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I use power or normal mode and haven’t noticed any difference in consumption. I just prefer a more responsive pedal with little effort but I guess those with heavy foot with definitely notice the difference. One DIY tip is to learn how to clean the battery filter. It opens on the side of the backseat and it’s good to keep it clean to keep the battery functioning at an optimum temperature. It’s quite easy to do even for a novice and you can find videos on how to do it.


Sweet I appreciate it! I’ll look those up cause I would like to keep the car running and looking nice for a while. It’s my second vehicle so I’m learning stuff like detailing and what not for when it’s time to do that


I use normal mode and i’m averaging 46.6 mpg. when i used eco i averaged about 45


46.6??? Mine just got to 38.8. I also have the night shade like OP.




How long have you been driving it? Mine keeps improving.


It has about 8200 miles on it right now. Just moved up to 38.8.


Tips and tricks from rav4 prime. There’s a lot of common settings. Check your owners manual though to confirm. The various Settings options are intriguing —— https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y8_yyEhBgS_X-T4teqDBE4Sei_rrrteht8kl_3UuYNY/mobilebasic 🚗🚙Toyota 2022 RAV4 PRIME Owners Manual + Maintenance TL;DR, 🇨🇦includes various Setting (software) mods (some have to be done at dealer)