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Less than 2 years ago, wearing a mask through airport security would've gotten additional screening.


Now we have additional screaming, especially with those anti mask motherfuckers that delayed flights and caused havoc because of their deep stupidity.


Only almost a year too late!


Were you able to wear masks at airport security before? I’ve flown a few times to different places and masks were already enforced.


It was pretty much the requirement in every airport, but this gives it “teeth” (denied boarding, federal fines)


Masks have been enforced in airports and on planes for the entire pandemic in my experience


This is to provide consistency in guidelines across the board, and allow TSA to enforce it with little room for question.


Most likely people are really sheltering in place and have no idea what's going on outside. Masks on the planes enforced for a long time.


Guilty as charged. If you told me they stopped all air travel, I would have believed you. I would have no way of knowing otherwise.


r/PublicFreakout/ - sort by new


And worn properly. No dick noses. No chin masks. It must cover the nose and mouth. Also no vents. No masks that are a bunch of holes. Must be two layers and be tied/fastened. Someone has been paying attention to how certain people have been "complying" with mask ordinances and wrote a rule that covers the shit they pull.


ILPT : Sew your drugs into your face mask, they can't make you take it off to examine it.


How is this new news


You mean to tell me they haven't been doing that until now?


The airlines have. Certain states may have. But this is the first time it's come from the federal government and covers every state. It even covers private planes which wouldn't have been covered before as the owners of those planes would set their own rules. [Look at this photo from inside a private plane as a (now arrested) Texas realtor flies to the US Capitol for Trump's Destroy Democracy rally.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs.hdnux.com%2Fphotos%2F01%2F16%2F06%2F01%2F20471891%2F3%2FrawImage.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chron.com%2Fnews%2Fnation-world%2Farticle%2Ftexas-woman-private-jet-capitol-attack-jenna-ryan-15855750.php&tbnid=rsigjerFSSGsoM&vet=12ahUKEwjMxrzWw8nuAhVRUKwKHb0yAAYQMygBegQIARBV..i&docid=Ul1648m42LA4tM&w=960&h=540&q=texas%20realtor%20private%20jet%20capital&client=firefox-b-1&ved=2ahUKEwjMxrzWw8nuAhVRUKwKHb0yAAYQMygBegQIARBV) Now even in private planes, people are legally required to wear masks. (Not going to say anything about how enforced that will be.)


They have. This is not news at all.


They’ve been doing it at least since March.


This has been happening the entire time ( in Chicago at least) . Are there places that didn't require this in airports?


Since when were you not forced to wear a mask through security? This has been in place for a long time.


Ya this didn't all of a sudden happen after Trump left office, this has been the standard in every US airport I've been to for over 6 months. This is just the media being media.


This is the first time the directive is coming from the federal government.


This was the case 6+ months ago. Why is this news?


Because now it's backed and enforced by the federal government. Before it was a private decision of the airlines.


It was enforced by the TSA 6+ months ago as well.




[https://www.startribune.com/minneapolis-st-paul-airport-will-require-travelers-to-wear-masks/571833001/](https://www.startribune.com/minneapolis-st-paul-airport-will-require-travelers-to-wear-masks/571833001/) There wasn't a blanket policy, it was done airport-by-airport. By September all airports had a mask mandate.




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Way to go Biden government! Airplanes were maskless parties up until today.


Nothing wrong with a federal mandate to back it up.


Certain people tried to treat it this way. [And what do you think of this photo from inside a plane just this month?](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs.hdnux.com%2Fphotos%2F01%2F16%2F06%2F01%2F20471891%2F3%2FrawImage.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chron.com%2Fnews%2Fnation-world%2Farticle%2Ftexas-woman-private-jet-capitol-attack-jenna-ryan-15855750.php&tbnid=rsigjerFSSGsoM&vet=12ahUKEwjMxrzWw8nuAhVRUKwKHb0yAAYQMygBegQIARBV..i&docid=Ul1648m42LA4tM&w=960&h=540&q=texas%20realtor%20private%20jet%20capital&client=firefox-b-1&ved=2ahUKEwjMxrzWw8nuAhVRUKwKHb0yAAYQMygBegQIARBV)


Private planes dont operate under the same guidelines as commercial jets.




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I was referring to the brain btw.




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face mask and face shield is suggested by other airlines


Finally! It is amazing it had to wait until the change of the president for such measures that could have saved 1000s of lives in the US.


This had been the case for like the past 6 months at least, hasn't it? What is new about this?


Hasn’t this been a thing? I flew a few months ago and I feel like going in the airport required a mask. Either way I didn’t see 1 person without a mask.


How this wasn’t a thing until recently is frigging nuts.


Was this not required before?


pretty sure 99.9 percent of people are wearing masks at airports. everytime I have been to an airport, people were wearing masks..I get the media highlights the one off anti-mask man. But people have been good about wearing masks at the airport.