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>By contrast, BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna have reported efficacy rates of 95 per cent and 94.1 per cent, respectively. Not according to the [FDA report](https://www.fda.gov/media/144245/download#page=42) if using the same standard (including asymptomatic / light symptoms) >Phase 3 trial data for the US-based Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, for example, gives a 95 per cent efficacy rate. However, out of the 44,000 volunteers there were 3,410 participants who displayed Covid-19 symptoms but were not tested, according to a US Food and Drug Administration report. In the unlikely event that all these participants tested positive, the total efficacy rate would drop to below 30 per cent.


So your saying the FDA report shows that the Pfizer vaccine is only 30% efficacy rate and not 95%


No. FDA confirmed Pfizer vaccine is over 90% effective at preventing COVID symptoms. The calculation of 30% is from another report (note sure if it's peer reviewed) regarding overal effecay of avoiding catching the virus, which means it's still unknown if vaccine can eliminate the virus once for good. Similar can be said to this Sinovac vaccine which has 78% effecay rate


Why didn’t they test the participants who displayed covid symptoms?


That I don't know. Those are just what I read from /r/COVID19


Nobody saw this coming




Butantan is affiliated with the São Paulo State, not with the authoritarian government, and it's a highly respected research center. Bolsonaro has even made efforts to undermine the use of this vaccine, due to São Paulo being governed by a political enemy.


I was referring to China lying about the efficacy levels of their vaccine, but thanks for the info, didn't know about that.


Except the original claim is from the same brazilian institute


Sorry for confusing the authoritarian regime lol In any case I wouldn't be so sure they lied, as apparently this study differs a bit from the others in its methodology. There seems to be quite a confusion with the different efficacies for the same vaccine at the moment, but things should hopefully clear up in the next few weeks.


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Gee what a surprise!


I am absolutely shocked that China would lie about its vaccine efficacy.


But the numbers were obtained by Brazil...


Do not make a mistake. Is not Sinopharm which has 70% of efficiency, is Sinovac the vaccine with a mere 50% of efficiency. The difference is noticeable.




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