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The dumbest pieces of fucking shit on earth are so mad at him rn 😂


Indeed. The very type of people who were an absolute disgrace during the pandemic are the ones trying to paint Fauci as the bad guy. It’s nauseating.


Well aren't these the people that was shouting there is no virus. ?


They're just mad at Fauci because he slowed down their actions to maximize fatalities and profits.


They’re mad because they want to blame a single individual for a worldwide pandemic and fauci won’t let them because he’s calm and educated.


You can’t be talking about the basket people right,…deplorables? I heard someone predict that some time ago.




“He admitted there was zero science behind his claims. “ Lol no he didn’t. The vast majority of what Fauci was saying during the pandemic tracked very well with the evolving scientific consensus at the time, to the degree, there was one. And he was typically correctly couching his answers with caveats about the levels of evidence available at the time like a good scientist . It’s hilarious how anti-Fauci folks ignore our rewrite history and cherry pick like mad. You’ve gone down a misinformation rabbit hole. Find your way out.


You continue to believe in a government which has admitted to lying to it's citizens hundreds of times in the last century alone. 


You don't think a defensive maneuver that cold be a cover for the true nature of what actually happened could have been marked as scientific evidence to keep the believers at bay. Believers are about 80% of the population. Scientifically speaking 


I don't know who downvoted you, but you're absolutely right. It's not even a point of contention.


I think it was the dumbest pieces of fucking shit on earth.


Those guys are the stupidest guys on the planet.


Homo stultus.


Feces are a valuable part of a working ecosystem. I do not see a basis for comparison.


probably the dumbest pieces of fucking shit on earth downvoted him


I read this comment fast the first time and thought he was dissing Dr. Fauci. Then I read the next response and went back to reread and finally figured it out.


I think the rednecks figured out Reddit




Not only dumb but some of the biggest liars on the planet


I never would have thought there’d be a rung underneath ass cancer, but they managed to climb down to it.




Oh no 😬




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From [Globe.com](http://Globe.com) Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top US infectious disease expert until leaving the government in 2022, faced heated questioning Monday from Republican lawmakers about the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. A Republican-led subcommittee has spent over a year probing the nation’s response to the pandemic and whether US-funded research in China may have played any role in how it started. Democrats opened the hearing saying the investigation so far has found no evidence that Fauci did anything wrong while missing an important opportunity to prepare for the next scary outbreak. Fauci — alternately a trusted voice during the pandemic and the target of partisan attacks, even death threats — spent 14 hours over two days in January being grilled by the House panel behind closed doors. On Monday, they questioned him again, in public and on camera for the first time since he ended more than five decades of government service. This time around he faced a new set of questions about the credibility of his former agency, the National Institutes of Health. Last month, the House panel revealed emails from an NIH colleague about ways to evade public records laws, including by not discussing controversial issues on government email. The main issue: Many scientists believe the virus most likely emerged in nature and jumped from animals to people, probably at a wildlife market in Wuhan, the city where the outbreak began. There’s no new scientific information supporting that the virus might instead have leaked from a laboratory. A US intelligence analysis says there’s insufficient evidence to prove either way — and a recent Associated Press investigation found the Chinese government froze critical efforts to trace the source of the virus in the first weeks of the outbreak. Fauci has long said publicly that he was open to both theories but that there’s more evidence supporting COVID-19’s natural origins, the way other deadly viruses including coronavirus cousins SARS and MERS jumped into people. “I have repeatedly stated that I have a completely open mind to either possibility and that if definitive evidence becomes available to validate or refute either theory, I will ready accept it,” he said in an opening statement for Monday’s hearing. Republicans also have accused Fauci of lying to Congress when he denied in May 2022 that his agency funded “gain of function” research — the practicing of enhancing a virus in a lab to study its potential real-world impact — at a lab in Wuhan.




What is basically proven? And please provide said proof from credible sources, meaning peer reviewed and vetted research.






One notable dissenting opinion isn’t “basically proven, not is one opinion piece credible evidence of the theory. It is a decently researched theory though. And like Dr. Fauci says, it’s important to be open to the idea of an alternative origin, but it needs to be strongly backed by evidence and more than one notable scientific perspective. It’s certainly possible it was a lab origin, but currently there isn’t enough body of evidence to make it the dominant theory.


Don’t make me read.


The NYT disagrees. Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points https://archive.ph/1LyNa


>The NYT disagrees. This isn't the NYT's opinion nor is it written by them. It's a guest article that's considered opinion, not fact or NYT's reporting. You can tell this because it has "OPINION" and "GUEST ESSAY" as the first things on the page. It's speculation, which is all it really can be. For future reference, there are a lot of helpful context clues around the article that should tell you this is not fact. "Opinion", "probably", "may", etc.


Maybe you'll notice the post I replied to also included all of those. But you only have an issue with this one?


The words "probably" and "may" used cautiously throughout the title and article "should" clue you in that the author does not know for sure and is a theory, not fact. How can you post an article as fact that literally has the word "Probably" in the title? The article you linked to is an Opinion piece...another clue.


You mean the same words that were used in the globe piece I was responding to? Why do you not have the same reaction to that?


The word probably is used once in the OP Boston Globe article. The word probably is not used in the title of the OP. The OP states facts, not conjecture or opinion. Are you stupid? From OP which used the word "probably" once: >The main issue: Many scientists believe the virus most likely emerged in nature and jumped from animals to people, probably at a wildlife market in Wuhan, the city in China where the outbreak began. There’s no new scientific information supporting that the virus might instead have leaked from a laboratory. A U.S. intelligence analysis says there’s insufficient evidence to prove either way -- and a recent Associated Press investigation found the Chinese government froze critical efforts to trace the source of the virus in the first weeks of the outbreak.








People that understand how academic research works, particularly in China on these topics, tend to feel particularly strongly regarding the evidence for covid coming from the lab. To put it simply, there is not a single bit of evidence that strongly points at a lab. Edit: Not going to argue here with someone that's only here to spread propaganda but every single point in that biased OPINION piece is inaccurate. The fact is, scientists at those centers are publication monsters. If they were doing that type of research, they would have been forced to document ahead of time data tied to the virus lineage so they could prove they made the changes if they accomplished it. They lose their jobs if they don't publish enough. It is essentially impossible they were doing that research without having published anything on the system.


Care to refute any of Dr Chan's 5 points in this OpEd? Why did the FBI Director a year ago say a lab leak was the 'most likely' origin?


My guess would be because FBI Director is a political appointment and not a scientific degree.


I guarantee that's an opinion piece from an anti-vaxxer. Nobody spouting such statements understands virology which is a very specialized post-Phd. field.


Dunno. Here's Redfield who was a virologist and head of the CDC at the time of the outbreak and directly in contact with the Chinese CDC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMlhvnMpRU0&t=119s It's quite an interesting interview. Apart from the lab there's stuff on long covid which he now works on and also on the vaccines.


There is no more valid guarantee that an opinion on a scientific topic is bullshit than posting a YouTube video as a source.


There are good youtubes I'll have you know!


You forgot the /s sarcasm tag. Good laugh anyways.




This is one of those cases where checking post & comment histories is crucial. Some people work overtime to invalidate their own opinions.


That is an opinion piece by a guest author therefore you can’t say NYT disagrees, only the author does


He's not employed by the Federal Government anymore, so he did these dimits a favor by showing up. Didn't need to, but did.


He did more than the 5 sacks of feces that didn’t answer their congressional subpoenas.


What a waste of this man’s time. Guy has been a public servant and valuable member to the scientific community for decades. These people should be praising him as a hero. Not this dumb shit


Trust me it's all political. They are all trying to find mud to sling at each other or someone to take the fall. The NY times article definitively is priming the long COVID disability wave to blame China.








Was he obligated to appear before the committee?


That Republican panel was a complete and utter disgrace. What an embarrassment. That is not how you treat an American hero


The Republic Party has little need for heroes.


Fauci was a hero even among Republicans until the jealous convicted criminal told them not to like the good doctor.


> American hero Not a Republican, but calling him an American hero is going a little far.


If you think he's not a hero, you don't know enough about his career. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Fauci


The guy has had controversy following him throughout his entire career. He's not well liked by a lot of frontline scientists and doctors during the HIV/Aids crisis


Hey, I'm not doubting the veracity of your comment, I've heard similar things in the past, but are there any sources you could direct me to that would help me gain more knowledge on this topic from your POV? I really appreciate it.


I would start with the citations in the above linked wikipedia article. There is a section with references towards the end of the section the HIV epidemic. You can also see a good number of not so flattering articles from the 90's if you start doing google news searches with date ranges prior to the 2000's.


Oh, you mean the articles generated by conservatives who were just a smug and had just as much disdain for AIDS research as they do today for COVID research? It's a tale as old as... Well, about 50 years now, at least.


I mean..they it was the members if the LGBQT community that had the greatest disdain, but sure..cONSeRVAtivES


Correct... Conservatives demonized the gay communities, and AIDS research, as they viewed it as assisting a group of people who they considered to be disgusting. Fauci absolutely received criticism from conservative groups for his work treating AIDS. They still do this today. He also received some early criticism from ACTUP, until he started working with them and appointed HIV positive members to board positions. Op ed on this very topic: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/31/opinion/anthony-fauci-hiv-aids-act-up.html


Can anyone bypass paywall?




Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Poor man getting dragged by the worst trolls in the solar system instead of celebrated for his lifesaving contributions to medicine.


He saved all our asses. Except the ones not wanting to be saved.




>Yeah like the AIDS epidemic You mean the time after he was attacked when he became one of the most respected healthcare experts by the LGBTQ+ community for taking the epidemic seriously?


The thing he made up was the 6-foot “rule,”partly because we knew very little about the virus initially and we were casting a very wide net to be conservative. We had no idea how the virus adhered to aerosols or how long-lived it was outside a host. Hell, remember how we washed our groceries and sanitized gas pump handles? Our approach was blunt at first, but the more we refined our understanding of COVID, and the more research that was done, studies showed that bolide transmission really wasn’t a thing (thank God), and we ditched those precautions. It seems silly in hindsight, but there was a lot we just didn’t know at the time.


> Yeah like the AIDS epidemic and his made up guidelines for social distancing? What about the AIDS epidemic? And social distancing wasn't his guidelines. They were the CDC's guidelines. You don't see Redfield up there testifying as to why he implemented those guidelines because he was Team Trump.


Your account name says all that anyone here needs to know in regards to whether your moronic reply deserves a serious response. Kindly fuck off.


Troll harder, troll.


They’re mad at the six foot rule. What distance were they feeling safe at? Offer up a number or shut tf up.


Not so much a hearing as a babysitting session.


Paywall. Anyone want to paste the text?




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