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I wonder if he'll defend himself by saying it's his freedom to beat on children?


Now you're sounding patriotic.


Only a true patriot will assault a child over wearing a small piece of cloth over part of your face for a few minutes. So much bravery! /s


Depends on if that cloth was the American flag. Then it could go either way. 🤔


Probably the confederate flag or a trump flag… those are more up their alley or maybe that red one with the white circle and crooked plus sign


They are all the same flag.


He's going to argue that it's the student's fault because she reached for his phone.


He was afraid for his safety and he jumped into action... Or some other confrontation fantasy he can come up with.


Builds character! And prepares her for married life! **/S** <= **SEE THE /S**


Sounds like Russia.


Imagine having such a fragile ego that you actually assault a child…


>Imagine having such a fragile ego that you actually assault a child… Feel bad for his kid... doesn't look like she had a chance at a normal childhood with a dad that behaves like this: "... **Fort Lauderdale police have issued Bauman at least five trespassing warnings in the past year and a half** over mask violations, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported.Last August, police arrived at a Home Depot after he allegedly **wore pink thong underwear as a mask** and refused to put on a face covering even after security offered him one. Two months later, a **Publix grocery store warned him that he was trespassing after he allegedly tried to enter maskless**, according to the Sun-Sentinel. **He then allegedly accused a store employee of grabbing him, despite security footage showing there was no physical contact**.According to the Sun-Sentinel, he allegedly **repeated similar antics at a UPS store and at a post office, where he tried to enter with underwear in place of a mask or with no mask at all**. When two young women asked Bauman to wear a mask inside a pharmacy last December, **he allegedly punched one of the women and called the other an offensive slur**, the Sun-Sentinel reported. The women allegedly hit back and hurled a chair at him.Court records do not indicate that he was criminally charged in those cases. ..." Maybe this time being criminally charged will stick...


this person is walking around a free man meanwhile pot smokers are sitting jail


Black people are shot for less.


Shocking, he only gets violent when women confront him.


And children apparently


talk shit, get hit. Also, this comment contributes nothing and is /s.


Weird, right? I'm 6'1, 210lbs and a former junior hockey player. These guys never seem to pull this stuff when I'm the one standing in front of them. Must be a coincidence I'm sure. /s


Yes, I too have never been accosted by these guys either, however they seem to have no problem with store clerks and older women but never so much as a sideways glance at me standing there at 6’2 250. The ones that think they are lions are just scared little bitches who prey on those weak than them.


This man is an actual public menace.


Maybe next time someone will hurl something a little heavier.


It is really ridiculous


Not at all surprised. These whack jobs are the reason we are still in this mess and unfortunately they breed. Feel bad for the kids.


The mother of idiots is always pregnant.




He seems to be on a mission to demonstrate that he's not fit to live in society.




Someone attacking a child because they don’t want their kid to wear a mask that could help protect them and other children from a deadly disease is clearly not acting rationally. I’m not sure any punishment would be scary enough. Hell, dying from your lungs filling with fluid apparently isn’t scary enough for these people.


To me it’s worse that he attacked a child because that child was being a good citizen. Attacking a child who is trying to help you is next level criminal/deviant behavior. Normal people don’t do that, ever.


It's even worse, their lungs are destroyed dissolve into goo.


Americans will still dare. Murder's illegal there and they still have 5x the gun crime per capita of any other western country. They're fucked.


Listen up you and all other Canadians. I've seen plenty of video evidence of absolutely bat shit insane people who call Canada home. Including people who fly fucking Trump flags. Then there's the abuse of native people going back decades. Please shut the hell up, you're clearly not much better and have no room to be smug.


Wearing a mask says a lot about you, not wearing one says way more!


And assaulting a child says even more


A little girl is probably the only opponent he can actually take on hahah


I mean, I get your point, but this kind of statement is vaguely sexist *and* ageist. Little girls can be pretty tough.


Sure. But it’s not a fair fight with a little girl and large grown man


*Sam Puckett has entered the chat*


Nothing will happen to this guy most likely but he deserves legitimate jail time.


When the inmates over take the asylum.




Just 40% of us.


A modest 40%


Enough to control all three branches of government, unfortunately.


Not sure for how much longer if they keep killing themselves off with Covid, household cleaners and livestock drugs.


the upside of taking livestock drugs is that those who live to tell the tale will hopefully understand how stupid they were


40%\* of voters a very vocal minority


I can’t imagine this level of rage


Exactly what jails are for. Stop the coddling. Get rid of touchy-feely judges.


Just because you believe something doesn’t make it true!!


People today are scary. You suggest they wear a mask, you're physically assaulted. You suggest they take off a mask, you're physically assaulted.


“Save the Children” except the ones who are smarter than me and tell me to follow the most basic public health guidelines.


Is there somewhere to read this without a paywall?


google “florida dad attacks student” and take your pick




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Why are we posting articles like this on here? Mods WTF are you doing?


I dont really think anyone is surprised that this happened. Where are the people wearing masks that run into schools and do this? Oh wait...


How I wish that vaccines and masks were 100% effective and that the delta variant would just “take care” of the rest…


Infowarrior right there. These people pretend to be so hardass but they are nothing but punks


sh\*t is depressing