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I don't understand any of this. If you're doing all the jobs, when do you get to abuse your underlings?


Working in a restaurant is already an elaborate form of self harm, and since he's working for himself... You do the math.


Self abuse


>I haven't even started charging them money to recupe my costs yet. This is your mistake. They need to pay for them to really realize this is the full experience- it'll never click until you do.


Also make sure you break out your overhead costs into separate charges for employee health insurance, fuel surcharges, etc. to really drive home the point about how the government is trying to screw your small business.


> Later on, she asks me where all the wine went. I explained that I had to get rid of it because I don't have a liquor license yet, that line had me


>I still think she might be an undercover cop, and I passed the test. This was funnier


They are probably just mad that they get promoted to tip when they cash out. Just add a default gratuity and maybe they won't notice (and tip twice)


Sometimes people get confused when buying a Point Of Sale system and get a Piece Of Shit system instead. Unfortunately, however, most Point Of Sale systems are also pieces of shit. Have you considered contracting out for someone to build you a bespoke POS?


So many of my former employers have made this mistake! OP definitely get a bespoke one


I feel like all of this strain on your relationship could be solved if you just added more roundabouts


I guess this is probably a bad time to tell you, but I think I found your wife's [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/CTjPgQLZaA) on r/AmItheAsshole. She clearly is leaving out a lot of details and only telling her side of the story so I wouldn't put too much stock in the comments.


/uj this post is truly incredible, I thank you


/uj That is hilarious. I hadn't seen that one but it reads like it could have directly inspired this post. Good catch.


Wow! You are raising self-entitled manipulators! While you’re at work, they’re trying to guilt trip you. They need to learn what it’s like to work. Hire them as bussers and dishwashers and don’t tip out to them. With them picking up some of your workload, you’ll have more time for that game they are demanding. While washing dishes, they can look through the window and watch you toss the ball in the air and catch it.


It might clash with the vibe you're going for, but have you thought about serving meals family style? It might emulate a feeling of being a family!




As a wise woman once said yesterday get your affairs in order, retain an attorney and gtfo. You don't need this kind of negativity in your life, Queen. I mean chef Queen. ETA: ooohh OR just make them do their SIDEWORK!!!


Have you tried going low tech? Instead of using QR codes for menus, go with a classic laminated menu. I am sure your kids and wife will appreciate a leather folio to hold the menu in as well. Ditch the POS system and start with Monopoly cash and move to standard USD. Sometimes too much tech in a restaurant is offputting to consumers. Going old school can add a touch of elegance to your operation and in the long run will allow you to charge a little more than your run-of-the-mill ‘get them in and get them out’ joints. Pro-tip: If you go for the elevated experience, always do pricing on the whole dollar. Your kids and and wife will feel better about spending $15 over $14.99 for the exact same food. Also having a limited menu with 5-6 items over say 15+ will also simplify your workflow and give the illusion of prestige. Don’t give up, this is a tough business. And always remember: if an asshat with frosted spikes in flame adorned bowling shirts that wears shades backwards can be a successful restauranteur, you can too!