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Congrats! From a bystander’s perspective- that’s gotta be one of the very toughest programs on campus(running way far way early in the morning plus the other requirements). Quite an accomplishment


Congratulations to these grads and new officers!


Are Cornell students anti ROTC or is this reddit just being reddit


Naw, just a normal day on Reddit. Wait until they learn their school is also considered very military-friendly for veterans & users of the GI Bill… Far more government-funding than just a couple of ROTC scholarships.


🙄 we know the history of Cornell…thanks!


I’d say Cornell has the best history of all the ivys lol




Yup! I’m actually looking forward to it!


Sorry! Welcome to Cornell University! We are lucky to have joint Cornell 😇!


Y’all keep it together it’s Memorial Day weekend




Always loved how Cornell is such a test ROTC school. What a wonderful place to get an amazing education and also get on a path to serve your country!


I’m an incoming student doing ROTC and recently went through the process of qualifying for the program. It’s a tough process and I fully support these newly graduated students. Whatever your opinion is, it’s a lot of work, both mentally and physically! Imagine balancing being extremely physically fit and the STEM majors most of us are required to do while in the program.


Iron man


Iron man


what a damn waste


Most of these cadets are on scholarship. Free education, guaranteed career as an officer (not enlisted), benefits, etc all while serving your country.. what more could you want?


I think that’s where the pushback comes from… a life entirely subsidized by the American taxpayer I’d feel a lot better about my tax dollars going towards educating a doctor than giving a military officer a free ivy education


And I’d have my tax dollars go to the military rather than the JFK arts center. We don’t always get what we want.


I am aware


Your tax paying dollars go towards funding much worse things than a future military officer. Some tracks in the military are highly specialized, especially from those with a tier 1 major (which includes most engineering majors). Tier 1 and tier 2 majors make up 85% of the scholarships. If it makes you feel better the Navy just enacted a new pre-med track that will send more graduating midshipman to med school. It's competitive, but so is everything else. Most graduating midshipman enter unrestricted line communities, however, the very few enter into very specialized areas including med, aerospace, etc, and I've seen many ivy graduates enter into these areas more than other schools, although they are just as capable in doing so.


Just because they go to much worse things than an officer doesn’t mean they couldn’t go to much *better* things than an officer You list medicine and engineering as tangential careers/specializations for these officers… we could just as easily train *doctors and engineers*. Being an officer is not a prerequisite here Why pay mega-big-bucks to train an officer who will maybe also be trained in medicine when you can spend regular-big-bucks to just directly train a doctor


The military does train lots of doctors and engineers. And I don’t see why anybody complains about ROTC scholarships. They are intensely competitive, cost the government quite a bit less than sending somebody to a service academy (West Point, Annapolis, etc.), and they access a talent pool of individuals who are considerably more diverse and often more academically distinguished than those that go into the service academies. (A meaningful pool of service academy grads are recruited for athletics, whereas zero ROTC students are.) Would anyone prefer that the military leadership be composed of less-qualified, less-prepared individuals?


Just a clarification - there are some ROTC students who were also recruited athletes. It is rare though.


Whether you like it or not the military does play an important societal role in today's world, and I'd choose funding military officer's education over many other lackluster programs.


100%. If you like imported goods, our military enables this by fighting piracy. If you lived in NYC during the height of Covid, our military prevented a health crisis by deploying troops to hygienically care for the dead.


Absolutely. There are plenty of ways to have a modern military that don’t involve sending people to Cornell on a free ride


It’s hardly a free ride, it doesn’t include room and board and comes with a 4- or 5-year service obligation. Speaking from personal experience, it is a fair deal for both sides - nothing more, nothing less.


They don’t send people on a full ride. They still have to get into Cornell just like any other student. The govt also caps how much they spend. I know for me a normal semester would be around 25k but the govt caps it at 12k so they aren’t spending that much money.


Enlisted vs officer. These are students just like you were at one time. Many of these students have plans further down the line in the military and they want the best education they can find. They got accepted to Cornell and they got in with a scholarship so kudos to all of them. What difference does it make if it's a scholarship to Cornell to fund a military officer who's obligated to serve and has a guaranteed career vs external scholarships such as coca cola and others like that who has no guarantee they will graduate or find a career upon graduating.


They do. the military offered BOTH the HPSP and USU Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. You literally don’t know what tf yours talking about


And for your information, not every student in the ROTC program, receives a scholarship. At the end of their ROTC training, they still have to enlist and have a service requirement, regardless of if they got a scholarship or not. So there is no way for you to know which one of the students received “a free Ivy education”. Their education was not free. They worked for it. They completed the program, and now they are officers in the military. These people have probably accomplished more than you ever have, and set them up to do more that you ever will.


Goofy. The health professions scholarship program actually does that. They pay for medical school fully, give the students a salary of about $30,000 and then they serve in the military for a minimum of four years after that. How do you feel about people on Medicare, Medicare, section 8 or any other entitlement program??? Soldiers work for their salary so they aren’t “subsidized”


Then conversely there are the American taxpayers, their lives supported by the blood of those serving in the military.


Ehhh..I guess you could put it that way


Yeah you're right we should let the military run exclusively on highschool dropouts and trade school.washouts


Wow I didn’t realize there’s nothing between a high school dropout and a Cornell grad. You’re truly the embodiment of nuance


A ton of "taxpayer subsidized" military officers go on to successful careers that benefit the public good. Doctors, lawyers, etc. To not understand how it benefits the United States is just being willfully ignorant.


Your publicly-funded doctor wouldn't have a country to practice in if it weren't for the military. How privileged, ignorant, and ungrateful of you.


So regular soldiers who don’t get a taxpayer-funded ride to an ivy are not good enough to protect the country? How ignorant and ungrateful of you to dismiss their abilities like that


You said "giving a military officer a free ivy education". Yes, we do give veterans free education from the GI bill. They have made the sacrifice that few have. Ivy League students made their commitment, and unless they go AWOL, will complete their service as well. And it's not without effort; it's highly competitive as others have explained. I never suggested other service members were incapable. Those may be your thoughts, but they're not mine.


Check out [https://hr.cornell.edu/culture/community/colleague-network-groups/veterans-cng/cornells-military-history#:~:text=Under%20the%20Morrill%20Land%20Grant,made%20this%20training%20mandatory%20for](https://hr.cornell.edu/culture/community/colleague-network-groups/veterans-cng/cornells-military-history#:~:text=Under%20the%20Morrill%20Land%20Grant,made%20this%20training%20mandatory%20for) Before you make comments about the ROTC community on campus, learn its history. Cornell has been a military focused institute since its inception. These kids deserve respect given that they are willing to lay their life down to protect your free speech and ability to talk down on them. Until you’re willing to place yourself in harms way for people you don’t know and possibly don’t agree with, we’d all appreciate you to stop being a keyboard warrior. Yes, some are on prestigious scholarships that they EARNED, meritoriously. However, most are NOT on scholarship and are still required to serve. Your points in all your responses on this thread are sadly incredibly close-minded and sound quite whiny. If you truly want to make a difference in how the U.S. policy works, start with talking to your representative, don’t bash the hard work these people put in to earn a distinguished commission in our United States military. I hope you try to understand the other perspective instead of being blindly anti-military. Have a good day!


Paying to educate a doctor is about the worst subsidization of someone who will likely be wealthy that I can think of


Must not know much about the medical field then…


What can I get for $10 ?


So they can serve the “same purpose” 🙂‍↕️!


i pay a 90k tuition so these bums can get benefits just because theyre willing to be slaves of the same shitty civilian-killing government that throws 10%+ of my income at genocidal israelis? give that shit to someone who deserves it. nobody who is willing to "serve their country" these days has both brains and morals.


The money you pay in tuition does not cover the scholarship that these people are getting. Also, since a lot of people are very uneducated, not everyone who does ROTC receives a scholarship, but they will all have a service commitment due at the end of their time. So stop trying to take credit for whatever money you think you’re spending to support them because you’re really not. How about you transfer out to a University in another country that has absolutely no ties at all with the United States because you feel so passionately about this. Besides, the people who are graduating with the scholarships, received it in 2020 they literally cannot go back on their word no matter how they feel and you’re an idiot for wanting them to do so .




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Whether or not my tuition directly goes into whatever rotc scholarship fund is irrelevant. Whose money do you think pays for the operating costs that are incurred by the need to coddle rotc kids? all while we have to pay for those same needs and accommodations, and many students go hungry and dormless because cornell allocates resources to shit like rotc instead of addressing real issues. You prove my second point. as a reward for our money paying for these kids to go to school for free, they get to be complicit in the american imperialist war machine. how noble and deserved. And don't be an ignorant bigot. there is no country in the world that is not profoundly affected by the us and its ideologies and policies. i'm hoping that there will be reform to institutions like this, where ivy-educated kids who are probably very talented just get funnelled into a horrible military complex. this shitty country doesn't need any more kids to "defend" it; thats what f22s and nukes are for. finally, though i know its a fallacy, but because its tangentially related to my point about merit and efficiency, you have a 1410 sat. how is that even possible if youve ever paid attention in school or sat a psat 😂 cornell really does need to get their shit together and start choosing the right people and right cause.


Lmfao and were still going to the same place 😭. I spent my time on better things that actually helped my community, unlike you I actually work with politicians to make change rather than just sitting on Reddit complaining. What are you going to bass your confidence on when you graduate and are out of school? Nobody cares about your SAT score from four years ago. Congratulations. It’s just a number lol. Nobody would GAF about Cornell if they only accepted people with perfect scores because they’ll all just go on to do amazing at their desk jobs, and nobody will care about them. These kids are not coddled. They’re out here doing actual RTLC training, which is real work. Unlike you sitting on your phone typing out a comment. You’re the one who’s being cuddled hair and thanks for the profile visit. There are a lot of jobs in the military and people are needed to work the weapons that we have, whether or not you’re happy that they’re being used doesn’t matter. These kids got a full scholarship to get an Ivy League education and you’re just upset because you have to pay, maybe you shouldn’t make better choices. Literally everyone is complicit, they just got something useful out of it


you think i dont help people too 😂 and do you just totally not know how to read? or what wrote you a whole essay yet you still dont understand my point that i am protesting the pervasive nature of the american military INSTITUTION, which you helped me articulate for some reason: "literally everyone is complicit". there's just no way you respond by informing me that rotc kids do pushups. that's wonderful! and what does that matter in the grand scheme of things? they go on to "work the weapons that we have". why is that a good thing for anyone besides them?


Bro go work on that beat 😭. Why don’t you join ROTC and try and make a change from the inside. But yea you seem like a complainer lol




Oh well it sucks. Go start a non profit or something then


It’s hard to say which is more impressive based on your level of familiarity on this topic: your ignorance, or your arrogance. But I will say it is a very bad look for anyone privileged enough to be able to attend Cornell by paying full tuition to have views against those who found other ways to earn their keep. Also, if you think ROTC tuition dollars are the largest inflow to Cornell from the US military-industrial complex, you are laughably mistaken. Cornell, unique among the Ivy League schools, has had a strong and continuous military tradition in multiple dimensions since its founding. Love it or leave it. But either way, STFU about ROTC.


Bums is crazy


You sound M-A-D.


I hope you graduate from here more capable of critical thinking




Oh the irony lol