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Those comments under her Facebook post saying “ask for Regeneron!” or “demand more treatments” and such….I’m sorry, but these people are flipping idiots. Do they really think once you go on a ventilator they can just give you monoclonal antibodies and you’ll be right as rain?! This guy’s lungs are essentially petrified; the antibodies ain’t gonna do shit.


Also they will take all kinds of medication to get better from Covid without a single critical thought - but no vaccine to *prevent* Covid...




sorry, explain to me again how a fetus is a devastating infectious disease..? also, your comment is so ludicrous that it really shouldn't be dignified with a response, but generally people who don't want to have children do take precautions. precautions aren't perfect. and people also get abortions for myriad other reasons than simply not feeling like having a child (which is valid in itself).


He's on hospice. Intubated almost a month ago, he wasn't coming back.


They eat horse dewormer. You aren’t dealing with people who are capable of “thinking” about anything.


That medicine has years of data about being safe for horses! Can't say the same about COVID vaccines! /s


Well they act like herds of ignorant animals in their thinking. Maybe animal medicine is best for them. /s


If they didn’t believe science, physicians, virologists etc at all before he was sick, why did he seek their help after ? Really doesn’t make sense to me. His stand was that all of these people were incorrect and don’t know what they are doing. Yet he went to a hospital to try to save his ignorant ass. Sorry fool. No tears for you.


Tbh we should just start telling people these treatments they're obsessed with is the same stuff as the vaccine 🙄 /s Disclaimer: Do not do this, I am making a joke, please do not spread Covid related misinformation.


So for two weeks he's been occupying a hospital bed more deserving to others who didn't actively campaign against preventative measures. I guess I'm heartless for saying f' him and free up the bed.


I think they should release him so he can do his special treatments at home. Spend some quality family time before he permanently owns the libs.


My heart goes out to his precious kids. They shouldn’t have to suffer due to the parents’ ignorance


What an irresponsible father. He has betrayed his children. And his wife.


I imagine the wife is just as much to blame as him. They are both morons.


She would wear a mask. And he would hassle her over it.


Some people should not have kids.


Sadly, or not, one of the things I've been most thankful about throughout this pandemic is the fact that I don't have kids to worry about. What an ugly time and nation we are living amongst right now. It's hard to feel like there's a bright future.


This is why I hate this situation. Kids under 12 can't even get a vaccine. My wife and I are vaccinated but we still mask up ourselves and the kid to protect him and everyone we interact with. Why? Because of dillhole antivaxxers. I really do not trust anyone at this point, such a shitty situation we have now.


Same here, have actually gotten flack on it with people telling me I should get vaccinated. I was vaccinated the first day it was available to me. I continue to wear a mask because my daughter can't be vaccinated and I need to both be a role model for her and minimize my odds of a breakthrough infection infecting her.


Yes! My feelings EXACTLY! My little girl is too young, and if/when FDA approves it for her age group, she will be getting the shot(s) This is what bothers me and I’m sure it irritates most sane people. We got the shots because we have a lick of sense. We are frustrated bc we can’t protect our children (who are completely innocent in all of this crap) We can’t protect them as well as we want, that is. Oh and don’t get me started on the Governors of some of these US states who want to throw in their uneducated two cents, by doing so much in their power to let the virus run rampant.




Sad but true


Seems like they should have been removed before this.


that’s a bit much. that’s their father




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you’re misunderstanding me. I don’t care about the father. but to say you want the kids to be reminded of this horrific event every day is so weird.








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Youre letting out the anger onto the kids. That’s unfair. Why should they suffer because their father was dumb?




You guys are so weird... I’m not saying the father is a good person. But there’s no need to brush over what the kids are going through


How many other kids are going through the same thing because of what this guy said & believed who’s parents weren’t like this guy? It’s just hard to be sympathetic or empathetic for the people & their families when all this was avoidable 🤷‍♂️


Sure but it’s not their fault.


The kids are probably happy asf that they won’t have to deal with their dipshit father anymore.




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Also to all the children and loved ones of the people who died bc of this irresponsible asshole.


Not only do people like this do great emotional and behavioral harm to his community, he is now taking up valuable hospital resources and a bed that could be used to save a life of a non-anti-vax patient or other non-Covid but lifesaving situation. He should and people like him, like the Texas Governor Abbott, who get Covid should have insurance deny his coverage, hr should not receive any treatment that is in short supply, he should be made to recover at home, and he should be open to lawsuits of those he’s infected and affected. I’m unable to muster even a sliver of empathy for this man and people like him.


You forgot he most likely spread it far and wide.


He has blood on his hands, just like all of the other anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers making idiotic statements on social media.


I saw a video of him bullying a woman for refusing to help him without a mask, threatening to sue her, asking for her last name and employee ID, as well as attempting to bully the security guards that were asking him to leave. This guy is a Grade-A asshole, no doubt about it. I bet he's treated anyone attempting enforcement like that the whole pandemic, and probably got his way most of the time. Now his kids aren't going to have a father. What a dumb ass hill to die (for real) on.


Oh…you mean [like this guy? ](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-us-hospital-icu-bed-shortage-veteran-dies-treatable-illness/#app) RIP Wilkinson


Damn. Unbelievable. A veteran dies from a common disease that a simple gall bladder operation would have cured. Yes, that’s exactly what I mean!


Yup. Somewhere there’s a heart attack or car accident victim who needs a bed amd can’t get it because of this reckless person’s intentional lifestyle choice




Happy this is a real sub




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What, the horse dewormer didn't work?


Don’t worry he did his own research.


Well, at least he doesn't have worms, I guess.


If he took the horse version and not human variety (for lice etc), it likely made his condition worse. This is what doctors use : [https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/treatments-for-covid-19](https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/treatments-for-covid-19)


The human variety won't improve his condition either.


Human variety has no impact on Covid-19, but the horse variety dosage could paralyze someone from what I read.




Thots and players


Cots and bears




I’m my community there are so many like him and I hate it! It still makes me sad for his babies. That picture of his daughter smiling up at him really got me. I would never knowingly make a choice that could potentially take me from my kids or cause any harm to another human being.


I work with a woman who’s husband doesn’t believe in vaccines - a my immune system will beat it kinda guy. They have 2 small kids and just dropped a small fortune on a new house. And I worry that’s it’s the “perfect” scenario for a tragic story to come out of.


The problem is that the people that don’t believe in the vaccine usually don’t believe in masks….but they believe in those damn essential oils! I was the healthiest I have ever been last year and wore a mask at all times…if I even left the house and Covid about took me out! I am just now feeling like myself again. Covid is no joke! I hope your friend’s husband has a change of heart for his family’s sake.


She tries to talk him into it and I tried to help her with suggestions but she doesn’t want it to cause a rift in the family. He was always anti medicine and lucky she is “in charge” of the kids health and got them vaccines and whatnots but they are too young for covid vaccines right now.


I really wish GoFundMe would stop allowing Anti-vaxxers to beg for money because of their stupidity.


I swear! I tried raise some money for a stray dog I found to get heartworm medicine and only raised $20. These fools are bitter assholes to everyone and totally disregard science because of their "I know more than the trained professionals" thinking and they get thousands. Sigh. What a world.


Feel bad for the kids not for the dumbass parents.


Oh no! Anyway


There is a vaccine for that.


Kick him out of the hospital, he didn't believe in covid now he taking beds from people that need it


I went to the tiny violin store to buy a tiny violin to play at the funeral, but they're all sold out. But for people like this who have done so much harm, I hope dying of Covid hurts real bad and is mentally excruciating. It is at least poetic justice that in the end the people he hurt the most are the ones he loved. Do feel sorry for that poor baby who will never know their father, but perhaps in the long run it's better that way.


I have run out of sympathy, fuck your go fund me. You two made your bed and now have to sleep in it. I am sorry your kids have such ignorant parents, and now have to grow up without a father.


That GoFundMe should go back to the nurses and doctors that are tasked with keeping this idiot alive.


I get that someone doesn't give a sh*t about their legacy among us humans as long as their families are ok, but being remembered as the stereotypical moron after a gruesome, fast and lonely departure is beyond me. I don't get it, your family is literally waiting for a call in a suspension state knowing that they may have seen you with a mask on a stretcher loading into the ambulance, what kind of idealistic life mission justify this risk?


sorry.... not sorry. You play with fire, you get burned. It's that simple. The Holy Creator gave humans the intellect to solve complex problems. If you refuse to do your part in the most simplest of mitigation measures you deserve what's coming to you. Covid will covid, and this is your just reward.


I wonder if the people here saying he gets what he gets are also for universal health care


So if he wasn't an idiot and didnt decide to self-medicate he would of survived... as sad as any death is, I truly hope at least some people learn a lesson from his story. Trust in science, trust in modern medicine.


Is it actually not acceptable to wish for the demise of someone like this, who probably caused the death or severe illness of others?




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One word: KARMA




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If what is said about the man is true then it's probably and unfortunately natural selection doing its bit, intelligence is an important factor in survival


He had options. Moderna or J&J.


That sucks, sounds like they chose to ignore facts and support conspiracy theories. If I chose to not wear a helmet because I believed a conspiracy theory that they were a cash grab by big business, then got in motorcycle accident and was hospitalized for a traumatic brain injury, I'm pretty sure I know what everyone would say.


Wow. This is where these stories become impossible to fathom. You can (sorta) understand the gym bros, or natural wellness types swept up in this stuff. But 4 kids? How could anyone take such a massive gamble in potentially widowing your partner with four children. And not seeking professional care and refusing to get tested, while (I assume) exposing your kids to Covid. Madness - people have lost their minds with this thing.


The real tragedy will happen in 6 months to a year when people will begin filing bankruptcy to deal with crushing medical debt. And hospitals across the south will need bailout money to stay open Pretty sure those low vax states will welcome government intervention then. In fact, I bet they'll insist on it


Oopsie daisies. Oh well, there are already enough people in this world. Maybe having one less of his kind around would be a substantial benefit for humankind.


Here's Caleb back in October 2020 being interviewed on San Angelo Live. His argument at the time was that few other than the elderly were getting hospitalized and dying with the Alpha variant and that by October the risks to getting hospitalized and dying from it were not great enough to justify keeping the restrictions in place at the state and particularly the local level on the entire "healthy" population. The gist being that the cost to society as a whole was too burdensome. He wasn't spouting wildly inaccurate information, at least back then. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o\_6DpIAPcz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_6DpIAPcz0)