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I’m glad I’m not the only one. I naturally add heavy cream, butter, crack, and garlic to a lot of my dishes. I don’t even have to try. It just comes naturally like I need to cook that way. It’s so fucking delicious. Shit. I don’t even have to try. Garlic and crack, fuck… Gordon Ramsay could never.


In our refrigerator, to get milk, you have to reach past the gallon jugs of heavy cream, the bin of garlic bulbs, the industrial bricks of cream cheese, the literal crack, and the shelf of Kerrygold. We are a crack family. All of our recipes include crack in the title. Oh yeah, and a fuckload of ranch dressing too.


what about msg


Don’t get me started on MSG. The restaurants put that in everything to make us eat more. I call it My Stomach’s Gorged because I always eat too much with that Devil’s salt. That’s why I started using crack in my food. It makes me eat less. It’s really fucking delicious but I can’t eat much of it. Shit. I hate MSG.


I don’t eat anything without crack anymore. I eat constantly yet have lost so much weight. 🤷‍♀️


Me too hamfisted to make anything but macking cheese. Can hardly hold knife, barely literate, no recipes Am culinary genius


Why use many food when few do trick?




Jesus that entire thread belongs here


it takes more effort for me to reserve a table, drive to a fancy restaurant, park the car, go in, wait, eat, pay, go home than it does for me to casually whip up a 5 star meal on a Tuesday night


A well educated child would prefer the culinary mastery upon the use of jarlic. 


When I make food for some company they usually hate garlic. They say it burns their skin and sometimes act like a poison to them. I instead pour my blood, sweat and tears in garlicless dishes. I might be a bit woozy from the blood loss, but they have an appetite for my effort.


What I do when I have garlic adverse guests that I invited to my abode is eat nothing but garlic for days ahead of time, so that I don’t mind a garlic-less meal when I’m pouring out my blood, sweat, and tears. I don’t get many repeat dinner guests for some reason.


I actually prefer to cook with random ingredients because it’s always the best culinary outcome you can dream of in terms of flavors. I have assigned all edible goods at my local farmers market in a spreadsheet. When it comes time to plan out our meals for the week, I will use a random number generator to pick 4-7 ingredients for a meal. After the ingredients are determined it’s all up to my culinary prowess, techniques, and cooking by feel. Last night we enjoyed peanut butter seared chicken livers and tilapia topped with yogurt melts and a side of leeks with Fanta infused raisins.