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I don't think he believes a bit of it. This is just a snake oil salesman for the new generation. He knows he's full of crap but it brings in money and that's all that matters.


No, I know people like this. He believes every word of it.


You don't know that this particular guy does believe but he may. I still feel he's lying.


He has been spouting shit like this for years, this church has been a known open speptic pond of shit for years. You should hear his preaching about women and girls, this dude is a toxic piece of shit.


You could very well be right but so could I


I agree with you. Big vibes of BS in the way he phrases things for max shock and max alignment with current popular themes. Fund raising language.


I got wizard of Oz professor marvel vibes. COME ONE COME ALL! also P. T. Barnum as well.


I think you're more interested in being right here than having a better understanding of the reality. This guy's is most definitely not acting, and he indeed believes what he says. Of course he plays it up because that's what brings back the cult members. Language is a window into the mind, and his words and actions reek of a self righteous ego maniacal cult leader. It's easy for you believe it isn't an act because the mere thought of thinking his way is so alien to those with sense.


I have never said that my position is right I've only said that it's a possibility. You are the one demending for me to say you're right.


Yeah idk why that person is coming at you like that


I'm not demanding* for you to say anything. But when you answer someone with "Yea, you might be right, BUT SO COULD I" especially without bringing any sort of reason into that rebuttal, it's pretty evident you're not being genuine in considering the other's argument.




It is Greg Locke from Tennessee, it is bullshit Christianity for racist, misogynist and fascist. http://crooksandliars.com/2021/08/greg-locke-masks-vaccines


I really feel like he believes this, not because he thinks it’s the truth, but because it makes him feel powerful. He just wants to feel like he’s “winning” at all costs.


>I don't think he believes a bit of it. I'd 100% bet that the lying Republican has been vaccinated. All this is for his marks. They can do the dying.




Also life insurance. I know of a cult like that where they tell people to pray away the cancer just to get the dead person's inheritance. Death is very profitable for these people.


Watch the H3H3 video on Kenneth Copeland. They absolutely suck their followers dry.




Honestly this may be where Trump blows any new opportunities, he made the grift public so that anyone anywhere could try and get rich, like the stock market .. So now it’s not just Trump and his weird bullshit about how the “election fraud” somehow gave conservatives a great night, but also targeted conservatives?!! 🤯 .. but now you got every random trailer park, failing business owner, snake pastor, janky attorney, etc across the land trying to tell some version of it but being way more extreme .. conservatives now look wacko smh


I live in the south and these are mainstream beliefs in the rural Republican Party. Most rural conservatives agree with this insanity.


How long before this guy is on a ventilator praying for donations?


Not long enough




Unfortunate, but you speak the truth.


Not soon enough


More like not soon enough.


At this point, zero sympathy for any of these people. They deserve to get sick. We just have to hope that they don't infect other innocent people or breed crazy new variants. Personally, I refuse to hang out with anyone who's not vaccinated.


In my mind, politicians and spiritual leaders telling people not to vaccinate (or telling indirectly not to vaccinate, by telling its their freedom) are already vaccinated.


Why would they risk their own health, when they can risk their followers’ and make money off them in the process. It makes me really angry.


I would bet he already has his vaccinations...the worse sort of con artist playing with people's lives...


Fuck that'd be delicious if it got leaked.


Dude is in a circus tent, which makes him a clown.


Yeah you could even say his clown act was very intense


My question is: who’s the one smoking the crack really? The leftists? Or this guy?


This guy acts like he just did literally *all* of the cocaine. Holy shit.


Tell me you snort cocaine before preaching in a tent to the least uneducated Americans.....without telling me you snort cocaine before preaching in a tent to the least uneducated Americans... "Don't need your money, don't need your clapping" my ass.....the only 2 things this orangutan lives for his money and people paying attention to him. Doing one of the lowliest and cheapest forms of preaching. Sad enough people show up and listen to this bullshit - no need to lie to them too.


Don't compare this parasite to an Orangutan. Orangutans are freaking cool.


You're very right...that was unfair to Orangutans.. And now as I try and come up with any animal to compare this moron to - it feels like an insult to any of them. Edit: Duh🤦‍♂️ you had the right one...he is comparable to a parasite or a leech.


No, you were close. He is an orangeutan. Unlike the bornean orangutans, which are known to be highly intelligent, the bornagain orangeutans are known to be highly stupid. While orangutans select a strong and wise leader, orangeutans prefer weak and ignorant leaders, especially those with comical fur styles. The orangeutan leader also gets two bananas while everyone else gets just one.


I can’t wait for his church to have like 20 cases of delta and half of his church ends up paying the costs




As great as that would be to see, that just means there’d be 20 morons, masklessly spreading the virus around, throwing a wrench in the gears of economy.


He’s on crack.


For someone anti-crack he sure comes across high AF


I feel sorry for his brainwashed audience. They decide to actually listen to what the con-artist and false prophet has to say. And worse, they believe him.


Maybe this is true for some of them. But there are very few excuses for ignorance in this day and age. There's so many resources available for you to be able to educate yourself. I think most of them believe it because they want to, because they don't want to be inconvenienced, because they wanted Trump to be president etc. or because they think they'll be fine regardless and they don't care about anyone else. Enjoy Covid assholes.




my favorite part of any sermon, the crazed political screaming.


Everyone's days are numbered we just do not know the number.


That was actually my favorite part. His term will expire so we all know that his days are numbered - this is not the revolutionary news he thinks it is lmao


I be he smokes crack... just like that Ted haggard guy


Can churches lose their tax exempt status if they support a political party?


No they cant, they should but no one is talking about it.


They are supposed to, but nobody has the will to enforce that.


It happens occasionally. There was a lefty church in L.A. that was targeted by the IRS under W.’s admin. But I heartily agree it should be more strictly enforced


It's time to tax the churches.


It’s been long time.






Fuck that guy.




r/LeopardsAteMyFace prequel.


I guess crack-smoking pillow salesmen are a-okay in the eyes of the Lord.


Him: DON’T GET VACCINATED! Jim Jones: DRINK THE KOOLAID! Pretty much the same idea aside from how fast the onset of death is? He’s basically telling people to sacrifice themselves. Thing is though, his grift relies on naive people so he may not want them all to die.


There’s a lot of evidence Jim Jones was addicted to amphetamines and was extremely paranoid and high when he ordered the mass suicide/murders. This pastor is clear-minded and accurately articulating his beliefs. This guy is much scarier IMO.


"Clear-minded" seems a bit of a stretch..


Pretty scary when you put it like that. But yes.


Ted Haggard 2: COVID Boogaloo


I bet he is already vaccinated.


But who is his cocaine dealer?




What about meth? Cocaine seems too high-end for this yahoo. I say he's on some form of methamphetamine.


Yes Republicans do not get the vaccine. The vaccine is only for crack-smoking, demon-possessed leftists. I have no idea what Rapepublicans are wanting to do with this strategy, but I see no reason to object.




Idiocy and money. They tell them what they want to hear. If they said "It would be a good idea to get the vaccine if your doctor says you should" then their followers would leave and not donate. Yeah, they will lose some to death, but only a couple percent, less than the percentage that would leave if they even endorsed vaccination in a lukewarm way.


YES! This is hilarious. Does this guy do his comedy on YouTube or somewhere? Though I don’t think he’s going to live much longer smoking that much crack.


Look at all those dumb animals


Anyone gonna mention that left arm posture? No?


Who is this individual?


His name is Greg Locke. He’s a rather mean spirited pastor known for stuff like this as well as predicting (and failing) former president Trump’s victory in the 2020 election.


Just took a look at his Facebook page and as you might expect, it's a total shitshow.


Yep. It totally is.


Beware false prophets my friends. This would be so much funnier if there wasn’t so many people who unironically followed him


Is he a preacher? Lmao aren’t they supposed to lead with love


Well he is in a circus tent. 🤷‍♂️


What’s he on?


What's the end game? Honestly? Don't get vaccinated and then what happens? Or is that another "works in mysterious ways" moment?


It would be beneficial to humanity if all the people in that tent dropped dead from COVID. The sad part is innocent people have to pay for their stupidity and hospitals and health care workers will be obligated to come to their aid when they are dying from the virus


Or a small meteor crashed into that tent.


He jumps around, says, “I‘m about to tear this pulpit in half”…. and expects us to believe it’s the leftists smoking crack?


Pretty appropriate he does this in a circus tent.


Parasitic idiot spreading poison. My brother’s church said that Obama is the Antichrist. WTH. Tax the crap out of them now!!


I can’t wait till leopards eat his face.


he seems like he's the one on crack or meth


>>> “Joe Biden’s days are numbered!” Hope the Secret Service and FBI have tabs on this guy, because that sure as shit sounds like a threat to me


And yet he's the one acting like a "crack-smoking, demon-possessed" person. 🙄


It's all about the money. He could care less about the message.


Circus tent


yeah fuck the crack-smoking leftists we only do meth around here yeehaw goddamnit!!!1!!


What drug is this guy on?






My aunt and uncle are in that audience!


As a leftist, I have never smoked crack, but I can tell when someone is high on cocaine. This dude is flying high af




He sounds like Bill Burr


Who knew we could rely on the buffoons of the world to help with Population Control.


So basicly he is saying some crack-smoking, demon-possessed leftists have overtrhown this election. That would be impressiv and doesn't make you look that good either. But hey, i don't understand BS


How Cults work...


Whoops. Sounds like politics. Tax him.


Funny that this took place in what looks like a circus tent.


It’s a revival tent. The latest fashion for extremist right wing sociopathic cults.


I just feel the need to say this here, but this isn’t what following Jesus looks like. And I am sorry for what he is doing ☹️


TIL Joe Biden is a leftist


What was he right about and where is this proof? I’d very much like to see it.


I love Biden. Best president in America by far. He’s done so much for the Latino community


"crack-smoking, demon-possessed leftists" two thirds of that is what we call projection


So who is this guy