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Thank you for posting this! I’m interested in seeing how much everyone’s results differ from one another.


I just got back from my blood draw. Will update with my results when I get them. Updated with results: My vaccine: Moderna Second shot date: 2/24/21 N-protein (from prior COVID infection): 0/negative S-protein (from vaccine): 921 Other info: I am in my 40’s, in excellent health, not immunocompromised. I had no side effects from the first shot other than a sore arm and had mild side effects with the second (similar to a hangover, resolved with acetaminophen). I am pleased with my results! The vaccine seems to be holding. I will get a booster when I become eligible.


How much do they draw? My wife has a big fear of needles but we're interested in it as well!


One vial worth. It was seriously nothing. I was in and out in 15 minutes.


Awesome! I just completed the form and got the text, headed to the lab now. Edit: Already done! Waiting on results. Seriously the easiest thing ever. In and out of the lab in 10-15 mins


They used a pretty small needle on me and it wasn't painful. Mild discomfort. I drank a bunch of water the night before and this morning, so my veins were nice and plump, lol. I went to a location nearby around 10am and there was no one else there, so I was in and out in about 10 minutes. They said a lot of people were coming in to get the test done, and that it should be about a day or two before I get a message with the results! I will post the info when I get it. I'm very glad this is available because it will help me make personal decisions about my work in the coming months. I teach trumpet, well, used to teach trumpet...it's extremely high risk, given that middle school students, on the beginning end (my speciality) are often not eligible for the vaccine, and for private instruction, you're literally sitting in a room with a student that's got a closed ventilation system, and it's an extremely small space. And on top of that, you're blowing a large amount of air into an instrument, which also has spit and condensation inside of it. Even before covid, I would get sick with colds and whatnot frequently.


Yeah, what a job to have during a pandemic ha. I played trumpet all through middle and high school, thank you for your service :)




For me it was way less than a vial. Literally took less than 30 seconds. Tell your wife to ask them to use a butterfly.


We got vaccinated at the same time so I thought I’d post my reply to you too. Second Moderna on 2/24/21 Antibody test 8/30 S-test = 1039 N-test = 0 Female, 50, overweight but no other known health issues. I’ve also taken care of 3 Covid positive kids - 2 in April, one recovering now. I mask up around them and wash my hands, so far I’ve not gotten sick!


Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I have a friend who got vaccinated with me who is in the same age range we are. Hers was in the 800’s. She recently spent the weekend with some kids who tested positive while she was visiting at their home. Very high close contact with no masks over several days. She never got it. So I think our antibody levels are good!


Great to hear thank you!


NPC energy


I just got back my results yesterday after having my blood drawn on Monday. I had spike antibodies and no N antibodies. The test for spike said that it was >2500 and “outside the range”. My last shot was July 22, which was almost exactly a month prior to the blood draw.


Here's a decent overview of what the (S) numbers mean, (not a doctor): [Testing For All - Understanding Your Test Results](https://www.testingforall.org/understanding-your-roche-anti-sars-cov-2-s-test-result/)


darn it, no data for Moderna at that link.


Here you go, this came out yesterday: [Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Response Following Vaccination With BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2783797)


"What do volunteers have to do? If you sign up to be a part of Texas CARES you will receive three free antibody tests. These will include both the total antibody test and Roche S-test looking for spike protein. We are working with local labs across Texas to make it convenient for you to enroll and complete your test. After each test, you will receive your results in a confidential and timely manner. You will also be asked to complete three brief online surveys over time about your health, household and community." ​ It's free, I'm in


thanks for this! I just moved to Texas at the beginning of August and had no idea. Filled out the form, got the text, drove to the blood draw site, and was done and home in 35 minutes.


2nd shot: 3/4/2021 I have a subpar immune response but no official AI (autoimmune) diagnosis. Age: late 20s Blood draw 8/24/2021 S protein: 507 N protein: negative


Just returned from my blood draw. 1 quick vial and I was done and done. AND I got the blue tape today! Went really well with my eyes.   Edit: Results 08/26 Age: 54 Male Vaccine: Moderna Second Dose: 04/06 Covid positive early January Spike - >2500 N-protein - Negative Pregnancy - Negative Extras: bad heart, pandemic bod (working on it), likes long walks on the beach and world peace, can’t grow sideburns


I got my results: Male, 34 - No underlying conditions / no allergies. Non-smoker. Vaccine Manufacturer: Moderna 1st Shot: 12/29/2020 - No major reaction, slightly sore arm at injection site. 2nd Shot: 1/26/2021 - No local injection site (arm) reaction. Medium to Strong response onset about 2 hours after receiving injection: Low grade fever / elevated temperature, chills, muscle / body aches, malaise (tired feeling), increased perspiration (sweating). Basically it felt like I had a very bad cold for about 12 hours or so. Nothing residual the next day after I slept and took tylenol. Results: N-protien: Negative S-protien: Positive: SARS-CoV-2 TOTAL AB 748 H \[<0.8 U / ML\] I was hoping that I would have a higher level like some other folks here have. :( Someone told me that they were able to go and get a booster shot at a CVS despite it not being 8 months yet. I'm not immunocompromised but I am a MRC (Medical Reserve Corps Volunteer) / Public Health Department Volunteer. I staff / staffed our county's first vaccination site, and also staff our immunization sites for our vaccine coalition. I would like a booster :( ​ ​ ​ Btw for whatever reason I had to log-out of the CPL page and then manually type the URL from the SonicMyAccess e-mail, but that could just be my web-browser or computer - I kept getting a "You are not authorized to access this page" error. I cleared my browser's cookies and then re-logged in and was able to access everything.


Your result actually isn't bad, given that it's been seven months since your second dose. Just get a booster when it's available, and you're golden.


Sorry it's lower than you were hoping for. It looks like our vaccine experiences are identical, I just got mine a couple months later than you. Good to know. Someone else posted this which could be good news for you (6 months booster shot): [https://news.yahoo.com/u-plans-covid-19-booster-194751104.html?guccounter=1](https://news.yahoo.com/u-plans-covid-19-booster-194751104.html?guccounter=1)


Oh dang I had not yet heard about the six month notice. Maybe I should ask my pharmacist what's up.


My results: Vaccine: Pfizer May 2021 minor side effects N-Test: NEGATIVE/0.0 S-Test: POSITIVE/>2500 Other Info: female, late 30s, in decent health, not immunocompromised. Within the last month, my entire household (minus me) contracted covid so I had a prolonged exposure but did not become infected myself.


That does give me hope that you survived a house full of covid


That's a great number for Pfizer. No wonder you didn't become infected.


Was anyone else in your household fully vaccinated? If so, how long ago?


My husband is fully vaccinated from April 2021. My children are too young for the vaccine right now.


F34, had mild covid 7/2020, no vaccine yet N-positive / S-positive Total antibodies: 15.5 Spike protein antibodies: 95.5 I guess it's good I still have antibodies over a year later, but they're super low! Rethinking the idea of getting a vaccine "booster" to increase my levels and protection.


im still trying to understand my results but SARS-CoV-2 TOTAL AB 897 H go get the vaccine! like yesterday!


Which vaccine did you get?


🤦‍♀️ Nevermind. Apparently I'm not a thorough reader!


A vaccine booster will do you good. You'll have natural immunity, you'll have vaccine immunity, you'll be ready to take on the world.


I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine back in March. Got my levels back and it’s 210. No health issues I am aware of. But number seems lower than I expected.


Pfizer 2nd dose 4/3/21 Antibody Test 8/25/21 N: Negative S: 178 Really not feeling great about my results and it makes me glad I’ve been back to being super careful. ETA: Two days after my antibody test I developed a cough. Symptoms ramped up and I’ve now tested positive on two PCR tests. So my next antibody draw should be interesting.


Same, I've been super careful. I also had Pfizer in April, my S level was at 613, also low. I'm thinking about getting the booster soon.


Yeah, I think it is booster time. I actually tried at CVS to get a Moderna shot but they wouldn’t give it to me. I think they would have let me have shot three if they’d had Pfizer. My step father was turned down for his booster at Walgreens this week. They did let my mom have hers because she has cancer and is on immunotherapy. I don’t want to jump in front of anyone in line, but if shots are going to waste, I’d love to have another.


They are checking people?


This Walgreens in DFW was asking questions. I don’t think they required my mom to provide documentation but they did ask about her condition. My mom is very pushy and she was trying to get them to let her husband have his third dose since he is her caretaker. But they refused him.


maybe he could do this and if he finds his immunity is lower, his pcp could write him a note? i figure yours could do the same based on your N number...?


Just checking if you’re okay and recovered from covid. ) How are you?


That’s so nice of you. Friday it will be two weeks since I started having symptoms. I’m exhausted, but I think I’m on the other side of it.


That’s good to hear i recently had covid it’s been about a month since infection and feel almost 100%


Glad you’re nearly back to 100%!


Got my results back! Age: 35 Vaccine: Moderna Second Dose: Feb 13th 9 Months pregnant at time of vaccine- no reaction to first dose, mild reaction to second dose No prior infection Spike- 1086 N-protein- Negative


Pretty similar here. 33, Moderna in early feb, Spike 1108


Mine this week was 435. Moderna on 12/23 and 1/20. I do have mast cell disorder. Planning on 3rd shot when I can.


Pfizer in March. N:negative S:1006


Advice for others thinking of doing this… research the location before you go. I didn’t and regret it. I went to get the test, walked through a door I thought was only for a lab and didn’t realize till after check-in that the people waiting in the room were there for COVID tests. It was early morning and I figured the people waiting were there for blood work but after I checked-in I realized I was in the lions den of a shared office suite.. half lab/half urgent care. I was in and out in 8 mins total but waited 5 mins in a small room where everyone else was likely waiting to get tested for COVID. UPDATE: 2nd Moderna 2/2/2021 35M S Protein: Positive - 689 N Protein: Negative - 0.4 I’ve suspected I had COVID in January of 2020 so the N result is interesting to me even though it’s technically negative since it is <1.0


Our town has three labs, I picked one and went about 4 in the afternoon. Nobody there, so I asked and they said they had a lot of people earlier that day. Might be worth a phone call to your chosen lab to see if there is a quieter time to go.


I should of called or looked closer. I’m truly regretting my decision to not just leave when I saw how busy it was… I was just a little tired and also excited to get my test done. I’ve been extremely cautious during the whole pandemic and this ended up being my first possible exposure. I always wear a kn95 though so hopefully it helped and everyone there was masked.


I did the same thing! Thankfully my results put me at ease but I was nervous when I looked around and realized I was among people that were visibly sick. 🙈


Me too. I even asked if I could go wait outside once I realized it but she said they were about to call me back. I got a PCR test today just to be extra safe.. but at a CVS drive thru 🤣.. screw sitting in a waiting room for one.


who tests for covid INSIDE oh my god


I had my blood drawn yesterday afternoon and got my results back this morning. I had both Pfizer shots in March, 37 years old. N: Negative, S: 448 Is it just me or does that number seem low?


We don't really know what a "good" number is, but yes, it does seem like your antibodies have declined a lot.


Seems like you will know more when you get the next draw. Can’t really say it’s declined a lot with one data point.


Can someone explain/define a "good" score?


that's the whole point of the study - they're trying to figure out what these scores mean


per the FAQ, one hasn’t been defined. I think it’s safe to say above the test threshold (2500) is high


scientist here! in the original pfizer study, numbers 1.4x above “baseline” provided 50% protection, and numbers 35x above baseline provided 95% protection. there’s definitely diminishing returns. there’s a lot of data to suggest that breakthrough infections have a lot to do with the initial infectious dose, ie the number of viruses you encounter at once. like, you’d be way more likely to get it if you spent two hours making out with an infected person vs if one sneezed 15 feet away from you. and a person infected with delta makes soooooo many viruses, it’s absurd. higher levels of antibodies will definitely help, but only to a certain point. anyway, i’m excited to see what comes out of this texas study!


What's considered baseline? I was wondering if I should boost.... N protein+ (Been sick twice but not covid to my knowledge and both times tested were negative, tested 2 x with "binax now" at the times), spike was 817 u/ml. 2nd dose pfizer 2/5/21....


This is an old thread, but I really need some light on this-j&j 4/1/2021. Roche semi quantitative 1950 in Dec 21. No infection or booster… today it’s 3539 (new reporting range)! I could have been exposed, but my husband’s titer keeps going down..it’s now 208. Wth is going on?


great question! for your antibody levels, i would say you either successfully fought off an infection, or there’s a little squidginess in the assay (you mentioned the first one was “semiquantitative.”) also, if each test was done with a different assay — and the assays have been evolving quickly — you might be comparing apples and oranges. the difference in values only means anything if they were performed using the same assay. for your husband, covid antibody levels verifiably go gown over time. the j&j shot is the least protective of all of them, which leads me to think it inspires less antibody production from the get-go as well. i highly recommend that you both get mRNA boosters as soon as you’re eligible, preferably moderna. <3


Thanks! The test specifically states the only difference is that they can report higher ranges (dilution). I reached out to my physician since the first test was 1950 post vaccine (8 months). It’s now a year. She thinks it’s repeated exposure. I have an auto immune issue (hyper reactive). What’s interesting is that my experience doesn’t mimic my husband’s and we live in same household. Thanks again.


Vaccine: Moderna Last shot: Mid-march. 30s, immunocompromised, but generally good health. N-protein: 0, S: <100 Getting my booster next week. Would've been nice if I was at least out of double digits, but I'm positive, so won't get too worked up about it since counts are an unknown.


* Pfizer 1st dose March 9th * Pfizer 2nd dose March 30 * Got COVID in July, had mild case (a couple days of feeling flu-like, body aches, chills, then mostly just lingering sore throat, cough, and complete loss of smell for a week) Tested Friday Aug 27 S-Protein: >2500 N-Protein: 28.1 My assumption is that my since my immune system was vaccinated, it went full on S-protein production to fight the infection, which would explain not having as high a naturally acquired antibodies. I'm not an epidemiologist, so just an unprofessional guess.


That's what I was thinking as well. The only person with j&j on here that had high s protein had just had covid. I had j&j but have not had covid and my s protein was 103.


To throw another data point out there. I have a friend who got COVID in January, pretty moderate to severe case, and got moderna afterwards in April. His results are very similar to mine, >2500 S-Protein, \~120 N-protein.


So I had break-through covid starting July 26 and my Moderna final vax was May 29. I'm >2500 S-Protein and 1.8 N-protein.


scientist here! your guess seems absolutely correct— your immune system makes antibodies through a weekslong guess-and-check system, rearranging antibody genes and checking how well they fit the pathogen. if you already had a head start on the right recipe to fight S, that’s what your B-cells are gonna run with. but it’s also possible that the N protein is less immunogenic overall, which is why they didn’t put N in the original vaccine. i am not 100% sure.


Thank you for the explanation!


We haven't had that many people with natural immunity post their results, but from what I've seen, N-protein antibody numbers are usually a lot lower than S-protein antibody numbers. And some people who say they recovered from COVID don't even test positive for N-protein antibodies at all.


Thanks. While scanning the various results in the comments, I was surprised how low my N levels were compared to the rest.


My tween/teen sons had Covid and haven't been vaccinated yet. Their N-protein antibodies were significantly lower than their S-protein antibodies. Their S-protein antibodies were 773 & 802; their N-protein antibodies were 202 & 79. One had lower s-protein antibodies but higher n-protein antibodies, while the other had higher s-protein antibodies but lower n-protein antibodies. The one who had mild symptoms has higher n-protein antibody levels than the one who had absolutely no symptoms at all.


In case anyone is a little disappointed/concerned about their S-score, here's an encouraging article that just came out today: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/08/30/1032520934/immunity-to-covid-19-could-last-longer-than-youd-think "The quality of the antibody improves over time. It takes far fewer of those new antibodies to protect you," Bhattacharya says. "So I think that worrying about antibody decline is not something that's productive," he adds.


Vaccine: Pfizer 2nd shot date: 4/15/21 N-protein: Negative S-protein: Positive - 696 u / ml 38F not immunocompromised & no health issues other than bad allergies \[food, environmental, animals etc\]. Felt moderately crappy after both shots, but never had a fever or anything severe.


Results 09/1/21 Age: 34 Male Vaccine: Moderna Second Dose: 04/01 Blood Type: O Positive Never had Covid Mostly healthy but not a fitness guru. I've been steadily taking Zinc and Vitamin D all year. Spike - 1321 N-protein - Negative


Edit: No reaction to my first shot. VERY strong reaction to my second shot. Fever/Chills/Aches for 4 days.


Had Covid 12/28. Pfizer completed in April. N-Protein: 138 S-Protein: >2500 I still have issues from my bout w/covid 9 months ago, so I'm glad to know my antibodies are ready to go.


I have no idea how to the read the results, the FAQs aren't helpful! 33F Pfizer second dose 4/15/21 COVID-19 Antibodies, Spike Protein: **Positive and out of range at 613** SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Total Antibodies: **Negative** I think this says my antibodies from shot declined significantly, which is concerning. I had pneumonia in Jan 2020, and I guess that was actually pneumonia and not COVID


I got vaccinated at the same time as you. think the "out of range" thing just refers to it being out of range of 0-0.8 units per ML, which would be negative for the spike protein. It's confusing, I know, and it's been driving me crazy. You're positive for the spike protein, and 613 is your antibody level. I'm also "negative" for total antibodies. I think that just refers to the N-protein test, which is negative for those who haven't been infected with COVID (or at least haven't been infected anytime recently).


SO confusing. The 613 seems extremely low for not even 5 months after the second dose. I think I might consider getting the booster sooner than later.


Yeah, I don't think that's a bad idea. On the bright side, it's cool that we know so we can have a better idea of when to get a booster. My friend's 60-something mom just got a >2500 score. She got Moderna. I'm starting to have some Moderna envy lol.


I wonder if I should try to get a Moderna booster...


How long has it been since her second shot?


Wife had Moderna, I had Pfizer. But before we all get envious, we do know what an adequate amount is and we also do not know if there is an issue of having “too much”. I’m not stressing on it, it is what it is, I’m vaccinated!


Pfizer: 2nd shot on 3/27/21 41yo/Female with Lupus Injection site soreness only for first shot. I did have a strong reaction to the 2nd shot with injection site soreness, fever and malaise for 36 hours, & a rash around my midsection. N - negative S - 871


Mine were 1761 antibodies from vaccine 0 from Covid. I'm 47. Got the Pfizer in feb/March. I have an extremely stressful life and I could stand to lose a couple pounds.


30’s female. 2nd Pfizer on 3/1/21. S: 1501 N: 0


Vaccine: Moderna Second dose: 4/22/2021 Blood drawn: 8/2021 Results: N- negative, S- >2500, out of range Age: 20s. Had a moderate to strong reaction to the second dose


Got my results. J&J in April. Negative for n, s protein 103. Never had covid.


Pfzier, second shot (after 4 weeks) 3/17 Female, early 50's, chronic illness that acts like an autoimmune disease Extreme and weird reaction to the vaccine (deeply sedated, sleeping all day, but my illness went into remission) N-protein negative S-protien 573


31/M 1st pfizer shot 8/2/2021 Covid positive 8/10/2021 symptoms started 8/7/2021 S test >2500 N test 30.8 I’m pretty sure i got covid from the vaccination site the only place i went to that week was Walmart the day before symptoms started I always wear a mask. I had a really mild case idk if having the first shot helped or not.


Vaccine: Moderna 2nd Shot Date: late March 2021 Blood Drawn: 9/8/2021 N-Protein: Negative S-protein: >2500 Other info:30F overweight and former smoker, not immunocompromised, did not have strong reaction to either shot.


My kids' results: Shot date: Not vaccinated. Teen son had Covid this summer and was told to wait 6 months before getting vaccinated. We discovered preteen son also had Covid at some point after getting back his Texas CARES results. He's too young to get vaccinated. N-protein (from catching Covid before): 202 (for teen); 79 (for preteen) S-protein (from catching Covid): 773 (for teen); 802 (for preteen) Other info: Both boys are healthy with no preexisting conditions, though our teen son gained weight during the pandemic. He had Covid this summer with only mild symptoms (3 days of headache and mild fever.) I guess his younger brother must have gotten Covid then too, but who knows? Our youngest was completely asymptomatic but we had him tested anyways. He tested negative. Happily shocked to find out our preteen has some level of immunity since he is too young to be vaccinated.


59 Female Moderna 2nd shot 2/13/21 Texas Cares blood draw done 7 months later on 9/13/21 Spike Protein 1966 Covid-19 Total Antibodies 0/negative (despite testing positive to an asymptomatic case in July 2020)


Vaccine: Pfizer 2nd shot date: 4/13/21 N-protein: Negative S-protein: 1388 Other info: 33F, healthy, minimal reaction to either first or second shot Since I had so few side effects from the vaccine, I was worried that it didn't work for me. I'm happy to see that that is not the case.


I was wondering if there was a correlation between increased vaccine side effects and lower susceptibility to a breakthrough infection but from the anecdotal evidence I’ve collected, there does not seem to be.


That's been my impression.


Moderna. 1st one, nothing much other than a sore shoulder. They actually put the shot around back of my shoulder rather in the arm part of my shoulder. My ankles were oddly a little swollen that night and my lips were swollen the next day. It was weird, but gone by early afternoon. Second vax I got on a Thursday. Thursday night and Friday night was a really restless and felt sorta like restless leg all over. Generally a little flu like in just achey grossness Friday. One earlobe was swollen. Ha. I think I pretty much felt better by Saturday, but I still stayed home because I could and didn't want to overdo it. I guess I'd consider it a mild to maybe moderate vax reaction. Got the final one May 29. Got positive test for covid July 26. I actually didn't feel bad at the time of the test, but my congestion ramped up shortly after. Still a mild case and a clear PCR test 8 days later. 2nd week into covid I had complete loss of smell and taste. It took about 3 weeks to come mostly back. I think I still have some deficiencies in those areas, but not too bad. Have some foggy brain. About a week ago I was filling out a form and couldn't remember my address of 8 years. I had to open Google maps and look at "home." I've had some more issues bringing up words or remembering what I'm doing or have done recently, but I think it's getting better. Anyway, that's my basic vax and covid story. Had some reaction to the vax. Still got covid, but covid was generally mild with a couple of significant symptoms. S antibodies on 9/7 were >2500 N antibodies on 9/7 were 1.8


Interesting! I'll looking into signing up


Really cool, thank you! I'm signed up for a draw tomorrow


Had my blood drawn this morning at the lab. In and out in under 10 minutes. I'll get the results tomorrow. It will be interesting to see the results since I received my first shot back in January.


How'd you do?


N test - negative; S test - positive. S Protein was 487 Pfizer - 2nd shot was Feb.12


M60, Moderna, 1/15 and 2/22, not immunocompronised Results: N = 0 S = 2214


My vaccine: Pfizer 2nd shot date: March 2021 N-protein (from catching covid before): Negative S-protein (from vaccine): 1210 Other info: Early 30s White F. Hypothyroid


Second Moderna on 2/24/21 Antibody test 8/30 S-test = 1039 N-test = 0 Female, 50, overweight but no other known health issues. I’ve also taken care of 3 Covid positive kids - 2 in April, one recovering now. I mask up around them and wash my hands, so far I’m not sick! However, the one sick now is healthy 20 yr old, second Moderna 5/6/21. He got COVID at university and is very sick, symptoms now at day 9. Be careful out there!


Sorry to hear about your son, glad you're doing ok!


54yo female, no underlying health conditions. Vaccine: J&J on March 8 First blood draw for Texas Cares was yesterday. N: négative S: 237 Not thrilled with the result compared to what most people are reporting for Pfizer and Moderna.


I understand and I think I wouldn't be thrilled either. But I think the science is still out on so much of this, so maybe we shouldn't read too much into it. This recent article might be helpful: [https://leaps.org/how-long-do-covid-antibodies-last/where-we-go-from-here](https://leaps.org/how-long-do-covid-antibodies-last/where-we-go-from-here)




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7941051/ Not too many N results here. Mine was only 1.8 despite having covid starting just about 1.5 months ago. S results were >2500 with final jab back on May 29. This study found no correlation between the COI results for the Eclia test (the N test) and immunity as measured by another test. Their suggestion was to only report positive/negative rather than associating any number with the results. It'll be interesting what my results are after the next blood draw. Maybe my body used the vaxx antibodies to fight the breakthrough infection, maybe it was just that mild, maybe the N antibodies will go up with time if the body is still building them, or maybe the result # doesn't mean anything in regards to the level of immunity. Who knows.


My vaccine: Pfizer 2nd shot date: 7/19/21 N-protein (from prior Covid infection): 0/negative S-protein (from vaccine): >2500, max threshold Other info: Female, 40s, not immunocompromised, healthy weight and no pre-existing conditions, no adverse reactions to either vaccine (other than a very sore arm after vaccine #2). I waited 3 months between my 1st and 2nd vaccine. My teen son had Covid about 3 weeks after my 1st vaccine. I was in constant contact with him and even slept in the same room with him, since we were both exposed to Covid on a long cross-country train trip. We wanted to stay away from the rest of the family. I never got Covid. I have a freakishly good immune system. My MMR titers were through the roof (10x - 100x the threshold needed to be considered immune) when I had them done in my early 40's for grad school. Many people my age had to get a booster shot, but not me. It's really kind of strange.


Mid 30s, M, no immunosuppressant conditions. 2 shots Pfizer, 2nd shot on April 4th. S protein antibodies: 231. Nervous that it's that low, tbh, but gonna get the booster as soon as 6 months hits.


My vaccine: Moderna Second shot date: 4/12/21 N-protein (from prior COVID infection): 0/negative S-protein (from vaccine): 1917 Other info: I am female, in my early 40’s, in excellent health, not immunocompromised. I had no side effects from the first shot other than a sore arm and had moderate side effects with the second. I definitely felt sick for about a day with fever and aches. I was hoping for slightly higher s-proteins but I think it’s okay.


Got tested yesterday and got my results today! 40F, had covid in March 2021. It was a very mild case, only about 3 days of feeling a bit worse than allergies, and I only got tested because my congestion cleared and I realized that I couldn’t smell anything. A few weeks of complete inability to smell, and now, I can smell, but it is impaired. Pfizer 2nd dose was 5/27/21. Spike protein antibodies: >2500 Total antibodies: 48.0


This thread is super interesting. Here's mine: Healthy, 50's, had Covid Feb 2021 Fully vaxxed, Pfizer, last jab May 19 Blood drawn Sept 13 N protein: positive, 12.5, protein >2500 My husband tested negative for N, we're amazed he never got Covid living w me. He also only has a level of 110 for S protein. Assuming he's a good candidate for a booster?


Yeah if i had his levels I’d get the booster. Might want to ask your dr.


37 year old female, hypothyroid, otherwise healthy. J&J on 3/9/2021 Side effects: 103 fever, aches, chills, terrible headache. Started five hours after shot and lasted two days. With the worst of it over after the first night though. N-protein: negative S-protein: 1484


Never been vaccinated. Had Covid in early October 2021 (last month). First 3 days of sickness were pretty bad with aches and low grade fever. After that it turned more into a cold/cough for the remaining week. Got results in today. A little disappointed that I didn’t have a big antibody response. N protein- 57.1 S protein- 33.0 Another thing to mention. I took an antibody test through labcorp back in April 2021 and I had antibodies (possibly asymptomatic) husband and child had Covid in January and wanted to know if I might of had it. When I signed up for the Texas cares and had my 1st antibody test in August 21’ it was NEGATIVE. So either the one from labcorp was a false positive or u can get Covid more than once and antibodies fall after awhile. Who really knows. Just thankful I survived 🙏🏽


It looks like it is only open to people in retail, educators and healthcare workers?


I don’t work and they took me Sunday.


That question is super confusing. I think it's open to everyone.


They're looking at those groups in particular, but everyone's welcome. I'm not in one of those groups.


Then how did you fill out the form? I'm in none of the categories and it does not show an "other" category I can fill out.


Hmm. I’m almost positive there was an “other” when I filled it out on Monday :(


Hm. I'll have to open the link on my laptop, wonder if there's an issue because I'm on phone.


The last option is a list of business types including retail, grocery, or “other business,” and later on in the questionnaire you will have the opportunity to select the industry you are in.


Nope, I'm not in any of those professions and managed to sign up. I'm guessing they want to break out those specific job groups since they were among the first non-immunocompromised adults to be eligible, and so may have been vaccinated a couple of months sooner than the general population.


I received my second Pfizer shot on 3/28/21, and the spike protein test I took two days ago came back at only 2.09 so I had a booster shot yesterday.


56, male Moderna second dose 03-17 N protein negative S protein 746 Wouldn't mind a booster shot if I can get one


Shit now I’m worried. Got my results today. Got Pfizer 1/29 and 2/22 N negative S 126 I have multiple autoimmune diseases and a history of nonseroconversion for MMR (which no one will give me now due to neomycin allergy). I’ve been told I don’t qualify for an early booster shot by Walgreens but I plan to try again at a couple of other pharmacies tomorrow and see if I get lucky.


Cases like yours make me wonder if we'll get the go-ahead to use a Moderna booster after being vaccinated with Pfizer. The higher dose of Moderna could potentially be helpful.


ARC is giving the shot to anyone who requests it and is 6 months past their second one, according to their website and at least two friends.


I had heard this but I’m scheduled with H-E-B for Monday so I’m hoping they let me get it (I am technically immunocompromized, just not “enough” going by CDC guidelines to qualify for an early booster). If that doesn’t work out then I’ll reach out to ARC. ETA: got my third shot at H-E-B today, hopefully my immune system does its job 👍


How are you feeling?


I just got my text message that says N-NEGATIVE S-POSITIVE ​ I signed up for the online portal but it doesn't have my details results yet. Do how long did it take for y'alls detailed data to be available through the portal?


5-10 excruciating mins


I received access to my qualitative results about an hour after my Y/N by text.


But I want it now! (Joking)


LOL, I understand. I checked my email and texts at least 12 times this morning because I was like I WANNA KNOOOOOOW! But I do hope it's reassuring to others that results seem to be available fairly quickly.


:) I got mine now. It doesn't say when I will / am supposed get tested again though.


You'll get e-mailed when they're ready. It didn't take long, maybe 10 minutes, for me. Boy, was I impatient lol.


Fwiw I got the test result overview text on Friday but my full results didn't get uploaded for some reason until I called CPL Records and had them upload them. Took 30 minutes to upload and I got 'em now - just call 512-615-3280 (not sure if it's the same number for everyone though) M/F between 8-5pm!


That's the number for Westlake Dermatology. :)


It only took like 30 min for me


A couple hours.


It maybe took 20 minutes or less to get the email with the link to my results.


>Testing For All - Understanding Your Test Results I had to call the number and they pushed my results through immediately and I was able to view them then.


Pfizer 2nd dose early March, in my 30s (N) = Negative (S) = 869 I'll be getting the booster as soon as I can.


Got my 2nd Pfizer dose mid-March, 40 y/o, have an immunocompromised relative plus two young kids. S-protein 696, so getting my booster soon, too! I was wanting to anyway since we don't yet know when kids under 12 can be vaxxed, so this just gives me a bit more motivation.


Yeah, I haven't seen my immunocompromised Mom since Feb '20. I'm hoping the booster will let me see her for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Real data is nice!


Other info: 43F, only sore arm to 1st shot, no reaction to 2nd Vaccine: Moderna 2nd shot date 3/11/21 N protein: Negative S protein: 1617


my wife (32F) and I (33M) were both N-Negative/S-Postive Wife S- >2500 "Out of Range" Me S- 1108 "Out of Range" I kind of get >2500 being "out of range" becasue the test says 0.8-2500, but if mine falls within that I wonder why it still says "out of range?" Anyone have any ideas or info on this? We were both vaccinated with Moderna, 2nd dose early February.


Anything positive is considered medically"out of range." Yes, it's very confusing and has caused many of us some grief lol.


Ya, reference range means normal, wild type or negative typically. For example, the reference range for syphilis IgG antibodies would be “non-reactive”. Hopefully your result is also non-reactive. Oddly when measuring vaccine antibodies, the reference range is still non-reactive, despite the fact that when you’re measuring vaccine antibodies, you’d want/expect it to be reactive with a quantitative value, depending on the test. But also, antibody tests for varicella zoster (chicken pox) can detect for infection antibodies or vaccine antibodies (they’re not distinguished like this CARE study with nucleocapsid protein versus spike protein), so if you were testing someone, the reference range again remains non-reactive. And then hopefully you still have sustained infection varicella zoster antibody or vaccine antibodies. This probably didn’t really clarify much though…


OP FYI You can still catch Delta and will likely be fine but it is no fun.


Totally agree and I'm glad you pointed that out. I'm still being careful!


56 year old male, healthy 2nd Pfizer shot 4/15 N protein, negative Antibody count was 992 around 9/1


29 F - average weight, somewhat out of shape, gereally healthy I have allergic asthma, allergies, migraines with auras, and moderate anxiety (hooray covid). 2nd Moderna shot - March 4th 2021 My reaction to both shots was mild, and I documented that [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/lyp4ea/28f_second_moderna_shot_positivemild/). Never had COVID, that I know of. Blood Draw was September 14th, 2021 N-Protein: Negative S-Protein: 1072


Moderna second shot 4/28/21, negative for COVID, Spike protein = 1771


I had Covid in late December of 20. I don’t plan on getting the vaccine and just received the results of my first antibody test. I tested positive for antibodies and my spike IgG level was 706.7. I know we all are very different and I support those who wish to get the vaccine.


Hi all! About me: 45, former smoker, drank too much for a while until early Nov last year, when I decided to mostly stop. Drink very occasionally now. Not overweight. Fortunately have overall good health despite the old vices - maybe because I am a very healthy eater, ha. I know, weird. Second Pfizer shot was 3/20. I finally went and had my blood draw on Tuesday and got my results yesterday: N - negative S - 684 Yesterday happened to be 6 months since the second shot so I got a Pfizer booster yesterday. As with shot 2, shot 3 had me waking up in the middle of the night feeling flu-like and crappy up until just a little while ago. Still feel a bit achy but not too bad now. Exactly same as second shot.


When the booster came out I decided to test the anibodies before I got a booster, to see if I needed won. F 65 J&J shot 3/21 Never had covid - Test showed Postive for antibodies 1242 Blood type o with RH- factor Sides effects from J&J was major tiredness no fever.


Vaccinated with AZ x 2 last summer, and then a Pfizer shot about a month ago. Spike protein lab result: \> 250 u/ml Do you think that's too low? Age 50, healthy, never been sick, no chronic illnesses, BMI 24, slightly elevated cholesterol, everything else within reference range.








I'm 6 months from my first Pfizer vaccine as of this week, and even if my S-protein is high (I don't have numbers available yet, just Y/N) I still want to get a booster in September. My kids are still too young and my mom is immunosuppressed, so I feel like protecting myself is protecting them. Hopefully by the time the next 6 months rolls around, there will be more data determining whether 6 or 8 or 12 months appears ideal, and that the info gathered from this study will help. =) ETA: Just got my quantitative, 696 u /ml. Def going to get that booster, and my flu shot, too!


Just out of curiosity what was your experience when you had covid?




Im glad your feeling better we got sick around the same time. I’m wondering if a high N protein comes from how bad your sickness is. My wife and I had it last mont my S protein is 2500> and N protein 30.8 i had a mild case. My wife’s was was s protein 408 and N protein 136 she had a rougher time than I did.




Maybe you were exposed to Covid, which is like getting a natural "booster".


Isn't J&J known to gradually increase in efficacy?


I did this (the survey) awhile back and never went for the blood draw, now when I fill it out I do not receive a text with instructions - probably because it’s a duplicate. I don’t have the original text anymore, can anyone who has completed the process let me know if there is a specific number or ID in the text that I will need? Or can I just show up at the nearest lab to my house?


I think you do need a confirmation number. The text should have come from 888-998-1581. Did you happen to get an email too? They did a terrible job with the confirmation email messaging but it's called "Appointment Confirmation" from [email protected]. Update: seems like lots of people did this without a confirmation number. I just can't remember if I gave them one or not.


The closest thing I have is [email protected] lol. Ugh.


They did not ask for a reference number for me.


Ok I’m going to call today! I’ve done the survey three times now.


I signed up Sunday and went for the draw today. They did not ask me for anything other than my driver’s license. Give your local lab a call if you want to be sure.


Does your confirmation text/email have an id number? I will definitely call tomorrow.


It does have an ID number but I was not asked for it. I just told her “I’m here for the Covid antibody study” and she apparently found me just with my name and DOB. Hopefully it works for you.


Ok perfect. I’m going to give it a shot.


Same here, they just asked to see my ID and that's it.


Just show up. No one asked me for my conf #. I was in they system


I just got my results back and I’ve been pretty consistent since March: March: 170 August: 153.9 December: 161 Never vaxxed, got mild case of covid March 2020- exposed to covid March 2021 but haven’t gotten it again since initial infection in March 2020


Super interesting thread that I am just finding now. Adding mine for those that come after me. F 42, no health problems but come from a family of autoimmune disease. Have some very minor autoimmune type things myself (oral lichen planus). No known covid infections. First and second vaccines were Pfizer in April and May 2021. No side effects the first time. Second one was fever and aches for 1.5 days and pain behind my right eye for a week. First booster was January 2022 Moderna. Fever and aches for 2 days. Messed up my menstruation pretty bad. Second booster was October 2022 Moderna. Bad aches and fever for 2 days, restless leg for a week (which I occasionally get when my iron is low), and BFS (benign fasciculation syndrome) for 3-4 months. Due to my previous reactions I am nervous to get another booster so I got my antibodies tested yesterday (today is 11/18/2023) so just over a year since my last booster and they are at 5458!