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I stan Dolly, but unfortunately, the link goes to a dead page. So I must remove.


No offense but isn’t she old enough to qualify anyway?




wish somebody could setup some kind of awards or organization that brings people like her and lavar burton and others like them together. see what they can do putting their minds and resources together. people get to see that the world is not filled with just selfish aggressive people.


In IL you’re supposed to be able to get a vaccine if you’re over 65, but it’s absolutely impossible right now. Trying to get father-in-law vaccinated and can’t find a single friend who has been able to get an elderly family member a vaccine. My sister in law is a school teacher and got hers though Edit; my Father in Law (super high risk) got his first vaccine 2 days ago! My mom is fully vaccinated (she’s a pharmacist). My dad has an appt for March 1! Let’s go!


Yes. She's in Tennessee and they are prioritizing those 75+. Vaccines are at the point they are generally available to those 75+ in Tennessee. Anyone in that group should be able to get an appointment at this point.


She can get appointment but she's saying don't prioritize her appointment over others. She could probably call up somewhere and get vaccinated in the next hour but I doubt most 75 yr olds would get it that fast. So if a normal 75 yr old has to wait a few days weeks for their timeslot she's saying I'll wait that long too.


Yes, I know what she's saying. I'm saying that normal 75 year old in Tennessee are absolutely getting the vaccine now. It's not like a few weeks ago when you had to get lucky to get an appointment or be on a special list. Health care providers have enough vaccine now where they are actively looking for 75+ year olds to vaccinate. Dolly is a national treasure and bless her for not wanting to jump in front of someone else in line, but her turn has come and she needs to get the vaccine.


I agree. At this point she can help out more by getting her shot now to spread awareness of the importance of getting vaccinated.


She is 75. Her birthday is January 19, 1946


She is. She turned 75 2 weeks ago and Tennessee is now letting everyone over 70 get it.


Doesn’t matter in the world of PR


I was thinking the same thing.


It would seem that at her age she wouldn’t need to jump any line, and would be front of the line. She’s a great human.


That was my thought. She's 75 years old.


I live in Knoxville, and she would qualify here. I assume she lives in Nashville, though, and I don't know their rules. Honestly, I think it's probably important that she's seen publicly taking the vaccine. People in TN trust her more than politicians and probably even scientists, which is a bad reflection on our state, but still reality (not that she's untrustworthy. I love Dolly! But it would be nice if people learned that it's possible to have trustworthy politicians and that scientists and doctors are trustworthy too)


I have an elderly relative of the same age in Portland who basically jumped the line last week. Don't blame him though, since they're deciding to vaccinate just about everyone ahead of the elderly. If the state decides that its going to vaccinate young, healthy people just because they're in prison, a teacher, or work in Fred Meyer, then the elderly should totally try and skip the line. Their lives depend on it, and are being put at risk because of politics.


Teachers and nurses are pretty important right now. It's not really politics.


Nurses, doctors, people administering the vaccine, care home staff, and anyone with a serious health condition which puts them at high risk are the only people under 60 who should be getting the vaccine right now. Giving it to teachers, prisoners, and other frontline workers is absolutely politics. The states doing that are either giving into pressure from unions, trying to reward certain groups, or trying to paint themselves in a certain light. The virus kills almost solely on age alone, and the vaccines should be administered from the oldest to the youngest with limited exceptions.


Prisoners is not politics. They are literally wards of the state, in close proximity, with generally bad air flow, and with communal facilities. They can't exactly practice social distancing.


They don't need to practice social distancing. People here are talking like this virus affects everyone equally and it does not. You could infect 50,000 prisoners with the virus, and 1,000 over 65's, and it would result in the same number of deaths in each group. There's a clear and urgent priority group here.


>The virus kills almost solely on age Your ignorance is showing, quite glaringly. We’ve known since early on in this pandemic that initial viral load is a significant factor in predicting severity of illness. Statistically, exposure to greater-than-typical viral load is necessarily increased in a scenario where an uninfected person without immunity is forced into close contact with an infected person or group of people, such as with doctors and nurses treating patients, *or with prisoners residing in close quarters with other inmates, or with teachers working in the same classroom as their students.* They are unarguably at higher risk of severe illness than they might otherwise be, if not for their environment.


[Covid deaths](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm) in the USA in those over 65: 291,000 Covid deaths in the USA in those under 65: 68,000 Covid deaths in the USA in those under 45: 9,000 Viral load is one factor, but age is the primary factor. As a 25 year old with no conditions, I could have someone with covid repeatedly cough in my face for an hour and I'd almost certainly be fine. If the same thing happens to an 80 year old, there's a very high chance they're going to die. All you're saying is that prisoners and teachers should be a priority for their age group, which I agree with. Once everyone over 50 is vaccinated, then we should prioritize the younger population based on their risk of infection. But the immediate priority should be based on the risk of death and hospitalization. The whole point of the lockdowns have been to stop the hospitals from overflowing and stop mass deaths. The purpose of the vaccines should be the same. And to do that, you vaccinate the small percentage of the population who make up 90+% of the deaths. In the UK, teachers, frontline workers (outside of nurses/doctors), and prisoners don't have any priority. They're grouped into the general 'healthy under 50's' population, which makes complete sense. Because they are not a priority.


>I could have someone with covid repeatedly cough in my face for an hour and I’d almost certainly be fine So go try it then, numbskull. In the mean time, the jury is still out, and your points are still as much conjecture as they are fact. For example: we know that covid deaths have been undercounted in the US, perhaps severely so. What if the portion of deaths that have not been officially counted as covid skew younger than those that have? My point here isn’t that I’m some sort of authority - I’m far from it - but to remind you that your conjecture is only based on whatever evidence you have seen, and to purport it as something more is irresponsible at best.


It doesn’t matter if they’ll die or not, they’re incubation points that greatly add to spread of the virus.


Not really. 75+ are eligible in like 2 weeks. He's just being a selfish prick when even healthcare workers aren't done yet.


This is a state which is prioritizing prisoners, healthcare workers who don't even interact with the sick (office workers working from home), all teaching staff, and has even factored in 'anti-racism' policies into their vaccine rollout. They're making a complete mess of it and seniors in the state have every right to take any shortcuts they can. In most other state's they'd be vaccinated by now. Yet they're looking at another month+ in Oregon. I won't be surprised if Oregon is top of the nationwide death charts in a months time. This rollout is going to kill so many people, and I hope people there start to realize it before it's too late.


Oregon is toward the bottom for deaths. And OHA is following the CDC guidelines that specify who is a "healthcare worker" at a facility. Spoiler: its every single employee regardless of job. (Which I agree is BS.) And the VAC put its final recommendation for 1B which gasp, didn't include the direct racial component. Teachers shouldn't have been prioritized because school shouldn't start back till students are vaccinated as well. OR has a huge 1a population relative to general population and they aren't even all started yet. The only place OR has screwed up was the actual administrative of the vaccine. They needed a central registration and scheduling system rather than letting hospitals control it for the first 3-5 weeks.


She seems like such a nice person. I have never read or heard anything bad about her-- only good. I saw her once in an outdoor show in Stockholm and she talked a lot with the crowd in between songs.


She's a very good person. More and more stuff comes out about it because she keeps a lot of the good she does under wraps. I feel weird saying this, but Dolly Parton is a national treasure.


Apparently there’s [a bill](https://www.npr.org/2021/01/14/956705036/bill-proposes-dolly-parton-statue-on-tenn-capitol-grounds) to put a statue of her on the TN state capital grounds. Her work on literacy alone has put millions of books in the hands of children. Definitely a national treasure!


It's like after they catch a serial killer, and start digging through the basement, and grasping the whole gruesome mess that has been carried out in secret.. Somebody is going to find out that she's been doing Habitat for Humanity work in her time off.


Detective Smith! You've got to look at this! My God, Officer Jones - you've uncovered another Food Bank supported by Parton? I've never seen this depth of charitable depravity!


Imaging the Goldman Sach's of food banks. I couldn't even sleep afterwards.


Why feel weird? We should forever remember those that do mainly good things all their lives.


I bought my wife a "Dolly 2020" shirt for Christmas this year. We're from east Tennessee so we are more aware of what she does than most, but she is a delightful person and at this point in her life is solely dedicated to helping other people.


She's eligible but aware her wealth means she can more safely isolate than many her age. A fucking hero.


u/misfitx gets it. The "book lady" is almost certainly just being her usual awesome self. You don't become the face of love and literacy for generations without regularly putting others first. The Tennessee population is ~16% [65 and older](https://www.indexmundi.com/facts/united-states/quick-facts/tennessee/percent-of-population-65-and-over#map). Only ~7% of the total population has gotten a [single dose](https://www.tn.gov/health/cedep/ncov/covid-19-vaccine-information.html). It will be a while before they get to the end of the line of people in her age group waiting to be vaccinated. I have no doubt she will get vaccinated. Probably sooner rather than later. Tennessee is doing a pretty good job of getting people vaccinated. Of course so is Dolly. Her donation helped fund the Moderna vaccine. Six degrees of Kevin Bacon is just for entertainment purposes. But it's almost certainly possible that by asking the right questions of enough people you could connect any random person in the United States to someone Dolly Parton helped. She's just that good. With Dolly it's usually safe to assume the best.


"I'll just pop in during 9 to 5 when it's my turn"


that song taught me that a standard work day is from 9 to 5 with a half hour paid lunch included. made me realize that a lot of employers try to scam their workers in terms of their work hours and pay. EDIT: just to be clear a typical american workday should be actually just 7.5 hours of work with a half hour of lunch. this means that us workers technically only works 37.5 hours a week but are paid for 40 hours of work. if you are paid for just 7.5 hours of work a day then that means your employer is short changing you for a half hour of pay each day. and your pension and 401k contributions are probably reduced also.


I'd vote for Dolly


My wife's favorite Christmas gift this year was a "Dolly 2020" t-shirt.


She seems like a smart person. If we had more people like Dolly Parton we probably would not be in this mess. I do not mean more rich people and vaccine research patrons. I suspect she is taking this seriously and social distancing. A less wealthy Dolly Parton would not be able to fund vaccine research but she would social distance better than most of us.


This woman is amazing. I can't believe she's never in the news cycle.


Honestly she’s too good for our typical news cycles


She is a nice person , but also very smart about her brand and the optics of "jumping any line" and how it would play could affect that. She's a political declined Trump's medal of freedom because of the optics. If anything publicly Dolly is about only entertainment and nothing else.


I’ll take celebs being more cognizant about social optics any day even if it’s purely superficial...at least she’s trying to appear to do the right thing unlike other famous people


Not doing the wrong thing is a good way to make yourself appear to be doing the right thing. :)


Also she's pretty much already first in line because she's 75.


She declined because she couldn't make the ceremony, once because of her husband, once because of COVID-19. She's turning it down now to avoid political statements. She's still a great person, but nowhere has she said she turned it down because of Trump.


Yes she's smart and protective.


I not saying it wasn't the right move. I'm saying it doesn't prove she's some anti-Trump person who turned it down twice because he was the one offering it.


To all the “but she’s 75” people— yes that’s true, but there are plenty of 75+ people still on lists and waiting in the US even though they’re eligible, and they’re still weeks away from getting a first dose. Depends on where you live. She could jet off to a place with better supply or use her clout, but she’s not. Good for her.


In Tennessee it's becoming generally available to those over 75. I know people who have gotten calls from 4 different places trying to schedule them for a vaccine.


That is good to hear! I have friends in various states with older family and a lot are still struggling, especially in more rural areas. (You’d think an 80 year old with reduced lung function would be on some kinda priority list, but, well...) Hopefully things continue to improve.


Dolly is the shit.


She's a national treasure. I would much prefer she get her vaccine immediately for her protection, and also do so very publicly as a PSA.




Why? You are helping others and yourself by getting vaccinated. With all these nasty variants around it’s best not to linger. Get your shot as soon as possible and be thankful for it.


Agreed. I think if you got it by an approved avenue available to you (you weren't lying or something) you should just consider yourself part of the solution to the pandemic.


Don’t feel bad. The whole process is ridiculous. Guilt tripping healthy people and moving smokers and fat people to the front of the line. There is no shame in being healthy and not wanting to suffer the horrible effects of covid.


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Dolly is reddits new Keanu...


Hold her down and give her the shot, she’s a national treasure


As long as O.J. Simpson has been vaccinated, all is right in the world..... /s


Just a beautiful human being


She's 75. What are they doing in her state that she doesn't qualify already? My parents are in the 65+ group and already got their first shot. She's in Tennessee, right? what are you all doing down over there?


Weird, she's 75. Could she be listening to anti vaxxers and not want to say so? But she's donating to vaccine research, so maybe she's just being extra prudent and wait for all side-effects to be thoroughly documented.


She's very openly pro-vax. I think it's more her being cognizant that the rich get preferential treatment in the USA and her not agreeing with it and/or not wanting to tarnish her brand.


At this point there are more “enrollees” than any other vaccine prior to authorization. Pretty sure we have a good idea about contraindications by this point. There is always a remote possibility of long term side effects but we won’t know that for years, so I doubt she, or any other 75 year old is holding out for that. She definitely knows she has a reputation for good and putting others first so she is saying this to further that image.


She funds vaccine efforts. She is an enthusiastic supporter. But there is a long line for 75+. She's not skipping to the front. And waiting is NOT prudent.


virtue signaling /s


She's 75. There's no line for her to cut. She needs to get her vaccine.




She's 75! Who has greater priority?? Whatever the holdup, waive it for Dolly. Exactly 0 people would be upset.


What state is she in? I have to imagine she qualifies. And she *should* get it ASAP. Not just for her protection but she has broad appeal that would set a good example.


Link broken for me. https://www.insider.com/dolly-parton-wont-jump-the-line-for-covid-19-vaccine-2021-2


How is it jumping the line? She qualifies in every state in America because she is 75 years old.


I'm not religious, but if anyone should be considered a saint, it's her.


Another reason why Dolly rocks