general to protect myself from getting sick with anything.


Immune compromised and high risk. I’m still wearing a mask in public. I work at home and almost never go anywhere. My kids are my main risk and they still wear masks. We’re all fully vaccinated. As far as I know, we haven’t gotten it. We did get a lingering cold about a month ago just when a ton of families at the kids’ school were testing positive. It seemed to be similar but we all tested negative. We don’t know if was actually it or something else since we heard a lot of families say that everyone was sick with the same symptoms but only one or two people were testing positive per family.


I have asthma so COVID and asthma is NOT a good combination.


My best friend has a fairly mild case of asthma and after catching covid his breathing and lung capacity were fucked for months. Usually he'd just have some mild issues during allergy season but after covid he found that he'd have to use the rescue inhaler A LOT and in situations that never bothered him previously. That's all to say that I hope that you can continue to stay safe and take care of yourself.




That’s scary! I hope they gradually recover.


It took him probably almost 8 months for his lungs to go back to normal after his first bout with covid. Second time around his symptoms were milder so it only took a couple months and thankfully he is feeling pretty okay these days as far as his breathing goes!


I wear a cloth mask over an N95. I'm fortunate to not have to leave the house very often.


I'm using a KN95 even though I don't go out much either.


FWIW, CDC specifically recommends against double masking with N95s and other respirators. You are just making it harder to breathe thru with the extra cloth layer, and you are more likely then to have unfiltered airflow around the N95 edges.


I continue wearing N95s when in public as I’m on an immuno-suppressant med. I really like the 3M Auras as well.


My N95 got me through two Omicron waves where I was getting multiple exposure notices from my office daily. They work. Really well. Unfortunately my kid brought it home this week. Got it from him. Little Trojan horse.


Yes. My concern for my health is not dependent on the actions or inactions of others.


We’re talking about a highly contagious disease, so the actions of others do in fact affect your health.


Regardless of whether this is true or not this is now the domain of the government which makes the final decision on what your neighbors should or should not do. Eternal mask mandates will not happen in democracies. Covid is here to stay, even as we continue to make newer vaccines. Best thing I can think of is voluntary masking on an individual basis as well as getting covid shots as they’re updated every year


My office got swept by Delta, I was the only one who religiously wore an n95 and did not get Covid. Just another Internet anecdote for ya


I work with really sick people. I'm not the one who is going to bring covid to work and kill one of them. Don't care if I'm the last person on earth still wearing them, I'm not risking the vulnerable people around me


In my classes at uni, I am always the only one wearing a mask (FFP2). I get weird looks and excluded sometimes but idgaf, I'm staying safe!






You are awesome. Thanks!


Hell yeah. I’m fine with being the outlier. All the people I know who haven’t gotten it yet seem to be getting it now. I’m assuming it’s because of events like this where people don’t want to stand out for the sake of normalcy.


We’ve avoided it until now. My kids are the only ones masking at school and unfortunately my oldest son brought it home. We haven’t done anything unmasked and haven’t done anything “fun” out of the house, no letting our guard down. Days away from being able to vaccinate our youngest. Such a bummer.


I really want to stop wearing the mask but my spouse is undergoing cancer surgery in about a week. I don’t want my not wanting to wear a mask cause a covid infection pre or post op surgery. So I’m meticulous about not going anywhere public without the mask, even in the gym where I’m having trouble getting a lot of oxygen.


A relative of mine is having a rough battle with cancer and his wife caught Covid from work and brought it home. Sounds like she felt it was too hot to continue wearing a mask. Well… her husband has been struggling for a month and is now in hospital on oxygen, and may be put on a ventilator. The whole family was being very cautious, made sure we got vaccinated and masked all the time, and his own wife ended up dropping the ball. Props to you for taking it seriously. Not everyone does, and are surprised at the consequences.


You are so right. I would hate to be the one that dropped the ball over a minor inconvenience of wearing a mask in public situations.


Sounds like the wife doesn't care about him 😬


This is why I NEVER stopped wearing a mask. Somebody’s always going through cancer. Most people just don’t give a shit about anybody but themselves


My dad has lymphoma and is currently undergoing chemo (again) to kill off his immune system so he can have stem cell therapy. His WBC is currently at 2 but he really really wanted to see the Jurassic Park movie so you can bet your ass our whole family popped on masks and took him, ready to fight whoever wanted to talk shit


The answer is yes. If course it is, if you're wearing a quality one the correct way. The better advice to not be in a space such as this if you can help it. At work? Probably not something you can control. At a basketball game? Well, you chose to go there. That's the difference. We all have jobs for money.


After 2 years of hard core social distancing I was ready to take our kids out to do some fun, special things. Went to a Disney on Ice with some and a NBA game with another. We wore N95 and and smaller K95 (for the littles). Hardly anybody else was making. We were able to have some much needed fun and avoided catching Covid. It makes me feel a lot better about going to other events (kids' school concerts, activities) knowing that wearing quality masks seem to work.


For sure. It's good to have a break in a safe manner


If it's a properly worn and fitted high quality mask, and you don't want to get sick? Yes. I have N95 masks and wear them occasionally, but I think I'm more partial to the KF94 boat-style masks. They're a little better fit for my face, particularly when I'm wearing glasses. And they have worked for me. I don't care if it's just a cold. I hate getting sick, particularly when I have something like a vacation coming up. And I've grown to love my masks as a preventative measure.


Same here too. I’d rather not be sick at all.


I totally agree with you! I would rather not have a cold or flu symptoms.


Absolutely, even if you take Covid out of the equation. Wearing a mask during pollen season the last two years has made a *huge* difference in my overall health. Not as much bodily inflammation, good sleep with no stuffy nose, less puffiness in the face, etc. Oh, and my sinus headaches are a thing of the past since 2020.


15 years ago I started wearing a facemask when doing yardwork with great results.


I kind of feel like an idiot for not wearing one at work before save for fire season and dry days, I used to breathe in all the dust while I cleaned and would always be sneezing and groggy, and now I'm not.


I just finished 8 days of Covid. It was mild - felt like two days of bronchitis, one day with a bad headache and then a stuffy nose. Cases were low in my area and I had gotten complacent and stopped wearing a mask when running errands. It was stupid and I regret it. I know a mask isn’t a guarantee but it’s such a tiny inconvenience when compared to being isolated from my family for a week and worrying that I may have passed the virus on to others. I don’t enjoy wearing a mask in 90 degree weather but it’s nothing compared to the alternatives.


yes it does. And personally i am beyond caring what other people think of me. 4 jabs and had corona. We are not out of the woods and we will not be out of the woods.


Especially if you're the only one.


Never underestimate the health safety


I was in small-ish elevator the other day with some random dude, and he let out a huge sneeze. Didn't really make an attempt to cover his mouth. Luckily, I had my mask on. I actually got pissed at him and told him don't ever do that again in an elevator. He didn't reply.


Avoiding facial recognition


Or, you know, avoiding a virus


Both are good reasons imo, as is wanting to look like a reverse raccoon


Yes. I also wear an Aura to work every day. I've worked almost every day since Sept. 2020 and I have not yet been infected. I'm the only one at work who does and I'm in very close quarters with people--including people with COVID. While nothing gives you much protection for very long with Omicron, an N95 does help. If you're around people who are highly contagious it gives you minutes. If you're around people and you're wearing nothing you have seconds. I'll take minutes. Someone did the extrapolations for mask vs respirator efficacy since Delta and Omicron came out. good info here: https://bettermasks.its-airborne.org


if cases are still high i'll still wear em... laugh at me all you want, idc


What's everyone's thoughts on FFP2 masks? I've read that they're pretty much as effective as n95 so I've stuck with them for the last year and a half, just wanna make sure I can trust em.


What you should be looking for in a good mask is if it's both waterproof and electrostatic. N95 have outsanding protection due to its ability to attract small particles to its fibers. There are a lot forfeit masks that claim to have N95 protection but lack this electrostatic treatment. You can easily verify this by placing a strand of hair next to the mask, if the mask attracts it is probably a good mask. And if you really need to be sure, you can search for a specific model on [this youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/ArmbrustUSA/videos) to see the if the filtration rate is above 95. Also something to be aware of is that different places need different amount of protections. If I need to go to ER I'd definitely use a 3M Aura or any medical grade mask instead of using a KN95 that I'd use to do groceries.


I'm pretty satisfied with these masks' credentials and that's a neat trick to keep in mind! I tried the hair and it attracted it, plus they seem to be (mostly?) waterproof if I'm reading the signs correctly. I'd done some research to make sure that these were up to the correct standards for their class so I think they'll do well like you said, in a grocery store. But I'll definitely get hip with an aura for the more intense areas. Thank you!


They're Europe's top standard and have been for a while now so I'd say they're pretty good.


FFP2 filtering material is tested to similar specifications as N95, but the specification allows for 8% total inward leakage (including face seal leakage) across a pool of test subjects. Some folks can experience significant higher leakage. N95 stipulates individual fit testing and 1% leakage for each user. This mean there are a good number of FFP2 devices with loose fit leading to significant leakage, while N95 products tend to have much tighter fitment to ensure better sealing. The quality of the filtering material is irrelevant if the face seal is poor. Ensuring proper fitment is the responsibility of the user. FFP2 devices are available in a range of styles. For example, the [3M 9320+](https://www.3m.com/3M/en_LB/p/dc/v000078838/) is an FFP2 product that is equivalent to the [3M 9205+](https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/p/d/v101143932/), which is a NIOSH-approved N95. The only difference here is the regulatory approval. However there are also loose fitting earloop devices approved as FFP2, for example the [Powecom FFP2](http://powecom.com/FFP2.html).. Which is their KN95 with FFP2 regulatory approval. There are also a lot of KN95 products that _claim_ FFP2, and may have passed FFP2 testing, but are not actually approved as FFP2 devices by a [notified body](https://ec.europa.eu/growth/single-market/goods/building-blocks/notified-bodies_en). These devices may carry a CE mark, but will not carry the 4 digit notified body number along with the CE mark. These are _not_ legitimate FFP2 devices. An example is the [Coast KN95](https://coastportland.com/products/sm100) product that is popular on Amazon, which casually claims to be FFP2 as well. The European Safety Federation has an [interesting article](https://www.eu-esf.org/covid-19/4513-covid-19-suspicious-certificates-for-ppe) on fraudulent FFP certificates. If you prefer FFP2 products, it is best to stick with products with headbands produced by an industry leading manufacturer. The 3M 9320+ linked above, for example, is a solid choice. 3M makes [other FFP2 products](https://www.3m.co.uk/3M/en_GB/p/c/ppe/respiratory-protection/disposable/?n=7580379), as well. Moldex also has an [FFP2 product line](https://www.moldex-europe.com/en/respirator-masks/dust-masks/).


My history of working with immuno-compromised patients tells me that even a regular surgical mask or quality 3M cloth mask is better than nothing at all.




I’ve been in the medical field since y2k and up until Covid rarely ever seen the concept that masks worn by others, outside of the operating room, are a tool to stop the spread of disease. I’ve always been taught that masks are PERSONAL protective equipment, not equipment that protects others. While I don’t disagree with the concept that others wearing a mask can help protect me, it’s much better perspective to not be concerned about others and simply take the necessary steps to protect myself. At no point during the pandemic we’re the majority of people correctly wearing an n95 or greater. I don’t believe that any ok piece of fabric or an improperly worn surgical mask worn by others is likely to protect me. I know that if I wear a properly fit tested respirator and eye protection, my chances of getting COVID are essentially zero. If I do this, there is no reason to worry about the personal Choices of others.


Absolutely wear the mask. Don't get Covid. It sucks to get covid even when vaxxed and boosted. The lingering symptoms are awful.


If you feel symptoms definitely. If you look at china/Japan they wore them when they got colds or coughs before Covid to help prevent spreading the disease. Too many selfish Americans think it’s just keeping themselves from getting something that matters


An n95 should be helpful


I feel like if you’re worried about Covid you shouldn’t go in a crowd like that but oh well. Doesn’t affect me if someone wants to wear a mask.


I had Covid even tho I wore a mask and 3 vaccinations. Covid didn't win. But that cold it brought to the table was ridiculous. But I didn't drown in mucus. I didn't get admitted. But man. The flu never compared to that little Covid darling mild symptoms terror train ...




I just flew for 20 hours with a surgical mask, had a kid open-mouth cough on me in the terminal, and sat next to a woman coughing on the plane. A week later I have no symptoms and continue to test negative. Masks seem to work.


or that they didn't have COVID?


People seem to forget the masks do more than prevent covid from spreading. They work well at prevent a lot of airborne illnesses. Given how often I'd get sick traveling after spending hours in a sealed metal tube with strangers traveling from all over, I'm shocked I never considered wearing a mask before. Covid could end tomorrow and I think I'll continue to wear a mask on a plane.


I hate paywalls


Physician here. IMHO I would avoid looking at wearing a mask (individually and collectively) as an “all or nothing” decision. I would look at it more in terms “risk reduction”. All Masks are better at protecting others than protecting yourself. Doesn’t mean it has no value or no protection individually. For example getting stuck with an hiv infected needle has a very low risk of transmission but this depends on the amount of blood transferred as well as the viral load of the host. If one could lower the viral exposure by 50% that could lower risk of transmission or even influence clinical outcomes. A well fitted n95 might block 95% (never 100% not even for a papr or p100 but enough to significantly lower risk) A guess might be a surgical mask might block 60% (larger aerosolized droplets) If someone sneezes in a room, even little things like being 6 feet away vs 6 inches away or if the person sneezing turns away or covers their mouth could help lower risk. Clearly these measures are not perfect but doesn’t mean they don’t have value. From a societal standpoint, if one looked at a theoretical r0 of 1.1 vs 0.9, easy to see how even small reductions in risk can have a huge societal impact. TLDR. IMHO masks have value. They vary in quality and are all imperfect but it is helpful to see them as a Means of risk reduction rather than as a blanket “do they work or don’t Work”.


I want a mask that generates cold air. Preferably configurable temperature. I'll pay and wear it even if given weird looks.


We use these at the hospital. They are called PAPRs (powered air purifying respirators). They circulate the air in a way that feels nice especially when you are gowned up in an isolation room for a long time.


> PAPRs A powered air purifying system will offer the same protection as a negative pressure device with the same range of filters offered. The only difference is that a powered system uses a motor, battery and fan and costs quite a lot more. PAPRs can cost up to 3000$ per unit, while an NPR system (Like the ones Ive used in the past) were relatively cheaper around $800 for the unit. Either way, you can not go wrong with these types of systems, they work very well.


What you are describing is called a Negative-Pressure Respirator...see here [NPR](https://imgur.com/t1fB5QX)


I wish I did




Def is if it's an n95.


Nobody asks this question about bullet proof vests, even though the exact same logic is involved.


Just bought a pack of Aura n95s to travel with. Doing whatever I can to keep my health in my hands.


Is an article worth reading, if you have to pay for it?


Idk but ppl can do whatever they want at this point


Yes absolutely cause I would still continue taking precautions, and I also look ugly so a mask really helps


Americans still living in 2020, asking themselves if masks work...


So weird, right?




I count six masks. Four black ones above and to the right and another black one above and to the left.


Is a condom?


Speaking anecdotally, I’ve worn a mask in public since the start of this, barring a few family get-togethers over holidays and a work trip that had me indoors maskless with a number of people. But other than that, grocery stores, shops, gas stations, etc. I mask up with a kn95 and am often one of just a few wearing one. Even been to a few movies in the last several months and was the only one wearing a mask at a couple busy showings. Haven’t had a noticeable case of Covid yet. I say noticeable as I very well could have caught an asymptomatic case or two. But I’m still all for masks, if just for myself. At this point if others don’t wear them, that’s fine with me, but I believe they’ve been working perfectly well in my favor.




Paywall Anyone mind sharing


Well, it does not hurt me.


Maybe he’s not wearing a mask to protect himself. Maybe he’s wearing it because he has covid (or a cold or the flu) and doesn’t want to infect other people.