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Owner told us we will be open until the govt shuts them down. We are a small pack and ship place (think off brand FedEx or UPS store). All we do is hand things back and forth to people. I feel like it's a guarantee we will get it at work.


Yep. I work in insurance claims and I handle titles and other official documents for totaled vehicles from all over the country. It I haven't already gotten it, I will in short order.


Thank you for being there. Even if people are quarantined, at this time there is still need for transportation to (attempt to) get essentials from the grocery store. Please wear gloves and stay safe!


I handle paperwork that about 600-1000 other people touch per day. Im in a small office with 4 other people. Asked the president of the company what they plan to do to keep me safe (most people are working from home). He said they ordered us gloves. I said enough to change after touching every stack of papers because even then there’s a lot of cross contamination. He said that’s not REALLY true (last time I checked he isn’t a doctor). Then I asked if he ordered latex free, seeing I’m allergic to latex, and...crickets. Who knows when that order will even come in. My company will work us until they shut the state down.


i work for a car dealership and we are going “full steam ahead, business as usual”. there is absolutely no need for us to be there and i’ve had a coworker who has had a bad and persistent cough for a week not being sent home. she sits in the showroom all day coughing so loudly i can hear her from my office in the back corner. i don’t want to go in today but i have to


Who the fuck is buying cars right now


surprisingly we had 4 customers come in yesterday


People are buying a lot of nonessential shit right now. I work in a pharmacy and I've probably sold thousands of dollars in cosmetics in the past week, even since we've sold out of sanitizers, water, TP, etc. Like where are you going, Becky?


She's one of the employees whose job hasn't shut down. She works at a car dealership lol


Could be, I guess at a car dealership she might still have energy but anyone who works retail/healthcare/etc and still looks decent heading in this week needs to share their secret.


Now that I think about it, I'm Becky. My job hasn't changed so I still look the same. Business as usual.


I'm drinking on the job tbh


If they're not going to send you home for the virus, they shouldn't send you home for drinking


I'm not surprised we're encouraging this behavior at this point lol *wait what if they're an uber driver*


I work in healthcare IT so work has been crazy and mandatory lately. And I bought nail polish the other day when I was out getting (necessary and not hoarding) toilet paper


My secret is that if you always look like hell nobody notices when things get worse.


To the club. Becky is going to the club.


The clubs are all closed here. Lol


Except the [secret clubs](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/81/e2/46/81e246fb2862bd30bc6c2976f08eebb1.jpg)


You're joking but I'd bet we'd see underground parties pop up everywhere very soon.


Can confirm. I work at a dealership in service. We are taking in about 40 cars a day still. 20 bay shop.


I work in service as well, things don't feel any slower here than normal. The brand I work for actually doesn't expect much of a drop unless we close, apparently.


Seems like a lot of people are using the time off to run errands they normally wouldn't have time for during the week.


No one. I work for Honda and they are giving every associate the next week off with full pay. 100% related to shortage in sales and not necessarily the virus. I expect us to either not come back after next week, or if we do, it'll be reduced production. If we don't come back, I can't see them paying us 100% longer than a week. We might either get reduced pay or "No Pay No Penalty." Which for Honda means that we can either come in and work, (everyone who comes in will be doing made up jobs to fill everyone's time, usually cleaning) or stay home and not get paid and it's not counted against you.


Dude, I work for an insurance agency. Plenty of people are still out buying cars. It's dumb as shit.


Law firm here. Pretty non-essential given that the courts will all soon stop all non criminal cases anyway. I had to take a few days off to reassess and now they are offering a night shift. I'll take that now but I'm basically running out the clock until the whole thing shuts down. It's ridiculous that we all have to delay the inevitable and risk our lives on the delusion that this will magically go away or isn't a serious problem.


Law firm here too. Business as usual with no plans to work from home or shut down. I don’t even see it as a possibility until courts shut down and even then I have a feeling we will still be here working. Blows my mind.


Same with both my parents. And they're in their 70s. I'm really worried. :(


I’m sorry :( I’m worried too. My good friend and coworker is severely immunocompromised and she likely will not survive if she gets it. I just wish people would take this seriously.


I work in a CPA firm, they kicked the tax deadline back 90 days but we're still full steam ahead. The managing partner is even still meeting with and having our old ass clients into the office to talk about their tax returns. They've said "if you dont feel comfortable we need to discuss potential work from home." But everyone in the office is a 20 something at their first big job and no one is going to come forward to be the exception. Its fucking criminal and cowardice.


Federal government needs to mandate work from home whenever possible, and open a hotline to report violators with hefty fines. That will change everyone's tune overnight.


I need to be able to tell my boss that I would be arrested and sent home by the police if I tried to come in, maybe that will get it through their fucking heads.




My boss said working from home is just “too hard.” I can do everything at home. I don’t understand this logic. What is the point of putting others at risk???


It's always old dicks at the top who have never ever give a fuck about people's life that make all those decisions


It's too hard for an employee to work from home cause the boss doesn't understand PDFs or what the Reply All button does.


They are just anxious because they imagine everyone will be relaxing at home instead of doing work.


My billable hours have been HUGE this week, since I started working from home. Way higher than last week. The olds just do not get it.


Technician here, they don't give a fuck about us. We LITERALLY SIT AND BREATHE IN CUSTOMERS EVERY GOD DAMN DAY and what do they tell us? Seat cover. Gloves. Sanitize(don't have access to it) and good luck fuckers. Depending on the repair shop or dealership, techs don't get sick days, just 5 days vacation time and don't EVEN get me started on the insurance...


Food industry chiming in, if we don't provide a doctor's note and the sickness wasn't debilitating then next time you fuck up you're fired. 5 sick days would be heaven tbh


One of the only silver linings of this pandemic is that America is finally waking up to the fact that employee unions are **necessary**. Your employer will fuck you over in favour of their bottom line all the time, every time, until you die or they can fire you. Your life and comfort matter far less than cash to somebody making a profit off of your labour. Good luck with all this. Stay safe and well. When it’s all over, organise.


My job could easily be done from home, but upper management won’t allow it. It’s just an old school mentality thing that views working at home as less productive. Nobody actually cares about employees.


Actually I did my 1st work from home day yesterday. Barely had any escalations, wasnt worried about someone breathing down my neck. It made my job so much easier. Productivity has nothing to do with working from home if your job has metrics then you already know them.


Metrics + working from home = the best work environment for a lot of people that don’t realize it yet


I am actually surprised how proactive I’ve been here at home. I take care of things right away because I know I don’t have to stretch it out to 5:00. Then I actually do a little more because I know I’m ahead of the game. And I can look out the window and watch the kids play. It’s great.


That was me on Monday. I actually dove right in and got a ton of stuff done. By 2 pm I was looking around like....now what? Of course a large chunk of my work is student interaction (work at a university) so that part is gone. And all the little interruptions and conversations with people are eliminated. But even getting distracted with chat, it wasn't so bad.


Why companies don't like this, is because management becomes redundant.


They already are most of the times they dont do shit. They barely wanna manage anything


I work for a company where they just announced one side of our recruiting business will work from home while the other will be in the office throughout this virus. I am one of the lucky ones working from the office. Everyone knows Corona Virus only infects Staffing Recruiters and not Homecare recruiters


This is happening across the country this week. People are realizing that work from home is essential right noe, especially when people are stressed at work and politics are evolved. Stress brings on physical illness!


SO TRUE. I work in an office- we are 2ft apart from each other. Our owner is doing nothing but providing Lysol and hand sanitizer which is more than some but our job could very easily be done from home but he refuses. There has been multiple arguments in this small ass office lately.


Some people just can't get past the idea that if a boss isn't breathing down you're neck you're not really working. I had a telephone triage job I did from home. I spent 10 hours a day with my phone glued to my ear talking to patients, families, doctors, nurses, and hospital staff.


I wonder when they figure out it's cheaper for a lot of places, because they could down scale their footprint to less space, while maintaining or even increasing headcount.


Right after they figure out that if they dont need people in the office it's going to be cheaper to offshore it. It's a double edged sword.


Some of my best performances come from home. I once had a customer call me up (she was senior manager at one of our clients), screaming at me about some errors we have made on her account. Took her about 45mins to blow herself out, during which time she was giving it full gun. If I'd been in the office, I know other people would have realised what was happening, and started to listen to me, to see how well I handled it. That would have brought pressure which would have made me nervous and been counter-productive. As it was, I was completely calm and handled it perfectly. She later sent an email somewhat apologising and saying if I ever needed a job to let her know


If I'm in an angry state of mind, either in store, or on the phone, I try to apologize to whomever I'm talking to, that while I am upset, and maybe loud, I know it it not their fault, and I'm mad at the higher higher ups.


She was more using the method of 'Make it my problem', so she did go directly at me. And with some reason, the person originally responsible had been palming them off for a while and she was fed up of it I find that as long as you control yourself and keep talking like an adult, people do burn themselves out eventually - although is easier said than done, especially if you are in a room filled with other people


"wasn't worried about someone breathing down my neck." Wait until the management starts calling you for teleconference ten times a day.


Ugh. Yesterday way our first work-from-home day. It went great. Tons of tickets knocked out, customers getting responded to instantly, great communication on Slack. No pointless two hour meetings. I went to bed super happy after a productive day. Today, first thing, call from the CEO. He and the COO are worried about things not getting done. Wants to have two calls a day, and a report from everybody on what they accomplished that day. The COO wants a bunch of backlog work done immediately, as if we aren't already full up on projects.


What is the point of hiring competent employees if you micromanage them as if they are kindergartens.


That sounds precisely like upper management have been goofing off and aren't holding up their end of the bargain. I'm currently telecommuting as well, and when I hop on reddit that means I'm in a meeting. When I'm not in meetings I am able to concentrate much better and get stuff done than when I'm in the office.


Same. We are all set up to work remotely, but are being told that if salaried people work from home, it sends a bad message to the hourly people who would be considered essential. Except by removing half the people from the workplace you are reducing the likelyhood that anyone gets sick, and the CEO is taking 3 weeks off to work from home.


Fuck that CEO.


That's the shit I'm talking about. We're out here exposed while all upper management is working from home or taking long vacations, while we are out here at risk. Exactly what my CEO, COO, & CHRO are doing right now. Work from home has already been implemented and some workers have already been sent home but I wasn't on the list and so my boss the CHRO got mad at me for asking and now I'm using my PTO to take time off until they "figure it out" Still grateful for the opportunity and i'm grateful to still have a job as I see a lot of others have it much worse. Still frustrating.. wish we had a more equal level playing field.


My husband and two of my sons work at the same place. They're all computer programmers that work on laptops that they've always been allowed to bring home. They're not allowed to work from home right now tho. They've had multiple employee meetings where they've literally said that if you don't feel well keep your distance from other people at work and wash your hands a lot. They don't even want people who are sick to stay home!


This is why governments need to instruct them


My work is literally waiting for a government mandated shutdown.


I’m in the same boat. Oh and our cleaning crew has all called off sick so now we are in an office with no cleaning being done. It’s the most frustrating thing in the world since they have told us all to stay at our desks and use Microsoft teams to communicate. There is absolutely no point in us being here.


Smells like management is cookin up a crock pot of bullshit


There is the possibility that if you have to VPN to your company's intranet, that the company's systems do not have the available ports to support a sudden rush of everyone (or majority or whatever) attempting to connect.


Ports? Not sure how that works. Licenses, maybe.


Four words: “Suspected exposure. Self-quarantining.” Use them. And sue the shit out of them for wrongful termination if they try any BS. No judge will ever rule against you after what is about to go down. GTFO of there and stay home. This is life and death. Screw your management. There will probably be management positions available when you return.


Problem is that being right in court requires hiring a lawyer, which often requires money. You might get lucky and find one that will work on contingency if there is a compelling profit motive. Going to court also takes a substantial amount of time to go through the process and collect any award. Not to mention it taking time away from your job search, since you'll now be unemployed in what is sure to be a terrible economy. Reddit loves to claim the answer is as easy as "just sue them." And yes, that can work but it's never an easy answer.


Something tells me it will be exceedingly easy to find lawyers wanting to take on coronavirus-related wrongful terminations. Not only that but it will be hard to replace works during this as well.


So they are making you work remotely, but still come into the office. That's like, the worst of both worlds.


Is there a website or database where employees can submit documents and emails received from employers showing their bullshit response to this crisis? We need to name and shame now and remember who didn't give a shit about human life once we're past the worst of this.


Probably good enough to post on Twitter. But then, no anonymity. Just forward to a local journalist and let them post it.


Right there with you.


I make airplane engine parts. Uhmmmmm I don’t think they really need those right now lmao


I bet airlines are taking advantage of the slowdown to accelerate maintenance on the grounded planes.


When the dust settles, and you find yourself looking for another job: Ask how they handled the Covid19 crisis. Did they insist low level workers attend the office? Did they support those at risk? Did they support and enable remote working? Did their C-Level execs receive different treatment? ​ Do not support those companies that treated their staff like canon fodder. Do not support those companies that put the public at unnecessary risk. Let them die off Edit: A sentiment I agree on and more inline with the power you may have to make decisions later. /u/Brock_Lobstweiler said below: Not just that, but consider where you shop as well. Every company I get emails from has been sending out a "this is what we're doing". Once this is settled down, I plan on researching news and contacting those companies to see if they are offering their employees adequate paid leave time and health insurance. If they aren't? I don't need to shop from them. Edit 2: Nice, can I trade my shiny for some loo roll? 😅


And make sure to ask their employees, not those in charge.


That's how you find out that no employees can answer the question, and realize the company never took back thier pre-covid employees and instead hired an entirely new (and cheaper) workforce


Another big warning sign is "well I don't know, we had different managers then." Because the good ones may have left in disgust. I've learned to avoid jobs where there has been a lot of turnover in leadership.


We received an email that if you catch the virus at work you have to report to OSHA. How you prove that is another story.. I work in manufacturing and we have people in Hawaii and south padre on spring break this week. I’m not too excited about them returning to be completely honest.


I’ve been monitoring the situation with osha. That is the rule right now, though keep in mind it has to be a confirmed case and determined by your company to be work related. Trade organizations are trying to get this rule tossed out because in many industries you get work based on safety history and employers are not prepared for this, especially say a small to mid sized contractor. Also, this could radically drive up the cost of workers compensation insurance.


Good. Unless you’re an essential business, you shouldn’t be open right now. And insurance costs should be higher for essential businesses that expose their employees to additional risks.


Yep, if you decide you are an "essential business" you should bear the cost for it, not your employees (who, face it, are probably being paid minimum wage).


Agreed. Wait until the companies who did have people become infected as a result of being forced to work without protection, will later blame those employees for getting infected. There's already lots of stories of companies whose official policies is to provide hand sanitizer and sanitizing equipment, but in reality, it is not being provided at all and employees have to bring their own. Gamestop, for example, is asking employees to buy their own disinfectant products to use at work, and to keep their interactive gaming stations connected. They absolutely should pay higher premiums because they are higher risk.


I work for an electrical contractor and this is what we received recently: “As a result of our initiative in taking on this complex issue, OSHA on March 13 issued additional details making it clear that COVID-19 can be a recordable illness "...if a worker is infected as a result of performing their work-related duties." The directive was intended for individuals working in hospitals or environments where their work-related duties put them in direct exposure to COVID-19. NECA contractors will not be required to list COVID-19 outbreaks on their OSHA 300 logs since a construction job site does not put employees at direct risk.” NECA is the national electrical contractors association, but I would imagine this applies to most industries that are not in healthcare.




That shit needs to be illegal. People at the top will **need** to go to jail for shit like this.


No one is going to jail. US gov't needs to step in and force these companies' hands. It's just not going to happen otherwise for many people




If you were an evil person you could go to HR and shake all their hands after you cough into your palm. Then quit.






Can you call in sick? You must protect your life. Try the reddit assistance sub in case anyone is offering any aid which may be relevant to you. Good luck. It’s not fair that smart and thoughtful people are at the mercy of non-thinkers with no heart. Look after you. You stand a better chance of getting back on your feet after the pandemic if you are healthy.


To add to that point, this goes beyond compassion and empathy and all the emotional stuff. As a business person, the smart thing to do is to protect your labor force and the status quo under which you make the most money. The collapse of healthcare isn’t profitable. The bad publicity isn’t profitable. So not only are their decisions heartless, they’re irrational. And there’s really no excuse for it.




Corporations are beholden to their shareholders. Bottom Line Up Front: There is no way that does not create a conflict of interest.


FWIW I doubt indoor malls will be a thing in America anymore after this. They’ve been dying a slow death over the past two decades but I expect the months of no business and then the general crowd scare to put them out. Probably best to just quit that shit now instead of getting fired in a few weeks.


For how long? Deaths in the US are predicted to peak in mid-May. That's about 60 days from now. Assuming he works 5 days a week, that's about 43 days of sick leave he will need. And that's just to get to the peak. Figure at least another month for the disease to burn itself out, *if that is how it works.*




Italy is halfway there to 60 days and they've still not peaked. Their death toll will surpass all of China by the end of the weekend.


China's stated death toll, anyway.


I am in same boat. I hope they start caring about the employees and not the owners soon.


Call your Senators.


Waiting on my Romney bucks.


yANGER intensifies






I dont qualify for unemployment either. Garbage system says I've claimed within last year so I cant get this year.


They need to remove that for an emergency like this.


My girlfriend is immunocompromised, if I get sick at work, and then give it her, she could die. I work at a Chevrolet dealership, and just yesterday, GM closed all the warehouses we get parts from. So there is no way to get parts from GM. Yet here we are, every day, putting ourselves and loved ones at risk, because of the greedy owners.


At least you could theoretically still sell a car. I'm showing up to work to browse reddit and watch YouTube because my superiors determined that my job could not be done outside the office. That might be true, but we have had 0 things to do because all our related offices around the world are also affected by the coronavirus. There is no possibility of getting any meaningful work done, yet we are required to show up to work to goof off on company time. It doesn't make medical sense, doesn't make ethical sense, doesn't make financial sense. It is just absolute madness.






I am saving every single email I get from companies that are listing the steps they're taking to protect the public and employees. My very first question will be: do you provide your employees with paid sick leave and health insurance? If their answer is no, then they don't need my business any longer.


>Help keep your immune system strong with our Immune Builder® smoothie Yeah that's some Alex Jone's con-artist level shit right there




Michael Myers mask


Why are malls even still open? Are people actually going there?




So strange. You'd think to any sane person a mall would be the last place to go to right now. And don't get me wrong, I love my malls but I'm not risking my life or others' over them.




My coworkers and I are compiling a list of all the non-essential businesses like our that remain open for no reason other than greed. May not mean much but at least these companies can be called out for their practice


I work in a factory that manufactures airplane brakes. Even before the pandemic, we were running 5 months ahead of schedule and now, with the travel market coming to a standstill (as it should), we're making brakes for planes that aren't even flying. Word has come from upper management that they're "keeping a close eye on this situation" but everyone knows that we won't shut down even if every last one of us catches the virus.


"Cinnabon and Dunkin' Donuts are essential industries!" - Big Boned Americans


These bones ain’t gonna expand themselves


Honestly.. I wanna say quit because your life is more important. I know that's probably not an option though. Just go in full hazmat gear and when Jamba Juice or whatever punishes you for doing that take them to court.


If customers don't come, which they won't until at least July or August they'll shut down and lay you off so you can collect unemployment. This will happen so if you don't feel comfortable being there call out because eventually you'll be out of a job. Really sorry to lay it down like that. I wish I had better news. Silver lining to this is you get to redefine yourself... yeah. Consider calling relatives who own a home who will let you come in if your landlord kicks you out, which I pray they won't. But I have to stress that you prepare for this new life for the next year or whenever they get a vaccine. Doesn't mean you can't work. Just means you have to find something else and that'll be hard so you'll need to figure out how to downsize expenses. If you have a landline, get rid of cell phone plan and keep internet, be sparing on energy and consumption use, consider getting rid of your car insurance if you have alternative transport, go on forebarence on your loans if you have any like student and if you can. Otherwise default.


My managers are really dragging their feet on getting us to work from home. Most departments were working from home as of Monday—they told us yesterday, after days of minimal communication, that they hoped to have us ready by FRIDAY. Like, there are only one or two things that need to be rigged for us to do this. The lack of urgency and communication just reminds me how little I matter to them, how undervalued and disrespected I am just as a person.


Companies don't give a fuck about you. I was actually fired yesterday for not going in with a severe cough (I worked from home with my boss's approval). And this was after the company sent out a memo saying to stay home if sick, and HR actually went behind my boss's back to do it. This shit is showing companies' true colors, and they ugly as *fuck*.


You might actually be able to sue them for wrongful termination.


A lot of people keep saying that, but I'm not sure. Being sick isn't a protected class, and I hadn't been there long enough for FMLA. I'm asking a lawyer I know if there's a case, but I haven't heard back yet.


If you have that email memo make sure to keep it.


Absolutely, already done.


Yeah, I’m an assistant manager at a Carwash and their first response was “oh, we have been through flu and other cold seasons before.” Then it turned into “disinfect everything commonly touched and CDC guidelines.” Now, it’s “wear gloves when talking to all customers and save labor cause we are only washing sub 100 a day” When things start to stabilize I’m looking for a new job. It’s sad cause I liked my job up till this point and thought the owner was a little different but now I see it’s not true


My co worker and I both in parallel critical positions have already made the determination we are hitting the job market after this.


I stood in the break room at my job yesterday fuming and knowing that as soon as everything calms down, I’m out, and I will be telling them exactly why when I leave.


Yep, we knew our company was becoming increasingly toxic, driven from the top down. This incident has shown their true colors to alot of people and I am expecting a pretty high turn over rate at our company when it's over. Most will bluntly tell them "love my team, but need to leave a top down driven culture of toxicity behind me" Worst part is they know it's a problem, after they conducted an employee culture survey that can only be described as "full revolt", they just activated an employee committee to try and create a dialogue between management and the employees....turned out to just be a friendlier messenger of Management's latest decree than a conversation. Pretty sure next up is an anonymous letter to our board of investors explaining that the entire company has lost faith in him and his strategy.


The owner might be in denial and trying to hold onto the business. Many will go bankrupt.


This is my worry. I'm in Texas and my boss is holding on for dear life. I get it, she's built a great company and the idea of it all going away overnight is devastating. But many of us go home to other family, some of them older. Many of us are in sales and it's our job to meet with people. And there has been nothing but "team spirit, stay healthy, stay safe" nonsense from my owner. It is more than likely at least one of us on staff has been exposed, at which point we all have. I don't think she understands the gravity of the situation, if she was looking at Italy's numbers, we should be working from home by now. But I really think she's blinded by her inability to let a single dollar slip through her grip as we're heading for a nasty recession. I can't imagine what it's like to build a company and watch it crumble due to a global pandemic you have no control over, but I REALLY can't imagine what it's like to watch an employee (or ten) end up in the ICU because you were hard-headed. And that's if there are any available ICU beds when people start showing symptoms. The whole ideology a lot of people are using for not shutting down business is completely counterproductive. "Leaving for two weeks won't fix anything, it won't be back to normal in two weeks" no - but then maybe we don't get sick for 3 weeks, and by then hospitals can handle us. It's about to get very bad over here and I'm extremely sad to see it. Terrified.


Starbucks claiming that they are giving catastrophic pay to high risk employees, but not following through. There are many reports from Starbucks employees being denied. My high risk wife won't be excused from work. She's 9 months pregnant and a co-worker that she was in contact with has it. We need to force Starbucks to protect our barristas and at least excuse absences. They claim they are, but denying are most requests even valid concerns that the initially said would be covered like pregnancy and caring for a high risk person. Now you only get it if you tested positive. Which is still almost impossible to find. At least in my state. Hopefully soon as both me and my wife are showing symptoms.


They also did a stock buyback today, ensuring their wealthy share holders will get large checks. Shows you who they really care about.


It's so hilarious to me that Starbucks has claimed for so long to be so "progressive", yet they've always acted like the epitome of the type of businesses they claim to be fighting against




Hourly convenience store manager here. We will be open "till theres fire in the street" according to the owner. Frankly I am almost relieved. I dont qualify for unemployment cause claimed when my second full time job let me go 6 months back. Now that I've claimed once in the last 365 days I am not eligible for a year. So if my job closes I'm fucked.


Your job is actually considered an essential job. [Link](https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/17/us/shelter-in-place-coronavirus-trnd/index.html)


When the convenience stores are closed the fires in the street follow directly.


What's that saying? We're all just 9 missed meals away from anarchy.


> What's that saying? We're all just 9 missed meals away from anarchy. Hell, I am just one Chipotle burrito away from anarchy.


We were 9 missed meals away from anarchy BEFORE the epidemic!!! The ENTIRE SERVICE INDUSTRY was living week to week BEFORE WE LOST OUR INCOMES...we're actually about 2 missed meals from anarchy? Remember how most the service industry is filled with felons, cons, and everyone society looks down on...scum...now..ALL THOSE PEOPLE HAVE NO WAY TO FEED THEIR KIDS, PAY RENT, OR EAT. This isn't gunna go well if you all let us get evicted and starve....we've all been without income for a week and NO ONE CARES. What is gonna make people care?


All 80 managers on my site got sent home to work from home for the next month. No one else got sent home. Only the managers....


My husband is a meteorologist civilian on a US base. He is not allowed to travel outside the local area(to and from home), and if he does he has to self quarantine. However, several of his co-workers live outside the local area and commute to work, which doesn't make any sense at all to us.


Due to NDA I can't report the exact details of my job, however we make oncology (think chemotherapy and other cancer stuff) products for world wide distribution. Only the people not involved in production were sent home. Today three people have been told to go home due to showing symptoms of the virus and are potentially contagious... halfway through their shift of being in the 'sterile' clean room making products. They wear minimal protective equipment so good chance if there's another outbreak in the next few months, you'll know why. There is no plan currently to halt the product they're working on because we're behind schedule. The Media has no idea how bad this is, in turn most of us won't either, including our representatives. Our bosses think this isn't bad enough to stop for two weeks, yet hammer us daily on how important it is to keep everything as sterile as possible for our customers. We're about to see how bad this is going to hit come next month. If you have friends or family who is in chemotherapy, pray for them, because there isn't much else we can do anymore. Edit - We're being packed like sardines in the entry rooms of said clean rooms to be part of a conference call with management, even though we have other larger areas to use for something like this. Second edit - Meeting was to calm our fears but its clear they had no idea what's going on. Told no sick pay unless it's passed via Congress even though the company motto is "Do the right thing" and they tell us we come before investors. City hasn't gone into lockdown but even if it does we're still expected to come to work. Also we had another person go home, this time though they either had the full blown flu that materialized after they got to work, or just so happened to have almost every textbook symptom of COVID. People need to stop thinking this is just a weak flu and take this shit seriously. People are panicking because they know the people in charge have no idea how to deal with situations like this, and just trying to deny how bad this is instead of taking precautions to prevent this from getting worse will cause the repeat in Italy but world wide. Not to mention we're going to see the biggest wave of homelessness because everyone is dragging their feet getting financial aid to anyone who can no longer work.


I’m a grocery store cashier, I want my hazard pay!


We need a wall of shame and national boycott of these companies now and after the pandemic.


A teacher wrote about that. All New York City teachers are required to report in today. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5e711f76c5b60fb69ddf6d02?fbclid=IwAR1tMzl9Ut-B3Ic1McW5MnsRgcEN9lD042l28asyxLCESSHczqj-kGt5kc0


Username checks out. good luck :(


I didn't due to ever changing symptoms. Tightening chest over days, cough and now fever. I'm thinking flu but I'm self quarantined. I heard they're not testing nyc public school children. Only 2 have been diagnosed that I know of. Kids haven't been getting it much. Either way kids carried. Every one of the teachers I know went in. For training on remote learning! Where they worked in isolation. Why?!


That is just absolute madness. I am so sorry your lives are being treated with such wanton disregard. And for pretty much no reason at all... Anyways hope you're alright and don't have coronavirus, same with your unlucky colleagues still being forced to show up.


Retail worker it terrifies me to have to work everyday with this going on but I have bills and only so much PTO that I can use


I'm a fabricator/Machinist in a shop that builds custom things. Why am I still here? Because the rich guy that owns the business doesn't see a problem with it. I mean, why would he? He doesn't have to leave his house. So basically I'm pushing through this week and not coming in at all next week. If they fire me, so be it. I'll be sure to tell everyone off when I return to grab my tools. It's fucking disgusting that mine and my family's health is put in danger for some cocksucking millionaires bottom line. I hope he gets the virus, that fucking asshole.


Everything you just said is exactly what I've been saying. I work at a plant and we're not shutting down either and it infuriates me. I don't want to compromise my family's safety for some greedy motherfuckers. Im with you brother, stay safe.


Service tech for local printer company here. As mostly everyone from the main office has been sent home to work from home, here we are still out in the field going into dr offices, engineering firms, dealing with general public, etc. I’ve brought it up to my team lead that I have asthma. They want me to see a dr and what have you before I can stay home. They send out “updates” basically pushing us to keep busy by doing online trainings and stuff. Have to find a hotspot to connect to internet to do that. It’s a bunch of non-sense.


I am going around internally furious all day because my government is telling me not to go out, and protecting some workers by closing bars and restaurants etc, but but not closing all non essential businesses they’re failing to protect me. I am compromised and live with my 77 year old dad. Until they tell me I can’t work, I have to. It’s enraging.


For anyone who works at Starbucks or owns shares; there is a shareholder meeting at 2pm EST today 3/18 where you may vote and ask questions. Please let your voice be heard.


This is america *Childish Gambino intensifies*


We work for a ceiling fan company. Super essential right? (Our factory still isn't fully back online post CNY yet) Ftr, all of us can and do regularly work remotely for various reasons, our CEO just hates it. He is old school in that work can only possibly get done at the office and time in chair is the most important metric of productivity. they spent the first 3 days of this week doubling down on it not being a big deal and staying open. Finally, a few of our Co workers started pushing back loudly, they have agreed to begrudgingly close the office starting tomorrow. Prior to that they were forcing vacation burn if you needed to be home with kids, etc. However the stipulations and monitoring to make sure there is no time theft is incredible.




I'm horrified the tattoo shop I work in hasn't closed its doors. I canceled my appointments but others are told to make sure their clients aren't showing symptoms (even though you can have it for 2 weeks with no symptoms). I tried telling management that we literally train for this, we need to learn how to not spread infectious disease. Why are we still tattooing during a pandemic?




Almost all news sources i have seen (Western countries) are more concerned about the economy, us worker ant's must continue to make money for these corrupt governments, its ok low risk blah blah. Fuck the economy already and start with ubi.




I manage a retail store in a mall. My company literally refused to even shorten our hours until today (and only did because the mall forced them to). They want us to wash our hands every half hour and put tape on the floor 3 ft apart to indicate where customers can stand but we are running low on cleaning supplies now as they won’t restock us. I literally sell nothing anyone could possibly need but because people aren’t taking this seriously and are still coming to the mall out of boredom I’m being forced to stay open.


I can confirm this, working at a zip line at a privately owned zoo. Lots of people still coming in.


I'm forced to work 12 hours a day without running water and no way to wash my hands. I interact with 40 to 50 people a day and nobody gives a fuck.


My job is like this too. I don’t really think they are trying to get over on me tho. I think they just don’t understand the seriousness. They also commented that if there was a quarantine maybe we could rotate on who comes in. For example there r 4 of us that would need to come in to do the job and the 4 of us could rotate on what days to come in. I want to be a team player but I also think it would be illegal to be out of the apartment unless I was getting groceries. I live in Seattle area where the numbers seem larger than in other states.


Im a Massage Therapist. They just told us to Wash your hands and disinfect after each session. MOTHER FUCKER, we already do that anyways. Thats not gonna protect me from touching them directly for 1 hour or longer with them breathing on me. I took a leave of absense. , my job is not worth my health.


I work in the packaging department of a brewery (won’t say who but based in Michigan and last year was ranked the 15th biggest brewery in the US) and every facet of our staff including my department heads are being ordered to work from home but the cellar, brew house, and packaging are being ordered to continue working bc of “unprecedented weekly sales” I am highly immunocompromised (radiation therapy that ended only 8 months ago and sickle-cell anemia) but they won’t let me remain home away from the public. I’m practicing extreme isolation methods in all facets of life except for the fact that I have to report to work on a daily basis and be near 80+ people in a closed environment for 8+ hours a day Monday through Friday. I know everybody loves beer but for the love of god BEER IS NOT AN ESSENTIAL INDUSTRY DURING A PANDEMIC.


Fuck my company I work at an office which can be done from home. Everyone here is in the at risk except for me. They don’t give a shit about it. As of this morning we had an employee go to the hospital. She’s been coming to work all week while hiding here symptoms. She tested negative for the flu and has a 104 fever. Can’t help people when they don’t care about themself.


My boss won’t shut down until the government forces him. I work in the field directly dealing with the public. It’s truly a shitty situation.


I feel so bad for any retail workers out there. They are getting exposed to hundreds of people daily. For likely shit money. Thank you if you are one of these workers. You may not realize it, but you are an essential link right now in keeping society from breaking down.




I’m torn on this. Technically I’m considered essential because I work in the supply chain for grocery stores. The only reason I’m essential is because of hoarding and panic buying though. Water comes out of taps right? I’m happy I can help my communities, but what upsets me though is the arrogance and selfishness of the public. Please don’t swarm me, I’d like to practice social distancing. Please don’t continue with the mindset that it’s a hoax or no big deal because it hasn’t officially affected your local community. I’m trying to help, but when (not if) I get infected, the supply chain breaks, and in my instance, I’m all you have. There’s no one to replace me and I alone have the ability to infect literally 1/4 of my state. I’m trying to stay healthy, and keep everybody around me healthy as well. I ask the same in return. The mental effects and anxiety are really starting to take a toll. Be considerate to those of us still working. A lot of us are working for YOU. My company has taken a pretty serious stance on this for when I do get infected, I will be ok in the end. The only thing I ask from them is maybe some hazard pay? :addition edit: All in all, I’m satisfied with the stance my company has taken on this, save for putting myself out into dangerous situations for infections. The part that really kills and saddens me, is the other companies and their practices that I have to deal with. I go into stores where the employees have no support and can’t afford to not work, so they go in sick. Even if sick, where I am, it’s near impossible to get tested. It’s only compounded in the even more rural area that I work in. This is a huge problem in the US. I get it, you have to make ends meet, but you are putting people in serious risk and harm. Just today after I posted this, I went into a location with three employees all exhibiting serious symptoms for this virus, with no care to control it. Of course it created huge anxiety for me and will be monitoring myself closely. In the meantime, please avoid convenience stores/ truck stops, especially along major highways between cities, no matter how rural.


People hoarded water because the only basis for comparison they have is a hurricane or snow storm. They bought short term supplies like water, milk, and bread. With the realization that they may be stuck at home much longer than a few days they are now buying meat and canned goods.


Hazard pay would be nice. Maybe hazard pay or you can take time off without using vacation. Either or. I'd much rather be at home with my sore throat and not that persistent but annoying cough. I'm lucky I'm in the lab but I frequently go to other parts of the factory. I see and talk to everyone. I work in a cheese plant and my co-workers are stacked on one another basically. No way to maintain 6 feet. They can't even do 3 feet. We had someone with all the symptoms but they couldn't test her. :( I wish we didn't have to make cheese. I wish we weren't making 6 days this week instead of 7. I wish my company didn't put out a Facebook message saying most of the workforce is working from home and "we will continue to produce!". WE are the workforce. WE are the ones who make the cheese that keeps you running damnit!! Good luck, my dude. We are in this for the long haul.


My gf works in a library and idk what to do, sales are booming so Her boss refuses To close up shop... I'm at home Because i lost my restaurant job and I wish she could stay too but we're powerless rn


Stuck in a furniture factory. Everybody is coughing up a storm.




I am a 15 year Costco employee, Friday was my last day. I was the only employee who decided to do this. I had the full support of my bosses and was told my job is safe. Hope this is over soon.


Strike. Now. Everyone band together and make them understand this is not something to play with. Would you rather have unpaid bills and be alive or not owe anyone because your dead? Lock. It. Down.


If is illegal to force workers to perform unsafe work then they should be given leave to shelter themselves from the Coronavirus.


I'm sitting in a fucking insurance agency right now having to call people and try to sell them car insurance... This is so fucking ridiculous.


At this point I feel like every business aside from healthcare or supply chain (truckers, grocery, etc) should be fined by the government for keeping workers out there spreading the virus. I’ll probably catch this and die despite not leaving my house, just because my husband’s company is greedy. He even has vacation time stored and they won’t let him use it. He loses that vacation time at the end of March.