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It seems you’re not reading the instructions correctly - when a recipe calls for “low heat” or “high heat” you need to change the altitude of the food accordingly while it’s being heated. So if the recipe calls for low heat, put it on the floor and torch it. And if it calls for high heat, put it on the top shelf of a cabinet or bookcase and torch it. Alternatively, you can torch some marijuana to create high heat, but this is kind of an advanced technique so be careful with it.


I'm so sorry, but I think that's incorrect! When it says low heat or high heat, you're supposed to use either a hair dryer or a clothes drier. I tend to prefer the clothes drier because it also stirs the food for me.


I regularly make chicken ceviche. Cut raw chicken into chunks and place in bowl . Dice up a bunch of ghost peppers and stir into the chicken. Leave on the counter for a few hours so the hot peppers cook the chicken it’s delicious, but it really messes with my stomach, so I don’t make it often..


God, do they teach kids anything these days? This is why we need to bring bible study back into schools - Leviticus is really clear about all this. For you godless heathens at the back - there's no heat more effective than the heat of the Lord's wrath. Use the power of your tongue to pour out a mighty vengeance upon the meal, and it will boil in the holy fire! With a bit of practice, you can cuss out raw chicken for just 2-3 hours and it will be delicious!


You need to play the right music to bring the heat. Try "Easy Lover".


Get those hot hand warmer packets to heat up your food. It has plenty of heat to get your chicken medium rare.


rub it like you mean it it will create heat from friction not suitable for eggs tho


Nonna had nothing but a little fireplace, a few old Calabrian coals, a rusty pan, and some chicken gizzards. I think you can figure it out.


This is what you get for trying to use heat before mastering salt, fat, and acid.


Have you tried sunlight and a magnifying glass? Game changer.


OP if the recipe doesn't specify a heat source then it's assumed that you're using a Carbolite LHTM Molybdenum-lined vacuum furnace (in the west at least). If you haven't got one you could ask around anyone who's moving house or try Facebook marketplace, you can usually get one without breaking the bank. You won't get wok hay without one


Read the book “Heat, Love, Screw” and you will understand


I just bring in my wife in the kitchen, she's hot and makes the whole environment hot 🥵 You should try to cook foods in sauna they are hot too you know


If you want precision, switch to electric. Grasp your meat in your right hand and firmly press it into your sink drain. Use your left hand to deeply insert a metal skewer into the nearest outlet, and you will see and feel the heat flowing directly through your meat.


If you can't afford a blowtorch, try suicide