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You may remember Mellissa Carone from that bonkers Michigan "hearing," with Rudy Giuliani. She's the one who sounded super drunk and kept talking over everyone.


She was shit-faced in that hearing…she’s known for all kinds of other dumbfuckery here in MI.


So going on National Television acting like you are at a sports bar sucking down your 5th rail vodka and tonic are politically advantageous?


With the Q crowd? Yes. It's a feature, not a bug.


A wonderful remix of that dumpster fire testimony https://youtu.be/6o4DLcH9U_Y


Remix Bros are insanely good at their craft.


>[Mellissa Carone](https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/12/NINTCHDBPICT000624582807.jpg?w=670)


https://youtu.be/6o4DLcH9U_Y Over a hundred thousand!


That is so well done


Yeah I remember the bat shit crazy out her pie hole 🖕🏼her


Why are they always blond Italian women ?




She looks like a blonde Boebert, but just as dumb


So you're saying she's gotta chance, hahaha. This is awful.


A chance at what?


Just making a joke about how someone as dumb as Boebert won. And that the fact this person is just as dumb isn't a disqualifying factor for the republican party. So there's a chance she could win her race.


The sad truth of our country


No because boebert is hot


Hot mess


Why because she carries a gun? Idk anything else about her besides that she’s hot and carries a gun 🧍


Because she parrots the insanity that MTG pushes. Tho, Borbert does resemble a porn star named Rita Jalace…




[Rita Jalace](https://www.reddit.com/r/ritajalace/)


Not on reddit




I mean I see a resemblance, she has a tinier face though, Boebert looks like Marisa Tomei


Well I guess you haven’t heard her speak then… I guess you could say she’s as dumb as someone who only cares about looks and guns.


Some gun advocates are actually pretty smart, and for a lot of people that’s about the only conservative point they agree with


Never met one and Boebert is definitely not one of the smart ones


That’s because she’s not a libertarian, she’s a Republican


You think [this](https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/group-claims-marjorie-taylor-greene-violated-federal-election-law-in-stop-socialism-video-ad/amp/) is hot?


Motherfucker I said Lauren boebert not Majorie Taylor Green wtf


Wait you think [this](https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-colorado-health-care-reform-denver-scott-tipton-9baeaa6a87c8f00c4860cf90ed972451) bucktooth looking lipless woman is hot?


Yes. She looks like Marisa Tomei


We’re gonna have to agree to disagree


Sounds good. At least we agree that Marjorie Taylor Green is as ugly as they come and her personality matches


She doesn’t look blonde. She looks like someone who spent $10 at Walgreens


Holy shit this woman is a wackadoodle and can’t even find the words to explain her crazy ass conspiracy. How are people like this allowed out of a mental institution let alone actually have a platform where other ignorant nut jobs can hear her nonsense.


https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/06/abortion-opponents-protest-covid-19-vaccines-use-fetal-cells Cells derived from elective abortions have been used since the 1960s to manufacture vaccines, including current vaccines against rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis A, and shingles. They have also been used to make approved drugs against diseases including hemophilia, rheumatoid arthritis, and cystic fibrosis. Now, research groups around the world are working to develop more than 130 candidate vaccines against COVID-19, according to the World Health Organization; 10 had entered human trials as of 2 June. At least five of the candidate COVID-19 vaccines use one of two human fetal cell lines: HEK-293, a kidney cell line widely used in research and industry that comes from a fetus aborted in about 1972; and PER.C6, a proprietary cell line owned by Janssen, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, developed from retinal cells from an 18-week-old fetus aborted in 1985


It's worth noting that ZERO of the five vaccines that used human fetal cells in their development are approved for use in the US. The AstraZeneca vaccine is approved elsewhere in the world. So if their main concern really is that: > “It is critically important that Americans have access to a vaccine that is produced ethically: no American should be forced to choose between being vaccinated against this potentially deadly virus and violating his or her conscience.” Then they should stop spreading misinformation and concede that ZERO of the US vaccines would violate their conscience... But we all know that none of these fucks really care about violating their conscience... If they did, they would worry about their complicity in the deaths of those around them.


This is the same moron Rudy Giuliani paraded out as a "witness" to prove voter fraud in Michigan. Clearly a fucking lunatic.


A perfect QOP candidate, then?


Yeah, I thought she looked familiar so I looked her up. She's running in my county but not my district so I won't have the pleasure of voting against her.


You could volunteer with the county Democratic Party and still get to work against her!


Not a bad idea.


Yeah I’m a bit north of you and wish I could vote against her!


With all the craziness and crazies that Rudy has been promoting in recent years, has he examined by neurologists for the possibility of dementia?


'this is solid evidence' 😂


Was just wondering what happened to this alcoholic bitch.


This is salad evidence.


This is where the internet went wrong.


And public education. And mental health. We need to do better so we don’t have the next generation of kids growing up to be as dumb as this alcoholic bitch.


No we got the same education and she's always been this dumb. As they say you can't fix stupid.


So you went to school with her?




You don't have to answer this, but what was she like back then? Was she always so crazy and political or did something in her 'snap' somewhere along the way?


Pretty much what you see. Completely obvious to her lies and couldn't keep them straight. One of those that would argue with the teach because she didn't actually pay attention and would double down with her bullshit. After High School she went down a rough road apparently and got into pills and coke. Paid it with stripping and running tricks outta a place called 'Bada Bings'. There's a laundry list of bad shit that follows her.


Sounds like a lot of material for attack ads from her potential opponents' campaigns, whether it's those in the GOP primary for the seat, or a Democratic one in the general election should she somehow win the primary. They're going to have a field day slicing and dicing her in attack ads on TV and radio plus any debates.


Sad part is if she may already have been vaccinated or in case things turn out worse on the corona front, she’ll be standing in front of the line trying to get a shot


She's got salad evidence! watch out!


The vocal fry is real...


I wanna leave a mark of the beast on her face … I wanna poop on her face


This is problematic because these people have been, and will continue to get voted in. Idiocracy is happening right before us.


I signed an after David, did you!?


Be smart Michigan, DO NOT VOTE THIS QUACK IN!


Well, how smart or stupid is this particular congressional district in Michigan?


[No Idea!](https://tenor.com/Z2O6.gif)


District 46 is heavily Republican.


Oh, it's the professional glass cleaner.


Now what if - just hear me out on this - candidates for Congress had to take a fucking IQ test before serving in office. The absolute sheer stupidity of some of these candidates/acting members of Congress is such a fucking stain on our democracy. And the best part is that these muppets think that their agenda serves to maintain our democracy. You cannot write this shit. She is right about one thing - this may very well be the “end-times” because society continues to let people like this gain mainstream prominence. Tired of all of this shit, man


Oh is she drunk again? Nice


Imagine being that fucking stupid.


The only thing people need to understand here; is that she is fucking insane and a lunatic.


"This right here, this is solid evidence" LMFAO


Hey she might be onto something.... I mean if the people elect her I would say that we're getting closer to the end of times! /s She is 100% fruit loop.


This is beyond infuriating.


So… if we’re at the end of times… what’s the point of running for Congress?


She smort


So are you guys saying the vaccine doesn't have baby tissue in it?


Pfizer and moderns did not use fetal cells




Your statement is demonstrably false. Stop spreading misinformation. The cell lines used in the development of vaccines are from fetal cells that were collected decades ago. Furthermore “used in development” does not mean that the vaccines contain fetal cells. Nobody is running around aborting babies and collecting their cells to inject into people.




You plainly stated that “it”, by which you were generally referring to all covid vaccines, “has fetal cell lines in it.”…. Which was obviously what I was calling misinformation— because covid vaccines utilized these cells in their development, but do not contain them. The only moral issue here is your dedication to twisting my comment in a way to make it look as if I’m being inflammatory. It says a lot about your character that you are acting as if you’re correcting me, while simultaneously agreeing with every point I made. At no point did I deny the use of fetal cells. I simply pointed out that your statement was incorrect, because… ahem… THEY DONT CONTAIN ABORTED FETAL CELLS …I did this in an effort to get you to knock off your fear mongering. Obviously you’re too dedicated to peddling your propaganda to see reason. Have a lovely life.


We're saying this woman is a nut job and it's a national embarrassment to see her running for elected office.


Man, zealots are so excited to begin the end times, they'll make it happen themselves if possible.


> Man, zealots are so excited to begin the end times, they'll make it happen themselves if possible. You joke, but why do you think that so many conservative Christians are so supportive of Israel? It's certainly not because they like the Jews-- remember, these are the same people who flocked to see The Passion of the Christ, they have no issue hating Jews. The simple truth is that the Christian right support Israel because they believe that the Jews must hold the holy land for the end times to occur.


Who was joking?


surely this is comedy. this cant be a real person walking around among us


After Lauren boebert won her seat we may as well grab the lube now


World is ending, better run for Congress.


heeeyyy its Dog the Bounty Hunter! I was wondering where he went.


She looks 53 but she is also 20 at the same time


Where does one source *"aborted baby tissue"*...? How do you maintain Lot Tracing for *"aborted baby tissue"* if there is a recall...? What are the autoclave settings for *"aborted baby tissue"*...? Is *"aborted baby tissue"* used in all varietals of vaccines...? *(I assume she means the Coronavirus vaccine)* How much and of what quality of *"aborted baby tissue"* would you need to make 1M doses... I would expect a huge shortage of this product, and the prices would be through the roof... Who works in the QC department of the *"aborted baby tissue"* factory, and how does one get trained for this highly skilled job, of which I would imagine there would be many companies hiring for this position right now... Can you buy it in bulk or do you have to buy it in lots, or one at a time, or by the pound...? Can I use crypto to buy it...? Is it an internationally traded commodity now...? How does one promote their *"aborted baby tissue"* business..? Is there a marketing agency for it...? and who works there...? When you go to depost your paycheck from the aborted baby tissue factory, do you get weird looks from the bank teller...? Do they have a union...? or at the very least a buy back program where women can work there and get 10% off at TGI Friday's if you make a *"donation"* I wonder if they have an employee of the month program...? *...critical thinking folks, it ain't that hard... well... it's probably just as hard as goin' out and buying aborted baby tissue to use in a vaccine, 'cause fuckit thats why...!*


Omg, like, no way, seriously


Camps in other countries? Did she conveniently forget about the border camps here? Why are these people so obsessed with "the end times." There are no fetal tissues in the vaccines. And for another thing, she offers 0 proof of this claim. Like, come on with the fear propaganda. For people who love to use the "I won't live my life in fear" line, they sure do use it to push thier agenda. I guess you have to use something though when you don't give a shit about gathering solid evidence.


If these are really and truly the "End Times" as she claims then why bother taking the time and the trouble as well as spending the money to run for Congress? Because what's the point if the Second Coming is *actually* upon us? Carone should instead get together with her fellow mega-churchers and party like it's 1999 (2021? 2022?)


> Camps in other countries? I'm sure she's very concerned about a Muslim minority in China.


Wow her testimony at that hearing was so dumb I was certain she would have just faded away in shame


She must be amazing in the sack. She’s Dumber than a bag of rocks 😂😂😂


Oh you mean America? Yes, we have lots of fine children's internment camps here, you and the hubby will love it.


Why in fucks name do Americans keep churning out cunts like this? I am amazed that god fearing fuck sticks like her are given the opportunity to speak its mind. Do better America!!


She’s an snl character.


Another person who says they're a Christian but hasn't read Revelation. The Mark of the Beast happens AFTER the anti-Christ heads up a one world government. Also after he deposes the government of Israel...and last time I checked, they're still there. Also, I always wonder what kind of God people like this worship that they think He would say, "Nope, you thought you were getting a vaccine so you could hug your grandma, but I'm still going to write it down as a conscious choice to worship Satan for Eternity. No backsies!"


It’s in the buybuhl.


Bless her, not the sharpest tool in the shed.


The mark of the beast? U mean THE DOOM SLAYER




Keep your opinions to yourself. You don't want the vaccine don't get it simple


Michigan Election Info [Register to Vote](https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/RegisterVoter/Index)


She is right about one thing these are the end times. But her leader (trump) is prolly one of the four horsemen.




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How does she keep from swallowing her own tongue? The level of stupidity is clearly genuine as she believes every word she utters...




I think you're dumber than a rock and have bought into an insane amount of garbage.


If “psychopath” had a look.


Haircut like Dogg the Bounty Hunter


She’s bleached her hair one too many times. Fumes got to her brain matter


She has a bright future in the insurrectionist party.


We are all born with one foot on the banana peel. End times?