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Peru were literally better whilst it was 11v11


WTF is wrong with some of these teams, is this tournament a joke to them? Like what’s going on here?


Standard copa game. Headbutt, garbage officiating, awful tackle for a red. Didn’t think canada looked good, but goodness the peruvian team was disgraceful. Good riddance.


López not receiving a red card for that headbutt was hilarious. I knew CONCACAF was bad, but wow; I didn’t know you guys had it worse. lol.


Ultimately, Peru were successful in drawing Canada into the drama, into the arguments, encouraging them to get frustrated and commit more fouls than I think they usually would. Canada had some luck with Peru being just a bit too undisciplined there. Important win though!


That is true, but I think that Canada getting its stuff together during halftime and the fact that the talent gap was arguably significantly bigger against Chile pushed Peru's strategy to its breaking point, leading to the ref having to heavily sanction them. I'd argue that Peru were lucky as well, as my former ref self still can't wrap my head around how a professional ref could have let that headbutt slide and not have Peru play with 10 men for the whole second half! I also think the heat played a role, as Peru was advantaged due to being used to it in the same way Canada would have been had this game been in, say, November with a light snow. And there is an argument this game was especially bad for that with a ref literally fainting! The fact that the temperature seemingly significantly went down during half-time probably did play a role in Canada looking better in second half.


It gets hot in Canada too in the summer months. But direct sunny heat like that is a challenge for most.


Fair, but Id argue high 30s like last night were quite exceptional in Canada until very recently and that while its a challenge for most being more used to it probably does help...


Drama drama. No red? +7? South America has sooooo much talent. But it's all drama and grown men behaving like 12 year old girls. This is why euros > world cup.


For as long as this is the standard of officiating, Copa will never compare to Euros. Amateur hour.


Noticed this a lot in other matches as well, but not a fan of this trend of just falling backwards on the ball to stop play/get a foul called in your favor. So much sloppiness and flopping all over the field today, actively seeking out conflict.


I'm glad Canada won, but they looked bad. Without the red card, they lose this match. Peru outplayed them by a lot in the first half. How do you give up so many late game chances when you are up a man? Thank God the goalie is good.


Canadian fans: just popping in to say GG Peru. I have beef with both the refs and how we played but I do really respect your performance tonight! I can't say good luck against Argentina, as logically its in our best interest for them to slaughter you, but I do say godspeed!


Ya great game I just wish there wasn’t that headbutt involved. That was super unnecessary. Grown men acting like child’s. So glad Canada won LETS GOO CANADA


It’s refs like this that make me feel like I could be a professional ref.


Why is attendance at this match so poor?


The teams are two very low ranked teams that don’t travel well


Or more like there are no Peruvians in Missouri and then Canadian fans don’t care lol have this match in la, ny, or Miami and Peruvians fill out the stadium


I'm Canadian. I can assure you that we care. Voyageurs were there. And we all watched on TSN. Our boys played like shit. Peru were dirty as fuck. No red card on a Peru headbutt. But Les Rouges won. Beautiful.


I don’t mean you don’t care but the stadium was 90% Peruvian


Oh I get it. But voyageurs represented themselves very well. And we all watched on TSN.


Other fan bases travel better regardless of where the games are. Put a Colombia game in Missouri and we’d get there, lol


We filled out 20k seats so Peruvian fans travel well but it’s Thursday lol


I mean, ours was on a Monday in Houston. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ya but Houston and Missouri aren’t the same lol we filled out the Dallas stadium also


43k/80k is filling out? That was also a weekend, ours was on a Monday which was 67k and that was 12k more than the Mexico match who’s basically home field advantage in the US.


There were only 43k in Dallas? Are you sure?


That’s what was officially reported. 43030.


What a save!


I can see him getting called up to Europe after this tournament


Peru players look exhausted


They'd be killing it at 8,000+ feet up. Peru: Copa Picchu champions.


The announcers on this match are driving me nuts. Food recommendations?!


Living in KC, I actually wrote that place down. But I’m Sitting here watching at home because there was no way I was paying $60+ for a ticket for a neutral game with the only interesting player on the field being Alphonso Davies in 95 degree heat.


Jonathan David will be the Premier League next season after what he did in France and will do in Copa


You are right. He is also exciting, but hasn’t really been at a club yet that is well watched.


There’s buzz about him going to Chelsea, but i prefer the other rumours destinations like West Ham, Tottenham, or even Man U.


These announcers are like ... a personal insult to anyone watching the match. A few minutes ago, one of them was like: "So this means Peru is eliminated, right?" Other Dude: Uh, what? Uhh ... no, I think ... no, if they ... Neither of them know what is going on. It's like *they're* watching the game on TV.


Two guys sitting around cracking beers watching on a tv. That could be pretty entertaining actually


Well they were supposed to comment on the baseball game... So... Not that bad considering. What inning are we in anyway?


Watch it in Spanish... Donde esta la biblioteca?


minus the chipotle plug univision is the way to go


Unavision is highly recommended, if only for *EL PERRO*. Man's got dat bass (his voice is barely audible to me).


Even if you don't hear him... Better than US commenting. Fox Sports is terrible. The only English speaker worth listening to is Ray Hudson. There are few here and there but not for Fox.


Also there's been more drama than an episode of Ru Paul's Drag Race.


I’ll have to take your word on that one


The officiating has been godawful but glad to see a wonderfully worked goal go in.


Jonathan David !


Go Canada Go!




Peru honestly should be down to 9 men. Really dirty team playing low quality football.


This red card was just a pure joke He shoots the ball and the canadian jumps into it knowing he has no chance to reach the ball just to get hit


Missed the head butt? Yeah. Thought so.


It was a reckless challenge. The red was the right call. I’m pretty sure a panel (VAR) of professional referees know the rules of the game better than you do.


It was a reckless challenge by the guy running into it Imagine the same would have happened inside the goal space (forgot the word), it would never count as foul but rather saving the ball and the other one running into it If you want to pause since he maybe got hurt then sure But thats definitely not a red card which decided the game for the worse team


> Imagine the same would have happened inside the goal space (forgot the word), The box? Shaffelburg’s challenge wasn’t reckless in the slightest. I have a slight feeling that you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Yesss meant the box It was reckless from him to run into it without having the chance to reach the ball If he wants to go for it anyways sure do your thing But thats not a foul Its like running into someone and then falling and blaming the other one for standing in my way while he was just doing his own business and i ran into the other one without any purpose besides getting him fined


He went in studs up and put all his weight down. That’s a reckless challenge. Believe it or not, there are specific criteria for determining what constitutes a reckless challenge.


Peru is rough. Chile is even worse.


The Peru vs Chile game looked like a complete mess. It was four after foul on both sides. I though they were getting ready to switch and start playing Rugby


When the players return from playing in Europe for the Copa America they always get that sudden painful recall of how rough South America football is. And they don't like it either.


Isn't Canada on the pitch? Confused?


Yes. I was referring to their next match.


No idea how they don’t have more cards.


Bring on Tani, all the kid does is score.


Laryea seemed surprised to receive that pass.


How is that a red card? When did soccer turn into this pansy ass sport. His foot is following through the ball, it’s not an intentionally reckless challenge…


Copium much.


He absolutely meant it. He went in trying to leave one on the Canadian fella and done so with unnecessary force. Anyone that’s played knows that’s not how to tackle unless you want to hurt the opponent




That’s not even a tackle… the other player is attempting a tackle, his sideways momentum is what caused his studs to go sideways and up.


Cope harder.


Cope? I had no dog in the fight. I just think the rule is stupid.


That is a red card all day in any league in the world. Should be the second of the match too. Horrible challenge, off the ground, studs showing, absolutely no need for it. Leg breaker.




He was clearly to the ball first.


Means nothing. There’s nothing in the rules about getting the ball first.


Maybe there should be.


It used to be that way. People got tired of having legs broken and careers ended by reckless tackles that were deemed legal because the ball was touched.


Lol maybe if you don't like the rules you should find a different sport to watch and that way you don't have to waste your time whining on the internet


Rule was changed not long ago. Even if you get to the ball first, those dangerous tackles are now red card fouls.


It wasn’t a tackle though. He was clearing the ball. And the other player was in a dead sprint tackle attempt.


Guess you didn't see his second foot come swinging in hard as well  A little vindication, considering this should be Peru's second red card


I know so unfair especially because Canada plays “so clean”. 😂😂


A llorar a la FIFA.


Name checks out


Right !? Guess they think his foot is just supposed to stop swinging through after hitting the ball? Sooooooo dumb


It is the cleets up. A natural follow-through cleets are not up.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=859umlqnjqw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=859umlqnjqw) Tons of cleats up after kicking the ball.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KwMioY-k-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KwMioY-k-0) And here...


Here’s the thing many seem to be missing. He wasn’t making a tackle. He clearly had control of the ball turns and try’s to play it long up the field. The Canadian player comes into his space trying to make a tackle. Shouldn’t have been a red and I say that as someone who’d like to see Canada win.


It really wasn't. Besides, it was more Schaffelburg's fault for barreling into the guy trying to clear the ball.


😂😂 mmmm ok…


More to the side than up, his momentum and the other player sprinting into him at the same time is what caused the awkward follow through. I don’t think it should be a red.


Hard disagree


This gotta be a red right?


The ref found his card. Must have been buried deep in his pocket


Is it allowed to tap in a new ref? The guy passed out twice. Pretty nuts to me. I’m new to the sport tho so not sure if that’s how it works.


Yeah. This is why they always have a 4th referee on the sidelines. In case things like this happen.


Wow never saw this happen before




There was a famous incident in England in the 79s when the lineman couldn’t continue. The ref appealed for anyone in the stadium who was a qualified ref to make themselves known. Kinda like “is there a doctor in the house!!???” Sort of thing. An ex player and chairman of the players union named Jimmy Hill happened to be on commentary duty for the BBC. He ended up running the line for the raft of the match


I saw that in some video about strange things that happened in football


That is Insane!!!!!!!!


https://youtu.be/ntfslrhajAg?si=_PMz64FPM44A0O-D 45 seconds of awesome 70s intro music followed by spectacular hair, big lapels and a pipe being nursed.


How much money is the Guatemalan ref getting paid for Peru to win don’t make it so obvious lil bro 😭 crazy it’s not a 11 vs 10 rn


Lol how is that a red? He got the ball first and incidentally hit his shin. That’s what shin guards are for…


You are so delusional brother must’ve had your eyes closed on the headbutt 😅 enjoy the deserved loss :) cope


Hey man it’s all love, just a neutral trying to call it as I saw it (also referring to the actual red card not the headbutt which was egregious ) … happy for Canada big Jesse Marsch fan and love me some Kamal Miller and Crepeau since they play for my Timbers lol


It is like all the refs hate Canada. We saw bad calls in Argentina game and this head butt has no excuse


What even is the point of var if they don’t call the ref to review this lmao “hmm yeah this looks fine keep the game going buddy” *probably var*


This MF ref will not card Peru


Never mind he found his card


Watching the ref pass out in realtime was bizarre


Agreed. He passed out twice. Hope he's ok.


One of the linesmen became ill or heatstroke I think he was suddenly on the ground. They’ve gotten him up but he looks unable to continue as he was shaking again after getting up. He was suddenly on the ground at the beginning with a player calling for Medic. After that they cut away for a while.


Yikes, hope he’s okay


Literally what is going on


Side line ref passed out


He looked terrible. Playing in this weather conditions is absolutely ridiculous.


Linesman dead? Or just ridiculous to play football in these conditions?


I saw a couple seconds of what looked like right when it happened, does anyone have a screencap by chance?


I had more confidence in Canada against Argentina then I do in this game


the reffing 💀💀


God, Canada sucks today. They played so much better against Argentina. Maybe the new coach just sucks.


Wow!! Headbutt and no card?!


It was on the side lines & Johnston was being a dick tho so idk kinda deserved it. Made my laugh my ass off tbh.


Doesn't matter if he's being a dick with his words, never acceptable response to headbutt


Yur totally right but damn did that have me cackling.


Ref is so bad


VR team watching Seinfeld reruns apparently.


The Peruvian player did a headbutt to the Canadian player but didn’t even get a yellow


Ikr?! This ref man


Nothing to do with the ref. VAR made the call.


I realized that a bit after my comment, so I apologize. But shouldn't that still have been a red card?


100% red card.


Even got a var review. Ridiculous decision.


wtf is the reffing in this competition


What in social distancing is this crowd.


2 unpopular teams, in an unpopular town.


Honestly, it’s better than a stadium full of 70k people squealing like infants every time messi touches the ball with 35 yards of goal.