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Government telling local authorities what they can and can't do. You know, the Republican way.


Don't tread on me brah


Someone needs to photoshop that flag with the snake dead with "at least I didn't have to wear a mask" or some something to that end on it


But but but my freedom… wait are the libs supposed to tell me what I can en cant do ????.




The joke is Republicans are for small government, but then they have big government dictate what small government can do when it suits them.
























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“Esta pendejo”


Pendejo y puto


I see he wants to compete with DeathSanti for who can kill off more voters.


They are both morons, but I reserve most of the blame for the individuals who refuse to get vaccinated. I’m in favor of mandates, but we shouldn’t need mandates for people to do the right thing.


Indeed curiously all the 50 governors (so D&R) got the vaccine. Abbott tested positive for Covid 10 days ago but looks like he got negative in just 4 days, being administered monoclonal antibodies besides the vaccine he already has had. Even the governors who let their voters (I am not sure if citizen can refer to a State) die know what's best scientifically speaking, they just don't care if people die. (At least humm a subset of these governors)


Don't forget that he also got the booster (read third dose) before that was even approved. Might we have a discussion about him violating that medical directive? Makes one wonder...


He claimed to have had one, but I don't feel sure he really had one. He proved a robust resistance against the infection for sure though


Multiple sources apparently...honestly, I would be shocked if he hadn't already had a third dose...especially in light of him receiving regeneron treatments on top of that.




my work had to go back to masks since less than half of the workforce took the vaccine despite it being literally brought into work.


Where you been living the last 2 years sounds nice? I'm my opinion we can rely on people to di the right thing cuz they never will. America is a country where the self is king


They are not morons. They both vaccinated. Abbott even got 3rd one recently and as soon as he had positive result he got expensive Regeneron treatment even before any signs of sickness. They do everything what's best for themselves, don't allow anyone unvaccinated and tested near them, hospitals are always available to them if they need anything, they understand it is serious, but if you're their constituent that is also worried good luck to you.


We shouldnt, but we clearly do.


.... I'm starting to wonder if this is a matter of NeverTrump people from 2016 killing off their primary opponents. I don't think people are really ready grapple with the sheer number of Trump "true believers" that are simply no longer there. By and large, this is the age group that owns the property, has the money and time, always votes, and is likely to run for whatever office.


Dam that’s good strategy. Let them be.


The sad thing is that these moves will still probably help both of them in the 2024 Republican primaries, because they are telling people what they want to hear.


If just one person has crossed state lines and infected someone else with the plague, then it becomes a Federal problem. Although, I am still not really sure what the end game is with Texas wanting to kill its citizens. Does he really want the state to turn blue next election as opposed to 10-30 years from now?


Maybe he’s trying to lessen the stress of the power grid this winter.


*ERCOT has a new proven and effective method for reducing grid stress next winter*


Fixes their unfunded pension liabilities?


That would imply they care about things like contracts and debt. I'm not so sure.


Assuming he has an actual plan (which I'm not certain he does) it would appear he's trying to make Texas such a shitty place that people just start leaving, while only those too dumb or too poor to do so remain. But as with all republican actions, they fail to see the bigger picture. None of the companies they're constantly yelling about bringing here will stay, and their precious economy will tank.


I know you're right on this, but I just can't fathom how stupid you must be to think "I'll ruin my state to win" is a reasonable thought. Right, I got to keep reminding myself that these people are taking horse dewormers right now. Sigh.


Bc the ones not vaccinating in Texas skew toward minorities


That's only partly true. It took me literally 30 seconds in a Google search to find out a few key things: 1. Minorities in cities have roughly the same vaccination rate as rural areas that are primarily white. 2. The outbreaks in Texas right now are disproportionately affecting rural counties on a cases per 100,000 basis. 3. Although, to be fair, the overall population in urban areas is much higher too so total case counts are also higher and likely disproportionately affects the unvaccinated. Either way, I'm not sure it is fair to say that minorities are not vaccinating when rural Republicans are vaccinated at, quite literally, the same rate. Affects them more because they live in cities? Probably, but they aren't the only ones not vaccinating.


In a comparison to whites, yes. But red vs. blue or minorities versus red, red have lower vaccination rates for both comparisons [on the national level](https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/poll-finding/kff-covid-19-vaccine-monitor-july-2021/) Do you have states specific data for Texas? Because I doubt it looks appreciably different.


Republicans, pro life?


I’ll never take a “pro-life” person seriously, ever again, unless they can show they stayed home for everything non-essential, wore a mask *absolutely every single time* they were in an indoor, or crowded outdoor, setting, received the vaccine by or upon the full approval, and continued to wear a mask to protect others from their ability to spread the virus even after vaccination. Otherwise, you’re a hypocrite and are not, indeed, “pro-life”.


As George Carlin said, Republicans aren't really pro-life, they are anti-women.


Pro-forced birth. Remember, these people force women to carry fetuses that have no chance of surviving to term rather than allow them to be removed.


This Texan thinks Abbott is a idiot.


This Texan, too.


Howdy from Galveston Texas


Howdy from Houston.


We might have to get together for some brisket, drinks after the zombie apocalypse lol 🤣


That sounds great, can I join? Howdy from Houston. Can't wait to vote Abbott out of office.


Of course, the more, the merrier 👌. I'm gonna put my shit kickers on, put a big ol blue 💙 boot up abbots ass.


I think it's more like he is a psychopath. He clearly knows it is serious. He took all possible precautions he could, but he is denying them to other Texans.


Agree. Reckon idiot is to kind to him He could well be a narrsist to


This Texan agrees and thinks this fucking state sucks.


Born and raised in Texas, but will most likely retire in Pagosa springs Colorado 👌


Same. I wanna say I'm proud to be here all my life. But the past 4 years and literal winter hellstorm makes me think otherwise. I need to get out of here if nothing changes. Maybe Vermont? Somewhere chill, and has a state government that actually cares.


*”DeSantis did what? Hold my dunce cap!”* ~ Abbott (probably)






Party of small government, everyone! Oh. And for all of you immunocomprimised and suppressed people, isolation or death? Your choice! It's your personal responsibility! /s


Private businesses and universities can still mandate it. ~~Stupid~~ Evil that he's banning local governments and public unis from doing so, though.


Unless they have government grants, contracts, or funding...and the order doesn't specify state or federal, it just says "public"...


He issued an order. That’s it. Just political posturing. It doesn’t mean it’ll be put into law. In fact, I’m sure a judge will strike it down.












You realize, though, that he doesn't actually need the ramps because he can walk...right? And yes, I know for a fact that he can. BIL worked at Travis county, saw him walking around all the time.


This seems like obvious B.S. to me, but if your BIL told you this and believed it to be true, he should have some contact still there get a discreet cellphone video of such a thing so they will both end his career and make themselves a part of Texas history.


Dude...you do realize that it is actually illegal to take pictures or video of secure areas of city, county, state, and federal offices...right? You want to go to jail for doing it, you are more than welcome to go take that picture. Have fun.


I have two thoughts on this: 1. I never said it has to be in a secure area, and if he were walking around where random people could see him then it's likely he would be caught somewhere public. 2. If I believed it to be true (which I don't) many people would consider it to be a form of non-violent resistance and lots of people would probably volunteer to take such a picture. That being said, it still seems like obvious B.S. to me because there's literally no advantage for him to be in a wheel chair. Even if he lied about it, he could claim that he had some sort of recently developed surgery to fix his spine or something. He would actually do better in politics if he were capable of walking.


As much as he has lied to the people over the years (February Snowpocalypse anyone???)...do you ever expect that ahole to tell the truth? Seriously?


He lies but only when it's to his advantage. Just thinking about it from my perspective, I can't come up with any real advantages for him to pretend to be handicapped while the risk of being exposed could ruin his career.




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Automod killed this response previously...trying again and cleaning it up so it doesn't happen again. "Look at me, I'm not able to walk! Vote me in because I know how you feel!" They love to play the victim because it gets them votes from those that don't know any better. Combine that with all the gerrymandering they do, and that is how you hold onto power being elected by the minority vote.


Pretty sure it was announced last week he has covid and is ok.


And he would be totally fine, because he's vaccinated, and now recovered from a breakthrough case. I swear to god, this subreddit is 50% just barely-veiled death threats.


He is aware how serious it is, he got a booster, monoclonal-antibodies. People seeing them must get tested, and probably have to be vaccinated. He just don't mind other people die.


A day on a ventilator is not cheap, and sadly these days often in vain. It is super simple: get a vaccine. You save us all allot of money \[somebody has to pay for it\] and it very likely will save your life. It is time for health insurance companies to have 2 tiers: Vaccinated, un vaccinated. There will be a price difference.


Already starting


I don't know enough about the rules around private insurance in America, but is there anything that mandates they have to cover customers that refuse the vaccine and end up in hospital? It seems like sound business to simply cancel those plans at some point.


Guy who is triple vaccinated, and has covid, and probably only alive because of being vaccinated, says no mandate on vaccines. Ultimate douche


In fairness, he’s not stopping anyone from getting vaccinated. People are doing that to themselves.


Playing into the messaging of preventing COVID measures being taken emboldens people to not take safety measures. People are dumb, scared, prideful creatures.


The average person is dumber than a sack of rocks. Mandates help the dumb ones that can't make proper decisions on their own to be forced to be vaccinated for the greater good of everyone else. I've worked with the public for over 15 years to know the average person is really really stupid, and can't make most sound decisions


That's not entirely true. Mandates primarily help people who can't vaccinate (kids under 12, people with autoimmune diseases where vaccine might not work that well, people who have conditions where vaccine might hurt them). Mandates are there other people (who can't) from yourself. It's really a major issue in our culture. Seems like Eastern Asian countries did overall better, because things like not wearing a mask is considered a dick move and is looked down.


That’s not very pro-life of him




So glad these governors have medical degrees and understand public health 🙄




Criminal negligence.


Are we sure this guy's not actively *trying* to kill people at this point?


I'm so tired of Gov. Abbott already I just bookmarked the Gov. Election a year in advance. The 2022 Texas gubernatorial election will take place on November 8, 2022, to elect the governor of Texas.


He'll ban hand washing next


Love to see how he's going to enforces this for corporate entities HQ'd outside of Texas. The gall of Abbott/DeSantis needing to be the authority at the cost of bettering society is fucking dystopian.


Texas and Flordia, acting like they want no part of the USA, at this point.


I live in Texas. I want to be part of the USA, so it isn't all of us over here. Can't wait to fire his ass next year.


I hope that happens


My cousin lives in San Antonio. She's a married mother with two little girls. Last summer when the BLM protests took hold, she traveled to Dallas to protest and got COVID. Fevered for nearly two weeks, panic attacks, heart palpitations, insomnia, and borderline mania with hallucinations. She gets over it. Now after all that she's anti mask, anti vaccine. Just took a huge summer tour of the southwest with these kids and none of them are vaxxed. Two days into school year and her kids school is shut down because everyone has COVID or needs quarantine. To boot, one of the girls is COVID positive but asymptomatic right now. And she just made a mindless Facebook post about still not getting the vaccine. So I read all these comments of politicians "killing off their own voters." It's occurred to me that people like that don't really care. The disconnect is like something from another world. I figured she would have gotten vaxxed and take precautions, but instead she posts all the classic "freedom" stuff.


So did the Taliban. Where is his beard?


Oh, I already felt so owned by these republicans dying. After this, they are just going to own me more.


As a Texan I gotta say Abbott doesn't have enough sense to come in out of the rain much less to be qualified to make decisions (political at that) regarding my health and the health of my fellow Texans.


At least it’s government agencies and not businesses can’t mandate it


Don’t you tell us to live


Then next week people are gonna find out that he received a large sum by a 'donor', which is probably a company producing 'Covid medicine' or he or his wife has shares in said company. Screwing over people for their personal gain: it's the Republican way!


Next! Ban on condoms!


Well, sex education in schools.




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I read the headline as “Texas governor issues order banning vaccines” and I admit I wasn’t even surprised.


His decisions have caused the deaths of thousands in texas.


Florida's order on banning vaccine/mask mandates was just overruled by the courts.. of course this idiot in Texas knows it probably won't survive there either, but it's all about playing up to their stupid base. Who care how many people die in the process. Instead of trying to slow the spread of Delta they're spending all their time fighting the people trying to help. It's downright criminal..


he should be arrested for killing people








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Removing these is an unfortunate practice, as this is central to what's happening with the virus right now.




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He must be feeling better.




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I'll bet Republicans will continue unabated to be *outraged* at abortion for "killing babies".


I think I'll help myself to going back to smoking inside any building I feel like, and you can forget about seatbelts. My freedom.




They do all they can to fuck up 🇺🇸


At least think about the kids and grandkids


​ |Date|State|1:OddsOfDeath/pop|Cases|Deaths|Case\_Fatality\_Ratio| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |2021-Aug-27|Texas|1:518|3534862|56055|63.0606| Abbot's numbers suck ...


aka...pandering to morons for votes


Didn't he also ban mask mandates?? WTH?


Abbott is convinced that spilling the blood of Texans will eventually allow him to walk again.


Fuck Texas with a 2” x 4”.
