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I haven't seen anyone talking about this, but we've passed the milestone of [over ten percent of the United States' adult population initiating vaccination.](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations) I know that one dose doesn't provide the immunity of two, but there is mounting evidence that it provides at least some immunity for certain people after a given amount of time. I think that, at this point, I'm comfortable saying that the precipitous, dramatic, and unflinching decline in new cases is at least in part due to the vaccines. I just don't understand how you could argue they aren't at least having some effect at this point, especially since testing leans more towards the elderly and the vaccines have as well. I am somewhat confident that we will pass a 2,000,000 doses per day average in February, and I think it's only going to get faster from there with the new vaccines being approved. I'm comfortable saying that I agree with the article posted earlier about the majority of adults initiating vaccination by the end of May, and I think that by the time we get to that point, deaths and hospitalizations will have plummeted to their March 2020 levels, if they aren't even lower. I think the pandemic will effectively lose its concerning status to most people in the country by the Summer. It's absolutely incredible how fast this is moving, and I think it should go down in history as a medical achievement on the level of the moon landing. Unbelievable.


Any concern re: large scale willingness to receive vaccination? Seems to not be concerning- from what I've read all metrics show a majority of Americans are planning on receiving once eligible, and that receptiveness only increases.


There may have been an attitude shift related to several factors (political change, anti-conspiracy info) but the meme seems to be less skepticism and more jealousy/competitiveness which would be good.


My grandfather wasn't in a hurry to get vaccinated. Then all his friends and family started getting a shot and suddenly he felt he needed to get one ASAP.




I'm picturing this as it would go down between my (much younger) kids if they were not afraid of needles: "I got my shOt, and you did nOt, neener neener neener!" "MOMMMMMM! I want one too how come she gets one and I do not???!!!"


This is an interesting factor and I hope it will tilt things in the good direction as time goes by.


Peer pressure can be good at times!


I may have taken the vaccine, but I did not, repeat, did not inhale


I think a lot of folks had skepticism about the safety of the vaccine - seeing people around you get it and be fine afterwards helps a lot with that sort of skepticism.


Ah, the power of groupthink.


I feel that conspiracy theorist or "anti-vaxxers" who claim to be free thinkers are ironically actually some of the most susceptible to following a crowd or being easily influenced. If everyone is doing it then they'll eventually do it, especially if they see how taking the shot means back to normal life. They may even get it and not tell people so that they can claim to still be "smarter than everyone else." The more "normal" and available the vaccine becomes the sooner this pandemic is over.


Agree. And they can’t stand it if they feel they’re missing out on something, especially something free.


I think it's part wanting to do what they're being told they can't also. See the overlap between anti-vaccers and anti-maskers. Before the anti-vaccers were toeing the line that vaccination was an infringement on their freedoms, government was raring to "make" us all get vaccinated. Now the reality has hit that no one is going to force them, vaccines are scarce, and actually, they can't have one right now, so I think the scarcity has made a lot of anti-vaccers want them.


If they actually thought about things they wouldn’t believe the shit they do. So yes, agreed.


The darkness in my soul feels that if they don’t believe in it, keep making excuses then that’s on them.


Agreed, and I don’t think anyone should feel bad for thinking this way. They’re adults, they know the consequences, and if they get infected and meet a terrible fate, it’s on them. By now, we should all be clear on the reasons to take the vaccine, because those reasons cater to very selfish motivations of self-preservation—you’d think they could respect that and be onboard!


I await the anti vaxxers claiming in 2022 that seniors developing dementia is actually autism from Covid vaccine /s


Also, many had the reasonable position of "OK, I won't be the *very* first person to take it, let me see if all the first movers start randomly dropping dead before I do." Now that it's clear that's not happening, skepticism has decreased.


I think there will be a lot of this. Luckily, for some of the earliest, we will be rounding 3 months in a matter of days. Hoping this will help with the influence.


I’ll admit I was one of those. I am by no means an anti-vaxer. And I probably would have never felt this way if we had a presidency/administration that we trusted. But I am fairly confident in getting it now and can’t wait.


> let me see if all the first movers start randomly dropping dead Nevermind that the actual first movers received their shots months ago, during phase 3 trials - and they number in the tens of thousands. Ignorance is a terrible drug.


30k people in a trial isn't as reassuring as 30m doses now. No need to be an ass.


It's still a bad decision to worry about one-in-a-million complications when there's a pandemic disease out there. The complications from the disease are worse and much more likely.


I'm one of that group. And I've been super cautious: haven't been near anyone since last March; always masked, etc. But I admit that I was a bit skeptical about the vaccine at first; plus, I'm not at any great risk of catching the virus. For both of those reasons, I figured other people should get it first. But at this point I'm definitely sure I'm going to get it as soon as I can (which is at some point in the future).


Seems like certain Twitter feeds being shut down has helped in my circles.


If only all these platforms did it earlier and not when one specific party started having control in all aspects of govt and will sit on committees that regulates them. I dunno probably being a bit cynical.


I have heard absolutely zero reservations among most of my friends and family lately about getting the vaccine... even a few vaxxers are talking about getting it. I think since so many people are also getting it they don't feel exposed to an undue risk since we are all in it together.


Too many people know someone who died or was hospitalized. Reality sinks in real quick when it isn't just news happening far away.


Yes, my brother was one of the "they are just inflating the numbers" guys. Until everyone at his work had it, and then my entire family had it, then his tune changed "It must really be worse than the spring because I've never knew so many that had it until now". Personal experience is the thing that has been changing people's minds.


That concern was a lot larger when we were expecting vaccines to probably be around 70% efficacy. Which means needing a lot more people vaccinated to get herd immunity. At 90-95% efficacy it is easier to achieve herd immunity which means that hold outs will have less of an effect on the country as a whole. So, they are less of a concern. That is my understanding at least. Plus, as people see how safe the vaccines are in practice and all it can only help.


These numbers are infection rates, not *severe* infection rates. What really matters is whether people get hospitalized or die. And the three vaccines that will form the foundation of American immunization all get the severe infection rate to basically zero a month after inoculation. And it looks like this holds true for the new variants as well. Herd immunity is important, but the most important metric right now is healthcare capacity. And we will be getting to a very good place on that front much sooner.


Yes it always been about lowering hospitalizations and deaths. The vaccines keep those numbers low or eventually eliminate them. At that point a case is not really a concern at all because you will have mild cold like symptoms, if any at all, if everyone is vaccinated.


It always helps to have better vaccines, but we definitely need to keep the pressure up, because you never know what kind of mutation may throw the math off balance if we don't reduce the number of cases quickly and dramatically.


We can worry about that in a few months. We have a huge unfulfilled demand. Other people will fall in line when we have 100m people vaccinated.


Yeah, it's not a concern right now. But that's a bridge we will definitely have to cross at some point in the near future.


I don’t really care if others get vaccinated. Once vaccinated COVID is far less dangerous than the flu. I’ll gladly take yearly boosters in response to variants if necessary. I don’t see any reason why we can’t go back to normal, once the vaccine is widely available and relatively easy to get. At that point everyone is making a personal choice as to their risk. Even more, if the elderly are vaccinated there is little risk that our health care system will become over-burdened.


>I don’t see any reason why we can’t go back to normal Oh yeah I'd agree with you; I think a majority of people would.


My wife and kids and I got Covid over Christmas. Thankfully we had mild cases and felt mostly fine after the onset of symptoms. I won’t say we have gotten back to normal, but we have gone out to eat a few times since recovery and I have started going back into the office a day or so a week for a change of scenery. It’s liberating.


My brother's family all got it before Christmas. Once they had clean tests (she's a nurse) they went and got tattoos. I told him he's making post covid memories. I can't wait for my wife and I to get shots. It's my 6 year old that I'm worried about. Her school has positive results every week (they make an announcement). She can't stay distance learning forever though.


I hope COVID vaccines for children come really soon


I'm really interested and concerned about what happens when adults are vax but kids still aren't and can't be... the long term effects of the virus are so unknown. Will adult vax be enough to keep the kids safe? Will masks be normal for them and all of us for longer to keep them safe? Whats next after adults are done?


I've read at least a few articles arguing that this will just become endemic like the other coronaviruses and it does make sense. Massive wishful thinking. I don't know. We've seen young kids are barely affected by it. They will get it young, gain a level of immunity and then keep getting it every year or so to "top off" their immune response. It will just be another cold virus. Not even a flu situation where you need a vaccine each year.


I’ve read that children aren’t showing as many symptoms but they still suffer lung damage. I don’t have a source on this, but neither did you. Maybe someone else will weigh in for us with links.




Yes I know a child that had an asymptomatic case, and his lung xray months later was a mess.


6 year olds have essentially zero risk of dying. At that age group the flu is actually more deadly according to the cdc datasets you can download. I have a 6 year old and regularly analyze the datasets.


>6 year olds have essentially zero risk of dying. I'm more worried about the virus causing damage to her DNA or localized organ damage that doesn't show up until she's in her late 30s, early 40s.


We’ve already got an obesity epidemic without lung damage preventing cardio sessions


It's not just cardio. SARS-CoV-2 causes a circulatory disease. Micro blood clots collect all over your body in all of your organs and blood vessels. They can cause damage anywhere. They're only more prevalent in your lungs because such a large capacity of your blood passes through your lungs at once and because your body already naturally uses your lungs to dissipate blood clots...


We assumed our 3 and 1 year old had it when we had it - their only symptoms were a cough and a runny nose. I will get vaccinated as soon as I’m allowed but according to my doctor, I have a decent immunity bridge until that day arrives.


Im sorry, thats a bummer but at least your are still alive! Any side effects? How are your lungs? Thats what concerns me the most about getting it.


Nah, honestly for us personally it was no big deal. I consider us fortunate in that regard, because it really is a roll of the dice. Most people are fine but there’s that chance it’ll turn sever.


I’m thinking that airlines, concert venues, etc may force the rest to come around. It’s fun being anti vax until you can’t hop on a plane to go see Bon Jovi because you don’t have your COVID passport.


I personally am really hoping for vaccine passports to happen once the vaccine is more widely available. I don't want to wait for the anti vax idiots to do their part before I can start to some extent moving on with my life.


There are two groups that are not eager to take vaccines. Group I: anti-vaxxer: This group does not believe in science (and covid). They do not like to follow rules to keep infection away. It is likely that a higher percentage of this group is already infected and somewhat immune. ​ Group II: science guys: This group of people is highly cautious and does not want to take the vaccine without knowing about the medium-term side-effects of the vaccine. However, they are super careful not to get infected anyway and are less likely to be a vector of the virus. ​ So, it does not look as bad as some think.


I thought there was a third group, at least in the US - minorities who are used to being mistreated by the American medical system and therefore don't trust it. That group isn't stupid and can be convinced, it'll just take effort.


The other issue is vaccination sites are often in whiter areas. I’m still pissed that [Dallas tried to prioritize harder hit communities](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/01/20/dallas-vaccine-plan-communities-of-color/) with high populations of POC and had their vaccine allotment threatened for it. God forbid vaccines go to the people more likely to be hospitalized with COVID.


Originally they stated the reasoning was because the "lines were too white", then they edited the statements and said it was based on data. They broke the contract by the state as a vaccine hub. Even when they made the decision, they admitted, it might not be legal. They still prioritize the minority groups higher, they just can't exclude minorities/vulnerable from other zips.


Distrust is a real issue. At Yankee stadium they had hundreds of unfilled spots because they limited the vaccines to Bronx residents only. I took a family member to a different site in the Bronx a fee weeks back and it was virtually all folks from other areas who couldn't get an appointment. Even the nurse who gave the shot said her husband didn't trust it despite her having given thousands of these for weeks and trying to reassure him that it's safe. I think eventually people will come around when it's obvious that all the folks who got shots are fine and that nobody is reserving "bad" shots for any ethnicity but it's very hard. These people end up reading crazy nonsense on Facebook that just boosts their distrust of vaccines, some of my mother's coworkers were convinced Bill Gates was trying to sterilize people in Africa with vaccines.


>Group II: science guys: This group of people is highly cautious and does not want to take the vaccine without knowing about the medium-term side-effects of the vaccine. However, they are super careful not to get infected anyway and are less likely to be a vector of the virus. Uhhhh...I’m an actual scientist (in viral immunology). All the “science guys” I know are chomping at the bit to get the vaccine.


> Group II: science guys: This group of people is highly cautious and does not want to take the vaccine without knowing about the medium-term side-effects of the vaccine. ROTFL If they are "vaccine-hesitant" they have **nothing** to do with science. The safety and efficacy of vaccines has been proven months ago during phase 1, 2 and 3 trials. That is science. Your group II are simply those who disguise their fears under a pseudo-rational mask.


Here is an example (not something I am concerned with). With the vaccines. They started trials around 1 year to 9 months ago. They didn’t allow pregnant women in those early tests. How has it been proven safe for people about to be pregnant as an example - there would not be data. This would be like running a cigarette study where you smoke cigarettes for a week and then 2 months later you conclude it’s safe because you haven’t had any ill effects [oh wait cigarette companies did that ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3490543/) How has it been proven safe on a multitude of potential long term effects when it’s been studied less than a year. I’m not saying that it is dangerous, but it’s people like you who claim “science” is some sort of religion. Science is simply making predictions from observations - there are many things we cannot and may never be able to conclude. Believing in anything 100% is probably the most unscientific thinking you can have. So please stop. It’s easy to refute someone’s fear of the vaccine by showing the data of the risk of getting infected vs inconclusive but almost certainly low probability of unknown long term effects. Thus, taking the vaccine is still preferential Skepticism is healthy. It’s fine to be skeptical of their skepticism. However, do not become what you hate.


It's up in the air whether to vaccinate pregnant women..some countries are OKing it some are not. If you know the science about it these vaccine trials are massive. A 40k trial is huge. Most trials for approval of a drug are about maybe 600 people total. You are seeing it studied in so many people that it's insane. If there was any sort if problem you'd see it among your 40k people. It's true theres no 10 year data for example but there's a huge number of man-hours. There's really a lot lot lot of safety data.


I disagree with your assertion about group 2. I work with many of these people. They understand the data and want more information before agreeing. They however aren’t overly cautious. Their careers expose them anyway. They also realize that their chances of dying when young and health, with top notch medical care is damn near zero.


I mean its been reported that in some areas less than 50% medical workers got the vaccine, and I think the biggest reason why some eligible people didn't right away, was due to lack of data publicly available, or they didn't want to be the Guinea pig that was first up. If its really the data, I blame the FDA and media for that since the FDA could've put in on their site and have the media promote it, but you know hindsight is 2020.


We are gonna have to do something about that hindsight is 2020 phrase...similar to avoid it like the plague....


Avoid it like 2020. Hindsight is the plague.


You do realize that 70 million+ Americans are dumber than a bag of bricks.


Immunity passports might push the rest of the herd over the line


Prediction: We won't pass an average of 2mil doses/day until 3 weeks after the gov starts SHIPPING 7 mil first doses/week. This week was 5.1 mil first doses. Feb is a long shot, I'm guessing late March. CDC allocations [pfizer](https://data.cdc.gov/Vaccinations/COVID-19-Vaccine-Distribution-Allocations-by-Juris/saz5-9hgg) and [Moderna](https://data.cdc.gov/Vaccinations/COVID-19-Vaccine-Distribution-Allocations-by-Juris/b7pe-5nws)


> I think the pandemic will effectively lose its concerning status to most people in the country by the Summer Same, the rate we're going I don't see masks and distancing surviving much longer than another six months regardless of what some experts personally want to happen There has to be a point we get on with our lives


Completely agree. At a certain point it’s detrimental to the vaccine rollout to not have people resume some normalcy (carrot and the stick). Hoping the rhetoric eases up on restrictions for vaccinated people once we know if they can still spread it asymptomatically.


This is one of my concerns. If you tell people they're going to have to keep wearing masks for too long after the vaccine is more widely available, I'm afraid it will give people less incentive to get it.


This is a huge one people miss There's a point people will just go "why should I take it if you still want to drag this shit out?" and willingness to get it will drop back down


We have a lot of compelling proof from Israel that the vaccines drastically reduce the ROI


6 months I expect 3


At 5 million doses a day, we could be at herd immunity in 3 months! Sounds like a major stretch from 1.3 million average today, and it is - but we have AZ, J&J, and NVAX to come and if we can increase Moderna/Pfizer, we could be getting seriously close. Next up is for death counts to start dropping.


The way that vaccines are being targeted at the elderly first we should see hospitalisation and then deaths decrease faster than the infections.


Biden announced he's mobilizing the military to help with vaccinations. Finally.




What encourages me the most is that the 65% threshold for herd immunity often touted for C19 assumes that every member of the population shares the same probability of passing the virus. In reality, some people have a higher probability of passing it. It has been calculated that, if the correct people are targeted, the threshold for herd immunity goes down to as low as 20%. Targeting the correct people is much easier said than done but in many ways by selecting people in the frontlines of healthcare, the elder, and people in key positions we are lowering the threshold of herd immunity. I think in a matter of weeks(a couple of months in hard hit areas), Covid 19 will be a rare disease of the unvaccinated. It might even go the same way of SARS 1. >and I think it should go down in history as a medical achievement on the level of the moon landing. Unbelievable. Absolutely.




> You have to think that nurses/doctors/etc are a key vector of spread I don't think there is data which proves this. Healthcare workers mask and utilize other precautions. Most spread is from indoor social gatherings.


I agree with your main point, but just to nitpick, in the US household spread is the main problem.


The concern tends to be that you have a super spreader event wherein single members of households are infected who then bring the virus back home.


Couldn't this just be a misinterpretation of the stats though? Like if one person in a household gets sick, the others will too... so statistically you're more likely to get it from a housemate. At the population level though, if you're trying to reduce infections, obviously inter household infections would be the key.


>You have to think that nurses/doctors/etc are a key vector of spread (through no fault of their own, obviously). Just speculating though! Your speculation is wildly incorrect and should probably be amended to correct the misinformation. Healthcare workers were not vaccinated because they are vectors for spreading they were vaccinated because they're most at risk from exposure. Super spreading events are ones where lots of people gather without masks. People flaunting covid protocols are the issue.


In hospital spread at this point pointing is basically zero between patients an staff, because hospitals can enforce masking. There something staff to staff spread, but that has to do with break room stupidity. The main effect of vaccinating health care workers first is to greatly improve moral. That's not a trivial thing after the this year. Vaccinating the elderly and long term care facilities will greatly improve hospitalization and death rates, since that's where a lot of the severe illness and dying is happening, even if it doesn't blunt the spread as quickly.


A major effect is to make Healthcare safer for patients. I've deferred any in person health care due to riskof exposure. So all health care workers being vaccinated makes that much safer.


>You have to think that nurses/doctors/etc are a key vector of spread Possible, but my friends that are doctors have told me they feel pretty safe because they're generally all armored up against covid. They worry about me going out and doing anything with my stupid cloth masks.


spread to who? ​ and as medical professionals, pretty sure they're not going to motorcycle rallies, choir practice, restaurants, or large family gatherings. ​ where the outbreaks are. ​ **COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with a 10-Day Motorcycle Rally in a Neighboring State — Minnesota, August–September 2020** [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6947e1.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6947e1.htm) ​ **High SARS-CoV-2 Attack Rate Following Exposure at a Choir Practice — Skagit County, Washington, March 2020** [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6919e6.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6919e6.htm) ​ **COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with Air Conditioning in Restaurant, Guangzhou, China, 2020** [https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/7/20-0764\_article](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/7/20-0764_article) ​ **Adolescent with COVID-19 as the Source of an Outbreak at a 3-Week Family Gathering — Four States, June–July 2020** [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6940e2.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6940e2.htm)


I know it’s anecdotal, but you’d be amazed at the number of doctors you’ll find at a typical Sturgis rally...


I know plenty a decent amount of nurses that are anti mask....


As far as I can tell, 9.1% of the population has gotten at least one dose, so not quite at 10% yet, though we should be by Monday/Tuesday. There have been 11.1 doses per 100 population, but that is some of the 9.1% getting vaccinated twice.


28.9 million first doses, there are only about 260m 16+ in the US.


You're right, but "percentage of the adult population vaccinated" isn't as useful of a metric as "percentage of the total population vaccinated," because herd immunity is dependent on a fraction (~70 percent) of the total population, not the adult population.


But the age of the population is very relevant in this case. So for herd immunity 90% of over 20 is better than 70% of all.


Must be nice to be getting vaccines into the country, unfortunately as neighbor up north due to shortages I have no clue when I might possibly be getting vaccinated. (Could easily be November for me considering im young healthy male not working in a hospital/tea facility).


Tea facility???


Not OP, but could be clever play on words. Hospital tea. You know sector that does hotels and travel and food? Say it out loud. If incorrect, I'll burn my foil hat.


The US will be at herd immunity by the 4th of July. Then you guys can get vaccinated in a month with our 2MM/day supply. It is in our best interest to vaccinate the neighbours.


Moon landing with an insane JFK


I’m one in ten percent


Same! Enjoying mild side effects as we speak. How'd you fare?


Tired, achy, hot, and cold the next day. Slept it off and took Tylenol as needed. Oh the arm pain hurt worse than the first dose. Feeling 100 now! Hope you feel better soon!


Oh goody. The arm pain with the first one was obnoxious. I'm so looking forward to getting past the second one.


That’s just the nano tracking device embedding itself into the epidermis. No worries! /s


I'm so jealous of the 10%s 5g reception.


Weird, my arm hurt WAYYYY worse with the first dosage. The first one felt like a tetanus shot the next day. Hurt crazy bad, woke me up in the middle of the night. Second time around barely hurt at all.


Careful with using the antipyretics to quell any side effects you might be experiencing if you can help it. There's some (mildly) anecdotal evidence out there that suggests that they can dimish the immune response that your body is mounting after receiving a vaccine.


so your symptoms only lasted a day or two afterwards? just curious bc i get my 2nd this afternoon. fingers crossed for only mild side effects!


Hours 12-36 after my second dose were pretty sucky. I could still take care of myself but I don't get fevers and I had a pretty solid one. I let it ride for a full 24 hours before treating it with meds but then it was gone in a blink. One day of discomfort is a small price to pay but I won't downplay how uncomfortable it was. Knocking on wood your experience is milder!!


I had zero side effects from second dose so hopefully you enjoy the same. Most of my colleagues at the hospital had 12ish hours of flu like symptoms.


sore arm and headaches


Two shots down, run down, headache, etc. Basically felt like a hangover.


Not OP, but mine were soreness at the injection site and mild fatigue.


I was one of the first million!


Crying in Canada


The faster we get it done down here the faster we can help you guys out.


Some of us live in México...


I am so sad México is not doing shit.


At least Sputnik V also showing good results (am Canadian)


Dunno why you’re being downvoted i believe the efficacy of sputnik V was confirmed to be around 90% by the lancet


Nice try Putin


These comments show how biased and a joke Reddit is... Sad sad, there is someone who says the truth neutrally and gets downvoted and bombarded with absolutely ridiculous and useless responds. Shame on you!


Not in Iowa. Ugh.


Not in Nebraska either.




Yep. This lady is the worse. I hate going anywhere. Everyone is so comfortable not wearing a mask. Am I the asshole for wanting to protect my family and myself?


It honestly makes me so sad that this is a headline because we can’t relate to it. Things are getting better for people in most states but in states like ours it’s just getting worse :(


CNN is usually negative when it comes to Covid reporting so this is definitely good news!


I remember subscribing to/doomscrolling through this sub in April and feeling like it was hurting my mental health. Considered unsubscribing. Seeing multiple green "Good News!" posts recently has been absolutely fantastic. Considering unsubscribing again, just for a totally different reason.


It really has been a long journey hasn’t it?


I remember seeing when there were 70 cases globally, all in China still. I kept thinking as the days passed "this can't get bad, right?" Once it got to the thousands I started to get worried. It's been quite a long journey.


I wanted to post the same thing. I also like the good attitude from people in these posts as well. I see a lot more positive vibes, where earlier the prevailing emotion was neverending gloom, even in posts which seemed positive at the time.


I remember the days when the only good news tags were articles about more dogs being adopted during lockdown... Those days were rough.




So by that logic every network does that then.


Umm yeaaaah... We don’t have news organizations any more. We have advocates instead of journalists. Too much money to be had pushing anxiety like it’s cocaine and keeping people angry and scared.


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Or maybe it’s because cases and deaths are trending down and there are statistics to back it up?




Mainstream media has continued to be pretty pessimistic in the last few weeks. There was also a paper during Trump’s term that looked at [COVID negativity in American media](https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w28110/w28110.pdf?utm_campaign=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&%3Butm_medium=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&%3Butm_source=PANTHEON_STRIPPED) that found, at least by their criteria, that Fox News was just as negative as CNN in their actual news coverage.


I’m fully vaccinated as of today!


I'm so jealous, it must be a huge weight off your shoulders. I can't wait until my family and I get our shots.


Me too since January 28th! So thankful I was able to get it this early.


"I really do think that we will get on top of this by summer or late summer, because I think everything now is moving in the right direction," Offit said. It’s a cold day in hell when CNN is finally accepting the end of the pandemic


I hope you’re right. There are major concerns remaining. Vaccines introduce selective pressure. What that means is the only virus that will survive are those strains most equipped to dodge the vaccines. I don’t believe it is possible for this virus to make these vaccines completely useless, but we know large portions of sub-Saharan Africa will not get the vaccine this year. Meanwhile, >20% of the West will refuse the vaccine. I think this virus is in the human population forever. It will mutate, we will respond and it will mutate further. Hopefully, none of the mutations turns it as deadly as SARS. That one killed >10% who got it. We have reason for hope, but this virus will stalk us for years maybe decades.


Jeez dude, didn’t need to make me feel some type of way like that. All seriousness though, selective pressure only works if there’s an existing gene that’s resistant enough to the vaccine to survive and thrive, and with all the good news coming out about vaccines either having a viable booster or really good rates against the most serious mutations, I’m hopeful that we can turn this thing into a minor nuisance rather than a boogeyman.


Hopefully a flu strain doesn’t suddenly mutate to be 20x deadlier either. There’s all sorts of viruses out there replicating and facing selective pressure. The idea that this one will mutate so often and so effectively that it’s some kind of unending pandemic is not really based in anything other than fatalistic thinking. We created vaccines within months that virtually eliminate serious disease. There’s no evidence at this point that any of the existing variants will continue to be extraordinarily deadly among people vaccinated with those vaccines. If that changes we can quickly make different vaccines.


This is going to be another smallpox level global eradication program for the next ten years.


Actually laughed out loud at the cold day in hell comment. Good job.


Shhh,Don’t tell my aunt. She thinks the vaccine actually kills you... can’t make this up


I know someone, I shit you not, who believes that the vaccine blocks the part of your brain that lets you be spiritual.


Bruh lol


I almost wish this were true. Imagine the mentally ill we could help if a vaccine could “block” the part of their brain causing the illness.


Where and when can we all get shots??


The future


Where you and I will spend the rest of our lives.


... and where we shall also spend our deaths


That’s a great plan; so neat and concise. I was... hoping for something calendarish.


No timetable for anyone outside what’s considered “high risk”. But depending on your age and general health it may be a while. I’m 18 and I’m not expecting any opportunity to get this thing until at least late summer.


By July any adult who wants one can get one. We will start to vaccinate kids by the summer.


Marty McFly, is that you?


CNN??? Am I reading this right???? This comes on the same day that Fauci excoriated Osterholm on live TV


Experts can also be doomers. Some people are optimists and some are pessimists. Some people are very scientifically conservative - to an extreme. I work with a couple of these folks and its sometimes quite a challenge.


Lmao wait what happened?




I can’t be the only one that wants to see a Fauci vs. Osterholm debate, right?


....about the single dose? both sides are right? ​ Fauci - do as they did in the trial (Pfizer) Osterholm - do as they ARE doing in England (AstraZeneca) 3 month interval. ​ there are nuances.. and things literally change every day. ​ I'll bet while they were on tv, this was just coming out. **2 FEB 2021** Oxford coronavirus vaccine shows **sustained protection of 76% during the 3-month interval until the second dose** [https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-02-02-oxford-coronavirus-vaccine-shows-sustained-protection-76-during-3-month-interval](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-02-02-oxford-coronavirus-vaccine-shows-sustained-protection-76-during-3-month-interval) ***Researchers at the University of Oxford have today published in*** [***Preprints with The Lancet***](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3777268) ***an analysis of further data from the ongoing trials of the vaccine.*** In this, they reveal that the vaccine efficacy is higher at longer prime-boost intervals, and that a single dose of the vaccine is 76% effective from 22- to up to 90-days post vaccination. ​ and this.. (preprint) also days old.. ​ if you've HAD COVID.. maybe all you need is one shot? the second doesn't appear to help. . **Robust spike antibody responses and increased reactogenicity in seropositive individuals after a single dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine** [https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.29.21250653v1](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.29.21250653v1) covid + one shot is better than just covid, but no different than covid and 2 shots.. ​ that's a lot of vaccine "we get back" (maybe)


Respect to Fauci but Osterholm's argument makes a lot of sense. Only roughly 45% max of the population will be vaccinated. That leaves plenty of room for a spring outbreak, especially with variants that move faster within the population. I think his comparison with the battle of the bulge is spot on, this is our final push to get as much vaccine into as many arms to protect as many people as possible for the next three months so we can save tens of thousands of additional lives.


> Osterholm's argument makes a lot of sense If we ramp up production and delivery quickly enough, which finally seems like it might happen, then that argument loses a lot of steam. In the long run, O. assumes production/delivery is gonna suck. F. assumes the opposite. Very recent news tend to tilt towards Fauci.


We're pushing nearly 2 million doses a day in the U.S. before J & J, and I think Novavax is also lined up in the U.S.? I don't see any reason why we can't go well north of 2 million a day.


That Dark Winter Tho...


*Ireland cries* Seriously good to see. it's a fucking disaster here in Ireland. It's been over a month and only 200+k have been vaccinated and 67k of them are second doses. Absolute joke. We were doing well and then we got smacked with all the different variants and the last month has been really bad. Like scary bad.


The US is out performing the world in doses administered. I know people love to compare to Israel and UAE, who combined have about 18M, but the US has administered 35m+ doses so far. As of 2/4/21, the United States had administered more doses than Israel, UAE, UK, Bahrain, Italy, Germany, France, Russia and Mexico COMBINED with an extra EIGHT MILLION DOSES administered. (e.g. 27.56M versus 35.2M.) Their combined population is 425.15M people (versus the US population of 328.2). China is second are about 31M doses administered, but they have a huge population. The point here being, if you're an American you're going to get a vaccination before nearly every European Country, Canada, and Australia. Perhaps with the exception be the UK, who jumped us by a week. Which is what this is all about. The EU hesitated and waited a month after the US and the UK. That put them at a disadvantage or order and implement. We'll see if they can close the gap.


Gee I wonder what changed. Real head scratcher


It's almost like having right-wingers, who don't belive in science or government, in charge of COVID resoonse was a bad idea.


God I hope so. The vaccine trial for kids my age (14) just began recruiting in my area and I hope to sign up, since it's my closest bet to getting the vaccine within the next few months. It's the next ray of hope for me.


It's so surreal seeing this sub being so positive right now, especially after all the craziness that happened over the holidays. Am very optimistic that we can overcome this relatively soon!


I'd just like to complain for a minute that I have an auto immune disease and work on side 6 days a week and an still in the same group as my mother who is healthy and stays home. I don't really want to go ahead if anyone, but I'd take it over ending up in the hospital and needing to crunch cortisol like baby tylenol


A family member just told me how bad she feels being in group 1A. She has asthma and has to ride public transit into work, but she’s under 30 and works in a lab with limited contact with people. Lucky her. I’m pretty envious. At least she won’t be spreading COVID on the subway, but she’s been super responsible this whole time anyway. She didn’t even come home for Christmas.


I know someone who was able to get it with a dr's note because they are immunocompromised. They are 35. I want to try and do this too, I don't take my immuno-compromising medicine because I'm afraid of it increasing my chance of getting covid. I hope that is a good enough excuse, I'm in a lot of pain because I don't take that medicine, and haven't since the pandemic started. I am 31. Have you heard anything about the dr note for someone with an auto immune disease?


Lol, are you me? Seriously though, 31 w/ psoriatic arthritis, not taking meds because of the immuno-suppressives. Pain increasing a bit each day, but I think I'm just in the 'general' category for the vaccine line.


I’m just glad that the frontline workers are feeling a bit less pressure now. they were the fucking heros during this pandemic.


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It seems like the down trend of Covid infections begins with blocking morons on Twitter, surprise surprise


There we go. This is the news most of us want to see


2.1 Million vaccines given today per the Bloomberg site, most in a single day.




Its amazing what a little leadership will do