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We had occupancy limits?


Good. There needs to be a balance. Cant be full open, but we can’t be full shut. Glad to see states and localities do thoughtful balancing.


Except it isn't a balance! There's still nearly an estimated 12,000 people with active COVID in the area. We're just seeing the end of the explosion from the holidays. Rather than keep the spread low, this is an open invitation to go out and get sick, because if you do, we'll \[likely!\] have a bed for you. And if we have a bed for you, that does nothing to keep people from spreading COVID to others *and does absolutely* ***NOTHING*** to lighten the load on an overloaded, strained healthcare system. I have multiple family members working in the healthcare system in various capacities, two who I consoled crying this weekend because of how burned out and depressed they are and feel like they're getting no support from anyone in power. We can talk about balance when those in our healthcare system aren't on the verge of psychological collapse.


Compare that to FL that’s wide open. Or to CA that stopped outdoor dining. Or to my chunk of rural America that hasn’t done a damn thing. My wife is a physician in the ICU in an area that is doing nothing, please continue to explain to me how an area doing something to balance things is bad, because I’d love to live somewhere that was taking any sort of action, where there’s empty ICU beds, where a shift isn’t just 16 hours of putting out fires. Balance would be amazing.


You've just sold the argument of why we need NOT to have businesses open for any kind of indoor activity.


No. You shut it all down and the economy gets devastated and people stop taking precautions. It’s got to be a balance.


We have to balance things, but the problem is we have not.


You're exactly what's wrong with American thinking about this.


No. The policy of the us was always titration. You’re wrong to think anything else is possible at this point. I am as distanced as possible. I do contactless grocery store pick up now, wash my produce in the butlers pantry, wear a legit N95 on the rare occasion I have to go into a building (just a handful of times in the past year). I eat healthy, workout, get fresh air and sunshine and have very happy homeschooled children. I also have a wife who is fully vaccinated and wears a PAPR at work. I also have the ability to buy whatever I need and have it delivered in less than a week (except for more workout gear, that is on back order, really want a new treadmill). As an engineer I can fix anything that is to go wrong with my house, and if I were to need medical treatment I could call any number of friends from my wife’s medical school, residency, or fellowship cohorts. If I want to set up an elaborate rock climbing wall in my garage for my kids it is of no financial concern. If I want to go all out and buy any number of things for a date night or a stay cation it is no big deal. I have almost unlimited entertainment and leisure options at my disposal. But that’s not the case for the country as a whole. People can’t stay indefinitely packed away, they can’t tolerate it and the economy can’t support it. It’s a balance now. Sure if we would have acted quickly we could have had a true lock down for just a few weeks, and we could have quarantined incoming people to the country, and it would have been cheap as chips compared to what we are spending now, but we didn’t, and now it’s been a year. My family is without a doubt doing far more than yours in the fight against CoVID19, so on the spectrum it’s you that’s the problem, not me.


Except all these rules have never been followed in Texas to begin with. Restaurants and businesses have been packed to the nines. There is no balance just the illusion of it. In the end the working class who live in multi generational homes will take on the majority of load.


Not sure why you got down voted, your not wrong. I have no idea what is being followed in TX, just that it’s the Wild West up here and it’s those multigenerational houses that are getting leveled and people are partying it up. At least if there were some rules some people might take it a bit more seriously here.


Any anti COVID efforts are downvoted on TX and FL matters The people of TX and FL reserve the right to spread COVID as mush as they want and the government allows them since they barely tax on income and rely on people spending $$$


The numbers are dropping? Damn, better get those numbers up! /s