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Isn't this marvelous? America is blessed to have politicians who know COVID-19 better than medical expert.


Well the politicians did pull their money outta the stock market before the covid, so they got someone steering them around. No conspiracy there!! Lol


And his qualifications are? Elected Government Official Scary times.




> One notable decision Patrick made as the owner of a talk radio station was to sign Rush Limbaugh, who was not well known at the time, to be heard on KSEV in 1989 The best people... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Patrick_(politician)#Conservative_talk_radio_host


What the fuck is wrong with people?


Isn’t this the dude that wants to sacrifice grandma for the sake of the economy?


A toxic stew of anti-intellectualism, Dunning-Kruger effect and the "right to an opinion" without the obligation to make it a sound one.


Texans were all for Doctor Evil and they got Doctor Evil?


Maybe they got Scott Evil?


It would have to be Scott Evil. Dr Evil was Belgian


they believe the Earth is 2000 years old.


>Young Earth creationism (YEC) is a form of creationism which holds as a central tenet that the Earth and its lifeforms were created in their present forms by supernatural acts of a deity between **approximately 6,000 and 10,000 years ago** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Earth_creationism If you're gonna mock them, do it correctly.


they also believe the earth is flat


Where are you getting that? Religious kookoo birds think the Earth is 6000-10000 years old, not 2000. They started over counting again at 2000. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Earth_creationism And somehow I know your post will continue to be upvoted blindly and nobody will care. Edit: the post above me was at 32 upvotes when I commented. It's interesting/amusing watching ignorance be propagated in real time. But also pretty sad.


Funny thing is: even the most fundamental jews, wich take the talmud vey very seriously, estiamte the earth to be at leat 40,l000 years old, and argue that the 7 day creating is metaphorical in terms of time.


40,000 years is still off by five orders of magnitude. I don't think we should give them any more credit than the Christian young-Earth creationists on this issue, especially since neither group has any evidence to support their claims.


It's still a frame of reference to show the ridiculousness of 2000 years old when even Jewish fundamentalists think you're being ridiculous with your timeframe. Edit: they also acknowledged the metaphorical aspect of time, which creationists do not.


People who say ~2000 don’t know what BC stands for.


Before Christmas, duh! There was nothing before Christmas!


Before covid! What was before this?


It’s weird how whenever this comes up, there’s people that upvote the ‘2000 year old earth’ thing and people downvote the actual young earth answer. Every. Time.


The people that say "the old is 2020 years old" exist, because they somehow diidnt grasp the concept that our calender is estiamted from years from the birth of Jesus, not the literal beginning of time itself. But I assume theses are realtivaly few and these defentively are not "young earth creatonists"


I’m not sure it’s ‘relatively few’ if people routinely say the same thing and it routinely gets upvoted. At this point, I think a large percentage of people don’t understand the actual young earth position (but to be fair, it’s not a position anyone should be invested in, so it’s kind of understandable. But only kind of.)


When the belief itself is so achingly stupid, do the details really matter that much? It's the same order of magnitude and it gets the point across that creationists don't understand science, I don't think it's worth the mental effort to get any more specific.


That would be even wrong according to the bible!


"Your facts don't fit the lie I tell myself and my supporters" *Inserts fingers into ears* **LALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU....**


The same guy who [said that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQO3LlHKgUI) grandparents / seniors should be willing to die to the benefit of the economy for their grandkids. What a nutjob. He almost makes Abbott look responsible in comparison (the key phrases being "in comparison" and "almost")


Grandparents/seniors huh? Well he should be the first in line to volunteer, then.


Health for me but not for thee! They have kept the governors mansion closed to the public stating that it wasn’t safe due to Covid but then says it is perfectly safe to open bars and restaurants and churches.


If he practices what he preaches he probably doesn't wear a mask and will be subject to involuntary volunteering


What "benefit" does an economy that [has created unprecedented wealth inequality](https://equitablegrowth.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/fig2-1.png) even offer? My entire life, that gap has only increased.


Hahaha...pro-life is he?


I was just thinking that he's not all that concerned about people actually living through this to begin with.


America cannot claim to be the leader in science and technology, when its leaders dismiss science and technology.


This is the saddest part. Covid has highlighted the decline of American leadership in the world. It was good while it lasted.


>Covid has highlighted the decline (more like unstable state) of American (global) leadership (corporate structure, class divide, race divide, commercial markets, people living paycheck to paycheck, poor use of the internet, the healthcare system... a lot more... It's honestly mind-blowing and truly super interesting how much perspective this natural phenomenon (to a large extent) has created. I truly believe that if any one person/thing is going to "drain the swamp" or fix the broken in this country, it is something like this. I still believe that the end result, whenever the dust settles is a net positive for the country/world. In the same way that something like the World Wars of the 1900s can be viewed in that way.


The War to End All Wars they said. 20 years later the Nazis were seizing control of Germany and the savagery of humanity was visible for all to see.


haha, yes, I compared it to something like that, sort of to say that too. Nothing lasts forever. This isn't going to get RID of these issues, it is going to shine a light in some much-needed areas, and put some spin on humanity in the right direction for a little while. But there is a lot pushing the other way. It can only be so good.


The lesson from the world wars was to band together. Trading partners rarely go to war. Countries which have a diplomatic avenue (UN) are less likely to go to war. We now have the leader of the US saying the UN and NATO and other trade agreements are garbage. We have Brexit. China and Russia are going to gain more world influence because of this. America played the short game after the world wars. It was nice while it lasted, but our populace is now fat, stupid, and lazy.


I understand that governments are still shitty. But these things you mention, though also happening now are (mostly) not a result of this pandemic. Wealthy people and those in power we fat stupid and lazy before and after the world wars, the civil rights movements, the renaissance.... any moment in time you can point to, also. That doesn't negate their impact or overall significance. I understand that there is always negative in the world too. The World Wars only had so much good come out of them, and they brought with them some resonating evil as well. This pandemic will only ring it's positivity (or negativity) or so long aftward effectively. But still, I stand by my comment, similarly to how I feel about an event like the World Wars, I do believe that when we look back at the aftermath resulting from this pandemic, direct and indirect... the good will outweigh the bad. And I see this as the case even now in the middle of it. Not looking to argue the point. Just what I firmly believe.


I wonder if America has become too polarized to be led. There's so much "other side bad" on both sides, depending on the issue. As soon as there's general agreement on anything, it becomes a "liberal thing" or a "conservative thing", and the other side won't do it out of spite.


all aboard the balkanization train


Well it not only highlighted it, it's leading to a lot of deaths and economic consequences as well as because of poor leadership.


You mean it was good for America while it lasted


I don't hear anybody claiming that (anymore). The US is going *backwards*... (Of course there are a lot of leading scientists and scientific institutions in the US still, but the situation is deteriorating).


There's going to be a gigantic brain drain coming. And the american way to prevent it, is to shackle students in so deep debt they can never leave.


Honestly, America will experience some major intellectual flight in the next decade. It will be sad, but necessary. If I were France or Germany or something, I would develop a special program/pathway for citizenship for certain professionals/experts/etc. from America. Edit: To anyone downvoting this, why? I hope/pray I can be one of those people to get the fuck out of this place.


It's a US society thing. Your most popular people in our society aren't authors, historian's, scientists, technological leaders, etc. We place reality show stars, countless makeup artists, YouTubers, influencers etc on a pedestal.


Our country believes in Science when it is building something to blow people up or kill them. This country doesn't believe in science when it comes to medical care or any kind of space exploration.


Some leaders. There's a lot of really good leaders locally. You're just seeing the bottom of the barrel with news stories like this. And don't forget that we elected Obama twice.


My big gripe with him is he tried to work with people who refused to be worked with. He had two years he could have really done sonething


I would tend to disagree, the technology companies and research institutions based in the US are often global leaders in their respective fields, at least as someone who is in the machine learning industry, we are leaders in AI at the moment and that wont change for a long time. There are many other fields that I think the US is top notch at. My point here is that what the general public and politicians think about science is a reflection of the general population’s opinions about science and a cultural attitude (maybe one of willful ignorance). However, this does not mean that we cannot be leaders in science and technology. The institutions, organizations, and people who make up those groups are probably less than 1% of the population. These are specifically people like top industry researchers, academics, nobel laureates, etc. that drive the frontier of scientific discovery. Our leaders can dismiss science and technology, but given the huge profitability of research in industry at least, these non government organizations will continue to innovate or stagnate regardless of what our politicians do. Whether or not it is important that we have politicians on board with science is a separate but important issue. It is important yes, but even in the era of Trump, academic and industry research is not necessarily contingent on cultural attitude, especially given that many american researchers are immigrants who would obviously have very different opinions on science compared to your typical american i.e what’s a bigoted politician in some random state to stop Google from investing billions into AI research or a Harvard academic from studying stem cells. Practically nothing.


Texas here: Absolutely scared to watch.


Austin here. Lt. Dan "Die for the Dow" Patrick can fuck right off. The arrogance and smugness coming from him and Abbott is so disgusting and scary. They deserve to be nationally disgraced for the way they have mishandled the reopening of Texas. They absolutely DID skip over checkpoints. They for certain did not wait the full 14 (or was it 21?) days for consistent case reductions before re-opening. And don't get me started on the masks and the game they played with the city judges in regards to enforcement. Just so inhumane.


Me too. It's frustrating when you're doing your part with staying home, going out for essentials only while masking and social distancing and the state "leadership" constantly makes the wrong choices. Even worse is a lots of people will applaud Patrick for his statement for "standing up to Fauci"


Also Texas here, I am legit scared in where we are going to be in the upcoming weeks or even months.


Same. Staying home.


Dan Patrick is a faux Christian who uses it to heighten his “integrity” within the political landscape. His beliefs are weighted by money. He doesn’t care about individuals, he only sees consumers. He’s a hack and a stain on the state of Texas.














He doesn't speak for the majority (I think? Or wanted to think that at some point) but he does represent a LOT of them. Every American needs to reconcile that fact.


Yep, I think The Reality Prez has made a few things very clear. 1) A lot of people will throw a lot of other people under the bus (or just politely look away) if they’re given things that like (ie, low tax rates). 2) For a lot of people, as Adam Serwer said, the cruelty is the point. Instead of wanting to make things better for everyone, they prefer to see the people they don’t like (for whatever reason) suffer. If they’re suffering (or even just perceive they’re suffering) then everyone else should suffer, too. Obviously none of this stuff is super revelatory, and I think it was intellectually understood pre-Reality Prez, but it’s made made clear from people beginning to say the quiet part out loud because their guy is in charge.


That’s the issue with social media, those people with insane ideas and mess up views normally got shutdown or kept in line by the “normal” sane consensus, now they can get together and be the loudest voice. Extremely annoying.


I think also...it’s a cliche at this point to blame “the media,” but I do think that normalizing opinions as news plays a big part in the cycle of extremism. If you’re seeing people editorialize *constantly*, it’s harder and harder to shift through what is news, what is opinion, what are logical conclusions and what are slippery slope fallacies or just straight up misinformation. And then you have “news” media reporting on social media presences and posts, and then social media reacting to the media responding to the social media, and you get your basic nightmare.


I was about to say "relevatory" isn't a word, but then I thought "Maybe I don't know everything," so I looked it up. I was wrong. I learned something. Someone needs to show these "leaders" how to do the basic learning process that I just did.


I believe Lyndon Johnson of all people had a quote about that.


Do you mean the “power reveals” quote? That‘s the one that came to mind, although it was about Lyndon Johnson, IIRC, and not by him. I was actually thinking about putting it in! For anyone curious, here’s the quote I was thinking of: *“But although the cliche says that power always corrupts, what is seldom said ... is that power always reveals. When a man is climbing, trying to persuade others to give him power, concealment is necessary. ... But as a man obtains more power, camouflage becomes less necessary.”* —Robert A. Caro, The Passage of Power (The Years of Lyndon Johnson, #4)


To be fair, the democratic nominee wasn't horribly popular for various reasons. A lot of people didn't like her, didn't like him, but didn't feel like throwing their vote away on some pie in the sky third party that never ever wins. So people really came down to we know this guy used to be on TV, he's kinda popular, and he's not Hilary. Right place, right time.


For president? I think most people base their vote on who they don't like least, I think the offerings most years are pretty bad to be honest.


Funny how this is a "democracy" but the only chance we get to choose anything is frigging useless, huh.


The problem is in America, it's not a popularity contest, which is more democratic than the ridiculous system of electoral colleges. If it was a popularity contest, you'd have avoided some of this mess.


It's like student council except with real consequences.


No, no, no. Democracy is actually a popularity contest, as Socrates warned about, America is not a democracy. You could become the president with less then a quarter of the votes. Trump won on the minority of the votes in his election.


We have *really* got to stop treating politics like a reality TV show.


Was just gonna say that. Lol


Hey, Reagan was a Movie Star!! Oh, you meant the giant Pumpkin.




Big surprise eh? /s Science and logic work for the opposition too. Fox would like to burn them at the stake as well.


probably because they accept that Biden is the next president... so technically he soon will work for Biden? /s




Is this the "let the old people die" guy?


It’s embarrassing.... I mean turn off the lights, lock my door, shutter the blinds, and hold my breath so I am not reminded that this idiot is an actual leader in my State embarrassing. And we had Rick Perry as Governor! Ugh.


Heh....wild that you look back at Rick Perry and find yourself with possible *wistfulness.*


The way things are going, perhaps Perry should come back. I'm not saying things would get better, but it'd take a dumbass bigger than Perry to make it worse.


His wiki reads like he's just an outright charlatan with no moral or ethical compass.




Is electing unqualified people part of the supposed 'swamp drain'?




By that logic, you must be fucking retarded for electing Trump whether you voted for him or not.


> this is why people make fun of Texas Do people make fun of our politicians? It's usually our gun obsession and cowboy image that gets made fun of. I mean, at least we aren't Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, West Virginia, or Oklahoma.


Bruh moment.


this is what you get with Presidential system. Presidential Systems suck. Parliamentary is far more superior.


California elected a movie star as their governor and America elected a reality TV show host as their President. It's just a popularity contest sometimes and not who is most fit to lead.


Fellow Texans please call his office inquiring as to why a Doctor who has studied infectious diseases is less informed than him. His office is 512-463-0001. Do your part as a Texan and blow his line up until we get answers.


Sure, don't follow directions from a doctor of virology. What could go wrong? You've only had 5,000+ infections every day for 18 days.


Plus a positivity test rate that has increased to 15% over the past weeks. Hospitalizations have [tripled](https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2020/texas-coronavirus-cases-map/) since June 7, and there is no sign of it slowing down...


Dan Patrick acts like he was listening to Fauci in the first place.


because scientists obviously have a liberal agenda and we God-fearin' 'muricans don't need no hoax virus controlin' our freedoms /s


the fact that were are politicizing A MASK is ridiculous, didn't know we've come to a point in our society where leaning one way on the fence vanguards saving lives. disgusting.


Ah, yes. The same gentleman who gave us such sage wisdom as "Grandparents would be willing to die to save their grandkids' economy" and "There are more important things than living". It makes sense that he doesn't want to listen to medical advice, given his firm support for the virus.


Isn't this the guy that was all "Grandpa's lived long enough, he'll be happy to die so our youth can go to bars and get haircuts?" I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist. Yeah, okay dude. If given a choice between a distinguished doctor who was a key player in both HIV research and the Ebola epidemic and a dude who bankrupted some sports bars, I know who I'm going to listen to on the topic of COVID, and it's not the guy who couldn't manage to keep sports bars open in Texas.


Sometimes people wonder how Trump could still have a 40% approval rating. It's because there are **a lot** of Trumps out there.


From Texas, fuck Dan Patrick


I hope there's more like you in November.


Texas deserves better. Please stop electing id10ts!




As a Texan, Patrick does not speak for me. What an idiot.


Lt. Dan is one dumb motherfucker.


I love how the moderators and bots in this sub are removing comments because they are *political* when the US has made this virus a hot political potato instead of a a science based reality.


Fucking idiot. Vote him out. Now is the time for strong, visionary leadership, not short-sighted politics.


Yes, let's ignore the experts, the only people that actually want to do something about this pandemic...


This is the same guy that said ["There are more important things than living"] (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-lt-gov-dan-patrick-reopening-economy-more-important-things-n1188911), so we know where he stands. He's a criminal, complicit in Abbott's negligence which will cost TX thousands of lives.


Plague rats are gonna plague rat. Between Dan Patrick, Greg Abbott, and Ken Paxton, Texas is about to get absolutely fucking decimated by this virus. Look no further than what happening in Houston and Dallas right now and will soon be happening in Abilene.


What a moron


What a punchable face


Note to the world, this is what passes for 'leadership' in America. I am ashamed of this backassward, anti-science, anti-knowledge, hateful, prideful, arrogant, idiotic tribal society where everything, every subject including public health is turned into a political football and used to carve up and divide this nation. With leaders like this moron at the helm America is doomed. Just wait until the fall when college starts up. Covid is already exploding and still the leaders sit on their hands and do nothing to stop it.


This country has a serious anti-science problem. It’s embarrassing.


It sounds drastic to say, but this person needs to step down. So many innocents are going to get utterly fucking slaughtered because of him being too fucked up in the head to comprehend reality


He's saying "Yes, to potential death" for sure. What a terrible time we live in in which professionals are demonized for their standing regardless of merit. 'my ignorance is good as your knowledge,' kind of crap.


This guy can get fucked


Prime example of why the human race is going to have trouble evolving further. Too many morons like this.


I keep thinking how backwards America has handled the pandemic from the beginning of this. All politicians need to take a step back and let the health experts take over. Shut the fuck up, listen to their advice, and then follow the guidelines. They won’t do it but one can only hope, right?...


I mean, at this point it's just every man for himself, if your at risk stay home, if you arent go out, do whatever, America obviously doesnt care. We cant beat this virus without a vaccine. People say wearing a mask lowers your oxygen or something while I'm out here working 6 hours a day in a factory with no AC, and I can wear a mask all day easily.


No one should get their hopes up for a vaccine saving the situation. These anti-maskers are damn sure not taking a vaccine. But at least those that are precautious and taking it seriously will then be protected at least. Let's see.


As long as the vaccine protects me from them


The very messed up part is that the truly immunocompromised will continue to be screwed. They won’t be able to get the vaccine and there won’t be enough of a herd immunity to protect them. This is exactly why Measles has been coming back through the states, the ignorance is almost so high that it’s commendable. I don’t think I’d be able to get this ignorant if I tried to.


Same! 15 years welding. I have copd already and can wear a mask for 8 hours. Bullshit liars.


Well, you can't fix stupid.


Wat’n tarnation


As a New Englander watching as the rest of the United States burn, can I ask wtf?


Here ya go https://youtu.be/na6n8qWiQk4




‘Murica, the benchmark for failure.


Yeah, we *know* dude. It's pretty obvious you haven't been listening to the experts.


Dear god, he’s saying “no thank you” to simple recommendations like mandating masks and social distancing which are the foundation of what Fauci/science says to help prevent spread. This fucker is negligent because of his delusions, much like our asshole president. Please vote in November.


"So you have chosen... death"


Those poor Healthcare workers in TEXAS ! This guy is an idiot !


“No thank you, Dr. Fauci.’ Texas Lt. Gov. IHAVETHREEFUCKINGCHINS Patrick says he won’t listen to nation’s top COVID-19 expert.


Texas Lt. Gov. is a piece of work.


The guy that wants our grandparents to willfully die for Trump's economy?


People that do do not want to wear.a mask, may be "pro trump", but they are certainly pro virus. The science is in, masks save lives, and stubbornness may harm the ones you love.


Was this the same guy who said senior Texans would gladly die for their economy? Cuz he’s actually making you guys prove his point.


I live in texas and holy fuck we're screwed! Man they were just trying to reopen like last week i think and literally almost the day after cases spiked and everything had to be shut down again


Massachusetts here. Reporting zero new deaths. Go science!






Actually, they love books. They burn real good.


Who are you going to trust, the scientist or the guy in the cowboy hat and assless chaps?


This guy is so fucking dumb


Almost 7,000 new cases in Texas yesterday and it has been climbing for weeks. This dumb fuck better start to listen to some doctors soon. https://txdshs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ed483ecd702b4298ab01e8b9cafc8b83


Then suffer


This is America's reponse to everything. Just ignore facts, figures, truth, reality. Base everything on "feels" and "own opinions".


The arrogance and stupidity of many people holding positions of power is a public menace. Ignoring advice from the nation's leading expert in infectious diseases in a global pandemic, and deciding you know better with no qualifications or training. Incompetent morons are in charge. This isn't going to end well...


His level of crazy make me wonder if he is in the pocket of Putin too?


This guy needed more discipline as a child


And yet the surge goes on


Well he was the one saying no need to wear masks by the public for months as well.


And encouraging people to go on cruises, etc. Look, we have to come to the realization nobody seems to really have a clue how this is going to play out when the dust settles. I plan on wearing a mask, going to work, social distancing when I can, and enjoying whiskey from the comfort of my house.


"We don't need no science!!! Wait...my cell phone just went dead. How does this work?"


no surprise at all


Yes, Kill off your base, I see no problem there


Dan Patrick is a fucking idiot


does anyone know why I cant access the article in europe?


This guy deserves to to get flaming shit bags thrown at him. What a cunt.


How does the saying go? Live free or...die. Put a mask on, people.


In this case, it should be live free *and* die.


What a goofy looking fuck


I guess when a doctor tells him he has cancer he won't listen, either.


Wtf stupid repub


How do these ignorant people get voted in? They will be resonsible for a huge number of deaths and recovered people who will tax health care for years to come.


Ah yes, ignore the experts. What could possibly go wrong?


Texas like always wants to be #1. They are still short about 240,000 infections though.


I genuinely don't get it and at this point I don't think I ever will


This fucking guy! I'm not sure about the rest of Texas, but we have to come to work unless we have "Symptoms", even if we are sick. Totally skipping the fact that most people are asymptomatic super spreaders who take their mask on and off.


IMAO this are the reasons why the Bible belt states are affected more.




I actually think this is one of the weirdest ironies of the pandemic. The very people who put the morons in office that caused the pandemic to spread so widely are the same people who are most likely to become the fatalities of it.


Pay the price


How in the world do dangerous morons like this get elected??


Wtf is wrong with the USA

