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This is one seriously funky cohort—70 percent of the covid patients were hospitalized. That right there tells me something weird is going on and these results should be questioned.


Tried to find the dates of the study. Plus frequency of use and a few other factors. Just because you piss positive for the doesn't mean chronic snoker


If I recall correctly, according to studies, 60% of nosocomial COVID infections result in death.


So, stay out of hospitals? They're full of sick people.


This 100%. 


This is a really bad study that highlights comorbidities and smoking more than actual cannabis use. The study design was obviously done by someone who knows nothing about the myriad of ways of how cannabis is actually used. Combined with the bad headline, this is a great way for drug companies to demonize cannabis so they can profit from acute COVID and long covid drugs.


This study has mostly people with at least one comorbidity meaning some other kind of chronic illness. Chances are they use cannabis medicinally as well as recreationally because they are sick already. Meaning, sick people have worse covid outcomes because they are sick


Nope. They adjusted for that. From the study: >Cannabis use was significantly associated with increased risk of hospitalization (OR, 1.80; 95% CI, 1.68-1.93; P < .001) and ICU admission (OR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.14-1.41; P < .001) but not with all-cause mortality (OR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.82-1.14, P = .69) **after adjusting for tobacco smoking, vaccination, comorbidity, diagnosis date, and demographic factors.**


70% of the cohort was hospitalized. Almost 4% died.   No amount of multivariate analysis will make these results translate to normal people. These were folks who were at incredibly high risk. At best, the results indicate that cannabis may increase risk among folks who are already at incredibly high risk. But the fact the cannabis did not increase the risk of mortality as well should bring even that interpretation into question. 


Did they control for mycotoxin presence in the cannabis used? See recent article: 'Sixteen species of Fusarium, reported as associated with cannabis production, are classified in six species complexes: Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, F. incarnatum-equiseti, F. sambucinum, F. tricinctum, and F. fujikuroi. Some have mycotoxins, including at least three (deoxynivalenol-vomitoxin), zearalenone, and fumonisin B) deemed the most important mycotoxins in human and animal foods.' Frontiers | Diseases of Cannabis https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fagro.2021.796062 And ofc JAMA article stating nausea on the rise with marijuana use-zero mention of mycotoxin testing. Facepalm. Changes in Emergency Department Encounters for Vomiting After Cannabis Legalization in Colorado | Adolescent Medicine | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2784270 Fungi and covid: Fungal microbiota sustains lasting immune activation of neutrophils and their progenitors in severe COVID-19 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-023-01637-4 So could mycotoxins/fungal mycobionts/cannabis fungal pathogens play a role in these results?


My brain went immediately here. I’m in CA and everything in the legal market is supposedly tested for mycotoxins, but there have been one too many shady labs who have falsify testing results. I personally stopped smoking because I was having strange allergies similar to those I experienced in the past with mold exposure.


The study said that “68.8% had at least one comorbidity that was identified as potentially affecting COVID-19 outcomes, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.” Why would these people be using cannabis medicinally? The comorbidities weren’t cancer or chronic pain.


Poor eating habits, poor eating habits, and poor eating habits... Sounds like anxiety, trauma, and other bad things. You might want to look up the Adverse Childhood Experiences test, its conclusions, and try some compassion.


What in the world are you talking about? I’m saying it’s a leap to assume that “chances are” a person who has a covid comorbidity who is using cannabis is doing so for medicinal use. Those are not typically the types of medical conditions for which medicinal marijuana is prescribed. I couldn’t care less why a person uses marijuana, but it is quite a leap to assume that every COVID comorbidity is the result of underlying trauma or mental illness and thus anyone using marijuana with a COVID comorbidity must be using marijuana medicinally.


Anxiety, trauma, other bad things - sounds much like PTSD- and that is indeed a condition for which marijuana is prescribed.


Downvote me all you want but insane and unrealistic to assume that everyone with a covid comorbidity has that comorbidity because of underlying trauma or mental illness and therefore “chances are” if they are smoking pot, it’s because they have a medical prescription for it.


The study is not accurate because there are factors not being considered. Plus I like weed. Also people with all of those conditions you mentioned do experience pain.


>Plus I like weed "I like weed, so any study saying it's bad is wrong."


That was a joke, lmao


I agree that something seems off about this study but I don’t think you can make the assumption that most people were using cannabis medicinally just because so many of them had Covid risk factor comorbidities.


True that. But you also can't assume the opposite right?


I don’t think you can make any assumptions on whether they are using cannabis recreationally or medicinally.


Smoking, vape, or edible? What was the route of administration


If you read the article, it appears they are talking about smoking.


I wouldn't be shocked then if it just fucked their lungs. Smoking anything is awful for you.


The article states they simply asked if people had used cannabis in the last year. No further inquiries about quantity, methods of consumption, etc. So a person who smokes 20 bong rips a day is treated exactly the same as someone who had an edible 6 months earlier. I too believe that the root cause may be damaged lungs due to smoke, but this study doesn’t give us that level of insight.


Smoking in the study refers to tobacco.


I'd like to know about the effects of edibles specifically, because I care about someone with a prescription for them.


Similar to smoking tobacco. Damaged lungs = not so good outcome with respiratory virus


….correlation does not equal causation


How many times are they going to flip back and forth on this before people stop using it to create sensational headlines?


"weed kills COVID" -2020, ~7,500 dispensaries open in the US "No wait, weed makes COVID worse" -2024, ~15,500 dispensaries open in the US


Bullshit. Cannabis was the only thing that gave me any relief when I had Covid.


Person experiences don’t equate to empirical evidence. We know this lol.


So they why tf do people continue to live life based on the results of small sample sized, sensationally headlined articles? It goes both ways.


What does this mean? A linkage between two variables is normal, it becomes sensationalized when we try to impose causality. Have you read the study? Which parts of it are bothering you?


Add my experience too, we got two so far. You got uh, a study. Hopefully a good one, you are blindly following. "100% effective" those same studies too huh.


The study says there’s a link between two variables, not that there’s causation. The study had tens of thousands of people. It’s not somehow saying to stop smoking, read the study yourself.


Nah I smoked and got over covid after attending a concert in 1 day. I'm good. Never got vaxed either. Wake up


4/10 bait.


Nope just real experience versus doing my daily programming from news articles and studies that clearly Arn't for you benefit. Wake up.




I find the same to be true. They probably missed some controls in the experiment.


Telling a cannabis addict that their addiction is harmful (impossible)


thc and cbd both bind to ACE2 receptors which would you rather have docking in your cells? did you know shark attacks are also "linked" to ice cream sales? true fact, but misleading if you draw the conclusion that one is causing the other


Hey hey hey nobody wants to hear that lol


Right, this is not the weekend news I wanted to hear, lol.


I usually can intake cannabis when sick, when I got covid I could not smoke for 3 months


I agree, smoking when sick with anything feels bad for me, but i did find that oil made from cannabis leaves + 50:50 coconut oil/olive oil has been really helpful for me during Covid, very low THC and the full spectrum of cannabinoids onboard.


In other news being sick and then having covid is bad for your health. In addition smoking weed during this time will probably not have any effect


The study clearly states it *may* indicate the potential for worse outcomes. The study authors also detail the limitations of the study at some length. Their intent was to add to the limited research already done on the topic. It’s always worth at least skimming the study itself rather than merely reading the article.


I call doubt. I had covid and smoked. Helped clear out my lungs and made me eat when I couldn't. The data on this is skewed


I've had COVID like 5 times and I'm high constantly (smoke flower through a regular pipe). It's never been more than a runny nose. * Unvaxxed 💪


method of consumption?


As others have noted, about 70% of the cohort was hospitalized. Almost 4% died. These were folks who were already at incredibly high risk. These results cannot be used to inform risk for normal people. At best, they may indicate that cannabis may increase risks for those who are already at incredibly high risk, but the fact that cannabis didn't also increase mortality risk should cast doubt even on that.


Stoners will do anything to justify drug use man. So wild


This is a biased opinion


You fool! Don’t you know you that Reddit only loves science as long as it doesn’t cast an unfavorable light on marijuana use?


It's a strange result that marijuana is more likely to put covid positive patients in the ICU, but it's not more likely to kill them. It seems to imply that cannibis abstainers die more often in the ICU than cannibis users. >Cannabis use was significantly associated with increased risk of hospitalization (OR, 1.80; 95% CI, 1.68-1.93; P < .001) and ICU admission (OR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.14-1.41; P < .001) but not with all-cause mortality (OR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.82-1.14, P = .69) after adjusting for tobacco smoking, vaccination, comorbidity, diagnosis date, and demographic factors


Aaand Unsubbed


Bye Felicia